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Effects of Clozapine, Olanzapine,

Risperidone, and Haloperidol on Hostility

Among Patients With Schizophrenia
Leslie Citrome, M.D., M.P.H.
Jan Volavka, M.D., Ph.D.
Pal Czobor, Ph.D.
Brian Sheitman, M.D.
Jean-Pierre Lindenmayer, M.D.
Joseph McEvoy, M.D.
Thomas B. Cooper, M.A.
Miranda Chakos, M.D.
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.

Objective: This study compared the specific antiaggressive effects of ome patients who are diagnosed
clozapine with those of olanzapine, risperidone, and haloperidol. Meth- as having schizophrenia are oc-
ods: A total of 157 inpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis- casionally hostile and violent.
order and a history of suboptimal treatment response were randomly Violent or threatening behavior is a
assigned to receive clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, or haloperidol in frequent reason for admission to a
a double-blind 14-week trial. The trial was divided into two periods: psychiatric inpatient facility. If such be-
eight weeks during which the dosage was escalated and then fixed, and haviors continue after admission they
six weeks during which variable dosages were used. The hostility item can prolong hospitalization and inter-
of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was the principal fere with discharge.
outcome measure. Covariates included the items that reflect positive Several retrospective studies have
symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, suspiciousness or feelings of per- shown a decrease in the number of
secution, grandiosity, unusual thought content, conceptual disorganiza- violent episodes and a decrease in
tion, and hallucinations) and the sedation item of the Nurses Observa- the use of seclusion or restraint
tion Scale for Inpatient Evaluation (NOSIE). Results: Patients differed among inpatients with schizophrenia
in their treatment response as measured by the hostility item of the after they begin treatment with
PANSS. The scores of patients taking clozapine indicated significantly clozapine (1–7). These reductions in
greater improvement than those of patients taking haloperidol or ris- the occurrence of hostility (8) and ag-
peridone. The effect on hostility appeared to be independent of the an- gression (9) after clozapine treat-
tipsychotic effect of clozapine on other PANSS items that reflect delu- ment were selective in the sense that
sional thinking, a formal thought disorder, or hallucinations and inde- they were statistically independent of
pendent of sedation as measured by the NOSIE. Neither risperidone the general antipsychotic effects of
nor olanzapine showed superiority to haloperidol. Conclusion: Clozap- clozapine. Thus, although no pros-
ine has a relative advantage over other antipsychotics as a specific anti- pective controlled studies of the anti-
hostility agent. (Psychiatric Services 52:1510–1514, 2001) aggressive effects of clozapine have
been conducted, the preponderance
of retrospective evidence indicates
Dr. Citrome, Dr. Volavka, Dr. Czobor, and Mr. Cooper are with the Nathan Kline In- that clozapine reduces aggressive be-
stitute for Psychiatric Research in Orangeburg, New York, and New York University in New havior among persons who have
York City. Mr. Cooper is also with the Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University in New schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis-
York. Dr. Sheitman and Dr. Chakos are with the University of North Carolina in Char-
order and that these effects cannot
lotte and Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh. Dr. Lindenmayer is affiliated with New York
be fully explained by general antipsy-
University and the Manhattan Psychiatric Center. Dr. McEvoy is with Duke University in
Durham, North Carolina, and John Umstead Hospital in Butner. Dr. Lieberman is with chotic effects.
the University of North Carolina. Send correspondence to Dr. Citrome at the Nathan Kline Risperidone also was shown to have
Institute, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, New York 10962 (e-mail, a selective effect on hostility, as meas- An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meet- ured by the Positive and Negative
ing of the American Psychiatric Association, held May 5–10, 2001, in New Orleans. Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (10), that
1510 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ November 2001 Vol. 52 No. 11
was superior to that of haloperidol effect on other items from the PANSS enrollment in an academic or voca-
(11) among patients with schizophre- that reflect positive symptoms of tional program and absence of age-ex-
nia who were enrolled in the North schizophrenia. pected interpersonal relationships in-
American trial of risperidone (12). volving ongoing regular contact out-
However, this effect was not evident Methods side the biological family.
