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The Role of Rehearsal in Long-Term Memory Performance


University of Washington

In each of two experiments, subjects were given 48 Brown-Peterson trials, using word
lists as stimuli, followed by an unexpected final free recall test on the words. Of interest
was the influence on final performance of (1) the length of the original Brown-Peterson
retention interval and (2) whether the subject overtly rehearsed the word list or performed
a rehearsal-preventing task during the Brown-Peterson retention interval. To avoid con-
foundings involving the influence of initial recall on final recall, initial recall was required
on only half the trials and analysis of fmal performance was restricted to data from the other
half of the trials (referred to as no-recalltrials). Results were consistent over theexperiments:
Items rehearsed during the Brown-Peterson retention interval showed better delayed recall
than did items for which rehearsal was prevented. Also, delayed performance increased
monotonically with retention interval for items that the subject had rehearsed but remained
fairly constant over retention interval for items whose presentation was followed by a re-
hearsal-preventing task. It is argued that earlier studies indicating that overt repetition will
not increase performance on a delayed test have failed to consider that overt repetition is a
nonunitary phenomenon which may show either maintenance or elaborative properties in
different situations.

The importance of rehearsal as an explana- ferred from a transient short-term store to a

tory concept stems from its central role in more permanent long-term store, and (princi-
multistore models of memory (e.g., Atkinson pally for the purpose of mathematical tract-
& Shiffrin, 1968; Waugh & Norman, 1965). ability) these models have formally defined
Such models identify rehearsal as the central rehearsal simply in terms of repetition. The
mechanism by which information is trans- power of rehearsal, characterized in this way,
has been demonstrated in several studies by
This research was supported by National Science Rundus and his colleagues (Rundus, 1971;
Foundation Grants GB 39615 and BMS 75-10450 to Rundus & Atkinson, 1970; Rundus, Loftus, &
G. Loftus. We would like to thank Earl B. Hunt, Atkinson, 1970). These studies have demon-
Marcy Lansman, Colin M. MacLeod, Thomas 0.
Nelson, and Steven Poltrock for their very useful strated (1) that memory performance for an
comments on this paper and on the research reported item is a positive monotonic function of the
herein. We also thank Phil Lewis, Debbie Pittson, and number of overt repetitions accorded that
Laurie Woods for their assistance in data collection. item and (2) that a number of free-recall
The respective contributions of the two authors were phenomena (e.g., the primacy effect, the
as follows: V. Dark was responsible for the original
ideas, and expended the majority of the effort involved Von Restorf effect, and the Melton spacing
in experimental design, data analysis, theoretical effect) may be accounted for simply in terms
interpretation, and writing. V. Dark also did all the of the number of overt repetitions accorded
work involved in supervising the data collection. G. individual items.
Loftus was responsible to a lesser extent for experi- More recently, theorists have concerned
mental design, data analysis, theoretical interpretation,
and writing. Requests for reprints should be sent to themselves with broadening the scope of the
Veronica J. Dark, Department of Psychology NI-25, term “rehearsal” to encompass more than
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. just rote repetition. Currently, “rehearsal” is
Copyright 0 1976 by Academic Press, Inc. 479
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Printed in Great Britain

