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Steps to create Bullet chart

Sales Performance Vs. Target

1. Open “Sample superstore” file in tableau

2. Then go to add second file of “Sales Target” go to Data -> New data source.
3. In datasource drag the Orders
4. Go to new sheet click on “Sample superstore” then drag the Category into Rows and
Segment into Columns. Order date into rows to get months click on the drop down of order
date and select “Month” months will be displayed.
5. Click on “Sales Target” chain symbol will appear besides “Category”, “Segement” and “Order
date” click on the chain symbol for data blending.
6. Click on “Sample superstore” then drag “sales”
7. Click on “Sales target” then drag “sales target”
8. Click on Bullet chart to create the chart.
9. To apply filter on years drag order date into filter and select years. To display filter in card
section right click on the Year in the filter and click on show filter.
10. Create calculated field to analyze the sales which are above target and below target
as Analysis->Create calculated field.

IF SUM([Sales]) > SUM([Sales Target (Sales_Target)].[Sales Target (Sales Target)])

THEN "Above Target"
"Below target"
11. After creating calculated field drag into the color in the card section. You can edit colors by
cliccking on colors->edit colors

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