in a retrospective case-control study This was a prospective, double-blind, Excluded from the study were pa-
of 27 patients with schizophrenia or 14-week trial in which inpatients at tients who had a history of not re-
schizoaffective disorder whose aver- four state psychiatric hospitals—two sponding to clozapine, risperidone, or
age dosage of risperidone was 6.8 mg in New York and two in North Caroli- olanzapine, defined as an unambigu-
a day (13). A similar response to ris- na—were randomly assigned to re- ous lack of improvement despite an
peridone and to conventional antipsy- ceive clozapine, olanzapine, risperi- adequate trial of risperidone or olan-
chotics was found among these pa- done, or haloperidol. All patients met zapine for at least six weeks or cloza-
tients, as measured by the use of DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia or pine for at least 14 weeks; a history of
seclusion and restraint. Another study schizoaffective disorder, had a history intolerance to any of the study drugs;
found risperidone to be no different of suboptimal treatment response, or receipt of a depot antipsychotic
from typical neuroleptics in control- were between the ages of 18 and 60 during the 30 days before study entry.
ling aggressive behavior in a group of years, and had a minimum score of 60 The patients provided written in-
20 forensic patients with chronic on the PANSS. (Possible scores range formed consent after receiving a
schizophrenia who were taking at complete description of the study. In-
least 6 mg of risperidone a day (aver- stitutional review board approval was
age dosage not reported) (14). obtained at all study sites.
Thus studies of clozapine, and to a The trial was divided into two peri-
lesser extent of risperidone, suggest Studies ods. Period 1 lasted eight weeks, dur-
that these agents may have specific ing which the dosage of antipsychotic
antiaggressive properties. However, of clozapine, drug was escalated and then fixed.
the evidence is based largely on uncon- During period 2, which lasted six
trolled, open-label retrospective stud- and to a lesser weeks, variable dosages were used.
ies and anecdotal case reports. The Before period 1, concomitant medica-
studies varied in their selection of sub- extent of risperidone, tions, such as mood stabilizers and an-
jects and in their procedures, and it is tidepressants, were gradually phased
difficult to compare their results (15). suggest that these agents out. During the first week of period 1
The antiaggressive effects of cloza- —cross-titration week—the prestudy
pine, risperidone, and olanzapine may have specific antipsychotic was gradually discontin-
have not been compared directly in a ued, and the dosages of olanzapine,
controlled prospective study. The antiaggressive risperidone, and haloperidol were
data we report in this article were ob- usually escalated to the target daily
tained during a large-scale multicen- properties. doses—20, 8, and 20 mg, respective-
ter prospective double-blind trial that ly—where they remained until the
was designed to examine the efficacy end of period 1. For clozapine, pa-
of three atypical antipsychotics as tients were scheduled to reach the
well as haloperidol in a single sample target daily dose of 500 mg on day 24;
based on uniform patient selection from 30 to 210, with higher scores in- the dosage then remained fixed until
criteria, including a history of subop- dicating more severe pathology. the end of period 1. These dosage
timal treatment response (unpub- Scores above 130 are uncommon and schedules were adjusted on the basis
lished data, Volavka J, Czobor P, Sheit- represent very severe pathology.) of the patient’s clinical status, includ-
man B, et al, 2000). Suboptimal response to previous ing side effects. The mean±SD daily
We present the results of a study treatment was defined by two criteria, doses achieved in period 1 were
that tested the secondary hypothesis both of which were present among 401.6±160.4 mg for clozapine,
that a reduction in the score on the the study participants. The first criteri- 19.6±2.1 mg for olanzapine, 7.9±2.1
hostility item of the PANSS would oc- on was persistent positive symptoms— mg for risperidone, and 18.9±3.1 mg
cur during treatment with clozapine hallucinations, delusions, or marked for haloperidol.
