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Dr Eva Detko, PhD

Why detox? ............................................................................... 1

So where is all this toxicity coming from .......................... 2
Do’s and Don’ts of effective detoxification ................................ 4
1. Exercise caution ............................................................................ 4
2. Adopt the 80/20 rule ....................................................................... 5
3. First - stop putting the toxins in your body ................................. 5
4. Once you have covered the basics, take it further ........................ 5
5. Avoid anything that does not agree with you ................................... 6
6. Optimize your digestion .................................................................. 7
7. Give your digestive system a break ................................................ 7
8. Make sure your water is toxin-free ............................................... 8
9. Detoxify the air you breathe in .................................................. 9
10. Stop putting toxins on your skin ...................................................9
11. Get rid of plastics ......................................................................... 10
12. Optimize your cookware .............................................................. 11
13. Detox from EMR (electro-magnetic radiation) ............................... 11
14. Keep your mouth clean ............................................................... 11
15. Clear out your colon before you embark on cellular detox ............. 12
16. Put emphasis on repairing your gut ............................................. 12
17. Improve your lymphatic drainage .............................................. 13
18. Support your kidneys .............................................................. 14
19. Support your lungs ................................................................... 14
20. Boost your elimination through the skin ................................... 14
21. Support your liver ......................................................................... 15
22. Deal with pathogens ..................................................................... 16
23. Nourish your body ........................................................................ 17
24. Support your body with essential oils ........................................... 17
25. Plan your detox ............................................................................ 17
26. Make sure you prepare your body properly .................................. 18
27. Get in the right frame of mind ....................................................... 18
28. Listen to your body ....................................................................... 19
29. You absolutely MUST use binders ................................................. 19
30. Beware of detox scams ................................................................ 20
31. Physical detox can manifest emotionally ....................................... 20
32. Detox your toxic emotions ............................................................ 20
33. Heal your trauma .......................................................................... 21
34. Get to know yourself ..................................................................... 21
35. Improve your relationship with yourself ........................................ 22
36. Address any internal conflicts ...................................................... 22
37. Get rid of toxic people in your life ................................................. 23
38. Practice acceptance ................................................................... 23
39. Manage your chronic stress ......................................................... 24
40. Get adequate sleep ...................................................................... 24
41. Express gratitude and appreciation .............................................. 24
42. Connect with other people ............................................................ 25
Final words ............................................................................. 25
About the author ..................................................................... 25
Before we start, let us just look into why you may want to consider detoxing on a regular

Firstly, do you experience any of these symptoms?

 needing a lot of sleep and still feeling tired

during the day
 needing caffeine to “get you going”
 chemical or food sensitivities
 bloating and gas
 skin issues and/or acne
 brain fog or inability to think straight
 water retention
 chronic sinus congestion
 postnasal drip
 difficulties sleeping
 dark circles under your eyes
 constipation or diarrhoea
 irregular or painful menstruation
(or other hormonal imbalances)
 difficulties losing weight
 finding it difficult to exercise
 body odour
 bad breath
 foul-smelling stools
 craving sugary or salty foods
 headaches or migraines
 muscle aches
 joint pain
 frequent colds/infections

These are some of the signs your body is sending to tell you it is not coping with the toxic
overload. Believe it or not, there are still sceptics out there who consider detoxing
completely unnecessary, as apparently our bodies can get rid of toxins without any
problems on its own. It is true that the body naturally detoxifies itself 24 hours a day,

day after day. Our organs designed to expel waste from the body in one way or another
include: the liver, the large intestine, the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the lungs, and the
skin. We do have some incredibly sophisticated detoxification mechanisms but
unfortunately we live in the world so toxic that our bodies can get completely clogged up
with compounds that are incredibly harmful to our tissues and organs. An average
newborn comes into this world with 230 carcinogenic chemicals in their umbilical cord.
Shocking, right? When our cells are toxic, nothing in the body works the way it should.
Amongst other things, this results in inflammation and poor immune function. That is bad
news because inflammation is at the core of every single chronic illness.


The European Chemicals agency estimates there are more than 144,000 man-made chem-
icals in existence and the US Department of Health estimates 2000 new chemicals are be-
ing released every year. In addition, the UN Environment Program warns most of these
have never been screened for human health safety. What we also must realise is that the
majority of these chemicals have been introduced in the last 100 years and as much as the
process of adaptation is a very clever mechanism, the body needs considera-
bly longer than one century to adapt to this toxic burden.

Here are the most common sources of toxicity in our modern lives:

Air pollution

Many big cities in the developed world are no

longer fit for humans to live in when you
consider the concentrations of harmful
particles present in the air. For example,
markers associated with Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's diseases are now present in
Mexico City children chronically exposed to
concentrations of fine particulate matter
PM2.5 above the current EPA USA standards.
World Health Organization (WHO) has
estimated that outdoor air pollution has risen
by 8% globally in just the last five years and it
continues to get worse.

Chemicals in our water
This includes harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites but also
toxins such as fluoride and lead, and plastics.
Chemicals in our food supply
Anything from pesticides, herbicides (e.g. glyphosate),
plastics, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, GMOs to
bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins, and parasites.
This is about the chemicals added to processed food as well
as method of food preparation (e.g. foods deep-fried in chem-
ically unstable vegetable oils, such as canola, sun-
flower, etc. are extremely toxic).

