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Hello, good morning Miss Ruaya! How are you feeling today?

Okay, that’s good to hear.

I will be introducing myself, I am Claire from the laboratory and I will be your phlebotomist for
That is… I’ll be collecting blood samples for your CBC, PT and APTT. Am I correct? This is
based on what the doctor has requested. So, don’t worry if  you could just relax for a bit then we
can start in a while.” 
But before I start, do you mind if I ask you a few questions? This is for verification purposes
only, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

May you please state your full name, Maam?

Okay, how about your birthdate?

And lastly, are you allergic to latex?

“No I’m not”
Okay, that’s good.

May I ask if this is your first time? having your blood drawn? Oh so it’s already your 4th time.
That’s good. 
So, please wait for a moment and don’t hesitate to tell me if you’re feeling uncomfortable

*performs hand hygiene*

*puts on gloves*

Okay, so now we’ll start. Can you position your arm in a straight, downward manner Maam?
Kindly put a fist of your other hand below the elbow.

So the first vein I see here is the median cubital vein, the 2nd one here is the cephalic vein, and
the 3rd one here is the basilic vein. 

Next, now we’re going into the carpal veins. Now we have here the Median-Dorsal Complex, the
Metacarpal veins, and Carpal digitalis veins.

Thank you very much for your patience, Miss Ruaya! We can now proceed with the extraction.

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