or olanzapine, that the reduction thought disorder—after at least six During period 2 the daily dose of
would be greater than that observed contiguous weeks, currently or docu- antipsychotic was allowed to vary
during treatment with risperidone, mented in the past, with one or more within the ranges of 200 to 800 mg for
and that treatment with haloperidol conventional antipsychotics at dosages clozapine, 10 to 40 mg for olanzapine,
would yield the smallest reduction in equivalent to at least 600 mg of chlor- 4 to 16 mg for risperidone, and 10 to
score on the hostility item. We hy- promazine a day. The second criterion 30 mg for haloperidol. The mean±SD
pothesized that the reduction in hos- was a poor level of functioning over daily doses that were actually ach-
tility would be selective in the sense the previous two years, defined as a ieved by the end of period 2 were
that it would be independent of the lack of competitive employment or of 526.6±140.3 mg for clozapine, 30.4±
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ November 2001 Vol. 52 No. 11 1511
6.6 mg for olanzapine, 11.6±3.2 mg actions or in one or more episodes of disorganization, and hallucinatory be-
for risperidone, and 25.7±5.7 mg for physical assault against others. A havior from the PANSS) and sedation
haloperidol. Dosage changes during score of 3 is assigned when the pa- (the item “is slow moving and slug-
period 2 were requested by blinded tient presents a guarded or even gish” from the NOSIE) were intro-
psychiatrists on the basis of treatment openly distrustful attitude but his or duced, in separate analyses, as covari-
response as measured by the PANSS her thoughts, interactions, and be- ates in the hierarchical linear model.
and were tempered by clinical obser- havior are minimally affected. Covari- Additional analyses were conduct-
vation for adverse effects. ates included the sum of the PANSS ed by using as covariates the anxiety
Concomitant medications that measures of positive psychotic symp- and depression factor from the PANSS,
were permitted included benztro- toms (excluding excitement and hos- the excitement item from the PANSS,
pine, propranolol, lorazepam, diphen- tility) and unusual thought content, akathisia as measured by the ESRS,
hydramine hydrochloride, and chloral and the NOSIE measure of sedation. ethnicity, and change in dosage over
hydrate. All patients who had been Hierarchical linear model analysis time. The hierarchical linear model
assigned to receive haloperidol re- was adopted as the principal statisti- compensates for baseline differences
ceived 2 mg of prophylactic ben- cal analysis. Repeated assessments of between groups. To account for inter-
ztropine twice daily. Patients who had hostility over time—that is, the sever- site variations in severity at baseline
been randomly assigned to receive and change over time, an unstruc-
risperidone, olanzapine, or clozapine tured covariance matrix with hetero-
received matching benztropine pla- geneity among participating centers
cebo. Treating physicians were per- was specified in the hierarchical lin-
mitted to prescribe additional ben- In ear model. The purpose of this provi-
ztropine, which resulted in the substi- sion was to ensure that changes in
tution of actual benztropine for place- contrast clinical variables over time were not
bo, up to a maximum of 6 mg a day. confounded by intersite variability.
No other adjunctive psychotropics— with the statistically A nonparametric survival analysis
for example, mood stabilizers or anti- with Kaplan-Meier estimates was
depressants—were allowed. significant superiority used to test whether the four treat-
Blinded raters performed all the ment groups differed in time to attri-
clinical assessments. The PANSS was of clozapine over haloperidol tion—or survival—in the study. Use
the principal measure of efficacy and of adjunctive medications was investi-
was administered every week for the or risperidone in improving gated by using chi square analysis for
first four weeks and then every other categorical variables and analysis of
week. The interrater reliability, esti- scores on the hostility item variance for continuous variables.