applied as a label to any active processing that Likewise, elaborative rehearsal is defined in
keeps information available in consciousness this paper to occur when there is a positive
such that the information can be immediately correlation between duration of the rehearsal
and accurately recalled at any time during period and subsequent test performance.
which it is being rehearsed.
Craik and Lockhart (1972) suggest that Methodological Problems
rehearsal be subdivided into two classes: The focus of the present set of experiments
“ . . .Type I processing does nothing to is on the relationship between the nature of
enhance memory for the stimulus; . . .Thus, some initial processing of a set of items and
the concept of processing has been split into delayed memory performance on these items.
Type I or same-level processing and Type II A number of previous studies have used this
processing which involves further, deeper initial test/final test paradigm and have
analysis of the stimulus and leads to a more produced conflicting results (to be discussed
durable trace” (p. 681). Craik and Watkins below). However, these studies have, for the
(1973) have coined the now commonly-used most part, been beset by a number of pro-
labels “maintenance” and “elaborative” to cedural flaws.
characterize the two processing modes : Unobservable events. The first procedural
“Following Craik and Lockhart (1972), it is problem is the failure to use any measure of
suggested that rehearsal can be usefully observable rehearsal. Many recent experi-
broken down into its ‘maintaining’ function ments addressing the issue of rote rehearsal
and its ‘elaborating’ function. To the extent did not control the subject’s strategy during
that the subject uses the rehearsal time to the rehearsal period. Craik, Gardiner, and
enrich and elaborate the memory trace, Watkins (1970), Jacoby and Bartz (1972),
subsequent retention will be enhanced. If the Meunier, Ritz, andMeunier(1972) Modigliani
time is used merely to maintain the trace in and Seamon (1974), and Woodward, Bjork,
some simple form (a phonemic representation, and Jongeward (1973) all draw conclusions
for example), then further repetitions or a concerning effects of rehearsal on final free
prolonged stay in the short-term store will not recall and/or final recognition. In all of these
lead to better learning and long-term reten- studies, the subject was assumed to have
tion” (p. 606). covertly repeated the stimuli during a variable
In discussing the maintenance vs. elabora- silent period. In none of the studies, however,
tive dichotomy, it has been implicitly assumed was the subject explicitly instructed to
that classification of rehearsal mode may be covertly repeat items, nor was the subject’s
applied apriori because the classifications are rehearsal behavior observed. For the most part,
based on an elaboration scale. As yet, however, these studies find no increase in final perform-
elaboration or deeper processing of the trace ance when the rehearsal period is increased,
has not been defined independently of the and covert repetition of items is thus claimed
predicted effect of the processing on some to be maintenance rehearsal. The general
delayed memory test. The dichotomy is conclusion, that covert repetition is a form of
applicable, in practice, only when applied maintenance rehearsal, is therefore based on
aposteriori based on performance on a delayed assumed, not observed, behavior.
test. Because of the a posteriori applicability Sometimes the lack of observable measures
of the dichotomy, maintenance rehearsal is is claimed to be procedurally beneficial ; for
defined in this paper to occur when there is no example, Kellas, McCauley, and McFarland
correlation between duration of the rehearsal (1975) have suggested that overt rehearsal is
period and memory performance on a not natural and should not be used because
subsequent test of the rehearsed information. it limits the strategies available to the subject.

We argue, however, that control of strategies to have been rehearsing. Jacoby and Bartz
is precisely the goal of an investigator inter- suggested that subjects in the subtraction
ested in relating rehearsal to memory per- condition attempted to encode the items using
formance. Requiring overt rehearsal in the elaborative codes that would survive the
form of repetition, production of associates, subtraction delay, whereas subjects in the
production of rhymes, etc., reduces strategy silent delay condition encoded the words in a
variance across subjects and frees the experi- superficial fashion and covertly rehearsed
menter from having to infer what type of them in a maintenance mode. Going a step
behavior the subject is engaged in during a further, G&z and Jacoby (1974) manipulated
processing period. the subject’s awareness of whether there would
Dependence of final test upon initial tests. be a filled delay or no delay at all after list
The studies mentioned above also suffer from presentation and also found support for the
a second procedural flaw: The critical final influence of coding strategies on final perfor-
test was preceded by an earlier initial test on mance. When subjects received only initial
the same items. The processing required during recall trials, their final recall performance
the initial test may influence delayed-test showed a greater delayed recall superiority of
memory strength, obscuring the effects of the filled delay items over no-delay items when
processing during the rehearsal period. This precued about delay than when not precued.
is because the effect of some initial processing In a second experiment, half of the trials were
variable (e.g., number of rehearsals) on a initial no-recall trials. On these no-recall
delayed test may be composed of two things. trials, precued subjects again showed better
First, the variable may have a direct effect on final recall of filled-delay items, but there
delayed performance. Second, the variable appeared to be no difference between filled-
may have an indirect effect in that it may affect delay and no-delay final free recall for
short-term recall which in turn may influence subjects not given precues.
long-term recall. If interest focuses only on Unfortunately, interpretation of the findings
the direct effect it is necessary to partial out the in these studies is not clear-cut. Jacoby and
indirect effect. Examination of final perform- Bartz did not use no-recall trials to examine
ance conditionalized on initial recall introduces effects in delayed recall. Gijtz and Jacoby
the possibility of confounding due to item confounded length of the retention interval
selection effects (cf. Loftus & Patterson, 1975). with task during the interval : They used only a
Modigliani (in press) discusses this problem in 0-set delay and a 15-set distractor-filled delay.
detail and demonstrates that final free recall The general purpose of the experiments to
probability in an initial test/delayed test be reported here was to examine delayed
situation is heavily influenced by the proba- memory performance as a function of (1) how
bility of initially recalling the item. much processing time was initially accorded
the items, (2) whether overt repetition was
Present Experiments initially required or prevented, and (3)
Jacoby and Bartz (1972) introduced a new whether or not there was a precue before item
problem for models that incorporate rehearsal/ presentation informing the subject whether
repetition as a mechanism for transferring rehearsal would be required or prevented.
information to long-term store. Their data Each of the experiments consisted of two
showed that the delayed recall of items initially phases. The first phase involved a series of
followed by a rehearsal-preventing task Brown-Peterson trials (Brown, 1958; Peterson
(subtraction) was better than the delayed & Peterson, 1959) using three-, four-, or
recall of items initially followed by a silent five-word lists as stimuli. The second phase
interval during which the subject was assumed consisted of an unexpected delayed test on