Personal care and household products

Commercial versions of these products are guaranteed to
contain a wide range of chemicals, including: parabens,
phthalates, phenoxyethanol, SLS, formaldehyde, and heavy
metals. Please note that anything put on the skin gets absorbed
very quickly into the bloodstream.
Alcohol, recreational drugs and nicotine consumption
Needless to say, the use of these substances puts
a considerable strain on the body’s detoxification pathways,
especially the liver.
Medications, oral contraceptives, and vaccines
At times we cannot avoid certain medications but due to the
bizarre what I call “Pharma culture” in the Western world,
many people take medications (both prescription and over-
the-counter) for no good reason at all, not realizing the
damage they cause to their bodies. Vaccines contain heavy
metals and carcinogens such as formaldehyde. Vaccines are
a very controversial topic but whether you are pro or against
you have to face the fact that they are highly toxic.
Toxins released e.g. as a result of bacterial overgrowth in the
gut and toxins resulting from normal metabolic processes.
Stress and toxic thoughts and emotions
This is my personal favourite because it is massively
underestimated. Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels,
causing inflammation and in turn leads to development of chron-
ic illness. We also have to be aware of the toxic burden on the
body as a result feeling lonely, resentful, angry, re-
jected, jealous, hostile, etc. Just as you metabolize your food,
you need to metabolize your emotions.

Dental fillings and oral toxicity
Mouth is a source of toxicity for many people so make sure
you keep it clean and attend to any tooth decay or infected
gums without delay. Dental fillings are full of chemicals
(e.g. plastics, heavy metals). If you have ever had amalgam
fillings, you are likely to have elevated levels of mercury in
your tissues (unless you have specifically detoxified it).

You might be wondering why isn’t everybody sick given this incredible load of toxins our
bodies have to handle every single day? First of all, we are all biochemically unique, which
means some of us are better at getting rid of toxins and waste than others. But before you
think feel envious of those who “might be getting away with it”, consider that every singly
chronic illness (cancer, heart disease, brain disease, autoimmunity, etc.) is on the rise,
and they are reaching epidemic proportions. We are now seeing these diseases in very
young children and that is quite new and frankly scary.

The bottom line is that we need be supporting our bodies’ detoxification pathways not just
to achieve optimal health but simply to prevent disease. Detoxing our bodies and minds is
no longer some luxury ritual. With the toxic burden we face everywhere we turn, we have
to fight for our health every single day and the better we are at keeping our bodies clean,
the more successful we are going to be at reclaiming our health.


1. Exercise caution

If you have a chronic condition, or your symptoms are severe, DO NOT go at it all guns
blazing. We detox to help the body thrive but if you get it wrong, you could worsen your
problem. So take your time, do your research, and ideally consult a natural healthcare
professional who can help you optimize your detox program and design it around your
specific needs. Please be aware that your regular, conventional medicine doctor will not
be able to help you, unless they have completed natural medicine training as well.

2. Adopt the 80/20 rule

Many people seem to think that they can have a “dirty” diet and lifestyle and then “do a
detox” once or twice a year to make up for that. Sure, this is better than having a rubbish
diet and not detox at all, but it is not going to do if you want to function at your optimal lev-
el, or indeed avoid chronic illness down the line. Plus, if you already have a chronic condi-
tion you can do more damage than good this way.

As we discussed, toxins are everywhere and we are bombarded with them all the time so
we really need to support the body all year round, not just detox occasionally. I am not
suggesting for a moment that you need to avoid toxins 100% of the time. It is impossible to
do that anyway. But maybe think of adopting 80/20 rule (or a 90/10), i.e. having a clean di-
et and a clean lifestyle 80-90% of the time, and treating yourself occasionally without feel-
ing guilty. Then, on top of that, follow a specific detox protocol a few times a year.

3. First - stop putting the toxins in your body

This means cleaning up your diet and lifestyle BEFORE

your even think of a specific detox program. If you eat pro-
cessed food (bought baked goods, ready meals, fast food,
deep-fried snacks, sweets, breakfast cereals, processed
meats, anything containing artificial flavourings, colour-
ings or sweeteners, tinned foods, anything con-
taining GMOs, etc.), drink alcohol, and/or smoke, you real-
ly need to address that first (80/20 rule applies so you can
still have an occasional treat or drink).

Just an example, cigarette smoke contains 43 known

carcinogenic compounds and 400 other toxins so there is
absolutely no point in taking expensive detox
supplements, releasing toxins out of your cells, and
completely overwhelming the body if you are a regular
drinker, smoker, and/or eat a lot of junk food.

4. Once you have covered the basics, take it further

If your diet is already fairly good, i.e. you eat a lot of vegetables, don’t eat processed
foods or drink alcohol, you need to now go further and cut out (or at least drastically
reduce) refined sugar, caffeine, gluten and commercial bovine dairy (whether you have
sensitivity to these or not). You also need to do your best to go organic and GMO-free.

