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Critical Care Clinics

Volume 13 • Number 3 • July 1997

Copyright © 1997 W. B. Saunders Company


Common Issues in Pediatric and Adult Clinical Care



Gregory J. Schears MD
Clifford S. Deutschman MS, MD, FCCM

Departments of Anesthesiology (GJS, CSD), Critical Care Medicine Pediatrics (GJS),

University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine; and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
(GJS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

At the core of critical care medicine is a belief that optimization of bioenergetics and
removal of metabolic waste reduce morbidity and improve survival. Thus, ensuring
appropriate metabolic support is essential. Bassili and Deitel, [20] Chandra, [36] and
Reinhardt et al [144] have demonstrated that malnutrition prolongs ventilation and
increases the incidence of sepsis and death. Others [175] [180] have shown that treating
malnutrition improves clinical outcome. Providing the proper substrate to meet
metabolic requirements should curtail catabolism, promote rapid wound healing, and
protect from infection. The nutritional requirements of healthy individuals are well
studied. Relevant information regarding metabolic requirements in specific disorders,
however, is often lacking. Compounding this difficulty is the fact that most human
studies have been conducted in adults. Therefore, pediatric information may be
scarce. This article presents issues common to both pediatric and adult critical care.
Included is a discussion of assessment, substrate, route, nutritional pharmacology,
and disease-specific issues for patients beyond the full-term newborn period.

Address reprint requests to

Gregory J. Schears, MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department of Anesthesiology & CCM
34th Street & Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Delivery of appropriate metabolic support begins with assessment of nutritional status.

Assessment tools also can be used to monitor


maintenance and improvement. Recognizing and quantifying protein-energy malnutrition

(PEM) is the first step in identifying patients at risk for increased morbidity and mortality.
The ideal nutritional assessment tool is sensitive, specific, reproducible, relevant in illness
and health, distinguishes lean body mass from fat, is easily applied at the bedside, and is
cost effective. Most methods can meet only two or three of these goals. [38] [121] [194] We
discuss tools that are useful or readily accessible to intensive care unit (ICU) patients.


Over 50 years ago Studley [172] reported a 33% mortality in patients with a greater than 20%
weight loss on admission for ulcer surgery. Since then, several studies have noted increased
morbidity and mortality in association with weight loss. [26] [119] [151] [159] [189] These observations
probably reflect the impact of disease on weight rather than weight on outcome.

Anthropometry, a population-based comparison of human body measurements, is a

commonly used method and includes weight, height, skinfold thickness, and appendage
circumference. In pediatrics, weight for age, [76] weight for height, [181] weight/height ratio for
age, [125] and growth charts [87] have all been used. Though authors differ on which approach is
most accurate, [126] [182] [194] growth chart analysis can best identify patients at risk. Because
adults have obtained maximum height, growth curves are not useful. Typically, these are
replaced with insurance tables [147] to assess ideal weight for height, age, and gender. Data
indicate that these tables add little to examination by an experienced clinician. [50]

Triceps skinfold thickness [112] attempts to estimate total body fat. This can be extrapolated to
lean body mass. This measurement is simple to perform at the bedside and is inexpensive.
It assumes that body fat is uniformly distributed and that healthy population standards
apply to the critically ill. Neither assumption seems to be valid. [25] [81] [85] [115] Further,
interobserver variation can be significant. [74] Anthropometry is probably more useful in
assessing chronic nutritional support.