the words presented in the first phase. To subject at eye level. The subject’s responses
circumvent the possible confoundings between (always oral) were recorded on a cassette tape
initial recall and final test performance recorder.
discussed above, a random half of the initial
Brown-Peterson trials for each subject in each Stimuli
experiment were “no-recall” trials. A no-recall The stimulus word pool consisted of 288
trial was identical to a normal (recall) trial relatively unrelated, common nouns occurring
except that at the end of the retention interval, from 1208 to 38 times in the total word count
the subject was instructed to number-shadow of KuEera and Francis (1967). Stimuli were
for the “recall period” rather than to use the presented in capital letters 0.51 cm high. In
period attempting to recall the to-be-remem- Experiment 1 and the pilot experiments, the
bered items for that trial. Final test perform- list length was three words. List length in
ance on items from the no-recall trials is thus Experiment 2 varied from three to five words.
relatively free from effects of initial recall and/ In each experiment, the stimulus lists were
or item selection. Such performance may there- created randomly from the overall pool.
fore be viewed as primarily reflecting initial
processing differences. Procedure
Two pilot experiments were run, followed The paradigm used in all experiments
by the two main experiments. The design and included two phases. Phase 1 consisted of 48
results of the pilot experiments will be Brown-Peterson trials in which both the
described briefly. The two main experiments length of the retention interval and the nature
will then be reported in detail. of the task performed during the retention
interval were manipulated. The possible reten-
tion interval tasks were (1) overt repetition of
the stimulus list, (2) shadowing of visually
The methodology common to all experi- presented digits, and (3) subtraction.
ments 1s described here. Table 1 depicts the sequence of events that
took place during each Brown-Peterson trial
Apparatus along with the duration of each event. Each
Stimulus presentation was controlled by an trial began with a cueing signal (to be described
on-line Data General Nova 800 computer below) followed by a ready signal. The stimulus
driving two Tektronix 602 cathode-ray tubes list items were then presented at a rate of 1 set
(CRTs). The CRTs were in separate rooms, per word with no interword interval. Over the
each located approximately 42 cm from the course of the experiments, retention interval



Stimulus list word

Cueing Ready Retention Recall
signal signal 1 2 3 4 5 interval Period

Pilot A 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0,5, or 20 10
Pilot B 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 Oor 15 10
Experiment 1 1.5 .75 1 1 1 0 0 1,5,or20 7.6
Experiment 2 .75 .75 1 1 1 1 or 0 1 or 0 5 or 20 10

’ In seconds.

