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Analysis of Teachers’ Pedagogy Competency

Pedagogic competence is one type of competencies that absolutely need to be

mastered by teachers. Pedagogic competence is essentially the ability of teachers to

manage the education of students. Pedagogic competence is distinctive competencies,

which will differentiate teachers to other professions and will determine the degree of

success of the process and learning outcomes learners.

This competence is not acquired suddenly but through efforts to learn

continuously and systematically both in the pre occupation (education teacher

candidates) or during in-service, which is supported by the talent, interest and potential

teacher more than each of the individual concerned.

In connection with the activities of teacher performance analysis there are 7

(seven) aspects and 45 (forty five) indicators relating pedagogical competence mastery.

And those indicators are being consideration in analyzing the English teacher of SMA

in Binjai city. The analysis is derived from the researcher observation during research


A. Mastering the characteristics of learners.

Teachers should be able to record and use information about the characteristics

of learners to help the learning process. These characteristics are related to the physical,

intellectual, social, emotional, moral, and socio-cultural background. During

observation, not all teachers were able to do the ideal process to know their students’

characteristics. There were only three teachers who did it. And the rest still confuse the

way of understanding their students. In order to elaborate the result of observation, the

researcher used some points as follow.

1. Teachers can identify learning characteristics of each learner in the class.

It is important for the English teachers to know the learning characters of

students. The fact showed that English teachers in Binjai city were not fully

accommodate the different character of students in learning. This fact was supported by

the choosing the method of teaching. Ideally, teachers should use various number of

method to accommodate the differences of their students way of learning. From the

observation found that teacher tend to use the monotone method. They prefer to use

speech method and still oriented to the teacher. In the other words, the English teacher

in Binjai is still dominant in the process of teaching and learning. The average number

of students in class is about 32 students. It means that at least 16 method of teaching

used by the teachers. This condition made the students not active totally in learning.

They only listened to the teachers’ explanation without having time to response. There

were two teachers who successfully did it. They used learning media to attract the

students’ interest in learning.

Ada beberapa strategi yang dapat digunakan guru untuk memahami karakteristik

peserta didik agar tercapainya tujuan belajar. Mengenal peserta didik bukan sekedar

mengetahui, mengenal merupakan proses yang harus dijalani dengan cara yang arif dan

bijaksana, ini membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama. Untuk lebih mengenal peserta

didik, guru dapat melakukan pendekatan psikologis terhadap anak, mewawancarai,

bertanya menganai hal-hal pribadi anak dapat memberikan solusi bagaimaca cara atau

metode pengajaran yang harus dilaksanakan, diskusi, ceramah, Tanya jawab, inkuiri dan

metode lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, startegi yang digunakan oleh guru dalam

penelitian ini adalah dengan menanyakan kehadiran siswsa. Hal ini secara psikologis

akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap siswa karena mereka meras diperhatikan dan
diperdulikan oleh guru. Di sisi lain, hal ini akan membantu para guru untuk lebih

mengenal peserta didiknya. Dari keempat guru subjek, ditemukan bahwa hanya 3 orang

yakni MP, HS, dan SG yang melakukan startegi ini, sedangkan MH dari lima kali

pertemuan sama sekali tidak pernah menanyakan absensi kelas (Appendix).

2. Teachers ensure that all learners have the same opportunity to actively participate in

learning activities.

It should be considered that the function of teacher is to stimuli the students to

be active in learning. Based on the observation, the English teachers tend to invite the

same students to be active. When the researcher asked the reason, she got the answer

that teacher did such way due to not all students able to speak English. This condition

indicated that some teachers focused on the smart students only. They were less

attention to the other students. It was not match to the ideal indicator where the teachers

should give the same opportunity to study without distinguish the students based on the


3. Teachers can arrange classes to provide equal learning opportunities for all learners

with disabilities and different learning abilities.

This indicator still has strong relationship to the second indicator where students

should have different ability and interest in learning. English teachers should have the

accurate map of their students ability and interest about English. In classroom activities,

teachers performed the same activities to the different students. It made the activeness

and participation of students in learning was being low.

4. The teacher tried to find out the causes of deviant behavior of learners in order to

prevent such behavior does not harm other learners.