What you want to eventually aim for is making your
food from scratch, 80% of what you eat being
vegetables (organic where possible, check the most
pesticide-laden ones here) with a small amount of
fruit, ideally no grains (if you insist on eating grains at
all, make sure they are gluten-free), moderate
amounts of organic, grass-fed meat and wild fish,
plus good fats (e.g. avocado, olive oil, coconut oil).
Remember that traditional vegetable oils (sunflower,
safflower, canola, corn, soybean) become toxic when
heated. Due to their high omega-6 fatty acids
content, they are also pro-inflammatory.

So that is what you are aiming for but of course it is not going to be perfect. It’s not about
perfection. You want to be social and eat out every now and again, or have an occasional
drink. Remember 80/20! Once your everyday diet is quite good, you may want to think
about a dedicated detox program (1-4 times a year).

5. Avoid anything that does not agree with you

Even if you eat the best quality diet in the

world, you can still add to toxic load and
inflammation in the body if you have adverse
reactions to what you are eating. Therefore, it
is important to eliminate anything you are
sensitive to. If you already know foods you
react to, do not put them in your body for now.

People often think that “a little bit won’t hurt” but all you do is activate the immune
system and provoke an inflammatory response. As long as you do that, the body will not
fully heal. Remember that chronic inflammation sooner or later leads to chronic illness.
Luckily, the immune system is dynamic and if you have multiple sensitivities at the
moment, this will very likely be resolves once you have detoxified the body.

If you have inflammatory process in your body (e.g. brain fog, fatigue, achy joints, poor
digestion) but you do not know what you may be reacting to, consider an elimination diet.
There are also all sorts of blood panels and other tests you can do to find out what your
body is currently rejecting.

6. Optimize your digestion

If you don’t digest foods properly, which is true for many people, the undigested material
will rot and feed the pathogenic bacteria in your gut. This is a major source of toxicity for
many. The older we get, the more inefficient our digestion gets due to decreasing
production of digestive juices. You should therefore make efforts to optimize your

 Chew your food properly

 Do not eat on the go or when you are stressed (make

sure that the body is in the “rest-digest” mode)

 Eat mindfully – don’t just swallow your food whilst

you are working

 Do not overeat – maximum two cupped handful at

any one time

 Take bitter herb tincture and cider vinegar with a bit

of water before meals

 Take a broad spectrum digestive enzyme supplement (make sure it contains bile)

 If you have low stomach acid consider taking HCl with pepsin (best done under a
supervision by a natural healthcare professional). Remember that many people who
think they have high stomach acid, actually have low stomach acid and popping anti-
acids makes their problem worse in the long run. If you are not sure, you must test it

7. Give your digestive system a break

Digestion is a very energy-demanding process so

it is great practice to fit all your food into 10-12
hours so that you fast for 12-14 hours overnight.
That way you are giving your body a break from
digesting food and allow it to put more energy into
detoxification processes. There are many benefits
of overnight fasting, including cutting the risk of
cancer and diabetes.

8. Make sure your water is toxin-free

First of all, in order to assist your body with detoxification, you need to be well-hydrated.
This is to be achieved with clean water and not tea, coffee, or soft drinks. Herbal teas
(dandelion, ginger, mint, etc.) are good too as long as they are made with filtered water.

Unless it is properly filtered, your drinking water is very likely to contain a wide range of
toxins (including heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs residue and plastic by-products).
Just because your water is treated, DOES NOT make it toxin-free. It is the opposite
actually, treated water is chlorinated (this is to disinfect the water) and in certain places
fluoride is added as well. Both chlorine and fluoride are toxic, regardless of what the
public is led to believe in regards to “safe levels”. Gram for gram fluoride is actually more
toxic than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic. The idea is to reduce tooth decay
but there is a complete lack of foresight in terms of the damage this neurotoxin is doing
to people’s brains, thyroid, and the rest of the body.

And then there is what I call “plastic” water, i.e. water in plastic bottles. You are pretty
much drinking diluted plastic. Terrible for the environment and definitely terrible for your
health. This also applies to sports refillable bottles made of plastic. Go for glass or stain-
less steel instead.

The best thing you can do for your health is to invest in a good water filtration system.
This does not have to be expensive and once it is in place you only need to replace your
filters every few months. Remember to use filtered water when you cook and not just for
drinking. We do absorb very effectively through the skin so if you want to go further, think
about installing a shower filter, or perhaps you can filter the water that goes into your

9. Detoxify the air you breathe in

If you live in a polluted city and you value your

health, ideally you should move away but that
is unrealistic for many people. But at least you
can make the air in your home cleaner. The
materials that traditional furniture is made of
are largely toxic so if you are in the position of
influencing that, consider having tiles instead
of carpets, or bamboo flooring. Go for solid
wood instead of wood-effect furniture. Use
untreated fabrics for bed sheets, shower
curtains, etc.

One of the most toxic things you can expose your body to is mold so screen your house
carefully and address any mold problems as soon as you possibly can. Exposure to
mycotoxins (toxins produced by mold) can make you and your family very ill very quickly.
If you have any leaks in house, prioritize fixing that. Ventilate your house really well,
particularly your bathroom, to prevent creating moist warm environment, as this
promotes mold growth.

