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I can see myself 5-10 years from now as a successful woman.

I chose this symbol, key

and lock with a word that says “success” which simply means “key to success”. For me,
I’m not able to achieve success without these who help and stayed behind me all
throughout and serve as my foundation in life. They are the one who help me and the
reason why I reach that level in life. First is my family and friends which is my support
system who believe in me and keep pushing me to be the best and finest version of
myself. The struggles and challenges which made me a better and stronger person, there
are lots of up and downs but that’s life. And of course, I can’t overcome those challenge
without taking an action. Overcoming struggles and challenges is really difficult that’s
why bear in mind that you shouldn’t give up because at the end of everything, there’s a
light coming on your way. And lastly, ask God for guidance and protection, just trust
and have faith in Him everything will be fine. And that’s my own key in becoming
successful in life, 5-10 years from now.

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