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SY 2020-2021



General Direction: This is a 100-item test. Read each directions written in every type of test
and answer this within TWO hours.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and bold/highlight the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which major part of the cell has the genetic material and is often called the "brain of the
a. Cytoplasm
b. Ribosome
c. Nucleolus
d. Nucleus
2. Which part of the skin is responsible for your fingerprints?
a. Hypodermis Ridge
b. Dermal Ridge
c. Epidermal Ridge
d. Melanin
3. Which part of the cell is responsible for breaking down used organelles and essentially
"digesting" substances?
a. Ribosomes
b. Lysosomes
c. Golgi apparatus
d. Endoplasmic Reticulum
4. Which organelle is responsible for the production of a chemical energy needed for the
cell to function?
a. Mitochondria
b. Ribosomes
c Lysosomes
d. Nucleus
5. Which part of the cell is made up of a network of filaments that maintains the cell
a. Cytoplasm
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Cytoskeleton
d. Golgi Apparatus
6. What happens to the chromosomes during metaphase?
A. They duplicate.
B. They divide.
C. They line up in the middle of the cell.
D. Nothing.
7. How many identical cells are created from mitosis?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. Millions
8. The middle of the chromosome is called...
A. Centimeter
B. Chromatid
C. Centromere
D. Equator
9. The four stages of mitosis go in what order?
A. Prophase, Telophase, Metaphase, Anaphase
B. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
C. Metaphase, Telephone, Prophase, Anaphase
D. Telophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Prophase
10. What is the function of sebum?
A. To dry the skin
B. To cool the skin
C. To cleanse the skin
D. To lubricate the skin

11. Sudoriferous gland produces

A. Oil
B. Sweat
C. Wax
D. Sebum
12. Histology is best defined as the study of _________.
A. The evolutionary development of the human body
B. Tissues and how they are arranged into organs
C. Microscopic variations in cells
D. Study of history
13. Each of the following is a possible function of the integumentary system, except
A. Excretion of salts and wastes
B. Maintenance of body temperature
C. Synthesis of vitamin C
D. Provision of sensation

14. The type of cells that form the strata in the epidermis are
A. Dendritic cells
B. Fibroblasts
C. Keratinocytes
D. Melanocytes
15. Which layer of dividing cells is at the base of the epidermis?
A. Stratum lucidum
B. Stratum basale
C. Stratum granulosum
D. Stratum spinosum
      16. Other name of scapula.
A. Collar Bone
B. Shoulder blade
C. Os innomativum
D. Os calsis

17. Bones that transmit the weight of the body to lower and protect the spinal cord.
A. Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula
B. Vertebral Column
C. Tarsals and Metatarsals
D. Pelvic Bone

18. Serves as a shock absorber, located in between of each vertebra.

A. Intervertebral foramen
B. Intervertebral Disc
C. Transverse process
D. Spinous process

    19. It accommodates the head of the femur forming the ball and socket joint.
A. Acetabulum
B. Obturator foramen
C. Glenoid Cavity
D. Ischium

    20. What are the proximal carpal bones?

A. Pisiform, Triquetrum, Lunate, Scaphoid

B. Pisiform, Trapezium, Semilunar, Scaphoid
C. Hamate, Capitulum, Trapezoid, Trapezium
                        D. Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Triquetrum
21. What layer of the skin contains Keratinocytes, Melanocytes, Merkel Cells, and Langerhan
A. Hypodermis
B. Dermal Papillae
C. Epidermis
D. Dermis

22. What area of the skin structure is responsible for “goose bump” formation of the skin?

A. Sensory Nerve Fiber

B. Pacinian Corpuscles
C. Arrector Pili Muscle
D. Meissner’s corpuscle

23. What area of the skin structure is responsible for the skin’s sensitivity to light touch?
A. Dermal papillae
B. Pacinian Corpuscle
C. Meissner’s Corpuscles
D. Hair plexus
24. When the DNA in a cell is uncoiled and spread throughout the nucleus it is called
A. Chromosomes
B. Chromatids
C. Centromeres
D. Chromatin
25. During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
26. The third phase of mitosis is called
A. Prophase
B. Anaphase
C. Metaphase
D. Interphase
27. What happens to the chromosomes during metaphase?
A. They duplicate.
B. They divide.
C. They line up in the middle of the cell.
D. Nothing.

28. The bone that protects the brain is called the:

A. Sternum
B. Cranium
C. Clavicle
D. Facial Bones

29. The key purpose of the ribcage is to:

A. Protect the urinary bladder
B. Help with the movement of the intestines
C. Protect the heart and lungs
D. Allow the stomach to dilate and contract

30. The anatomical name for the thigh bone is:

A. Sternum
B. Femur
C. Clavicle
D. Pelvis

31. How many thoracic vertebrae are the in the human body:
A. 6
B. 8
C. 16
D. 12

32. Bone is also known as:

A. Oestrogen
B. Cartilage
C. Osseous tissue
D. Sinew

33. The correct term for the end of a bone is:

A. The terminal ileum
B. The diaphysis
C. The epiphysis
D. The xiphoid

34. Osteoporosis is:

A. Bone infection
B. Bone cancer
C. Bone disease that can lead to increased risk of fractures
D. Bony outgrowths

35. Epithelial tissue functions in:

A. Secretion
B. Absorption
C. Protection
D. All of the above

36. Which bone of the arm corresponds to the femur of the leg?
A. Ulna
B. Humerus
C. Tibia
D. Radius
37. A radiographic examination of the tarsals was requested by the attending physician, the
procedure will be performed on which of the following structures?