varied from 0 to 20 sec. The recall trials ended last Brown-Peterson trial. In Phase 2, subjects
with a period of attempted recall while no- received an unannounced final test on all the
recall trials ended with an equivalent period words just seen in Phase 1.
of time filled with number shadowing.
Half of the Brown-Peterson trials in each Final Test Data
,experiment involved a repetition task during As noted in the discussion above, any final
the retention interval while the other half of test data involving items from initial recall
the trials involved a distractor task. The repe- trials are plagued with potential confoundings.
tition task was signaled by the CRT display Therefore, only final test data from initial
“‘rehearse out loud”. During repetition inter- no-recall trials are reported in this paper.
vals subjects were required to rehearse aloud
the words just presented in any order and at
any speed. The nature of the distractor tasks PILOT EXPERIMENTS
varied across experiments and is described in The rationale for the two pilot experiments
later sections. stemmed directly from the work of Jacoby and
As noted, for each subject a random half associates as discussed above. The experi-
of the trials were no-recall trials and the other ments were designed (1) to replicate the finding
half were recall trials. On recall trials, the of Jacoby and Bartz (1972) that final recall
&CRT message “recall once” was displayed after a distractor delay was superior to final
immediately following the end of the retention recall after a repetition delay and (2) to
interval, and the subject attempted to orally examine the effect of initial precueing on final
recall the words presented on that trial. On test performance (cf. G&z & Jacoby, 1974).
no-recall trials, subjects shadowed randomly Unlike the Giitz and Jacoby study, however,
chosen digits displayed one at a time at a rate the present experiments factorially combined
of three per second under the message retention interval and the nature of the reten-
“shadow-no recall”. Subjects did not know tion interval task.
until the end of the retention interval whether a
given trial was to be a recall or a no-recall trial. Method
In each experiment, the recall/no-recall vari-
Each pilot experiment involved a factorial
able was factorially combined with all other combination of four variables during the
independent variables.
Brown-Peterson phase. These variables were :
Tape-recorded instructions explained the
various possible conditions to each subject in 1. The retention interval on a trial was varied
detail. The instructions emphasized that from 0 to 15 set in one experiment and from
responses on the 48 trials were to be tape- 0 to 20 set in the other.
recorded, so it was essential that the subject 2. The retention interval activity consisted
read the words aloud on presentation. of either overt repetition of the stimulus items
Furthermore, it was emphasized that all or a distractor task (shadowing of visually
rehearsal, subtraction, and/or shadowing presented digits in one experiment and a
were also to be performed aloud. Each subject subtraction task in the other).
went through four practice trials with the 3. Subjects were either precued (given
experimenter present. After the .practice information) or not precued (not given
trials, the subject was again reminded to do all information) as to the nature of the retention
tasks out loud and then was left alone for the interval task via the cueing signal that began
48 experimental trials. The total time for these the trial. The precue/no-precue factor was
trials was approximately 25 min. manipulated within-subjects in one experi-
Phase 2 of each experiment followed the ment and between-subjects in the other.

4. A random half of the trials were recall trial in fact involved no retention interval
trials while the other half were no-recall trials. activity at all. Second, the tape recordings of
All subjects received an unexpected delayed subjects in the pilot experiments suggesteda
test on all items. qualitative changein the subjects’performance
from the beginning to the end of the 48
Results Brown-Peterson trials as the subjects became
Although somewhatnoisy, the general trend practiced at the subtraction and/or shadowing
of the delayed test data was as follows: tasks. Possibly subjectsdid not begin using the
Delayed recall of items from distraction trials precue information until after they were
was independent of the retention interval. thoroughly familiar with all the tasks at hand.
Conversely, delayed recall of items from (This possibility is also suggestedby GGtz and
repetition trials increased as a function of Jacoby (1974).)
retention interval and wasconsistentlysupevior Experiment 1 was designed to examine
to recall of items from distractor trials. There possible precueing effects without the design
was no main effect of precueing in either study, deficiencies present in the pilot experiments.
nor were any interactions involving precueing In Experiment I, subjects participated in two
significant. sessionsof 48 trials each. The first session
was considered practice; a final recall test was
Discussion given only after the secondsessionon only the
The Jacoby and Bartz (1972) finding of items from the second session. Zero-second
better performance after a rehearsal-prevent- delay intervals were not used.
ing delay was not replicated in either of the
pilot experiments. Final recall of items from Method
rehearsal trials was significantly better than
Experiment 1 involved a 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
final recall of items from distractor trials.
factorial design in which all variables were
Overt repetition appeared to function as a
manipulated within-subjects during the Brown
form of elaborative rehearsal: The more overt
-Peterson trials. The variables were asfollows :
repetition there was the better was subsequent
performance. 1. Each trial was either a recall trial or a
Considering the precueing variable, there no-recall trial as discussedabove.
was no evidence that informing the subject as 2. The retention interval activity during each
to the nature of the retention interval task led trial consisted of either a subtraction task or
to a differential initial encoding strategy as overt rehearsal (repetition) of the stimulus
suggested by Giitz and Jacoby (1974). Pre- words. The subtraction task was a speeded-up,
cueing had no effect on delayed test perform- visual version of the auditory subtraction task
ance either when manipulated between- used by Jacoby and Bartz (1972). A random
subjects or within-subjects. two-digit number was presented under the
CRT display “subtract one”. The subject
read the number aloud, subtracted one from
the number, then reported the result aloud.
The pilot experiments suffered several flaws A new two-digit number was displayed every
in design. First, a 0-set retention interval was second. During rehearsal, subjects simply
used in a large proportion of the Brown- repeated the words just presented at any
Peterson trials in both experiments. Subjects speedand in any order they wished.
precued to expect either a rehearsal or distrac- 3. At the beginning of a trial, the subject was
tor delay may have been confused by these either precued (i.e., told via the cueing signal
zero-delay trials, since, of course, a zero-delay whether the trial would be a subtraction or a

