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Co-administration of sertraline and haloperidol


Dcparfiiinlt of Pqdiiatry, Collqc of.\ fcdicirie, Korrri Uirir*rr.+, Seoiil, Korea

Abstract Along with recent increased interest in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a number of studies has been
undertaken to observe interactions with different drugs.\Vhen selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor was adniinis-
tered together with antipsychotics to schizophrenics showing depressive or obsessive symptoms and negative
synipton~,meaningfiul results were observed.The objective of our research was to identify the changes in the con-
centration o f plasma haloperidol when sertraline was administered to patients who already were being treated with
haloperidol. Sixteen patients who did not respond to tlie traditional antipsychotics after 2 \veeks of treatment with
a certain dosage ofhaloperidol were adnlinistered with 50 mg ofsertraline for a period o f 2 weeks.The concentration
changes between plasma haloperidol and the reduced haloperidol were observed using high-powered liquid chro-
niatography equipped with a U V detector.There was a significant increase ( P < 0.01) in the concentration of halo-
peridol, the change being from 8.52 4.22 to 10.91 & 5.38 ng/niL. However, the change in the conceiitration of
reduced haloperidol was from 7.41 f.7.93 to 5.22 f.6.10 ng/mL, showing a sipificant decrease.The concentrations
of tdtal plasma haloperidol showed n o significant changes at all. I n comparing the ratio of the reduced haloperidol
and tlie haloperidol, the reduction ratio \vas down to 0.39 k 0.27 from 0.94 f.0.65 showing a significant decrease.
There seerils to be few studies done o n interactions using serotoriegic d r u g together with antipsychotics in spite of
their clinically applicable possibility.According to similar studies done in the past. co-administering of such d r u g
not only increases the plasma concentration of antipsychotics, but it also results in clinical improvement of negative
symptoms and aggravation of extrapyramidal symptoms. Changes in clinical symptoms and adverse effects were not
observed in our study. However, we think these observations need to be included in upcoming larger scale studies.
Key words co-administration, haloperidol, reduced haloperidol, sertnline.

INTRODUCTION Although there mere not many patients who were adminis-
tered with tlie treatment, the result of the research was encour-
In neuropsychiatric clinical treatment, whenever we come across
aging as it proved that the treatment brought favorable
chronic schizophrenics who d o not respond favorably to tndi-
improvenients in positive and negative symptoms and in depres-
tional antipsychotics, we usually consider the co-administering
sive symptoms. Even though there are not enough theoretical
ofmedicines as an alternative clinical approach.This type ofalter-
bases for explaining these clinical changes, it can be based on
native approach or strategy not only has a wide scope of clinical
pharmacological and pharmacodynaniic changes and much
applications but it is also well known for its high level of effec-
attention needs to be paid to the influence affecting the sero-
tiveness. Although co-administering of various medicines o r
tonin system.
polypharmacy has been considered undesirable clinical treatment
Recently, there has been increased interest about the function
in the past, administering antipsychotics together with tricyclic
of various neurotransniitter systems in addition to the dopaniine
antidepressant to the patients showing psychotic depression is hypothesis in relation to the e t i o l o g and symptoms of schizo-
recognized as a first-line clinical treatment nowadays.' phrenia. Previously, niost research had focused on the positive
In the case of schizophrenics who d o not respond to anti- symptoms caused by the excessive dopanune and consequently
psychotics and in whom negative symptoms are dominant, treatments with antipsychotics which \vork as barriers to
co-administering tricyclic antidepressant and antipsychotics dopanline receptors were prevailing, but there were many cases
attracts much attention and research work is active. T h e litera- that did not respond to negative symptoms. There were also
ture study by Siris and others shows that although there was various constraints in the treatment of schizophrenics due to the
significant iniprovenient in the depressive symptoms, it appeared problenls of unavoidable extrapyranlidal side effect symptoms. I n
that there was not much effect o n other psychotic symptoms recent years, however, there have been new attempts in observa-
when tricyclic antidepressant was co-administered to schizo- tions and studies on the etiology and symptoms of the schizo-
phrenics who were being treated with antipsychotics.* Followed phrenics based on the development of biological psychiatry and
by these kinds ofresearch results, there has been a recent research in the development of medicines. Especially, there have been
that administered a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine numerous research papers reported on the actions o f the sero-
instead of tricyclic antidepressant together with antipsychotics tonin system. Among these, there is, first of all, research on
to schizophrenics?.' 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) of cerebrospinal fluid.
According to this research 5-HIAA \vas increased among schizo-
Correspondence address:hlin-Soo Lee, ~ I L ) . 126-1, j-K~.Ananl-Dong, Sungbuk- phrenics who have historical f31ilily trends, chronic course,
Ku.Seou1 136-705, Korra. problems in physical movements, while there was decrease in
S194 M-S. Lce ct al.