Biochemical Markers

A number of biochemical markers have been used in nutritional assessment. Serum

albumin concentration is the most widely used and studied. Hypoalbuminemia has been
associated with increased length of stay [7] and risk of death. [92] [144] Because of its long half-
life (20 days), [150] high rate of intravascular and extravascular exchange, [64] and insensitivity
to starvation, [169] this measurement seems to be a better marker of disease severity than of
nutritional status. [67] [123]
Transferrin, the serum transport protein for iron, has an 8-day half-life and has been shown
to correlate with nitrogen balance. [65] Unlike


albumin, it is found almost entirely in the intravascular space. Transferrin synthesis is

induced by iron deficiency and by acute-phase responses. There is a suggestion that
transferrin is a better marker for nutritional status in population studies than in individual
patients. [41] [152]

Prealbumin, [98] or transthyretin, serves as serum thyroxin transport protein. This protein has
a half-life of 2 days and serum concentrations have been shown to respond to dietary
restriction when albumin and transferrin did not. [98] [163] Increases in prealbumin have been
demonstrated to correlate with a positive nitrogen balance [41] and may therefore indicate a
positive response to a nutritional regimen. [168]

Insulin-like growth factor 1, a modulator of growth hormone, has also been shown to
correlate with 24-hour nitrogen balance. [44] [105] Though largely used in research, insulin-like
growth factor-1 may ultimately prove to be the most rapidly responding [72] and accurate
reflection of changes in acute nutritional state. [178]

Multiparameter Tools

Nitrogen balance relates urinary urea excretion with protein intake. Improvement in the
nitrogen balance is considered one of the best markers of the adequacy of nutritional
support. The percentage, however, of total nitrogen excreted as urea can vary. [29] Therefore,
results must be interpreted cautiously in patients receiving crystalline amino acids.

The Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), [38] the Instant Nutritional Assessment, [158] and the
Prognostic Nutritional Index [121] all use more than one variable to identify patients at risk
due to malnutrition. SGA, which uses strictly clinical criteria, has good interoperator
reproducibility. [13] A correlation between malnutrition and infection risk has been identified.
Subjective Global Assessment, however, is not quantitative and has not been used in the
critically ill. [121] The Instant Nutritional Assessment combines albumin levels and total
lymphocyte counts. A reduction in both values correlated with increased complication and
death rates. [158] Although simple, this index is more likely to indicate severity of illness or
the presence of inflammation than nutritional status. [64] [67] [123] [150] [169] The Prognostic
Nutritional Index uses a combination of clinical and laboratory information. It has been
validated in adult surgical patients and high values correlate with an increased risk of
complication. [95] It probably, however, better reflects severity of illness than PEM.

Indirect Calorimetry

Indirect calorimetry (IC) measures the consumption of oxygen (V O2 ) and the production of
carbon dioxide (V CO2 ) when metabolic substrate is burned. If the patient inspires a known
concentration of O2 and CO2 , measurement of expired V O2 and V CO2 can be used to
calculate metabolic


energy expenditure. Resting energy expenditure (REE) can be determined using the
following formula:

Application of this technique in adults and children has both advantages and disadvantages.
Unlike other approximations of REE, such as tables [46] or the Harris-Benedict equation, [88]
IC can provide a real-time measurement of REE on an individual patient. Further, IC data
are accurate and reproducible. [27] IC applied to ventilated patients requires meticulous
attention to several factors. [143] [184] These include system leaks, inconsistent F IO2 delivery, [28]
and IC calibration and drift. For an F IO2 greater than 0.4 there is a potential for increased
error as the inspiratory/expiratory O2 percentage difference decreases [177] and oxygen
analyzers enter a nonlinear, less accurate range. In pediatrics, the use of uncuffed tubes
further adds to sampling error. [42] Attempts have been made to compensate for this effect. [157]

When appropriately applied and interpreted, IC may be the only clinically available tool
that can give real-time accurate information regarding energy expenditure and substrate
utilization. Whether knowing the REE influences outcome remains unproven. Certain
clinical situations, such as sepsis, trauma, burns, and chronic ventilation, make accurate
estimation of REE difficult. IC does offer the advantage of early detection of altered
metabolic states and can be used to monitor the adequacy of support over time. Equations
are being developed to account for disease-specific changes in REE [69] [70] [101] that may reduce
the need for IC.



