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Name: ______________________

Skeletal System Exam

Directions: Circle the letter that best answers the question (1 pt each).

1. Ossification, or osteogenesis, is the process or formation of what?

a. cartilage c. bone
b. marrow d. all of the above
2. The long shaft of a bone is called the ______________.
a. metaphysis c. epiphysis
b. diaphysis d. medullary cavity
3. The patella is the only common _____________ bone among humans.
a. long c. irregular
b. short d. sesamoid
4. A function of the skeletal system includes:
a. facilitating movement c. both A & B
b. hematopoiesis d. neither A or B
5. Bone marrow inside the medullary cavity is called yellow marrow. Why is this?
a. contains red blood cells c. contains white blood cells
b. contains adipose tissue d. contains yellow blood cells
6. The growth plate is located in which part of the bone?
a. metaphysis c. epiphysis
b. diaphysis d. medullary cavity
7. Which of these bones is considered a flat bone?
a. frontal c. ribs
b. sternum d. all of the above
8. The membrane lining the outside of the bone is called the __________.
a. periosteum c. osteon membrane
b. endosteum d. none of the above
9. The mineral ________________ gives bones their hardness and strength.
a. hydroxyapatite c. phosphorus
b. calcium d. none of the above
10. Osteogenic cells, the stem cells of bone tissue, mature and differentiate into
which cell?
a. osteocytes c. osteoblasts
b. osteoclasts d. chondrocytes
11. The C1 vertebrae is the bone that articulates with the skull. What is its name?
a. occipital bone c. axis
b. zygomatic bone d. atlas
Name: ______________________

12. Which of these statements best describes bone modeling?

a. bone resorption (breakdown) on the same surface as bone deposition
b. bone resorption (breakdown) on one surface and bone deposition on
c. bone resorption (breakdown) on a surface and no bone deposition
d. bone deposition on a surface and no bone resorption
13. What kind of fracture is the image to the right?
a. open
b. closed
c. spiral
d. segmental
14. The sella turcica of the sphenoid bone houses what gland?
a. endocrine gland c. pituitary gland
b. lymph nodes d. thyroid gland
15. The bone of your elbow has a specific name. What is this called?
a. capitulum c. head of the ulna
b. trochlea d. olecranon

Check all that apply - (points will vary).

1. Bones of the axial skeleton: 2. Cranial bones:

mandible frontal bone
femur sphenoid
ribs ethmoid
cranial bones humerus
sternum maxilla
ilium scapula

Labeling – 1 point per blank

B A–


Name: ______________________

alveolar process

Word Bank
central canal
concentric lamellae

**the cell inside **the space the cell is in

Name: ______________________





F (the last 2 ribs) -

Name: ______________________

*this specific bone

*the circular indent

*this specific bone

*this specific bone

*the part we sit on

*the name of this whole bone

Name: ______________________

Pelvis Scapula Word Bank Humerus Rib Cage

ilium scapula humeral head sternum
ischium spine of scapula capitulum sternal body
pubis glenoid fossa trochlea floating ribs
iliac crest acromion costal cartilage
acetabulum Other Words manubriumxiphoid
ischial tuberosity mandiblevertebral bodytemporal bone process
obturator foramen nasal bonezygomatic processfrontal bone
greater sciatic notch parietal bonetransverse processzygomatic bone
occipital bonevertebral foramenspinous process
mental protuberanceexternal acoustic meatus

Pelvis Scapula Word Bank Humerus Rib Cage

ilium scapula humeral head sternum
ischium spine of scapula capitulum sternal body
pubis glenoid fossa trochlea floating ribs
iliac crest acromion costal cartilage
acetabulum Other Words manubriumxiphoid
ischial tuberosity mandiblevertebral bodytemporal bone process
obturator foramen nasal bonezygomatic processfrontal bone
greater sciatic notch parietal bonetransverse processzygomatic bone
occipital bonevertebral foramenspinous process
mental protuberanceexternal acoustic meatus

Pelvis Scapula Word Bank Humerus Rib Cage

ilium scapula humeral head sternum
ischium spine of scapula capitulum sternal body
pubis glenoid fossa trochlea floating ribs
iliac crest acromion costal cartilage
acetabulum Other Words manubriumxiphoid
ischial tuberosity mandiblevertebral bodytemporal bone process
obturator foramen nasal bonezygomatic processfrontal bone
greater sciatic notch parietal bonetransverse processzygomatic bone
occipital bonevertebral foramenspinous process
mental protuberanceexternal acoustic meatus

Pelvis Scapula Word Bank Humerus Rib Cage

ilium scapula humeral head sternum
ischium spine of scapula capitulum sternal body
pubis glenoid fossa trochlea floating ribs
iliac crest acromion costal cartilage
acetabulum Other Words manubriumxiphoid
ischial tuberosity mandiblevertebral bodytemporal bone process
obturator foramen nasal bonezygomatic processfrontal bone
greater sciatic notch parietal bonetransverse processzygomatic bone
occipital bonevertebral foramenspinous process
mental protuberanceexternal acoustic meatus

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