5-HIM among patients who had trends of violence and hyper- barely affected tlie blood concentration, while the fluosetine
sensitivity and among those who showed expansion of lateral and parosetine reduced the desipramine cleannce rate up to
ventricle of cerebrum in the cross-section photograph of tlie 400% when esperiniented with a model of desipramine and
brain?.6 It is known that excessive serotonin in tlie central ner- they brought about a significant blood concentration increase."
vous system may cause a state of negative symptoms of schizo- Based o n these studies, we examined the changes of the
phrenics and it has close interrelationship with behavioral plasnia haloperidol concentration which could b e introduced by
problems such as suicidal b e l i a ~ i o r . ~ the co-administering ofthe sertraline, a selective serotonin reup-
According to research on peripheral blood, the interpretation take inhibitor, to the chronic schizophrenics w h o were being
of tlie cross-sectional brain photograph showed that there were treated with haloperidol.
contractions of the cerebrum cortex and expansion of ventricle
among the schizophrenic groups who had increased concentra- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tion of serotonin in the blood? It was also reported in another
study that implied the interrelationship between the depressive Sixteen patients, who were classified as chronic schizophrenics
symptom and serotonin and the symptonis of anxiety and according to DSM-111-R diapostic criteria,'+were chosen from
depression were accompanied when there was low 5 - H I M patients w h o were being treated at Daenani Mental Hospital in
concentration.' Pusan from March to August in 1993 to be the target groups.
Upon studying these kinds of research results, Bleich and Hospitalization was inevitable for the 16 patients chosen as their
others proposed a hypersensitivity theory of 5-hydroxytrypta- symptoms did not improve even though they were administered
n i n e type 2 (5-HT2) receptor on the interrelationship between with sufficient dosages of antipsychotics for more than 6 months.
schizophrenics and serotonin systeni." Besides, there'are many Before the inclusion in the research target group, they were ad-
research results reported that range from the research in the ministered with the sanie level of haloperidol dosage (2-3.5 mg/
suspension effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a hallu- day) for at least 2 weeks and co-adninistering of other medi-
cinogen, which brings similar symptoms as schizophrenics to the cines was avoided except minimal aniounts of benzodiazepine
research in the alleviating action ofthe serotonin depleter on the niesylate. Of the 16 patients chosen, 11 (68.75%) were male and
symptoms ofschizophrenics." Based o n these studies, there have five (31.23%) were female, the avenge age was 37.69k9.05.
been increased interests in new antipsychotics and their clinical years and the average bodyweight was 61.63 k 6.00 kg. The
effects, and new drugs that act only on the serotonin systeni average duration of illness of the patients was 11-73 k 7.72 years
were developed.There are ritanserin, a selective 5-HTz antago- and the average daily dosage of the medicine per unit body-
nist, risperidone and ondansetron, 5-HT2 and D2 antagonists, weight was 0.24 k 0.16 nig/kg as their daily average dosage of
and ondansetron, 5-HT2 antagonist is also under development.'* the medicine \vas 11.88 f 9.56 nig.
It is quite difficult to use antipsychotics which act to the pre-
viously mentioned serotonin system as first-line medicines for Research m e t h o d
tlie patients who d o not respond to the traditional psychotropic Administering the haloperidol for all subjects was done once a
medicine, especially for those who show negative symptoms. It, day at 20.00 h maintaining constant individual dosage for 2
therefore, can be said that co-administering with traditional weeks and 10 cc of blood sample was taken from each patient at
antipsychotics and serotonergic antidepressant is an effective 08.00 h dailyThereafter, they were co-administered with 50 mg
treatment strategy we need to pay attention to. of sertraline and haloperidol at 20.00 h for 2 weeks and at the
There has not been any research in Korea o n the effects of end of 2 weeks 10 cc of blood was taken at 20.00 h from each
co-administering serotonergic antidepressant and classical anti- patient. T h e blood samples were kept in lithium-heparin tubes
psychotics o n the syniptoms of schizophrenics which are being and they were centrifuged for 20 niin at tlie speed of3000 r.p.m.
attempted overseas these days and we undertook this study in within 1 h from the tinie they were taken.The separated blood
order to obtain basic data o r information o n what kind of plasmas were kept in sealed polypropylene tubes at the tenipera-
changes this co-administering of drugs can bring about from the ture of 2OoC until they were analyzed.
point of clinical and pharniacological aspects. In this research, we
only attempted to observe and examine the changes of plasma Method of m e a s u r i n g plasma haloperidol and
haloperidol concentration; upon co-administering serotonin plasma-reduced haloperidol
reuptake inhibitor, sertraline, and haloperidol, and the study o n
the changes in clinical effectiveness will be attempted in the T h e concentrations of the plasnia haloperidol and plasnia-
future comprising a larger pool of target patients including con- reduced haloperidol were measured using a modified method of
trol groups. that used by Dhar and Kutt."
Although the serotonin reuptake inhibiting effect of the
High-porrrred liquid clrrorriatopphy q ~ p a w t m
sertnline, which is one ofthe recently introduced selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors, is similar to that of the other serotonin For analysis of high-powered liquid chromatography (HPLC),
reuptake inhibitors, it is generally known that there are sigii- model 305 pump, model 117 variable wave length UV detector,
ficant discrepancies in the aspect of pharniacology. Especially, and ASTED (Automated Sequential Enrichment of Dialysates)
the inhibiting effect o n tlie hepatic nietabolizing enzyme cyto- system equipped with Rheodyne 7.01. injection valve (Gilson
chronic P450 IID6 (CYP2D6) which interacts in the biological Inc.) were used and the chromatography data were analyzed by
transfer and pharmacological actions is only 15-20% of tlie sero- using an IBM PC which was equipped with 712 HPLC system
tonin reuptake inhibitors. There is a report that the sertraline controller software connected with 506C interface module. As
Co-administration of sertraline and haloperidol s133