Humans depend on the hydrolysis of the phosphate bonds in adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
to provide energy. The ATP reserve has been estimated to last only a few minutes, so
adequate substrate for ATP generation is essential. Synthesis of ATP occurs in three sets of
biochemical reactions: (1) glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof); (2) the tricarboxylic acid cycle
(Krebs); and (3) electron transport. [23] The last two phases generate the majority of ATP.
Both require oxygen as a final electron acceptor.

Glucose, the primary fuel for glycolysis, can be exogenous or supplied via the conversion
of stored glycogen. Glycerol and some amino acids can enter the Krebs cycle directly. Our
need to provide nutritional support in critically ill patients depends on a complex
relationship between intake, disease, and substrate stores.

To classify PEM, it is useful to distinguish between starvation and hypermetabolic stress. [19]
Starvation is the lack of nutrient intake. To compensate, the body attempts to reduce energy
expenditure and directs substrate stores to essential functions like maintaining the central


system. [114] The initial energy sources used are stored glycogen and glucose derived from
amino acids. The fuel source then converts to fatty acids, ketones, and glycerol. Protein
catabolism is reduced to preserve lean body mass. In contrast, hypermetabolic stress is an
activated state in which resting energy needs are increased and catabolism may be
rampant. [61] Potential indicators of this response include neural pathways, hormonal
mediators, and white cell products. Lean body mass wasting may exceed that expected for
comparable starvation (Table 1) . [19]

Both starvation and hypermetabolism result in loss of body cell mass. Critically ill patients
are often on a continuum between these two states. Given adequate caloric intake,
nutritional support spares starvation-mediated loss of lean body mass. For the
hypermetabolic patient, protein catabolism is only partially responsive to exogenesis
substrate. [19]

Caloric Requirements

The nutritional requirements of both healthy adults and children are well established.
Children, however, have the additional need to support growth and development. The US
guidelines, called the recommended daily allowances, are based on the average needs of
healthy people plus a 30% to 50% excess as a margin of error (Table 2) (Table Not
Available) . [45] For healthy adults the Harris-Benedict [88] equation is often used to estimate

where W is weight in kilograms, H is height in centimeters, and A is age in years.

For critically ill adults and children, disease-specific information to help estimate caloric
needs is limited. Long et al [118] using indirect calorimetry


From Barton RE: Nutrition support in critical illness. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 9:127,
1994; with permission.
Starvation Hypermetabolism
REE Decreased Increased
Respiratory quotient (0.6-0.7) (0.8-0.9)
Mediator activation -- +++
Primary fuels Fat Mixed
Proteolysis + +++
Branched-chain oxidation + +++
Hepatic protein synthesis + +++
Ureagenesis + +++
Urinary nitrogen loss + +++
Gluconeogenesis + +++
Ketone body production ++++ +



Reprinted with permission from recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition. Copyright
1989 by the National Academy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National Academy Press,
Washington, DC.
(Not Available)

on adults under varying degrees of stress, modified the Harris-Benedict equation to

account for activity and injury factors, called the actual energy expenditure (AEE): (AEE=
BMR × activity factor × injury factor) (Table 3) (Table Not Available) . For adults and
children, additional information is required to estimate caloric requirements better in the


Any deficit in glucose availability triggers nitrogen wasting and the mobilization of fat
stores. Exogenous carbohydrate provision should prevent or at least reduce catabolism and
in part meet energy requirements. Ingested polysaccharides are converted in the gut into
oligo- and monosaccharides. Those are further hydrolyzed and transported across the brush
border via ATPase facilitated diffusion. Most glucose is delivered to the liver via the portal
circulation. [83] With parenteral nutrition
From Lond CL, Schaffel J, Geiger JW, et al: Metabolic response to injury and illness:
Estimation of energy and protein needs from calorimetry and nitrogen balance. Journal of
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 3:452, 1979; with permission.
(Not Available)


(PN) glucose may be taken up directly by all tissues and perhaps stored as glycogen.
Current recommendations for percent of total calories from carbohydrate are around 50%
in starvation. Hypermetabolic patients may require slightly more. There is an upper limit to
glucose oxidation (5 mg/kg/min), however, and hypermetabolic patients often exceed this
level. Thus, hyperglycemia is common in stress. [45] [173] [192] Excess carbohydrate
supplementation can result in increased CO2 production, fever, hepatic steatosis,
hyperosmolarity, and osmotic diuresis.


