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Title: _life of pi________________________________________________________________

Genre: fantasy film_____________________________________________________________

Your difficult word and the meaning in Indonesian:

1. sputtered___________________=tergagap________________________
2. panditari___________________=imam________________________
3. shoreless___________________=tak terbatas________________________
4. approachable___________________=mudah didekati________________________
5. freighter___________________=_kapal barang_______________________
6. astounding___________________=mencengangkan________________________
7. exertion___________________=_mengerahkan tenaga_______________________
8. tamed___________________=_dijinakkan_______________________
9. unceremoniosly___________________=_begitu saja_______________________
10. resourceful___________________=_cerdik(banyak akal)_______________________

Your Rating:

Short summary of the movie:

This film tells the story of writer who visit an indian storyteller ,his name is pi patel and asks him to tell
his life story,pi’s father is zookeeper’s,one wich was a bengal tiger named richard parker,his zoo often
visited by people,but the politcal situation in india forced pi’s family to sell the zoo and all the animals
are sold and brougt into canada,pi is the young man was looking for a identity of his life,he always to
studied religions,because his father is a panditary but his mom is e hindu’s relligion,but he still curious
and studied about looked for god,he studied about krisna’s dtory in hindu’,buddistm,islamic,and
christian,by the way because his father sell the zoo,then,they were to goes to canada with freighter,while
pi and his family were slept,suddenly the storm came out and hit the feighter,pi was looked for his
family but, they were go down into ocean,but pi was survived,and he board the lifeboat,pi must struggle
to live with the animals that was drifting in the ocean,including richard parker,the beast who is with him
on lifeboat,pi was try to taed by richard parker and they still alived until evacuation by Japanese
citizen,but richard parker was leaving him towards the forest.pi was storyed about his experience and so
many people was interested by his story.

Did you like the movie? Why or why not?

I like so much when i was 12 years old,its so interesting film,when he was never give up to strugle to
life with tger and he success make richard parker into his best friend until he save by strandet,he was so
smart,honestyly and religion man,he like t hlep other and never hurts animal__
what did you learn from this movie?
There are so many implied messages coontained in this film,however we had a happyness
situation,sadness situation,or no matter how difficult it is,always to be honestly,trust to god and always
to never give up with it,we can still alive when we were kind to other,however people or animals,always
have smart solution and not to be a deppresed ,if we try to hard to find solution and we trust wth ower of
god,we have to be a success,man jadda wa jadda

Would you recommend this movie to a friend? Why and why not?
because this film is very interesting and so many we can learn from this film,its so recommended to
child,tenageers,or old people,even my family like this film too,this story line that is not boring, you
must try watch this


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