rehearsal trial) or not precued. On a no-precue precue/no-precue condition remained con-

trial the cueing signal consisted of the words stant for a given trial within a group but were
“new trial”. randomized across groups, subject to the
4. Retention interval was either 1, 5, or restrictions noted above.
20 sec. Thirty-two students from introductory
The list length on each trial was three psychology classes served as subjects and
words. received extra credit for participation.
Subjects were run in two sessions 2 days Day 1 data were discarded as practice. Only
apart. During each session, the subject went Day 2 data were included in the analysis.
through 48 Brown-Peterson trials. Different
words were used on the 2 days-the original Results
pool of 288 words was randomly divided in Initial recall performance. The means for
half, the two halves corresponding to Day 1 initial recall performance from Phase 1 are
and Day 2 presentation. presented in Table 2. The results were as
When the 48 trials of Day 1 ended, the sub- expected : Rehearsal trial performance was
jects were told that the experimenter was near perfect for all conditions while subtraction
interested in practice effects on the various trial performance dropped over retention
tasks and that they would go through another interval. There was no effect of precueing,
series of 48 trials with different words when F< 1.
they returned on Day 2. There was no final
recall on Day 1, nor were any indications given TABLE 2
When the Brown-Peterson trials ended on OF DELAY INTERVAL, TASK, AND CUEING INFORMATION
Day 2, the subjects were asked to move to a FOR DAY 2
nearby room and to complete a rating form
concerning the difficulty of the tasks in the 1 set 5 set 20sec

experiment. After approximately 2 min needed rehearsal precue .98 .99 .98
to complete the form, the subjects were given no precue .99 1.00 .99
final recall instructions and instructed to recall subtraction precue .97 .65 .39
words from Day 2 only. They were required no precue .98 .67 .41
to take a minimum of 5 min to complete final
Subjects were grouped into sets of four for Final test performance. Figure 1 shows final
counterbalancing purposes. The 24 within- recall performance as a function of retention
subject conditions were randomly assigned interval. Items from initial rehearsal trials
to the 48 Brown-Peterson trials for a given show better final performance than do items
counterbalancing group with the restriction from initial subtraction trials, F(1, 3 I) = 4.48,
that each condition appear once in the first p < .05. Length of retention interval, and the
24 trials and once in the second 24 trials. Task x Retention Interval interaction are both
Assignment of words to triads across trials significant, F(2, 62) = 9.66, p < .Ol, and F(2,
was constant within a group but was rerandc- 62) = 6.02, p < .Ol, respectively. Neither the
mized for each new group. The distractor/ precueing effect nor any other interaction
rehearsal and recall/no-recall factors were approached significance, all Fs < 1.
interchanged across the four subjects within a A planned comparison was performed to
group so that a given trial (and word triad) was test the hypothesis suggested by the pilot data
assigned to all four combinations of the two that final test performance on items from
variables. Length of retention interval and the rehearsal trials would show a monotonic

A Rehearsal Precue function when final recall performance from

D Rehearsal No Precue no-recall distractor trials are plotted as a
q Subtraction Precue
cl Subtraction No Precue function of retention interval.