The goals of lipid supplementation include providing for essential fatty acids, promoting
nitrogen sparing, and offering a balanced approach to fulfilling energy requirements.
Ingested fat forms chylomicrons in the gut lumen. These enter the mesenteric lymphatics
and drain into the systemic circulation via the thoracic duct. Chylomicra can be stored in
adipose tissue or delivered to the liver. In the liver, lipid can be directed into an energy-
yielding pathway, converted to ketone bodies for transport to remote tissues, or used for the
synthesis of bile salts. Intracellular transfer of lipid requires conversion to glycerol and free
fatty acids. [38] Parenteral lipids are handled similarly to chylomicrons. They also can be
incorporated into apoprotein-C-II. This compound activates lipoprotein lipase and further
promotes metabolism. [91]

To prevent essential fatty acid deficiency in children requires 0.5 g/kg/d. [73] For adults,
essential fatty acid deficiency can be prevented with PN lipids making up 3.2% or greater
of the total calories or with 15% of total enteral calories. [18] Using current balanced
formulations this can easily be achieved. Commonly, between 20% and 40% of total
calories in PN comes from lipids. Above a minimal carbohydrate load, lipids are as protein
sparing as glucose. [17] During stress hypermetabolism, lipid oxidation may be impaired by a
decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity. [146] Halberg, [84] however, has shown that there is
increased clearance of intravenous fat during stress. This fat is not necessarily used as a fuel
source and may help to preserve endogenous fat stores. [77]

A number of complications have been associated with lipid infusion. Significant hepatic
deposition has been found in septic rats. [40] Deposition of lipid in the reticuloendothelial
system has been linked to decreased phagocytosis and bacterial killing. [86] Bolus dosing of
lipid has been associated with reduced pulmonary diffusion capacity. [82] Altered lipid
metabolism in stressed patients has resulted in increased levels of triglycerides and free
fatty acids. [146] Hence, monitoring is particularly important for the hypermetabolic patient.


The goal of supplemental protein is to provide substrate for cellular protein synthesis and
the maintenance of lean body mass. Ingested


protein is broken down by brush border enzymes into amino acids and oligopeptides.
These are transported across the lumen for use in the liver, muscle, and other tissues. [83]
PN for patients with normal organ function contains a mixture of essential and
nonessential amino acids. Modified products are available for some disease states. A
modified product containing high concentrations of branched chained amino acids has
been shown to improve hepatic encephalopathy in some studies. [32] Use of this modified
product in other clinical situations has not been as successful.

For healthy humans, protein requirements decrease with age. Infants require over 2 g/kg/d,
whereas adults need 1 g/kg/d. [60] For critically ill patients the requirements are much more
complex. [91] In a metabolically stressed patient, protein requirements may increase as much
as 300%. [110] Although meeting the protein requirement in the hypermetabolic patient is
essential, prerenal azotemia can develop. Dialysis may be needed. [83]


The majority of information now suggests that the early use of enteral nutrition (EN) is
superior to PN. The use of PN is gradually being reduced to those situations where enteral
intolerance, inadequacy of surface area, or clinical concern regarding competency of the
alimentary tract are present.