To help purify the air inside your home, you may want to consider having some purifying
plants, e.g. aloe vera, bamboo palm, dracaenas. You can also invest in an air purifier.
Finally, at the very least DO NOT use scented candles, air fresheners and air freshener
plug-in diffusers as they are highly toxic.

10. Stop putting toxins on your skin

Unless you buy your personal care products

(shower gel, hand wash, shampoo and other
hair products, moisturiser, fragrances,
deodorants, and cosmetics) organic and free
of chemicals, it is pretty much guaranteed you
will be exposed to a wide range of chemicals,
incl.: parabens, phthalates, phenoxyethanol,
SLS, formaldehyde, heavy metals (e.g.
aluminium in deodorants), and more.

It has been estimated that an average American woman applies around 100 chemicals to
her skin every day. The same goes for your household products. It only takes a few
seconds to absorb what you put on the skin so this is more important to get right than
many people realize.

In addition, when you use chemicals to clean your home you inhale the fumes, and you
ingest them directly if you prepare your food on the chemically-treated surfaces, or if you
wash your dishes with traditional dish-washing agents. You also need to look at your
laundry detergents, fabric softeners, etc. The more fragrant, the more toxic they are. It is
very easy (and much cheaper) to make your own organic products so you may want to
look into that.

11. Get rid of plastics

As you may have noticed, we are surrounded by

plastics. Plastic is absolutely everywhere: food
and drink packaging, furniture, clothes, shoes,
jewellery, toys, dental fillings, phones, cars, etc.
Plastic items contain chemicals that are hormone-
disrupting and carcinogenic so we really want to
minimize our exposure to them as much as
possible. Before you say: “But some plastics are
better than others”, I am afraid when it comes to
protecting human health: plastic is plastic.

The most important is to limit the amount of plastic you ingest and absorb through the
skin so focus on that first. Remember that plastic has a high affinity for fat so NEVER buy
fat-containing foods in plastic containers (e.g. oils, butter, liquid fat-soluble vitamins,
etc.). The same goes for cooking a meal and storing the leftovers in a plastic container.

As much as possible replace the plastic containers you store food in the house with
glass. Also, exposing plastic to heat makes the chemicals leach out, so when buying hot
drinks do not drink through the plastic lid. It is best for the environment and for you to
have a stainless steel flask to use when you get drinks to take away. Personal care
products come mostly in plastic packaging but when possible buy them in glass contain-
ers or transfer them.

12. Optimize your cookware

Avoid Teflon, aluminium, ceramic-coated (wears off easily and then you are exposed to
toxic metals underneath), and copper cookware. If that is what you use at the moment
and you cannot afford to buy a new set, start replacing slowly, one saucepan at a time.

Stainless steel is a better option but can leach nickel into the food, which is not great for
people with thyroid issues. Coated cast iron pans are non-stick so they are a good
option. You can also use bare cast iron cookware. For baking, choose glass wherever
possible. Using glass dishes will help you cut down on aluminium foil use.

13. Detox from EMR (electro-magnetic radiation)

The connection between close-range cell phone

use and certain kinds of cancer is very well
established now. We cannot avoid EMR completely
but we can make some simple changes to minimize
our exposure to the toxic frequencies, e.g. do not
have a TV or phone in the bedroom, turn off your
Wi-Fi for the night, do not use a microwave, use
a headset when you using your mobile, etc.

14. Keep your mouth clean

The mouth can be a major source of toxicity. Do not put off going to the dentist. Address
any problems as soon as you are aware of them. Apart from cleaning your teeth with
organic toothpaste without fluoride (you DO NOT need fluoride to have healthy teeth) and
flossing, develop a habit of tongue scraping, as your tongue harbours a considerable
number of bacteria. This requires an inexpensive tool that you can purchase from a
pharmacy. Scrape your tongue gently every day from back to front, 10-15 times. You may
also consider investing in a water flosser.

Another great way to detoxify your mouth is oil pulling. It is best to use unrefined organic
coconut oil. Take 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swirl around for 5-10 minutes. The
oil binds bacterial toxins very effectively and lessens the toxic burden on the body.

In terms of detoxifying your mouth, it is also vitality important to have any amalgam fill-
ings replaced. However, this needs to be done by a biological dentist and is only recom-
mended after you have completed a thorough detoxification program. Do not have it done
if the body is already toxic and struggling to cope.

15. Clear out your colon before you embark on cellular detox

The liver is our main organ of detoxification but when we detox we do have to optimize
the channels we rely on for removing toxins out of the body: our lungs, kidneys, colon,
skin and the lymphatic system.

It would make no sense at all to start a regime of

freeing toxins out of your body cells if, for
example, you are constipated. There could be
many reasons for constipation: dehydration,
insufficient fibre intake, gut dysbiosis, certain
medications, stress, etc., and you need to
resolve it first. You should have AT LEAST one
bowel movement per day. If you don’t, your
system is backed up!

If you want to clear out your colon thoroughly before a detox program, you may want to
consider colon hydrotherapy. I have done it for the last 20 years and consider it
extremely helpful and a great start to any detox protocol (please note, there are certain
contraindications to this treatment, e.g. inflammatory bowel disease). Alternatively, you
can use herbs (e.g. aloe vera, psyllium husks).