Interest in Experiment 2 shifted away from
precueing effects to the finding that rehearsal
trials produced better final performance than
did distractor trials in apparent contrast with
the results of the studies reported by Jacoby
and his associates. One difference between
Experiment 1 and the experiments reported
i 4 10
by Jacoby involves the use of three-word lists
RETENTION INTERVAL (SECONDS) in the present experiment as contrasted to the
five-word lists in the Jacoby studies. Three
FIG. 1. Experiment 1, final free recall. Proportion
correct as a function of retention interval, retention words is well within most subjects’ immediate
interval task, and precueing. Day 2, Phase 1 no-recall memory span while five words may be at the
trials only. limit (Mandler, 1967; Watkins, 1974). Sub-
jects rehearsing three words may find the task
increase over retention interval while perform- sufficiently easy that they can engage in extra,
.ance on items from distractor trials would “elaborative” processing along with the
remain constant at a level equal to that of the “maintenance” rehearsal. Conversely, sub-
one-second rehearsal items. The comparison jects rehearsing five words may need to use all
yielded a highly significant result, F(1, 341) = their potential processing capacity for main-
32.61, p < .OOl, and accounted for 91.2% of tenance alone. To investigate this possibility,
the variance due to treatments. list length was manipulated across subjects in
Experiment 2. If subjects with the longer
Discussion five-word lists can, in fact, perform only
As in the two pilot experiments, perform- maintenance repetition, then rehearsing a
ance on the final test was significantly higher five-word list would not, by definition, lead to
for rehearsal items than for distractor items higher levels of final recall than would a
and the performance on rehearsal items distractor task.
increased monotonically with longer retention
intervals whereas performance on subtraction Method
items was independent of retention interval. The two retention interval tasks, distraction
Overt repetition again acted as a form of (number shadowing) and rehearsal, and two
,elaborative rehearsal. The longer the repetition retention intervals, 5 and 20 set, were
interval, the better the delayed test perform- manipulated within subjects. Subjects were
.ance. Practiced subjects in the present study not informed of task type; each trial simply
showed no effect at all from the precueing began with the CRT signal “new trial”. List
manipulation for either rehearsal or subtrac- length was manipulated between-subjects. A
tion trials. There is no evidence for the given subject received either a three-, four-, or
differential encoding suggestions of GStz and five-word list per trial on all 48 trials. Each
Jacoby (1974) or Jacoby and Bartz (1972). three-word and four-word list was obtained
There is, however, corroboration of the by deleting the last one or two words from the
Modigliani (in press) data showing a flat end of a five-word list.

A random assignment of the eight within- expectations. Near ceiling performance was
subject conditions to the 48 Brown-Peterson maintained over delay interval for rehearsal
trials was obtained for each of four, 12-subject trials whereas performance dropped over delay
counterbalancing groups with the restriction interval for shadowing trials. There was also a
that each condition appear once in each se- decrease in initial performance on rehearsal
quence of eight trials. A 12-subject counter- trials as list length increased from three words
balancing group was then subdivided into three to five words.
subgroups of four subjects per subgroup. The Final test performance. Final recall data
three subgroups were identical in all respects from no-recall trials, presented in Figure 2,
except for list length; each subgroup corre- were analyzed first with list length as a factor.
sponded to one of the three list length con- There was no significant effect of list length,
ditions. The rehearsal/shadowing and recall/ F(2, 45) = 1.62, nor did any interactions
no-recall factors were interchanged across the involving list length approach significance, all
four subjects within each subgroup so that a ps > .lO. Data from all list lengths were there-
given trial (and word list) was assigned to all fore combined for further analysis.
combinations of the two factors. The ordering As in the previous two experiments, re-
ofretention interval and the composition of the hearsal led to significantly better final per-
lists were randomly determined for each group formance than did the distractor-task, F(l, 45)
of 12 subjects. = 22.10, p < .Ol. There was also a significant
All subjects received an unannounced final retention interval effect, F(1, 45) = 21.20,
recall test. As a filler before final recall, the p < .Ol, and a significant Task x Retention
subject completed a rating form concerning the Interval interaction, F(l, 45) = 4.85, p < .05.
difficulty of the various treatment procedures. The planned comparison testing for an
Subjects were required to take a minimum of increase in final performance over retention
5 min for final recall. interval on rehearsal items with constant
Forty-eight introductory psychology stu- performance over retention interval for
dents participated as subjects and received shadowing items yielded a highly significant
extra course credit. There were 16 subjects in result, F(l,l80) = 31.22,~ < .OOl, andaccoun-
each list length group. ted for 82.5 % of the total treatment variance.