A number of studies have identified route-related complications and outcome. Alexander et

al [5] were the first to show the benefits of EN in pediatric burn patients. Patients receiving
EN supplement had a 100% survival. Matched controls receiving PN alone had a 56%
survival. Herndon et al [93] showed similar findings in adult burn patients. Prospective,
randomized, unblinded trials [33] [134] have not documented improved survival. Infectious
complications, however, appear to be reduced. Moore et al, [134] studying adult trauma
patients, were able to show that patients receiving EN had a 3% infectious complication
rate, whereas those maintained on PN had a 20% rate. Early (within the first 24 hours)
initiation of EN may also reduce hypermetabolism and infectious risk. [131] [133]

The negative impact of PN has been shown in several ways. Disruption of the intestinal
barrier has been noted when PN was administered following burn injury and sepsis. [52] [195]
PN in the absence of stress has been associated with intestinal lumen atrophy and increased
permeability. [149] [188] This can yield bacterial and endotoxin translocation [97] [138] and is one
probable explanation for the increased infection rates with PN. Further human studies on
PN have shown impaired neutrophil function [128] and exaggerated production of counter-
regulatory hormones, [66] potentially worsening metabolic derangements seen in sepsis.

Complications and cost need to be considered. [2] The reported risk of complications for a
PN-dedicated catheter was 6%. [2] For needle


jejunostomy tubes the reported complication rate is 1.5%. [136] Chellis et al, [39] comparing the
cost of PN versus EN, estimated EN saves $425 per day over PN.


PEM and other specific deficiencies are known to have an impact on immune function. [35]
For example, PEM can reduce essentially all arms of the immune system including B-cell,
T-cell, macrophage, and neutrophil function; complement activation; and delayed
hypersensitivity. Recent research has focused not only on improving nutrition but also on
the effects of individual components on the immune system. This new approach is called
immunonutrition or nutritional pharmacology. [4] [124] [164]


Arginine is a nonessential amino acid that functions as a precursor for nitric oxide. [132] In
animals and humans, arginine has been shown to [15] [16] [145] increase production and the
release of natural killer and helper T-cells in healthy volunteers. Barbul et al [14] have shown
that arginine increases thymic cellularity [145] and promotes wound healing in rats. In
humans, Daly et al [47] have shown reduced infection rates and shorter hospital stays in
postoperative cancer patients.


Glutamine is also a nonessential amino acid and a precursor for the synthesis of nucleic
acids. Stored in skeletal muscle, it appears to be the preferred fuel for enterocytes in times
of stress [167] and may prevent translocation of bacteria. [8] It also may serve as a fuel source
for T lymphocytes and macrophages. [106]


RNA appears to have immunostimulatory properties. [179] RNA-enriched enteral diets

increase the maturation and phenotypic expression of T-cells. Nucleotide free diets have
been associated with reduced cell-mediated immunity and T-cell activation. Restoration of
nucleotides to the diet reverses this process. [68] [142]

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, have a significant impact on the
immune system. Linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, is found in common cooking oils and
in lipid emulsions used in PN. Linoleic acid is a precursor of arachidonic acid, and thus for
the four-series luekotrienes and the two-series eicosanoids, thromboxane A2 and
prostaglandin E2 . Leukotriene B4 is a potent neutrophil chemotactic agent and has a role in
neutrophil adhesion. [122] Thromboxane A2 is a potent bronchoconstrictor and promotes
platelet aggregation. [176] Prostaglandin E2 contributes to superoxide generation and increases
suppressor T-cell activity, reducing cell-mediated immunity. [55] Thus, the products of
omega-6 fatty acids are proinflammatory but limit the immune system's ability to clear the

Omega-3 fatty acids (linolenic) are found in fish oils. They are precursors for
docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, which in turn are precursors for three-
series prostaglandins and thromboxanes and five-series leukotrienes. These products have
significantly less biologic activity than the omega-6 products. They are less prone to
promote inflammation or immunosuppression. [6] [139] Several groups have shown improved
cell-mediated immunity and increased survival in stressed animals receiving omega-3 fatty
acid supplements. [31] [37] [139] Human data using immunomodulating diets suggest reduced
incidence of wound infections and improved length of stay in burn patients [79] and reduced
length of stay in ICU patients. [21] These results are preliminary but encouraging.


