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Laura Cristancho / Katerine Lopez / Marco Ruiz

It is a meat product from
ostrich farming or hunting

Ostrich meat is considered red meat,

but it has a lower fat content (3 grams
per 100, compared to 10.5 for beef or
15.2 for pork), and also cholesterol
levels lower than other meats
Regions where stands out

It is used as a native source of meat in

Australia, but its use has been
spreading in other parts of the world
such as Africa (being very popular in
some areas of South Africa) and
more precocious,
Breeding characteristics heavy and docile

Domestic ostriches have

biological advantages over their have tolerance to diseases
wild peers:

adapt to a wide variety of

climatic conditions
Breeding characteristics

They have a long life span, reporting animals up to 70 years of age

His productive life is Sexual maturity

limited to 45 years. occurs at 3 or 4 years

They can even eat some insects and small vertebrates

production costs
Nutritional characteristics
Physicochemical characteristics
Sensory characteristics
Ostrich meat, despite being poultry, has
a color-reddish appearance similar to
that of veal

Its flavor is similar to that of veal but

with a slight fishy aroma and presents a
greater tenderness
The production with ostriches is presented as a profitable alternative at present
and in the near future, its zootechnical characteristics allow to obtain various
products such as meat, leather, feathers and infertile eggs for the elaboration
of handicrafts; positioning it in a privileged point of demand in many countries
of the world.
● La despensa (2019) Carne de avestruz, una fuente muy rica en proteínas. El diario vasco. Obtenido de:
● Agropedia (2020) Cría de avestruz. Agrotendencia. Obtenido de:
● Narváez (2004) Niveles de aceptación en el mercado de los productos del avestruz y estructuración de
un zoocriadero. Universidad autónoma de occidente. Santiago de chile. Obtenido de:
● Medina (2014) Ostrich Meat: Nutritional, Breeding, and Consumption Aspects. Department of Health
Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya / Open University of Catalonia, UOC, Barcelona, Spain Obtenido

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