16. Put emphasis on repairing your gut

Your gut can be one of the main sources of toxicity. You have probably heard terms such
as “microbiome”, “dysbiosis” and “leaky gut” (intestinal hyperpermeability). The health of
our microbiome (collection of microorganisms) is absolutely critical to our physical and
mental well-being. We have more of those organisms than we have cells in our bodies. If
our microbiome is out of balance (dysbiosis) and/or our gut is “leaky”, we are just a step
away from all sorts of health problems.

If you are generally healthy and have a good diet, supporting the digestive system may be
as easy as supplementing with a good quality broad-spectrum probiotic supplement and/
or eating more fermented foods. However, if you have followed a standard Western diet,
have a sedentary/stressful life, and/or taken antibiotics in the last few years, your
digestive system and your microbiome is more than likely to be compromised. All the
guidelines presented here promote a healthy microbiome.

In order to promote a healthy microbiome and repair
your gut, it is essential to first remove things that can
imbalance or damage it (e.g. processed foods, gluten,
legumes, alcohol), and then restore and repair it with
the right foods (i.e. vegetables, ferments, bone broth,
herbs, good fats and good quality protein).

17. Improve your lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins,
waste and other unwanted materials. It is therefore vitally important that we support it
correctly. The lymphatic system, unlike the cardiovascular system, does not have the
“central pump” that helps pump the lymph around the body. This is achieved by muscular
action, i.e. muscles “squeeze” the lymphatic vessels, which is what makes the lymph flow
against gravity. What that means is, if we sit still all day long, our lymphatic flow is likely
to be sluggish. We can support our lymphatic function by making sure we move regularly.
You may have heard that sitting is the new smoking.

If you have a sedentary job, make sure you do not sit

still for more than 30-60 minutes at a time. Set your-
self reminders to move regularly. It doesn’t matter
what you do: jog on the spot, dance, climb some
stairs, do a yoga sequence or a few jumping jacks or
burpees, use a mini-trampoline (if you work from
home). Any accelerated “up-down” movement, such
as jogging or trampolining, has a particularly posi-
tive effect on moving the lymph around. Stretching
and resistance training is also extremely effective.

Incorporate some form of physical activity into your life will definitely make you feel less
sluggish. In addition, moving the body “massages” the bowel, which helps with
elimination. Dry skin brushing is another excellent way to move the lymph around. The
direction is important so look that up. Skin brushing may not be for you if you have a skin
condition or increased skin sensitivity. Spending time in a sauna or steam room will also
help mobilize the lymph. Plus, you could treat yourself to lymphatic drainage massage.

Some of the key foods and herbs that promote lymphatic health include: lemons, sea
kelp, green veg, radish, garlic, ginger, dandelion, burdock root, goldenseal, and parsley.

18. Support your kidneys

We have already mentioned keeping hydrated with drinking filtered water. Start your day
with a glass of water with fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. It is also a good idea
to consider cleansing herbal teas (dandelion, nettle, fennel, ginger), or even specific
herbal formulas that support kidney function. In addition, including celery, parsley,
cucumber, and ginger in your green juices or smoothies is also a great way to support
your kidneys.
Cranberries can cleanse the body of excess
calcium oxalate, accumulation of which is one
of the main reasons behind kidney stones. If
you are going to incorporate cranberry juice
into your diet, make sure it contains no added
sugar (that includes other juices) or artificial

19. Support your lungs

One of the best ways to support your lungs and oxygenate your body is to go for a walk
(or exercise) in nature. That may be a bit tricky if you live in a polluted city or town so just
do your best and get away whenever you can. On the other hand, you should avoid
exercising outside if you live in a polluted place because when you exercise, your
breathing rate increases significantly and so does the amount of chemicals you inhale.

Work on your breathing. Most people breathe

superficially (particularly when stressed) so it
pays off to set yourself reminders throughout
the day to regularly stop and take a few deep
(into the abdomen), relaxed breaths. This not on-
ly oxygenates the body but also activates the
parasympathetic nervous system so you feel
more relaxed as a result.

20. Boost your elimination through the skin

Sweating is one of the best ways to remove toxins (particularly heavy metals) out of the
body so you should definitely have a “sweating regime” of some sort.

For many people the best way to sweat is to exercise. Regular use of sauna or steam
room is another great option. If you are not able to get to a sauna, you always have on op-
tion of hot baths. Adding some Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) or sea salt to your bath
will help draw out the toxins really well. Do not go mad without trying a small amount first
to see how you respond.

Whatever you do to make yourself sweat, it is

vitally important that you wash off the sweat as
soon as possible. Otherwise, you just reabsorb
the toxins back into the body. Try alternating
between hot and cold water in the shower as this
is another excellent way to boost your circulation
and elimination. Keep it on for 30 seconds before
you switch and try to build up to 5 minutes of
alternating between hot and cold.