When evaluating the relationship between critical illness and nutrition, it is often difficult
to determine if the illness is impacting on nutrition or if nutrition is impacting on the
illness. This section briefly deals with these issues as they apply to specific diseases.

Respiratory Failure

Nutritional issues related to respiratory failure [80] [148] include the impact of malnutrition on
pulmonary structure and function, the consequences of feeding, and considerations with
mechanical ventilation. It has long been recognized that malnutrition may be a cause of
respiratory insufficiency. [24] [108] The development of premature emphysema has been noted
in young adults during periods of starvation [170] and in semistarved rats. [153] Starvation is
associated with reduced numbers of elastic fibers, altered surfactant, [153] a 30% to 40%
decrease in vital capacity, [10] [108] reduced diaphramatic mass, [10] decreased response to
hypoxia, [56] and blunted ventilatory drive. [183] Death from starvation is often due to
pneumonia. This

may relate to a reduction in pulmonary IgA production [165] and impaired T-cell function. [34]

Refeeding has been associated with a return of respiratory function [56] [108] [153] [183] but not a
resolution of emphysematous areas. [153] Amount and substrate mix have important
implications for CO2 production in respiratory failure. [49] In respiratory failure, initial
administration of calories to provide 1 to 1.2 times approximated REE per day is
appropriate until response to refeeding can be determined. [148] The commonly used Harris-
Benedict equation adjusted for injury and severity does not account for respiratory failure
and ventilation. [118] Therefore, indirect calorimetry may be helpful because overfeeding with
glucose can increase CO2 production via lipogenesis. If PN is required, a lower percentage
of total calories should be provided by carbohydrates to reduce the risk of hypercapnia. [140]
There has been some concern that high omega-6 lipid content can exacerbate adult
respiratory distress syndrome. [107] Some authors thus recommend that 50% of total calories
be supplied via lipid. [140] [148]

Given the effects of malnutrition on pulmonary function, nutritional status could influence
weaning from the ventilator. Several small retrospective reviews [20] [113] have supported this
association. In addition, micronutrient abnormalities have been implicated in unsuccessful
weaning. Hypophosphatemia has been linked to respiratory failure. [63] This may occur with
use of phosphate-binding aluminum or magnesium antacids or as a result of intracellular
movement of phosphate with glucose during PN. [100] Hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia
have been associated with respiratory failure. Serum magnesium levels may not adequately
reflect intramuscular deficiencies. [9] [59] Provision of concentrated nutrition formula may
also be necessary during weaning to minimize the impact of interstitial lung water.

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiac cachexia [141] is a term used to describe malnutrition in patients with heart disease.
Starvation has been shown to reduce myocardial and skeletal muscle mass. [94] Nutritional
issues for cardiac patients deal as much with their tolerance of the supplement as the
supplement itself. Refeeding of severely malnourished patients is associated with
arrhythmias and sudden death. [104] This may be caused by intolerance of excess
intravascular volume, increased energy expenditure, or electrolyte abnormalities. [96] [104]
Supplemental nutrition can negatively impact factors determining myocardial oxygen
supply and demand. Heart rate may increase with the demands of increased REE seen with
refeeding. Hence, excess calories can have a negative effect. Indirect calorimetry is
probably the best way to determine the needs of adult patients. For children, 150 kcal/kg/d
has been estimated to meet the requirements for growth and development in infants with
congenital heart disease. More attention


may need to be paid to correction of low potassium, calcium, and magnesium to reduce
Liver Dysfunction