for the column analyzer, 2501.6 nini I.D., 5 ni particle size, lamine. After the mixing, p H 4.0 was set by using phosphoric
reversed phase C-18 colunin (Rainin Inc.) was used. acid and it ~ 3 used
s after filtering with 0.15k nini pore size
filter and degassing. T h e wavelength of the UV detector used
Rcosqerrts nrrd stnrrdnrd so/ritioru was 214 nni, sensitivity was 0.005 Auk and the speed of the fluid
current o f the mobile phase was maintained at 1.0 mL/min.
All reqerits risen were p d e d rrsed&r nrrnlysis yrrryoses: potassium The margin of measurement of the plasma haloperidol and
phosphate (nionobasic), heptanesulfonic acid, triethylaniine and
reduced haloperidol using the above method was 1 ng/niL and
isoaniyl alcohol were from Sigiia Inc.; acetonitrile was from E M
the recovery rate was 60-70%.The concentration was obtained
Science; hesan was from Baker Inc. and the distilled water used
form the peak height displayed o n the chromatography with the
was triple distilled, produced by Mill Q reagent n w e r systeni
use of Internal Standard Reagent Calculation Method.
(Millipore). For standard solutions, we used haloperidol supplied
by Sigma Inc., reduced haloperidol by Janssen, and broniperidol
Stntistic dnto treofrrierrt
by Hanwha Inc.The solutions were prepared with a concentra-
tion ratio of 1mg/niL in 0.1 N HCI solution and mere kept at a Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social
temperature of -70°C.\Vhenever they were needed they were Science-Personal Computer (SPSS-PC) version -1.0 1- T h e con-
unfrozen and diluted. centration of haloperidol and reduced haloperidol in the plasma
before and after the administering of the sertraline was verified
Coriditiorufor arinlysis nrid nrialyzirlg rriethod with paired f-test.The correlation between the aniouiit of halo-
peridol dosage per unit ofbodyweight and the concentrations of
A total of 2 m L of plasma, 100 ng of Internal Standard (broni- plasma haloperidol and plasma-reduced haloperidol, and the
peridol) and 500 pL of 1 N N a O H were put into a 15 mL
reduction ratio (the ratio between the plasma-reduced halo-
polypropylene tube, and after 1 niin of vortes mixing, 5 niL o f
peridol and plasma haloperidol) were analyzed using Pearson’s
hexan containing 1.5% isoaniyl alcohol (v/v) was added into the
nionient correlation coefficiency analysis.The significance level
tube.After 20 niin ofconcussion and 15 min of3000 r.p.m. cen-
of the statistical treatment results was set at P < 0.05.
trifugal process, 1mL of the upper level fluid w a s taken fmni the
tube and the fluid taken was put into another t1ibe.A total of
200 pL of 0.1 M HCI was added to the fluid and after another
20niin o f concussion the fluid was centrifuged. The concentrations o f haloperidol and reduced haloperidol
The fluid produced by the centrifugal process was separated measured in the plasma of the research target patients are shown
carefully and 50 mL of the separated fluid was injected into the inTable 1.The correlation between the daily haloperidol dosage
HPLC system. per unit bodpveight and the concentrations of the plasma
The mobile phase was composed of 0.05 M KHzPO, and haloperidol and reduced haloperidol, measured before co-
acetonitrile at the ratio of 60:40 and lmniol/L of sodium administering with sertraline, showed statistical significance as it
heptanesulfonic acid was added to make 0.01 niol/L triethy- was espected; in the case of plasma hiloperidol concentration