In accordance to the previous analysis, the lack of teachers attention resulted the

inactive students disturb the active students. It was caused by the English teacher

treatment that did not care to the whole class activity. English teacher should be fully

care and attend the deviant behavior of learners in classroom. During observation, the

researchers found that teacher have not fully controlled.

Secara umum, memang keempat guru subjek belum sepenuhnya dapat

menguasai kelas. Guru seharusnya dapat menentukan bagaimana perlakuan yang harus

diterapkan pada peserta didik, guru juga harus memperhatikan masing-masing

siswa sehingga guru bukan hanya mampu memberikan perlakuan secara umum pada

tiap kelompok atau tingkatan belajar, namun juga guru mampu memberikan perlakukan

khusus yang tepat pada masing-masing individu terutama individu yang memiliki

karakter berbeda dengan karakter peserta didik pada umumnya. Misalkan saja pada

sebuah kelompok belajar terdapat seorang siswa yang selalu mendapatkan nilai rendah

dibanding siswa lainnya serta kurang mampu mengikuti pelajaran maka guru perlu

mengetahui perbedaan tersebut, mencari tahu penyebab, serta juga memberikan

perlakuan khusus pada peserta didik tersebut agar tidak tertinggal dengan siswa lainnya

dalam hal belajar. Pada obseravasi, hal seperti ini belum didapatkan. Dua guru dengan

motivasi tinggi baru sampai pada tahap pemberian perhatian dan berusaha taking

control dalam kelas. MH (pada meeting 3,4,5) berusaha mengatur kelas dan menegur

siswa yang kurang didisplin, namun belum sampai pada mencari penyebab

menyimpangnya perilaku anak tersebut. Demikian juga dengan SG (pada meeting 1,3,5)

masih sebatas member teguran.

5. Teachers help develop the potential and overcome the shortage of learners.
6. Teachers pay attention to learners with specific physical weakness in order to follow

the activity of learning, so that students are not marginalized (excluded, mocked,

inferior, etc.).

B. Dominate learning theory and principles of learning that educates.

Teachers were able to establish a wide range of approaches, strategies, methods,

and techniques to educate creative learning in accordance with the standards of teacher

competence. Teachers were able to adjust teaching methods appropriate to the

characteristics of the students and motivate them to learn:

1. Teachers provide opportunities for learners to master the age-appropriate learning

materials and learning abilities through learning and activity settings are varied.

2. The teacher always ensure a level of understanding of learners towards specific

learning material and adjust the following learning activities based on the level of


Dari observasi ditemukan bahwa keempat guru subjek menggunakan bahasa inggris dan

Indonesia dalam mengajar. Ini merupoakan indikasi bahwa guru paham tingkat

kamapuan peserta didiknya, bahwa sebagian pseerta didik perlu dibantu

pemahamannya dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

3. The teacher can explain the reason for the implementation of the activity / activities

that do, either favorable or different plan, related learning success.

4. Teachers use a variety of techniques to memotiviasi willingness of learners.

5. Teachers plan learning activities that are related to one another, having regard to the

purpose of learning and the learning process of students.

6. Teachers pay attention to the response of learners who do not / do not understand the

material being taught the learning and use it to improve the design of the next study.

Dari obseravsi ditemukan bahawa, guru subjek member perhatian terhadap pemahan

peserta didik ditunjukkan denga adanya sesi Tanya jawab baik sebelum maupun

sesudag kegiatan belajar mengajar.

C. The development of the curriculum.

Teachers were able to create a syllabus in accordance with the most important

goals of curriculum and use the RPP in accordance with the objectives and the learning

environment. Teachers were able to choose, prepare, and organize learning materials

that match the needs of learners:

1. Teachers can create a syllabus in accordance with the curriculum.

2. Teacher designing lesson plans in accordance with the syllabus to discuss

specific teaching materials so that learners can achieve basic competency set.

3. Teachers follow a sequence of learning materials with attention to learning


4. Teacher choosing instructional materials that: (1) in accordance with the purpose

of learning, (2) accurate and up-to-date, (3) according to age and ability level of

learners, (4) can be implemented in the classroom and (5) in accordance with the

context daily lives of learners.

D. The learning activities that educate.

Teachers were able to develop and implement an educational lesson plan in full.

Teachers were able to carry out learning activities that suit the needs of learners.

Teachers were able to develop and use a variety of learning materials and learning

resources in accordance with the characteristics of learners. Where relevant, teachers

utilize information communication technology (ICT) for the sake of learning.

