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Skill 2.2

Finding the purpose of your Life.

The most basic statement that I believe is that
we as humans are created for a purpose. We
have a reason for existing and we have
something to accomplish in our lives. Our
creator also has given us this purpose in life.
I also believe that our creator created us to
have the desire to succeed. As humans we all
want to succeed and we generally don’t
handle failure well. Although, people see
wanting to succeed as a bad thing, it is
actually a good thing and makes people work
harder. When people think about successful
people they automatically think about
someone with a lot of money like Bill Gates,
Steve Jobs, or Donald Trump. Success can be
thought as someone who is greedy if they are
in business or a celebrity with a big ego.
Once we find our purpose then we will be
able to live our life happily and know what we
are good at. Another principle is that we have
to respect other people and their purposes.
We shouldn’t judge others based on what
they are meant to accomplish in their life.
Each person has their own individual purpose
and are unique based on their purpose. My
second premise is that our creator created us
to have a desire to succeed then the principle
is to work hard at everything. If one works
hard at everything then they will succeed.
Another principle is to work to improve the
skills given to someone and their work ethic.
If one improves the skills they already have
then they will succeed. This is because
everyone will get better at using their skills
and become better than others with the same
skills if they don’t practice to improve theirs.
If one improves their work ethic then they will
succeed because they will work harder than
others. Everyone should always want to
improve their skills in order to grow as a
worker and The first practice is to set time
aside for myself to see what my purpose is in
life. Setting aside time is hard for me to do
since I’m busy with school but I want to try
and do this practice. The main reason I find
that this is important because if I find my
purpose in life then I think knowing what to
do with my calling will be easier to figure out.
The second practice is to talk to friends and
find out what they think their purpose in life
is. If I talk to friends and find out what they
think their purpose is then it might be easier
to for me to figure out what mine is even
though it won’t be the same as my friends.
Talking to others usually helps me get my
mind and ideas flowing better so I can think
more clearly and reason better.
The third practice is to realize when I start to
judge someone for not knowing their
purpose, I need to stop and realize that we
are still young and they will eventually figure
it out. Not everyone will know what their
purpose is while they are in high school or
college. They may have an idea of what it
could be but it could change because it’s not
their true purpose.

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