Table 1. Demographic data and haloperidol concentration

No. Sex Age Bodywcight Dose O f Hal* Hall Ha12 Red-H1 Red-H2
(years) 0%) (nig/day) (ng/mL) (ng/”’L) (ndmL) (ng/mL)

1 F 34 59 27 0.46 11.80 5.80 6.19

2 M 37 69 30 0.43 17.90 3.30 G.00
3 F 29 51 12 0.24 6.80 3.30 3.40
4 F 38 74 21 0.28 13.40 6.00 6.20
5 M 35 64 12 0.19 7.96 2.84 3.61
6 M 30 58 18 0.31 11.44 1.56 3.53
7 M 32. 5s 35 0.60 30.97 33.84 23.87
8 M 37 63 15 0.24 9.56 5.61 1.76
9 M 43 66 15 0.23 16.35 18.02 13.40
10 M 67 62 3 0.05 6.19 4.67 1.15
11 hl 38 60 12 0.20 7.17 4.84 1.02
12 M 42 56 2 0.03 3.04 3.65 0.68
13 F 19 57 15 0.26 19.56 7.82 9.26
14 h.1 39 65 10 0.15 9.34 5.44 1.42
15 hl 30 66 3 0.05 4.62 5.27 1.02
16 F 40 55 8 0.15 8.47 6.72 1.08
*,Daily dose of haloperidol; **, daily dose of hnloperidol/bod}~~ci~ht;
Hall, plasma haloperidol conccntration at baseline; Hal?, p13SIll3 haloperidol conccn-
tration after adding scrtraline;Rcd-Hall , plasnin-rcduccd hdopcridol concentration at baseline; Rcd-Hal?, plasnia-rcduccd hdopcridol concentration after
adding sertraline.
S196 M-S. Lee ct d.

the Pearson's r \vas 0.71, and in the case of plasma-reduced reduced haloperidol concentration sho\vs no significant changes,
haloperidol concentration Pearson's r as 0.55 (Figs 12). being 16.06 k 10.34 and 16.25 k 11.01 ng/niL, respectively,
T h e average concentration of the plasma haloperidol upon when measured before and after co-administering of sertraline,
co-administering with sertraline was increased significantly to as shown inTable 2.
10.91 k 5.48 ng/mL from the pre-co-administering levels of
8.52 k 4.22 ng/mL (Table 2). 0
When the changes of plasma haloperidol concentration were
drawn together with the daily haloperidol dosage per unit body-
\\.eight, following co-administering of the sertraline, me may see L

an ascended recurrent straight line as shown in Fig. 3. The

plasma concentrations of reduced haloperidol, when compared C
before and after administering sertraline, were reduced signi- c)
0 y=0.7271+27.7825~ R=0.55. p=0.014
ficantly and they were 7.41 k 7.93 and 5.22 f 6.10 ng/mL,

