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The Midas Touch of a Mason

By WM Sinsuat C. Andang, Jr.

We have just had our 1st ever virtual installation last January ___, 2021 in
the history of Masonry in Palo Alto Lodge. We experienced so many things such
joy for fulfilling our tasks o install our officers; proud for dealing with the anxiety
of what should be the result of the first of a kind installation; positive feelings
resulting from the experience that inspires you to do something you hadn’t planned
to do before; and satisfied because you have met your expectations. As far as I
know, there are no negative emotions I felt during our installation and I don’t want
to entertain such kind of emotion.

Well, experience is our mentor that guides us to where we should be. We

have been installed to our positions and we have been nurtured to remain steadfast
with our obligations towards God, society and our brethren. History has its own
way of unfurling events in the future and it will be our descendants who will tell
tales of our actions. History will inform us of what the real evaluation of what we
have done.

That’s our virtual installation and we look forward for our face-to-face stated
meetings in this year of the Ox – 2021. I just hope that the newly discovered
vaccine will lead us to this meeting. I want to have a personal appearance with my
brethren. A meeting which is done directly and face-to-face. Although, the
objectives of a meeting could be achieved virtually but, nevertheless, physical
presence of a brother and physical interaction with each other is totally different
from meeting him virtually. This is that magic touch of physical presence which
makes everything different. Although the pandemic taught us the lesson that
touching will contaminate us with COVID-19 virus, masonry taught us that touch
of a hand is magical that can help a distressed brother free from the anguish of
hardship and send support beneficial to his well-being. It enhanced our physical,
mental and emotional well-being. The power of touch is indeed complex. But this
pandemic has debased this norm. It appears that touch in this pandemic time is,
unlikely, the antidote for support but an obliteration of assistance.

A supportive touch of a brother is what makes our craft different from other
organizations. The transfer of lost word could not be done without a touch from the
transferor to a transferee. The “hand to back” could not materialize without the
interlocking touch of a brother. A touch of a brother might not be physical but the
physical appearance of a brother will touch the life of a brother. A visit of a brother
to a sick brother is not that physical but his appearance during that crucial time is
considered a magical touch that could enliven the spirit of a brother. A touch of a
brother taking you by the hand and touch you with that grip of fellowship that we
mason can only know and feel that bond of brotherhood. These could not be done

February, the second month of the year, has 8 letters with 28 days in
common years and 29 days for leap years. Having two numbers in this year, i.e., 2
and 8, the first signifies harmony while the latter symbolizes infinity and constant
flow of power and energy. Getting the message of February would tell us that we
shall continue to hustle, remain persistent with our objective and approach this
pandemic life with positive outlook. That’s my appreciation of this month. Thus, I
still look positively that I could dine with my brethren and be on fellowship with
them this year. Covid-19 will be a thing of the past, hopefully.

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