Results The final recall data are fairly straightfor-
Initial recall performance. As indicated in ward. List length had no effect on the pattern
Table 3, initial recall data conformed to


5 set 20 set

3-word rehearsal 1.00 .96

shadowing .69 .37
4-word rehearsal .97 .97
FIG. 2. Experiment 2, final free recall. Proportion
shadowing .54 .30
5-word rehearsal .89 .88 correct for all three list lengths as a function of retention
.57 interval and retention interval task. Phase 1 no-recall
shadowing .32
trials only. A, rehearsal; q , shadowing.

of results. Performance was somewhat lower reported in the present paper were from no-
for five-word lists but did not differ qualitat- recall trials only. It was therefore possible to
ively from performance on three- and four- examine the effects of the rehearsal and
word lists. The hypothesis suggesting different rehearsal-preventing tasks on delayed per-
kinds of processing for lists shorter than vs. formance without the contamination intro-
equivalent to immediate memory span was duced by initial recall. The present data (reflec-
not supported. ting a combination of distractor-filled and
As in the previous experiment, rehearsal rehearsal-filled trials) follow the pattern
items were recalled at a significantly higher established by Modigliani : Final performance
level than distractor items. Also, as in the on items initially followed by a rehearsal-
first experiment, there was a significant preventing task was independent of the length
increase in final performance for rehearsal of the delay interval. However, final perform-
items as the overt rehearsal interval increased ance increased as a function of delay interval
to 20 set; this increase obtained for all list for rehearsal items. These data suggest that
lengths. Overt repetition again displayed the there is no further processing of items during
properties of elaborative rehearsal. Final recall the distractor delay itself while processing
data from shadowing trials showed no sig- continues during rehearsal.
nificant increases as delay interval increased, There is no evidence in the present experi-
again corroborating Modigliani (in press). ments to support the hypothesis of differential
encoding of stimuli based on whether the
subject is aware or not aware of the type of
retention interval task that will follow stimulus
Data from the present set of experiments presentation. There was no cueing effect for
indicate that allowing overt repetition leads to either rehearsal or filled-delay items as would
better performance on a delayed memory task be anticipated from the data of both Gbtz and
than does preventing rehearsal. Thus there is Jacoby (1974) and Jacoby and Bartz (1972).
support for the conception of repetition as a Various attempts to control differences be-
mechanism that results in transfer of informa- tween the above studies and the present studies
tion to a more permanent long-term memory did not change the pattern. When the subject
store. There is also evidence of a positive is alternating between an overt rehearsal task
monotonic relationship between number of and a distractor task, precues providing
repetitions (controlled by the length of the information corresponding to the task type
overt rehearsal interval) and final test perform- are apparently not used in any beneficial
ance, corroborating the data of Roenker manner.
(1974) and Meunier, Kestner, Meunier, and The present data indicate that “rehearsal”
Ritz (1974). can be classified according to either experi-
Modigliani (in press) has suggested that mental procedure or according to results on a
much of the reported beneficial effects of a delayed test and that the two classifications
rehearsal-preventing task on final recall results are not redundant. Recent studies fall into
from the initial recall. The effect is attributed each cell of a factorial combination of these
to more than just item selection., When sub- two dimensions, as shown in Table 4. The
jects received only distractor-filled no-recall row dimension in the table is classification by
trials (Modigliani, Experiment 2), final procedure. Experimentally, the subject can
performance remained unchanged as a func- overtly or covertly process the stimuli. Overt
tion of the retention interval and w.assignifi- processing may be either rote repetition or it
cantly below the final performance resulting may be processing in a manner not requiring
from an initial recall procedure. The data item repetition, e.g., production of rhymes or

associates of the stimuli. The column dimen- an “elaboration” dimension independent of

sion in Table 4 is the aposteriovi classification delayed test performance, but until experi-
made, as discussed above, on the basis of mental procedures are defined upon an atten-
performance on a delayed test. Studies in the tion-elaboration dimension, procedural and
same procedural division can involve either a posteriori delayed test classifications should
maintenance or elaborative rehearsal. Overt remain independent.
repetition, a procedural classification, should
not be confused with maintenance rehearsal,
a delayed test effect classification. Overt REFERENCES
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