0 20 -
respectively (Table 2). z?
If the changes of plasma-reduced haloperidol concentration
15 -
\vere drawn together with the daily haloperidol dosage per unit -
bodynxight, following co-administering of sertraline, we may -0
10 -
see a descended recurrent straight line as shown in Fig. 4. 3
The reduction rate which shows the ratio between the
5- "
plasma-reduced haloperidol and the haloperidol was signifi- m 0 Ip
cantly reduced from 94.46 k 65.90 to 39.07 k 27.42% with the In
m 1 m
co-administering of sertraline (Table 2). T h e concentration of h o r . 1 . 1 . I ' I * I ' I - t
0.0 0.1 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
total plasma haloperidol concentration, which is an arithmetic
Daily doses of haloperidol (rnglkg of body weight)
addition of the plasma haloperidol concentration and the
Figure 2. Relationship benveen plasma reduced haloperidol concentra-
tions and daily doses of haloperidol at baseline.
181 y= 3.8914 f 19.2441x e0.71, p= 0.01
E 16
0 8

g 6
a 4
2 2

-0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 7

Daily doses of haloperidol (rnglkg of body weight)

Figure 1. Relationship benveen plasnia haloperidol co~icentratio~i~

and Figure 3. Changes of plasma haloperidol coticentratio~i~ after adding
daily doses of haloperidol a t baseline. sertraline. A Hall, plasma haloperidol concentration at baseline; A Hal?,
plasnia haloperidol concentration after adding sertraline.
Table 2. Changes ofplasma haloperidol concentration

Plasma concentration Baseline haloperidol alone Second \veek combined sertraline Pd u e

Hal (ng/niL) 8.53 f 4.22 10.91 f 5.83 0.004

Red-ha1 (ng/niL) 7.12 f 7.91 5.22 2 6.10 0.021
Reduction ratio* 91.46 f 65.90 39.07 2 27.12 0.003
Total ha1 ( n ~ / m L ) 16.05 f 10.34 16.25k 11.01 0.s15
*, plasma-reduced haloperidol/plastiia haloperidol; **, plasma-
Hal, plasma haloperidol concentrations; Red-hal, plasma-reduced haloperidol co~iceiitratio~is;
reduced haloperidol + plasma haloperidol; ***,paired 1-test.
Co-adniiriistration of sertraline and lialopcridol S197

