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Health after covid-19.

(how life is predicted to change after the

The COVID-19 pandemic has likely greatly changed the way we live
our life, bringing uncertainty, disrupted daily routines, economic
pressures, and social isolation. But we are going to focus on the
problematic about the mental health after the covid.
The coronavirus survivors appear to be at an increased risk of
developing mental health issues even long after recovery.
Rajeev Fernando, M.D., said that "COVID-19 can also impact the
brain”, also Robert Stevens, M.D. was saying that patients with
COVID-19 are experiencing an array of effects on the brain, ranging in
severity from confusion to loss of smell and taste to life-threatening
According to the “Johns Hopkins medicine University” witch it is ranked
among the best ones in the USA; the ways that coronavirus affect the
brain are these ones:
 Confusion
 Loss of consciousness
 Seizures
 Stroke
 Loss of smell and taste
 Headaches
 Trouble focusing
 Changes in behavior
Even they were already cure from the corona virus, they might also get
these brains affect, unfortunately the Doctors do not have a scientific
explanation to this or a way to cure it, even they should also have
focusing on these problems, they medical people is just letting the
patients get his recovered by themselves.
It is known that the coronavirus has already influenced our life in a way
that we can not explain plus the numbers of deaths that we saw daily,
and it impact even more when a family member went to the sky
because of this pandemic. Now just realize how hard it would be if you
get infected and have the fear of being infected again, I guess that’s
why the people can get this mental effects.
That’s reminds me a case that involves a friend, his parent passed
away because of covid and he got the virus, because of that he has
developed an anxiety every time he needs to go out of his house
because he fears of getting the virus and contaminates some else, he
can’t breathe when he sees a lot of people or even if he is just with one
person, he doesn’t want to get close to these one. This is because of
the excessively fear that he got because of the lost of his dad from
covid or maybe it is a sort of self-defense that way his anxiety attacks
So, you should remember that you must been always in your house
and don't being in party’s or trips.
According to “Mayo clinic” a survey had been showing a significant
increase in the number of people reporting symptoms of stress,
anxiety, and depression during the pandemic compared to the pre-
pandemic surveys.
Some people might have increased their use of alcohol or drugs,
thinking that that can help them cope with their fears about the
pandemic. But in fact, using these substances can make anxiety and
depression even worse.
But the people need to be listened, that's why the government of
Mexico has already done a plan for the ones who lose their temper in
this pandemic and the people who need to be calm. On their website
they have a section called “mental health’s” it has a lot of information
you can use in case that you feel down as a variety of numbers of
psychologist people you can call without pay, a list of tips you can use
and a few videos and audios to calm you.

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