A. Foot
B. Leg
C. Wrist
D. Ankles
      38. The physician requests a radiographic examination of the wrist. The procedure will          
be performed on which of the following structures?

A. Humerus
B. Radius
C. Ulna
D. Carpals

39.  Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial division of the skeletal system? 
A. ribs  
B. auditory ossicles   
C. skull           
D. pectoral girdle 
40. The portion of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the 
A angle.
B body.
C manubrium.   
D xiphoid tip
41. Large, multinucleated cells that can dissolve the bony matrix are termed 
A stem cells
B osteoclasts
C chondrocytes
D osteocytes

42. Mature bone cells are termed 

A chondrocytes
B osteoblasts
C osteons
D osteocytes
43. Each of the following bones is part of the pelvic girdle except one. Identify the exception. 
A ischium
B femur
C acetabulum
D ilium
44.) The vertebral column contains __________ lumbar vertebrae. 
D 12  

45. Humans have __________ pairs of ribs. 

A 24
C 10
D 12  
46.  The normal loss of bone that occurs with aging is called 
A osteoporosis.
B osteopenia.
C osteogenesis.
D osteoinflammation 
47. Which of the following statements best describes how parathyroid hormone (PTH) affects the
serum concentration of calcium?

A. PTH stimulates osteoblasts, decreasing serum calcium

B. PTH stimulates osteoblasts, increasing serum calcium
C. PTH stimulates osteoclasts, increasing serum calcium
D. PTH stimulates osteoclasts, decreasing serum calcium

48. Which of the following is NOT a function of the human skeletal system?

A. Fatty acid storage

B. Primary glycogen storage
C. Protection of organs
D. Calcium Storage

49. Which type of cell produces osteoid, a combination of proteins that become mineralized to
produce new bone tissue?

A. Osteoblasts
B. Osteoclasts
C. Osteocytes
D. Osteoprogenitor cells

50.  A central space found inside the diaphysis is called:

A. Extracellular Cavity
B. Medullary Cavity
C. Spongy Bone
D. Periosteum

II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what was asked in each item. Write your answers after every


1. The study of structures in the body. ANATOMY

2. Building blocks of matter. ATOM

1. Cells that are active in dividing/germinating found in the stratum basale.

2. A layer of epidermis that contain dendritic (Langerhans) cells active in immune


3. Liver and kidneys convert vitamin D into?3

4. The shaft (middle section) of a long bone is called?

5. Blood production is also called?

6. Soft fine hairs that covers the surface of the body are called?

7. Thick hairs such as in the eye brows and hair in the head.

8. Epidermis is what type of epithelial tissue?

9. Hypodermis is also called?

10. Skin is also called?

11. A type of membrane protein that is permanently attached to the plasma membrane.

12. All materials inside the cell and outside the nucleus.

13. The fluid-filled area inside the nucleus is called:

14. The mRNA sequence that is complementary to the sequence AGT on DNA is

15. Main sites of ATP production

16. A process that requires cellular energy to move a substance against its concentration
gradient is called

17.  The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and
prepares for division is called 

18. The stage of mitosis wherein the chromosomes are pulled away towards the end of both

19. The stage of mitosis wherein chromosomes start to appear.

20. The stage of mitosis wherein the chromosomes line up towards the middle.

21. The stage of meiosis wherein the chromosomes line up towards the middle with a single

22. The stage of meiosis wherein the chromosome transfers gene information.

23. Exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes are called?

24. Transcription happens in which part of the cell?

25. Sex cells are also called?

26. Division of cytoplasm is called?

27. The fluid-filled area inside the cell that houses the organelles.
28. Translation happens in which part of the cell?

29. An organelle that contains the enzyme proteases.

30. Producing ATP in the cytoplasm without the mitochondria

31. Passages to allow communication between nucleus and cytoplasm

32. Movement of particles from high to low concentration

33. Movement of particles from high to low concentration without transport proteins

34. Movement of particles from high to low concentration via transport proteins

35. Interphase checkpoint where DNA replicates

36. Movement of water from high to low concentration via aquaporins.

37. The largest organ of the human body

38. The smallest bone of the body.

39. Where diaphysis and epiphysis meet.

40. Yellow bone marrow is found in what cavity?


1. How does our skin synthesize Vitamin D3? Explain how it helps in strengthening the
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”
Psalm 31: 24

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