If you lose a lot of sweat, you should replace your salts. This does not mean eating pro-
cessed salty foods. You want to cut those out of your diet as much as possible. What I am
talking about is taking some highly-mineralized good-quality organic sea salt mixed in
with water (1/2 tsp or more depending on the amount of sweat lost). Those compounds
serve some many vital functions in the body that it is really essential to do that. Going on
low-sodium diets is a remarkably bad idea because your body just won’t be able to func-
tion optimally. Once again, there is a MASSIVE difference between eating processed
foods, full of processed salt (avoid), and using high-quality sea salt (recommended).

21. Support your liver

Firstly, you can support your liver by avoiding toxic

exposure as already discussed, including: alcohol, junk
food, sugar, caffeine, etc., and eating a good whole
food diet full of green vegetables (cruciferous veg as
well as garlic and onions are particularly good for the
liver because of their sulphur content). Anything that
tastes bitter also helps the liver greatly (e.g. milk thistle,
dandelion, artichokes, chicory). I also recommend
supplementing with reduced glutathione (a powerful
antioxidant used by every cell and tissue in the body).

To help the liver detoxify you can also try castor oil packs. Apart from improving the
detoxification capacity of the liver, they have been shown to improve lymphatic function
and reduce inflammation. You need to use it with heat. Start very slowly (10 minutes),
then build it up.

If you do not have caffeine sensitivity or suffer from adrenal fatigue, you may want to
consider coffee enemas. If you do, make sure you use organic, mold-free coffee.

22. Deal with pathogens

A pathogen is defined as anything that is able to cause a disease within a host. As such, a
pathogen can be one of many types of microorganisms or particles such as bacteria, fun-
gi, viruses, prions, and parasites.

We all have them and many people will have a

wide variety of these organisms (co-infections),
which is one of the main sources of toxicity in
humans. An average person with a strong immune
function can remain asymptomatic as their
immune system will keep the pathogens at bay.
But as we have been saying all along, we leave in a
very toxic world and that puts a lot of strain on our
immune function. More and more people are
getting sick and the fact that the body cannot cope
with the pathogen overload is one of the main
reasons why.

When the body is clean, well-nourished and well-oxygenated, not only is the immune sys-
tem able to function more optimally but that is not a desirable environment for the patho-
gens to thrive. They thrive best when we are full of toxins, eat sugar, drink alcohol, etc.

In other words, by detoxifying you body and your mind, you are nurturing your good bac-
teria but create a hostile environment for pathogens that can make you sick. However,
they will not go down without a fight and it is recommended that you support your body in
the process of getting rid of them.

Some of the best supplements you may want to consider include: oil of oregano, ginger,
garlic, colloidal silver, organic humic acid.

23. Nourish your body

Green foods are most nutrient-dense and without those nutrients we cannot detoxify
effectively. They also play a very important role in regulating mitochondrial function
(mitochondria are the energy production centres inside our cells). One of the reasons
why people who are toxic feel sluggish is mitochondrial dysfunction. Green juices and
smoothies are an excellent way to bring more energy-dense foods into your diet. Also
consider organic fulvic and humic acid as an additional source of minerals.

It is not a bad idea to support the body with extra

nutrients but it is a bad idea to use cheap low-
quality supplements. Always get your supple-
ments from a reliable source. Look at what your
favourite naturopathic gurus are recommending.
Never buy your supplements from a supermarket.
Remember, if it is cheap, there is a reason for it.
Cheap supplements are full of fillers and many of
them contain gluten ,dairy, and even sugar.

24. Support your body with botanicals & essential oils

Quality matters when using herbs and essential oils.

Examples of essential oils that support the systems of
elimination (liver, colon, lymph, skin, kidneys, and lungs)
include: oregano, lavender, lemon, ginger, and fennel.
The use of botanicals should be individualized and you
should aim to have 3-4 products that promote cellular
detox, which you should rotate throughout the year.

25. Plan your detox

If you decide to follow a specific detox protocol, choose a time when you know you can
be fully committed to what you are doing. This does not mean cut yourself off from the
world for weeks on end. Most of us cannot afford to do that as we have lives to live. That
is fine because many detoxification protocols do not require you to do that anyway. Just
avoid times when you have a lot going on in your life. Instead choose a quieter and less
stressful time to complete your detox program.

26. Make sure you prepare your body properly

We’ve already discussed the importance of gradually cleaning up your diet and lifestyle
before you embark on a dedicated detox program. In addition, if you’re planning a juice
fast, water fast, or something equally drastic, make sure you include the preparation
phase that allows the body to adapt gradually. If your diet is already fairly “clean”, you
should still consider switching to eating mainly vegetables, ideally in a liquid form (soups,
smoothies, etc.) for a few days before switching to vegetable juice and water.

I will say this again: DO NOT go on any extreme cleanses, such as gall bladder cleanse
that involves drinking lots of olive oil, or prolonged water or juice fasts, if you do not
already eat a clean diet. These protocols have their place but you HAVE TO prepare your
body for this. Otherwise, it is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do, and you are very
likely to have a whole host of severe Herxheimer reactions. It is a particularly bad idea to
jump in without preparation if you have a pre-existing health condition.

27. Get in the right frame of mind

When preparing to do a specific detox program, I

recommend you prepare your mind accordingly.
It is a great idea to set an intention and think
about your desired outcomes. It might be helpful
to read my article about P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. goal
setting (you can access it here).

