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1 International student

READ IN G SKILLS Following instructions • Reading methods

W R IT IN G SKILLS Checking your w riting • W riting an inform al email
VO C A BU LA RY D EVELO PM ENT A dictionary entry • Recording vocabulary (1)

R E A D IN G Going abroad to study

Personal information often appears on documents, especially official
documents. Use the ideas in the box to say what personal information
is on ... ?
• a b irth ce rtific a te • a bank statem ent
• a driving licence • an exam certificate

University of
name date o f birth address parents’ names
grades driver num ber account number
name o f school or university place o f birth

Simon Elliot lives in Geneva, Switzerland. He is returning to the

Apartment 25,
UK to study. Answer the questions.
Lac de Leman Building,
1 Label the documents. Which is ... ?
a passport • a form al le tte r
an inform al le tte r • an application form

2 Where is Simon going?

Dear M r Elliot,
3 W hat is he going to study?
4 W ho is John? W e have pleasure in offering you a place a t the
University o f W e st London to study fo r a

M aster’s degree (M Sc) in Applied Biochem istry.

The academ ic year com m ences on 10 O ctober
Apartm ent 2 5 ,
and classes s ta rt...
Lac de Leman Building,


Sw itzerland

email sim on.elliot@

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Dear John, Passport Passport No
Ju s t writing to let you know that I've got a place a t W e st London
(University to do my M Sc! So, I'm finally coming back to London. ELLIOT
Given names
I ’m really looking forw ard to seeing you again. I ’m not sure where
I ’ll be living. I ’m applying fo r accommodation with a host fam ily - Nationality
that way I won’t have to cook! I Ju s t hope that th e re ’s a vegetarian BRITISH CITIZEN
Date of birth
fam ily available. As soon as I know my new address, I ’ll email or
22 OCTOBER 1989
ring you, and we can m eet! Do you like the photos I've sent? Do Date of issue
0 6 JUNE 2010
you rem em b er. ..
Date of expiry
05 JU N E 2020

4 Unit 1 • International student

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