converted into percentage, it is approsiniately 28% and this

suggests that pharniacological interaction is relatively weak.
This result sho\vs that tlie outconie of the experiment is
similar to the result of studies by Goff ef d."and Ames er a!.' who
investigated the changes of haloperidol concentration after co-
adniinistering haloperidol and fluosetine to schizophrenics.
Y = 0.72713 + 27.782~ r=0.55 Although there were not many target patients in the study by
Goff et A!., it proved aggravation of estnpynniidal symptoms
which was accompanied with favorable improvements in both
r=0.79 positive and negative schizophrenic symptoms."
The foundation of tlie estrapynniidal symptoms is not clear,
but the changes in the clinical symptoms and side effects may
be caused either by an increase in the plasma haloperidol
0.0 0.1 02 0:3 0:4 015 06 0:7
concentration o r by the direct effect of increased activities of
Daily doses of haloperidol
(rnglkg of body weight)
the serotonin nervous systeni to the dopamine systeni. Similarly,
Baldessarini and Marsh observed the inhibition of catechol-
Figure 4. Changes of plasnu reduced haloperidol concentrations after aniitie composition only when there was sufficient dopaniine
adding sertraline. A Red-H1, plasma reduced haloperidol concentration at
in mammalian cerebrum by administering fluosetine to animals,
baseline;A Red-H?. plasnin reduced haloperidol concci~trationafter adding
and based o n this they proposed that serotonin causes inhibiting
effects o n the dopaniine neuron.*' Nevertheless, in spite of
DISCUSSION numerous research outcomes affecting estrapynniidal symptoms,
it is considered that there is ;I need to pursue more neuro-
Sertraline (lS, 4s-A'-methyl-4 (1,2,3,1-diclophenyl)-I,2,3,~- physiological and pharmacological statistics on the detailed
tetnhydro-lnaphthalenaniine) is a strong and selective reuptake foundations.
inhibitor. It is absorbed relatively slowly in the gastrointestinal We consider different methods of applications in the treat-
tract. Its reduction time is 3211 and the duntion of time for ment of schizophrenics depending o n their clinical situations
reaching its highest in plasma is 6-8 h. It takes approximately 7 because most of the traditional medications have merits and
days to restore its stabilized states. Its biological utility n t e is 50% demerits. We may consider co-administering of antipsychotics
and it has high level of lipid solubility, while its rate of fusion together with antidepressants when patients do not respond to
.with plasnia protein is nearly 95%. antipsychotics o r when schizophrenics accompany partial obses-
The nietabolisni of the sertraline takes places mainly in the sive o r depressive symptoms. Especially, by co-administering
liver and it undergoes a process of deniethylation. During nieta- serotonergic drugs we may espect direct effects o n the central
bolic period, desciiethylsertnline is produced as 3 priniary nervous system in addition to the pharmacological synergy
metabolic product and it is in a biologically activated state. effect. As already mentioned, there was a study by Siris et d. in
However,it has been reported that sertraline has only about 10% which n o other clinical effects were caused except the improve-
of effectiveness in serotonin reuptake inhibition effectiveness ment of depression when tricyclic antidepressant was adminis-
showing alniost no pharmacological actions due to its low lipid tered together with antipsycliotics.22This is a contrasting result
solubility.'6 with the result that comes from the co-administration of sero-
Based on research outcomes on the reciprocal interactive tonin reuptake inhibitors.
action with other medicines, it is observed that in the case of First, it is necessary to consider metabolic aspects ofmedicine
antipyrine the removal was accelerated, while diazepam and and look at tlie differences between the so-called 'fast nietabo-
tolbutamide reduced the removal. However, in the case of lizer type' and 'slow nietabolizer type' since there are individual
lithium, desipramine, digosin, atenolol etc., they did not affect differences in the metabolic rates. It is observed that tlie slow
anything."-19 Sertraline acts as a weak derivative nietabolisni in nietabolizer types, who have reduced the level of biochemical
the activation of hepatic niicrosomal enzyme and its virtue is activity of the medicinal metabolic enzyme CYP2D6 (debriso-
approsirnately one-third of that of phenobarbital.'* quin h y d r o q h e ) , are found in the majority of Caucasians while
It was also reported that the efficacy of reciprocal action with the fast nietabolizer types who have higher levels of enzyme
other medicines was caused mainly by inhibiting hepatic metab- activities, although there is no accurate statistical data, generally
olizing enzyme CYP2DG, and it is also known that this kind of exist aniong many Oriental people. Therefore, in this research,
action ofsertraline is very much insignificant compared with the we could assume that there was a significant level of increase in
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluosetine or the plasma haloperidol in spite of the low CYP2DG inhibition
parosetine?O T h e pharmacological characteristic of haloperidol, rate of ~ertraline.2~
which is co-administered together with sertraline, is similar to Second, upon co-administering of sertraline, the concentm-
that of CYP2DG as it is already known, and it acts competitively tion of reduced haloperidol was reduced from 7.41 k 7.93 to
with the inhibiting actions of the sertraline for this enzyme. 5.22 k 6.10 ng/mL and this was a significant reduction which
In this study, there was a significant increase in the changes of contrasted with the significant increase in haloperidol. This
average haloperidol concentration followed by co-administering result also contradicts the observation results of the fluosetine
and it w a s increased fmni 8.53 k -1.22 to 10.91 ? 5.39 ng/niL. If co-administration research by Goff et A ! . ~
S198 M-S. Lee PI 01.

Reduced haloperidol is the major metabolizer of the the positive and negtive syitiptonis of schizophrenics and tlie
haloperidol and it is a h y d r o y haloperidol metabolized through side-effects concurrently with this sort of research in the future.
an oxidative i\’-dealkylation process of the piperidine nitrogen.
It is known that the lipid solubility of this is similar to that of REFERENCES
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