1. Teachers implement learning activities in accordance with the draft that has been

prepared in full and implementation of these activities indicate that teachers

understand its purpose.

2. Teacher implement learning activities that aim to help the learning process of

students, not to test that make students feel depressed,

3. Teachers communicate new information (eg additional material) according to age

and ability level of learners.

4. Teacher addressing the mistakes made by the students as the stage of the learning

process and not merely an error that must be corrected. For example: to know in

advance the other learners who agree / disagree with the answer, before giving an

explanation of the correct answer.

5. Teachers implement learning activities appropriate curriculum content and link it

with the context of the daily life of students.

6. The teacher made learning activities are varied with enough time for learning

activities appropriate to the age and level of ability to learn and retain the attention

of learners.
7. Teachers manage class effectively without dominating or busy with their own

activities so that all participants can be utilized time productively.

8. Teachers capable audio-visual (including ICT) to increase the motivation of

learners in achieving the learning objectives. Customize learning activities designed

to classroom conditions.

9. Teachers provide many opportunities for students to ask questions, practice and

interact with other learners.

10. Master arranged systematically implementing learning activities to help the

learning process of learners. For example: teacher add new information after

evaluating the students understanding of the previous material, and

11. Teachers use teaching aids, and / or audio-visual (including ICT) to enhance

learning motivation pesertadidik in achieving learning goals.

Dari pengamatan ditemukan:

- guru kurang menyesuaikan kemampuan peserta untuk berkonsentrasi dalam

menerima pelajaran sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangannya, terlihat dari guru lebih

sering berinteraksi dengan beberapa siswa sedangkan siswa lain melakukan kegiatan


- kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran dinilai dapat membantu peserta

didik untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, terlihat dari adanya tanbya jawab dan

-guru dapat mengelola aktifitas dengan baik (terlihat dari durasi waktu yangh sesuai

dengan RPP atau yang direncanakan, guru melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran yg direncanakan

- waktu yang digunakan masih lebih lama untuk menerima keterangan, informasi

atau instruksi dari guru dalam pembelajarannya dibandingkan dengan waktu sisewa

melakukan kegiatan yang produktif, dengan kata lain, siswa kurang aktif.

- guru belum dapat membantu setiap peserta didik untuk melakukan kegiatannya

masing-masing, terlihat ada peserta didik yang tidak terlibat aktif dalam

pembelajaran & guru kemudian berusaha mengkontrol dan menangani peserta didik

tsb. Hal ini mungkin karena jumlah siswa yang banyak di dalam satu kelas.

-Media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru adalah papan tulis dan bahan cetak

sehingga media pembelajaran ini sepertinya dapat membantu cara belajar atau

memotivisai peserta didik. Media pembelajaran lain sebaiknya perlyu

dipertimbangkan, sepeti gambar, alat bantu video visual, computer/TIK dan media


E. The development potential of learners.

Teachers are able to analyze the learning potential of each learner and identify

development potential of learners through better teaching program that supports

students actualize academic potential, personality, and creativity until there is clear

evidence that students actualize their potential:

1. Teachers analyze the learning outcomes based on any form of assessment of

each learner to determine the level of progress of each.

2. Teachers design and implement learning activities that encourage students to

study according to skills and learning patterns respectively.

3. Teachers design and implement learning activities to bring the power of

creativity and critical thinking skills of learners.

4. Teachers actively assist learners in the learning process by giving attention to

each individual.

5. Teachers can identify correctly about the talents, interests, potential, and

learning difficulties each learner.

6. Teachers provide learning opportunities to learners in accordance with their

respective ways of learning.

7. Teachers focus on the interaction with the students and encouraged to

understand and use the information submitted.

Setiap anak didik memiliki potensi diri, dan tentu berbeda setiap apa yang
dimiliki antara satu orang dengan orang lain.
Berdasarka pengamatan ditemukan bahwa keempat guru subjek belum
sepenuhnya mampu mengembangkan potrensi diri anak didiknya, terlihat dari tidak
meratanya komunikasi anatara guru dan setiap siswa. Guru aktif berinteraksi dengan
beberapa siswa yang diangggap lebih mampu. Anak didik yang lain kurang
mendapatkan perhatian sehingga di kjelas mereka melakukan aktivitas lain yang tidak
berkaitan dengan pemeblajaran.
Belum mampunya guru mengembangkan potensi anak didik juga terlihatr dari
tidak adanya upaya guru menjadikan anak-anak yang lebih pintar menjadi lebih
produktif, misalnya dengan cara menjadikan mereka sebagai tutor sebaya bagi teman-
temannya. Pada observasi ditemukan bahwa keempatnya tidak melakukan hal tersebut.

