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1.) List the symptoms of Clark the calf.

2.) What can seizures be caused by?

3.) Write the definition of osmosis.

4.) Write the definition of diffusion.

5.) In your own words, explain what happens to the blue molecules in the animation.

6.) What is the job of the cell membrane?

7.) Oxygen can diffuse through the membrane. What two features of oxygen allow for this diffusion?

8.) What does the word permeable mean?

9.) Create a concentration gradient for molecules to enter the cell. What is true about the numbers of molecules inside

vs outside the cell?

10.) What feature of sodium molecules make them unable to use simple diffusion to enter the cell?

11.) Water cannot use simple diffusion, what part of the phospholipid bilayer prevents this?

12.) Write a definition for facilitated diffusion.

13.) What are the names of the pores that allow water molecules to enter cells?

14.) The cell membrane is semi-permeable or selectively permeable. What do these two words mean?

15.) What is used as a solvent to dissolve sodium?

16.) Can solutes dissolved in water move into or out of cells?

17.) The side that has a lower concentration of sodium has a ________________________ concentration of water.

18.) Define what it means for a solution to be hypertonic? What about hypotonic?

19.) What happens to cells placed in hypertonic solutions?

20.) What happens to cells placed in hypotonic solutions?

21.) What happens to the pressure in the brain if water moves from the blood into the brain matrix?

22.) Clark’s blood sodium levels are too low. Provide the sequence of events that caused his seizures?

23.) Which treatment solution is used to best treat Clark’s condition?

24.) How was osmosis involved in Clark’s seizures?

25.) How was osmosis used to treat Clark’s seizures?

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