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Hong Kong Community College

SEHH1016 2020-2021 Semester 2 Assignment 3

Instructions to Students
 To give opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge on PHP.

 Study tutorial notes on PHP (Tut 7 to 9) for this assignment.
 Bring your own hard/soft copy of tutorial notes on PHP (Tut 7 to 9) for
this assignment.

At the beginning of this assignment

 Logon to your Moodle Lecture Group and join the MS Teams online
meeting (Tutorial one).
 Make sure you have turned off your mobile phone, pager and any equipment
that produces noise.

During this assignment

 Answer ALL questions, 8 out of the 9 questions carry 1 mark each and 1
question carries 2 marks.
 It is 45-minute in-class individual assignment on PHP.
 You can:
 use Acrobat Reader for reading notes only on your own computer.
 use Notepad++ or any text editors to write codes and use a browser
to check the result.
 read your own notes and books.
 You are NOT allowed to:
 keep/post your questions for whatever means.
 share notes/books with each other.
 discuss with each other.
 cheat in any means.

After this assignment

 The instructor will return the mark to you after marking your assignment.

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