mated by intraclass correlation coeffi-
cients, for the PANSS total score for of the PANSS, clozapine Results
paired ratings of the four sites ranged Data were collected between mid-
from .93 to .98. The intraclass correla- was not shown to 1996 and the start of 2000. A total of
tion coefficient for the hostility item 167 patients were randomly assigned
ranged from .86 to .88. In addition to be superior to to treatment with one of the four an-
the PANSS, we administered the Nurs- tipsychotics; ten of these patients left
es Observation Scale for Inpatient olanzapine. the study before they had received
Evaluation (NOSIE) (16,17) and the any medication. Of the 157 patients
Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale who entered the medication phase of
(ESRS) (18). the study, 133 (85 percent) were men,
We tested the hypothesis that clo- and 24 (15 percent) were women; 135
zapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and ity of hostility as assessed by the patients (86 percent) had a DSM-IV
haloperidol would have different ef- PANSS—was the dependent variable. diagnosis of schizophrenia, and 22 (14
fects on hostility; that clozapine’s ef- The two independent variables were percent) had a diagnosis of schizoaf-
fect would be superior to those of the treatment group (the between-sub- fective disorder. The mean±SD age
other drugs; and that this superiority ject factor) and time (the within-sub- of the patients was 40.8±9.2 years,
would persist after general antipsy- ject factor). Time was expressed as duration of illness was 19.5±8.4 years,
chotic effect or sedation had been ac- the number of weeks since baseline. and number of hospitalizations was
counted for. The hostility item from The interaction between treatment 10.5±8.3. Eighty-seven patients (55
the PANSS was adopted as the pri- group and time was included in the percent) were African American, 48
mary outcome measure. This item is model. To correct for potential con- (31 percent) were white, 18 (12 per-
scored on a scale ranging from 1, in- founding variables, change in certain cent) were Hispanic, and four (3 per-
dicating no hostility, to 7, indicating ex- positive symptoms (the sum of the cent) were from other ethnic groups.
treme hostility that includes marked items on delusions, suspiciousness or The differences between treatment
anger resulting in extreme uncooper- feelings of persecution, grandiosity, groups in baseline scores on the
ativeness that precludes other inter- unusual thought content, conceptual PANSS hostility item or in any demo-
1512 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ November 2001 Vol. 52 No. 11
graphic variable were not significant. Table 1
Ninety-one patients (58 percent) Scores at baseline and at 14 weeks on the hostility item of the Positive and Nega-
completed the 14-week study; 133 tive Syndrome Scale among 157 inpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective
patients (85 percent) completed at disorder who were taking clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, or haloperidol
least four weeks. The differences in
attrition rates among treatment Baseline 14 weeks1
groups were not significant. The most
Drug Mean SD Mean SD
frequent reason for premature dis-
continuation was withdrawal of con- Clozapine (N=40)2 2.68 1.58 2.24 1.34
sent, which was the case for 22 pa- Olanzapine (N=39) 2.35 1.47 2.24 1.73
tients—five patients in the clozapine Risperidone (N=41) 2.40 1.19 2.49 1.61
group, four in the olanzapine group, Haloperidol (N=37) 2.42 1.26 2.95 1.51
eight in the risperidone group, and 1 For subjects who did not complete 14 weeks, the last rating completed
five in the haloperidol group. Clinical 2 Significant improvement at 14 weeks compared with baseline (p=.019) and significant superiority
deterioration resulted in premature in improvement compared with haloperidol (p=.021) and risperidone (p=.012)
termination in the case of 14 pa-
tients—two in the clozapine group,
four in the olanzapine group, two in df=989, p=.012) but not olanzapine. although observable differences be-
the risperidone group, and six in the Neither risperidone nor olanzapine tween these two agents may have
haloperidol group. Six patients were showed superiority over haloperidol. been limited by the low baseline rates
discharged and could not participate These treatment effects were not of hostility and the relatively small
in the follow-up—three in the risperi- altered by introducing as covariates sample.