F. Communication with learners.

Teachers are able to communicate effectively, empathetic and polite with

learners and be enthusiastic and positive. Teachers are able to provide complete and

relevant responses to any comments or questions learners:

1. Teachers use questions to find understanding and maintaining the participation

of learners, including providing open-ended questions that require students to

respond with ideas and knowledge.

2. Teachers pay attention and listen to all the questions and the responses of

learners, tanpamenginterupsi, except where necessary to help or clarify any

questions / responses are.

3. Teachers respond to questions that learners are accurate, correct and up to date,

appropriate learning objectives and curriculum content, without embarrassing


4. The teacher presents the learning activities that can foster good cooperation

between all students.

5. Teachers listen and give attention to all learners answer either true or deemed

wrong to gauge the level of understanding of learners.

6. The teacher gives attention to learners' questions and respond in a complete and

relevant to eliminate the confusion on the learner.

Komunikasi yang efektif mampu menjadikan pembelajaran secara meluas dan

bermakna, pada saat proses pembelajaran “bertanya, ditanya, dan

mempertanyakan “ menjadi komunikasi yang pastinya terjadi pada saat proses

pembelajaran. Dari tiga komponen tersebut, guru sebagai fasilitator, sekurang-

kurangnya harus mampu memilah jenis pertanyaan yang mampu berfungsi

sebagai dua kepentingan, yang pertama yaitu kepentingan untuk mengukur

tingkat pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi, dan ke dua menjadikan

komunikasi tersebut bermakna dalam hal penanaman nilai-nilai karakter. Guru

subjek pada penelitian ini ditemukan memeiliki komunikasi yang baik di dalam

kelas, keempatnya, sejak, kelas dimulai, telah melakukan komunikasi yang

interaktifv dengan menanyakan absensi dan diskusi pelajaran sebelumnya.

G. Assessment and Evaluation.

Teachers were able to organize the assessment process and learning outcomes on

an ongoing basis. Teachers evaluated the effectiveness of the processes and

outcomes of learning and use assessment information and evaluation results to

design remedial and enrichment programs. Teachers are able to use the results of the

analysis of votes in the learning process:

1. Teachers prepare assessment tools appropriate to the learning objectives to

achieve a certain competence as written in the lesson plan.

2. Teachers carry out assessment with different techniques and types of

assessment, in addition to formal assessment carried out of the school, and

announce the results and implications for the students, about the level of

understanding of the learning materials that have been and will be studied.

3. Teachers analyze the results of the assessment to identify topics / competencies

tough basis in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of each learner for

remedial and enrichment purposes.

4. Master the benefit of input from learners and reflect to further enhance learning,

and can prove it through notes, journals learning, learning design, additional

materials, and so forth.

5. The teacher tapped the assessment results as drafting learning materials that will

be done next

AnalisaKompetensiProfesional Guru

A. Penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep dan pola pikir keilmuan yang

mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu

Penilaian kinerja guru pada kompetensi profesional guru : penguasaan materi,

struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang
diampudilakukan dengan cara pengamatan di dalam kelas. Penguasaan materi
berkaitan dengan rancangan, materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran, penyajian materi
baru dan respon guru terhadap peserta didik yang memuat informasi pelajaran yang
tepat dan mutakhir.Selain itu, peyampaian materi ajar diharapkan sesuai dengan
usia dan tingkat pembelajaran peserta didik.

Dalam hal ini, guru harus benar-benar memahami mata pelajaran dan bagaimana
mata pelajaran tersebut disajikan di dalam kurikulum. Guru dapat mengatur,
menyesuaikan dan menambah aktifitas untuk membantu peserta didik menguasai
aspek-aspek penting dari suatu pelajaran dan meningkatkan minat dan perhatian
peserta didik terhadap pelajaran.

