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Jean Carlos Castañ eda Rodríguez

[street 9 5A41, Cubarral, 506007] | [3115652846] | []


[UN Secretary-Executive]
[Effects of technology on the environment]
[street 113# 7-45]
[bogota, 411080]

Dear [Recipient]:
I want to open with you a discussion about modern technology, There are many changes that have arisen due
to the technological advances that have occurred over the years in the environment, it is true that they have
been positive because they have improved the way in which that the human being lives today because of this,
the main purpose of technologies is to transform the natural environment to better adapt it to human needs
and desires, the sequences have been serious and irreparable, it should be noted that all environmental
problems have to do with man and his great desire to improve no matter what happens in the ecosystem, that
is why the means that technology advances nature deteriorates little by little.
Our planet is no longer the same, global warming is a reality that we cannot avoid but if we act together we
can avoid and reduce the impact on our lives without forgetting that we can also mitigate greenhouse gas
emissions, part of this adaptation is related to the I use technologies that help the community to reduce,
estimate and prevent the risks of climate change, the use of charcoal and firewood as cooking fuels presents a
serious environmental problem, on the one hand, the burning of these materials throws up a large amount of
carbon oxides by replacing wood and charcoal stoves with solar stoves a technology is implemented that
reduces the emission of carbon oxides at the same time mitigating the felling of trees instead of being cut
down to be burned can be used as a way of adaptation. For example, farmers who irrigate their crops with a
sprinkler system consume a lot of water to hydrate their plants. This system allows a lot of water to
evaporate and little to seep into the ground, if the farmer changes his irrigation technology for a drip system
it is more efficient it will achieve that each of your plants receives the necessary hydration without wasting
water Governments United Nations (UN) the measures are two concepts that are related because it is nature
itself that inspires technology the most to innovate since it must be part of the solution and not part of the
problem of climate change, digital transformation in the in recent years, a good part of the companies have
reduced the use of paper thanks to the storage of memory use this helps to reduce deforestation and
therefore environmental pollution this way of storing information is becoming very popular in all companies
since it minimizes precious and contributes to the environment, the development of new fuels in recent
decades technology has also served to change the ways of making fuel, for example any waste that contains
carbon from a tire can be converted into fuel if it is subjected to a lot of heat and pressure decreasing the
levels of contamination with its use.

[jean Carlos castañeda Rodríguez ]

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