done group and one in each of the the PANSS items that reflect delu- An important limitation of this
other three treatment groups. Hema- sional thinking, a formal thought dis- study is that the patients were not se-
tological problems and seizures led to order, or hallucinations or the seda- lected specifically because they had a
discontinuation by seven patients. tion item from the NOSIE. The history of aggressive and hostile be-
The remaining 17 premature discon- analysis was repeated to assess the havior. Overt hostility was demon-
tinuations occurred for administrative possible confounding effects of the strated largely by verbal expression of
reasons, intercurrent illnesses, and anxiety and depression factor of the resentment rather than by physical
protocol violations. PANSS, the PANSS excitement item, assault. Although the extent to which
The patients’ mean±SD scores on akathisia as measured by the ESRS, our results are generalizable to popu-
the hostility item of the PANSS are ethnicity, and changes in dosage over lations of seriously assaultive patients
listed in Table 1. Statistical testing of time. When these variables were in- is not clear, we believe that they prob-
this item using the hierarchical linear troduced as covariates, the findings ably are generalizable, because other
model included all data available at all were essentially unchanged. researchers have noted parallel re-
time points and was controlled for Agitation and insomnia were treat- ductions in verbal and physical as-
general antipsychotic effect, sedation, ed as needed with lorazepam, chloral saultiveness during clozapine treat-
and study site. The baseline score was hydrate, or diphenhydramine. Differ- ment (19). Another limitation is that
higher in the clozapine group than in ences between treatment groups in we used only one outcome measure
the other groups, but the difference the use of these agents were not sig- for a complex behavior.
was not significant. Moreover, the hi- nificant. Only two patients in the The effect of risperidone on hostil-
erarchical linear model controls for risperidone group and one in the ity in our study differed from that re-
such heterogeneity. haloperidol group used propranolol. ported by Czobor and colleagues
The four antipsychotics differed in (11), whose analysis was based on a
their effect on the hostility item of the Discussion large multicenter trial that had the
PANSS (F=2.8, df=3, 989, p=.038). Clozapine appeared to have a specific primary goal of comparing the gener-
The effect sizes were .25 for clozap- antiaggressive effect that was inde- al antipsychotic efficacy of risperi-
ine, .06 for olanzapine, .05 (indicating pendent of general antipsychotic ef- done with that of haloperidol. Signifi-
deterioration) for risperidone, and .30 fect and independent of sedation. cant methodological differences exist
(also indicating deterioration) for hal- This observation was not made in the between the study by Czobor and as-
operidol. The reduction in hostility case of olanzapine, risperidone, or sociates and our study. In the Czobor
over time was significant for clozap- haloperidol. In contrast with the sta- study, the risperidone group consist-
ine only (t=2.3, df=989, p=.019). This tistically significant superiority of ed of four subgroups that were differ-
finding was maintained when only the clozapine over haloperidol or risperi- entiated by daily dose (2, 6, 10, or 16
data from period 1 were used (t=2.85, done in improving scores on the hos- mg). Moreover, the patients in that
df=664, p=.005). Post hoc analysis in- tility item of the PANSS, clozapine study were not defined as being treat-
dicated that clozapine had a signifi- was not shown to be superior to olan- ment resistant. It is possible that the
cantly greater specific antiaggressive zapine. This finding may be consis- antiaggressive effect of risperidone
effect than haloperidol (t=2.3, df= tent with the structural similarities varies with dosage and degree of treat-
989, p=.021) or risperidone (t=2.53, between clozapine and olanzapine, ment refractoriness.
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ November 2001 Vol. 52 No. 11 1513
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chosis and independent of sedation. ♦

The principal support for this study was
provided by grant R10-MH-53550 from
the National Institute of Mental Health.
Additional support was provided by grant
MH-33127 from the National Institute of
Mental Health to the University of North
Carolina Mental Health and Neuro- Coming in December
science Clinical Research Center, and by
the Foundation of Hope in Raleigh,
North Carolina. The authors thank
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Eli Lilly and
Company, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Cor- ♦ Special section: stigma as a
poration, and Merck and Co., Inc., for barrier to recovery
their donations of medications. Eli Lilly
and Company contributed supplemental
funding. Linda Kline, R.N., M.S., was the ♦ Is there a shortage of
chief coordinator of the project. psychiatrists?
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1514 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ November 2001 Vol. 52 No. 11

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