Bedasarkan pengamatan yang telah dilakukan, guru-guru yang menjadi subjek

dalam penelitian ini, jikadirata-ratakan masuk dalam kategori baik.Artinya,
indicator penilaian pada sub kompetesni ini terpenuhi dengan baik, yakni:

1. Guru melakukan pemetaan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar untuk

mata pelajaran yang diampunya, untuk mengidentifikasi materi
pembelajaran yang dianggap sulit, melakukan perencanaan dan
pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan memperkirakan alokasi waktu yang
diperlukan. Indikatorv ini berajalan dengan sangat baik pada keempat guru,
bahkan salah satu diantaranya MH (in meeting 1) menggunakan metode
pembelajaran scaffolding. Pada pertemuan ini, pembelajarn dapat dikatan
berhasil dan memuaskan dikarenakan berhasilnya MH menentukan Zone of
Proximal Development. MH terlihat  memberikan stimulus kepada siswa
selama tahap-tahap awal pembelajaran agar siswa kemudian mengambil
alih control ataupun menjadi yang lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.
2. Guru menyertakan informasi yang tepat dan mutakhir di dalam
perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
3. Guru menyusun materi, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang
berisi informasi yang tepat, mutakhir, dan yang membantu peserta didik
untuk memahami konsep materi pembelajaran.

Selama pengamatan, rata-rata guru menguasai, terampil dan lancar dalam

melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran. Terlihat guru tidakterlalusering sering
menggunakan catatan atau buku untuk menyampaikan
pembelajaran.Dalammelaksanakankegiatanpembelajaran guru (subjek)
mengajarberdasarkan kerangka topik yang dibahas, guru dapat mengidentifikasi
bagian-bagian yang penting atau tidak dari topik tersebut.Selainitu,
daripengamatanjugaterlihatbahwa guru subjekmerespon pertanyaan atau pendapat
peserta didik secara tepat dan benar.

Dari hasilpegamatan 2 orang guru memiikikompetensi professional yang

sangatbaik.namun, sepertitelahdisebutkan, jikadirata-ratakanmakanilaikompetensi
professional guru termasukbaik. Beberapasikapprofesionalisme yang
ditunjukkankeempat guru tersebutadalahsebagaiberikut:
1. Guru secaraprofesional menyampaikan materi pelajaran dantidak bersikap
2. Guru bersikap edukatif.
3. Guru memberikan kebebasan kepada siswanya untuk mengungkapkan pendapat
dan pemikirannya tentang sesuatu yang dihadapinya.
4. Memahami dan menghormati murid.
5. Menguasai bahan pelajaran yang diberikan
6. Mengaktifkan murid dalam kegiatan belajar
7. Mempunyai keterampilan manajemen kelas yang baik

B. Mengembangkan keprofesionalan melalui tindakan yang reflektif

Pada kompetensi ini guru diharapkan melakukan evaluai maupunrefleksi terhadap
kinerja sendiri secara berkesinambungan sehingga hasil evaluasi tersebut dapat
dimanfaatkan meningkatkan keprofesiannya. Guru diharapkan melakukan
penelitian tindakan kelas dan mengikuti perkembangan keprofesian melalui belajar
dari berbagai sumber, guru juga memanfaatkan TIK dalam berkomunikasi dan
pengembangan keprofesian jika dimungkinkan. Indicator penilaian pada
kompetensi ini adalah:

1. guru melakukan evaluasi diri secara spesifik, lengkap, dan didukung dengan
contoh pengalaman diri sendiri.
2. guru melakukan penelitian, mengembangkan karya inovasi, mengikuti kegiatan
ilmiah (misalnya seminar, konferensi).

Dalam penelitian ini, pada kompetensin ini, keempat guru subjek dapat
dikatakan memilki nilai yang kurang baik.kegiatan reflects pribadi tercatat tidak
banyak. Guru subjek belum secara aktif melakukan penelitian, mengembangkan
karya inovasi, mengikuti kegiatan ilmiah (misalnya seminar, konferensi), dan
aktif dalam melaksanakan PKB. Salah satu bukti refleksi guru yang diperoleh
dalam penelitian ini adalah catatan-catatan penting dalam RPP yang dibuat oleh


Checking Student’s Presence

Subjects Meeting
1 2 3 4 5
MP √ - √ √ √
HS √ - - - -
MH - - - - -
SH √ √ √ - √

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