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Digital Vision Board

Emary Jean T. Balito

Short term goals
Sleep at 10 P.M. and wake up every day at 5 A.M.

Always do my devotionals before starting my day.

Exercise five times a week.

Clean and organize my room before going to


Read one to two chapters of my current book or

listen to the podcast.

Finish all tasks on my to-do list board.

Have a two days break from social media.

Medium term goals
Join organizations like CFC - Youth for Christ

and environmental org like Greeneration to

learn more about myself, inspire people, and

develop myself on working with other


Invest and save more money

Be committed and enjoy the process of

studying in my dentistry program.

Graduate college with honors and pass the

licensure exam on time.

Long term goals:

Be a licensed dentist.

Work as a dental assistant to acquire

experience before having my own clinic.

Build and manage my own dental clinic.

Manage and expand our agricultural

business to help more of our fellow

farmers in our area.

Put up an apartment building in La Union.

Be financially stable

Be part of different medical missions

Emary Jean T. Balito

I’ve started out as a blank canvas, a pure unpainted

one. Having no hint of how I would turn out in the

process of discovering life. As l journey through the

different doors of the unknown paths, I will have to

learn how to jive in the beauty of my palette.

Choosing what colors to put in my canvas will be

like deciding and choosing what’s best in my life.

There will be, for sure, colors of sacrifices and

sadness. Nevertheless, I know that in the near 5-10

years of mine, there would be colors of success,

love, beauty, and achievements, saying that I fought

well and turned out fine. Indeed, a masterpiece that

I can call mine.

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