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Quiz 1

Name Eugen Terse Time:

Section: Am 3Date: September 10 2020

TOPIC 1- Answer the following.

1. Define a child by age according to the convention on the rights of a Child. (5pts.)
The Convention on the rights of the Child of the child (Article 1) states that " A child means every human
being below the age of 18 years old unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained

2. Some countries' new-born may not be formally named or even recognized until they have
passed a full year. Why? (1pt.)
The United States, almost anything goes when it come to baby names. Naming laws are actually set by the
state, and some states have more requirements than others. There are some commonalities: In most states,
you can't put a numeral in your name, for example, and there are often character limits to how long you can
make a name. (In Minnesota, you're limited to "only" 150 characters.) But if you want to name your kid
something that'll get them teased for the rest of their life, it's your American right.
In other countries, though, that isn't always the case, and there are much stricter naming laws. Some require
parents to choose from a pre-approved list of names, or petition the government to add a name to the list.
Others have laws protecting kids from the ridicule that would result from parents who choose terrible names
for them. Here are more than 50 "illegal" names that have been banned or almost-banned — see if you think
the governing bodies were right to strike them down, or if you think they were overstepping.

3. Cite four (4) important factors in determining who is a child and adolescent. (4pts.)
In different cultural contexts, factors other than age may be important in determining who is a child or an
adolescent: factors such as social roles, gender, marital status and the capacity to contribute economically
may be more important than chronological age in shaping expectations of children.

4. Differentiate the child-rearing practices between Asian and American parents. (5pts.)
Many child-rearing practices also reflect particular cultural contexts: in some contexts in Asia,
mothers may be quite protective of their children, seeking to keep their infants quiet and
contented, and as they grow up there may be an expectation of compliance and conformity, and
an acceptance of adult authority: by contrast, many American parents may encourage open,
expressive, autonomous and assertive behaviour and allow a pre-school child to take physical
risks that would be unacceptable to many Asian mothers.
5. In other cultures, what does adolescents has to go through to be given adult rights and resp
onsibility? (2pts.)
In many cultures, adolescents, both boys and girls, go through rites of passage which, once
successfully completed, confer adult rights and responsibilities. The ability to maintain such
customs is often difficult in the context of displacement, where lack of income and access to
important resources may delay or dilute these practices.

6. Childhood is neither timeless nor universal. Why? (3pts.)

It is not determined only by your age or by biological and psychological factors rather childhood is
understood by reference to particular, cultural, and social context and to particular period in the history.
There is no universal definition of children or of childhood. Childhood is a cultural and social construction,
and not simply a universal stage in the human being’s physical and psychological development.
TOPIC 2- 1
1. It concerns the process of growth and maturation of the human individual from conception to

Answer:Child Development

2. What is this most common impact on child development that is closely linked to disease,
especially infectious diseases?
Answer :Malnutrition is closely linked to disease, especially infectious diseases. Under-nourished
children have less resistance to disease, and once they have a diarrhoeal or respiratory infection,
eat even less so that a cycle of disadvantage is set up which can quickly lead to death. Children’s
nutritional needs are significantly different from those of adults.

3. What is associated with malnutrition that can affect the child's natural inclination to explore
and learn from the environment and opportunities for taking part in school and other social
Answer :Chronic poor health, often associated with malnutrition, can affect the child’s natural

inclination to explore and learn from the environment and opportunities for taking part in school

and other social activities.

4. It refers to a set of universal rights and principle which have been given legal status through
their expression in the articles of the CRC.
Answer :Child Rights

5. Children will enter puberty at around the ages of?

Answer: Usually, puberty starts between ages 8 and 13 in girls and ages 9 and 15 in boys
6. The process of child development can be usefully described as?


7. All children and adolescents have three basic needs which must be met to ensure healthy
development. What are these?
Answer: All children and adolescents have basic physiological, social and emotional needs which

must be met to ensure healthy development.

8. It can be life-threatening to very young children who do not yet have fully developed
temperature regulation systems and have little fat under the skin.
Answer:Cold and excessive heat

9. The principle of child development is to identify and depicting growth and development with

several pattern and processes are necessary.

10. Children whose primary education often find it difficult to return to schooling later in their
Answer :Loss of educational opportunities

TOPIC 2- 2

1. Cite 5 examples of child rights. (5pts.)

Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard
of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. Children’s rights cover their developmental and age-
appropriate needs that change over time as a child grows up.
2. In your own opinion, why are child rights important? (5pts.)
Answer :Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults and also specific rights
that recognize their special needs. Children are vulnerable and dependent to their parents.With Child Rights
children around the world has the right to live, to be educate, to have freedom and health care. In addition
Child Rights also provide protection to children from any discrimination.
3. Base on the article you have read, what does UNHCR stands for? (5pts.)
Answer : United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

4.If you are the one who has concerns about Child's Development, how do you you refer your
Answer :If I have significant concerns about a child's development, I will sensitively present my
concerns to the family.This is because by communicating we can come to a particular decision or idea
that what might happen if we convey our concerns to the respective family.It will also help in solving
the development issues on time before they can go to some serious stage.

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