It is important to have the right motivation, i.e. “I want to do it because I want to help my
body heal” is more positive than “I’d better detox because otherwise I will get sick”.
Approaching your detox positively makes the whole process easier than simply doing it
to avoid consequences.

When we are running away from consequences

(fear-based motivation) we can still achieve our
outcome but it is much harder work. We tend to see
it as a chore that we just need to get out of the way.
On the other hand, going towards a positive
outcome not only makes it easier but also it
encourages the body to work optimally due to the
feelings of harmony and calm, rather than fear.

28. Listen to your body

Whatever protocol you decide to embark

on, you need to be very aware of the
messages your body is giving you. Be
receptive and do not push your body
beyond what it is ready to handle. You may
want to record any symptoms and insights
you may have during your program so you
can track your progress.

When people talk about detox, they often talk about the healing crisis (also referred to as
a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction). It is a normal process people go through when they
detox if their bodies are toxic. This occurs when the cells release toxins into the blood
stream but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder and
gastrointestinal tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough (this is why I
recommend supporting them first). The toxins remain in circulation and can cause
symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, malaise, fever, flu-like
symptoms, mood-swings, etc. When these symptoms are mild and you can still go about
your daily life, that is fine. However, if they are severe, you need to back off and give the
body a chance to recover. Otherwise, you may be doing more damage than good. This
brings me to my next point.

29. You absolutely MUST use binders

This is one of the top mistakes people make

when going on detox programs. You cannot just
release the toxins out of your cells. You HAVE TO
remove them out of the body! Otherwise, it is an
exercise in futility and you are risking damaging
your body. Plus, taking binders means fewer/
less intense Herxheimer reactions.

Chlorella, spirulina and coriander oil are amongst the weaker binders but they do help
nonetheless. Enterosgel, calcium d-glucarate and coconut charcoal are more effective at
binding and removing the toxins out of the body.

30. Beware of detox scams

Avoid anything marketed as “detox” which includes branded “detox” shakes, bars, etc.
These are usually nothing to do with detoxification and will put further toxins in your
body. Beware of the promises of fast and miraculous transformations. Basically, if it
sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Dedicated detox programs should be plant-based, sugar and grain-free. High-protein

“detoxes” just do not make sense as undigested protein is one of the sources of toxicity.

31. Physical detox can manifest emotionally

When you detox your body, you may find yourself

being more emotional. This is normal and should
not last long. Also, certain emotional issues
resolve themselves as a result of physical detox.

32. Detox your toxic emotions

Unlike Western medicine, Eastern medicine does

not separate the body from the mind. In Chinese
medicine, each of the body organs has an
emotional component, which is considered as
important as its physical functions in the body.

The liver is associated with anger, the lungs with sadness and grief, the spleen with wor-
ry, the kidneys with fear, and so on. The problems in a particular organ can point to-
wards emotional problems that need addressing. For example, it is very common for peo-
ple with liver insufficiencies or problems to have unresolved anger issues.

On a purely hormonal level, harbouring

negative emotions (e.g. resentment, anger,
rejection, fear, guilt, shame, sadness) leads to
chronic cortisol exposure, which links to
toxicity, poor immune function, leaky gut, poor
brain function, etc. It is therefore important to
address them. Some of the best tools include:
Havening Techniques, EFT, neurofeedback,
and mindfulness meditation.

33. Heal your trauma

Unresolved Adverse Childhood Experiences

(ACEs) increase you risk of many health
problems, including autoimmunity, heart disease
and cancer. ACEs are not just major traumatic
events (e.g. death of a loved one, divorce, being
abused) but also all the low-grade repetitive
adverse experiences, such as being teased at
school, or being repeatedly told that you are
useless or stupid. Lack of parental affection and
attention as a child also falls into this category.

Most people will report a number of ACEs and it is important to know that you cannot
enjoy optimal health if you have unresolved trauma hanging over you. Some of the best
tools that can be used to resolve emotional trauma include: Havening Techniques,
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, EFT, hypnotherapy, and neurofeedback.

34. Get to know yourself

Knowing yourself better and understanding

your own feelings and responses is very
helpful when it comes to reducing chronic
stress, and therefore the toxic burden. Many
people experience various emotions and have
no idea where they are coming from. That
promotes the feeling of not being fully in
control of your mind, which can be easily
changed with psychoanalysis and other tools
mentioned earlier.

In addition, it is a great idea to know your dominant personality traits. Personality

profiling such as Warrior, Settlers and Nomads, or Enneagram, can help us not only to
understand ourselves and other people better but also highlight what we need to work on
to be more balanced as individuals.

35. Improve your relationship with yourself

Many people have a harsh inner critic and put themselves down all the time. This is
particularly true in the Western culture. You can see and feel self-loathing everywhere
you turn. This has further repercussions because it is this self-loathing and deeply-rooted
insecurities that are at the core of many social problems on the global scale. So if you are
in the business of beating yourself up for no good reason and being ultra-critical, ask
yourself what that is achieving and what that is doing to your mind and body.

