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Lampiran 4


Petunjuk :
1. Tuliskan nama kelompok beserta anggotanya pada tempat yang telah
2. Kerjakan dengan sebaik-baiknya
3. Setelah selesai, kumpulkan untuk mendapat penilaian.
Arrange the following jumbled announcement into a good text of announcement.
Put your text in the box provided.
Study the following announcements and answer the question.

Kelompok : .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
Nama : ……………………………..
No. Absen : ……………………………..

Siklus Pertama

Petunjuk :
1. Tuliskan nama dan nomor absen pada pojok kanan lembar soal
2. Kerjakan dengan sebaik-baiknya
3. Setelah selesai, kumpulkan untuk mendapat penilaian.
Berilah tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar!
Green Miles West
The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an
agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest
over the original use of “California” in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal customers. While
this represent a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the
quality of products we offer our customers

1. The company assures its customers that they will always maintain the . . . of
their products.
A. price
B. origin
C. quality >>
D. sale
E. quantity
2. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .
A. a new name was given to Green Miles California >>
B. a new name of a merger of two company
C. a new name given from The California Gardening Association
D. a name of a new company that deals with gardening
E. a name given to a company formed by the Gardening Association

Announcement Text 2
All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st
3. What kind of the text is it ?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement >>>
E. Memo
4. what is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation to join a class meeting. >>
D. The plan of having a class meeting.
E. Discussion about holding a class meeting
Announcement Text 3
Attention Please!
Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on :
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date   : July, 27th, 2018
Time   : 07.30
Venue  : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal : 0812 69795677 0r 085234576
5. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
a. To meet the education consultant
b. To prepare for the final examination >>
c. To teach strategies for the final examination
d. To get the free chance of joining the seminar
e. To be a presenter in that seminar
6. Who will come to the morning seminar?
a. All students
b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Students of class XII >>
d. All students  and their neighbours
7. “To reserve your seat, please ….” The word “reserve” is closest in meaning
a. Book >>
b. Buy
c. Get
d. Sit
e. Confirm
Announcement Text 4
To : All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school holiday from
Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th August 2015.
During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go
camping in the Highlands to a place called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor centre
where you can learn to climb, canoe and fish and do all sorts of exciting things.
Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the Festival too. Don’t
worry; you aren’t going to be bored! The school pays for all students, so you
are free of charge.
Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those
who want to go, please meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.
Sincerely Yours
8. What should the students do to join the activity?
a. To pay for the trip
b. To go to the teacher’s office >>
c. To meet the headmaster
d. To bring the changing clothes
e. To visit principal’s house
9. From the text we know that ….
a. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers >>
b. The students should bring their own food
c. The holiday will last for two days
d. The holidays won’t be excited
e. All student will be examined in the Highlands
10. The text is written to ….
a. To give information about the activity on school holiday >>
b. To describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
c. To remind students about an outdoor activity
d. To announce the school thursday matter
e. To persuade students on joining stdent clun in the holiday

Petunjuk :
1. Tuliskan nama kelompok beserta anggotanya pada tempat yang telah
2. Kerjakan dengan sebaik-baiknya
3. Setelah selesai, kumpulkan untuk mendapat penilaian.
Read the following annuncement and answer the questions based on the text.

Attention, teachers.

There are many problems at our school recently, dealing with the
students and our school environment, and all the problems need
quick solutions. Therefore, please attend a teacher’s meeting at the
teachers’ office on Saturday at 1 p.m., to discuss the problems. We are
one of the best schools in town and I hope we can maintain the
achivement. Don’t be late for the meeting and feel free to share your

1. What is the announcement about?

2. Who is the announcement for?
3. When does the teacher’s meeting happen?
4. Where does the teacher’s meeting happen
5. Why are all the teachers should attend the meeting?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the box.

Kelompok : .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
: .......................................
Nama : ……………………………..
No. Absen : ……………………………..

Siklus Kedua

Petunjuk :
1. Tuliskan nama dan nomor absen pada pojok kanan lembar soal
2. Kerjakan dengan sebaik-baiknya
3. Setelah selesai, kumpulkan untuk mendapat penilaian.
Berilah tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar!

Announcement Text 5
Our school will celebrate its 17th anniversary on:
Day/ Date: Saturday, 17 February 2018
Place    : Sport Hall
Time     : 8.00 am – 11.00 am
To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be held together with music show of
the school band featuring a well known singer. All the teachers and students are
supposed to attend this celebration. For this reason all school extracurricular
activities at school such as basketball, Martial art, Football and English Sunday
meeting will not be done for that day.
10. What did the school do to celebrate its anniversary?
A. To hold a special bazaar. >>
B. To have a martial art competition.
C. To do all extracurricular activities.
D. To highlight all events well.
E. To participate in the marching band competition
11. The school did not have all the extracurricular activities on that day because
A. the sport hall would be used for the celebration of the school anniversary >>
B. all students had to attend the bazaar and buy everything sold in the event
C. there was an attractive music show performed by all students of the school
D. nobody was interested in playing basketball in the sport hall that day
E. All students have played football for 3 days
Announcement Text 6
To: All students
To celebrate the Hero’s day, our Student Organization will hold some interesting
programs such as English Speech Contest, Story Telling and Class Wall Magazine
Time        : November 15, 2018,  8.00 a.m – 13.00 p.m
Theme       : Hero
Registration: Budi
The coordinator of this program
12. What does the text announce?
a. A student organization
b. An English Speech Contest
c. Interesting event
d. A Hero’s Day Celebration >>
e. Student organization forum
13. Based on the text we can say that …
a. The programs will last for 5 hours >>
b. The programs will be held in the Hero Street
c. Two competitions will be held
d. Budi is one of judges of the programs
e. Only some student will participate in the celebration
Announcement Text 7
To : All students and teachers
Come and visit our new library. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-
fiction books. are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library
14. What are the things offered in the new library ?
A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels. >>
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.
E. Popular movies
15. Why does the writer make the announcement ?
A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library. >>
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.
E. To make competition who visit the library a lots
16. Who make the announcement ?
A. Ramadhan >>
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian
E. Guardian
Announcement Text 8
English Conversation Club (ECC.)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
17. When do the members have meeting ?
A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon. >>
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.
E. Tuesday night
8. Where do they have the meeting ?
A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the VIIA classroom.
C. At the school hall. >>
D. At the cafetaria.
E. City hall
19. How long does the meeting last ?
A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour.  >>
C. One and a quarter hours.
D. Two hours.
E. One o’clock
nnouncement Text 9
This is a new school year and there are many new students around. Please be
friendly and help them understand the rules of our school.
20. Where can you find the text ?
A. At a school. >>
B. At a bookstore.
C. At a bank.
D. At a park.
E. At school fee sheet
21. Why does the principal make the announcement ?
A. To ask the students to be nice.
B. To let the students introduce to their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year. >>
E. To persuade students to have holiday
Lampiran : 5


1. Hasil Nilai Tes Formatif Kondisi Awal, Siklus I dan Siklus II
2. Hasil Nilai Penilaian Peningkatan Partisipasi Belajar Siswa
pada Kondisi Awal, Siklus I dan Siklus II
Lampiran : 6


Lampiran : 7


Lampiran : 8

Pra siklus
Siklus I
Siklus II

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