In order to experience inner peace and calm,

it is fundamental to become your own best
friend. Usually, being self-critical and the
feelings of not being good enough, worthy or
deserving are connected to our early years.
We develop our beliefs about ourselves very
early on in our lives as a result of certain
experiences and also interactions with other
people. Those beliefs are then reaffirmed as
we go through life and it takes a considerable
amount of self-awareness to re-evaluate them
and change those that are unhelpful.

So what are you currently believing about yourself? How negative is your self-talk? Are
you constantly attacking yourself for being too fat, too thin, too ugly, too stupid or
whatever? Do you ever give yourself positive feedback? Can you stand in front of the
mirror and say “I love you and I accept you the way you are? Maybe the sheer idea of it
makes you cringe. If so, you have some work to do. Start with stopping yourself when you
realize you are having a negative thought about yourself and change it to something
positive. Spend a few minutes every day in front of the mirror saying positive affirmations
focused around self-acceptance and self-love.

36. Address any internal conflicts

First of all, you need to know why you are feeling conflicted. Ask yourself what is im-
portant to you and if you are living your life in a way that is aligned with your values. For
example, you may be working long hours but your top value might be spending time with
your family. This could result in an internal conflict producing resentment and other neg-
ative emotions experienced every day, which contributes to chronic stress.

It is a great idea to list your core values and prioritize them so you end up with a list of
let’s say ten values with your most important one being at the top. Then score each value
on the scale of 1-10 reflecting where you are currently in terms of fulfilling each one. This
exercise will soon reveal to you where potential conflicts might be and you can then plan
to resolve them.

37. Get rid of toxic people in your life

Some people can be incredibly toxic and you

will instinctively know who they are by their
negative outlook and comments, and how
draining being around them is. This is another
source of stress and toxicity so the best thing to
do is to remove them out of your life.
However, that is no always possible so if you
absolutely cannot do that, you need to learn to
protect yourself from their toxicity.

Once you have done work described in the previous section, you will feel stronger and
more assertive, which will help you stand up to anyone in your life who tries to damage
your self-esteem. You need to have clear boundaries both in your personal and
professional life. That way you will know straight away if people cross the line. If you have
to deal with toxic people in a work place and you cannot physically get away from them,
you have to imagine you have a protective shield (or that you are in a protective bubble)
and you imagine any negative comments or energy bouncing off your shield or bubble. It
is a powerful metaphor, which will allow you to feel more in control.

38. Practice acceptance

Learn to control things you can but let go of

things you cannot control. That will save you a
great deal of emotional turmoil. You can work
on your acceptance using the practice of mind-
fulness. You can also utilize other tools that I
have already mentioned.

39. Manage your chronic stress

We cannot avoid stress completely but we can

change our response to it or we can learn to
manage it. Make sure you put some time aside
every day to do a form of active relaxation, e.g.
guided meditation, self-hypnosis, breathing
exercises, walking in nature (waking meditation),
yoga or Thai Chi. Watching TV or reading does
not count as active relaxation. You need to be
aware of your body and mind. 15-20 min/day will
work wonders and in this case more is better.

40. Get adequate sleep

Whatever you do, you should never compromise

on your sleep. Sleep is the time the body can
undergo repair and detoxification. Sleep
deprivation leads to elevated cortisol levels,
which means food cravings, inflammation and
poor immune function, among other things.
Moreover, a recent study published by the
National Institute of Health confirms that poor
sleep can lead to increased toxicity of the brain
which then leads to ever more declining sleep.
This in turn leads to further developed toxicity.

It is not just about quantity but quality as well. Put emphasis on sleep hygiene, e.g. air you
bedroom, avoid starring at a TV, computer, or phone screen before going to sleep, make
sure your room is dark, etc.

41. Express gratitude and appreciation

Many people spend much of their time moaning about what is wrong with their lives or
what they don’t like. That is a toxic attitude to have. Instead, every day take a moment to
think about all the things you are grateful for.

42. Connect with other people

I am not talking about making meaningless

connections on social media. I am talking about a
genuine human connection. There is a very
strong link between social connection and health.
There is research showing that social isolation
contributes to HPA-axis dysfunction, which
basically means that being socially isolated is one
of the factors that makes people sick.


If you feel overwhelmed having read all this, don’t! Make a plan and take your time. Start
with things you can achieve fairly easily so you can feel like you are making progress,
then go from there. Make your plan manageable and sustainable. Make it your new way of
living. Your health will benefit immensely if you do. Remember that detoxing is no longer a
luxury. Ongoing detox is an absolute necessity for anyone who wants to stay disease-free
(nevermind achieve optimal health) but it is a marathon, not a sprint!

If you have any questions, you can email me at:

Wishing you all the very best on your detox journey!


Dr Eva Detko, PhD, has studied natural medicine and the
human mind for 20 years. As it is often the case, it was her
own health struggles that put her on this path. Dr Eva
successfully recovered from chronic fatigue and reversed
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and now she is very passionate
about sharing her expertise and helping clients with
autoimmune disorders recover their health. Dr Eva has an
extensive knowledge and experience in the field of human
physiology, biochemistry and nutritional sciences. She
also uses a wide range of mind-transforming tools and
modalities, including: BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®,
Havening Techniques®, psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy,
Mindfulness, NLP, and applied psychoneuroimmunology.
To find out more about Dr Eva, visit


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