Patients with liver dysfunction develop protein energy malnutrition from anorexia,
malabsorption, early satiety, and reduced protein synthesis. [75] Nutritional supplementation
is crucial to improve status and to increase the likelihood of successful transplantation, [160] if
needed. Nutritional assessment in liver failure is particularly difficult given that edema and
ascites alter appendage circumferences and weight and that liver failure decreases
production of transport proteins, such as albumin, transferrin, and transthyretin. Clinical
judgment may be the best way to assess PEM severity. In the stable chronic liver failure
patient, protein requirements are generally in the normal range (1 g/kg/d for adults and 2.5
to 3 g/kg/d for infants). [22] [75] In hepatic encephalopathy, the amount of protein may need to
be reduced. Other sources for encephalopathy also need to be excluded, such as sepsis and
gastrointestinal bleeding. The use of formulas substituting branched chain amino acids for
aromatic and sulfhydryl-containing amino acids to improve hepatic encephalopathy is
controversial. In starvation, providing adequate total calories to prevent muscle catabolism
may be all that is needed to prevent the release of aromatic amino acids from skeletal
muscle. For adults, providing 25 to 30 kcal/kg/d (as estimated by the Harris-Benedict
equation) seems reasonable. Infants with liver failure require between 100 and 130
kcal/kg/d to provide for growth and development. [22] Fat-soluble vitamins are often deficient
and need to be supplemented.


The septic patient serves as a model of hypermetabolism. Derangements in carbohydrate,

protein, and lipid metabolism can be significant. [137] [191] REE is elevated and oxygen
consumption is increased. Glucose uptake by peripheral tissues is increased, [161] but the rate
of absolute oxidation is decreased. The increased need for glucose is met by an increased
rate of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. [161] Catecholamines and glucagon are probably the
most important mediators for this increased synthesis. [116] Catecholamines may also mediate
the insulin resistance seen in sepsis. [116] Plasma free fatty acids may or may not be elevated.
Factors, such as blood flow and pH in adipose tissue, influence the release of free fatty
acids in the septic patient. [137] Catecholamines appear to be the dominate mediator for
lipolysis in sepsis. [193] Protein loss is due to degradation exceeding synthesis. [117] The net loss
of muscle mass can exceed 0.5 kg of body cell mass each day. [191] Treatment with
nutritional supplementation has been discussed.



Improved survival from extensive burns can be attributed in part to increased attention to
nutritional support. [53] A hypermetabolic response paralleling the extent of injury occurs
with burns. [187] Factors implicated in sustaining this reaction include inflammatory
mediators, counter regulatory hormones, and bacteria and endotoxin from the wound or
intestine. [53] Interestingly, serum interleukin-6 levels appear to correlate with burn size and
the degree of protein catabolism. [51] Mochizuki et al [131] have shown that enteral, but not
parenteral, feeds immediately postburn reduce the hypermetabolic response. This is
probably related to preservation of the intestinal barrier, which has been shown to be lost
after burns. [52]

Caloric requirements for burn victims have been extensively studied. For pediatric burns,
23 methods for predicting energy expenditure can be documented. [185] Mayes and colleagues
looked at nine of the most commonly used methods and compared them with indirect
calorimetry. They found the revised Galveston formula to approximate the energy
requirements best for children less than 12 years with greater than 30% burns: kcal/d=
1800 kcal/m2 BSA + 1300 kcal/m2 BSAB, where BSAB= body surface area burned. For
adults, Deitch [53] has devised a burn severity factor, that can be used in conjunction with
the Harris-Benedict equation (Table 4) (Table Not Available) . [24]

The goal of closely approximating the caloric needs of burn victims is to avoid the dangers
of overfeeding and still provide adequate substrate to limit catabolism. Attention to other
issues, such as a thermally neutral environment, treatment of fever, relief of pain and
anxiety, and early coverage of wounds, is crucial to reversing the hypermetabolic state.

Renal Failure

For acute renal failure (ARF) there is no clear evidence that early institution of
hyperalimentation affects outcome. [120] Catabolism is a major cause of muscle mass loss in
ARF and may be related to inflammatory mediators, [186] impaired protein synthesis, [54]
blunted insulin-stimulated


From Deitch EA: Nutritional support of the burn patient. Crit Care Clin 11:735, 1995; with
(Not Available)


muscle protein synthesis, [130] and high levels of counter-regulatory hormones. [111] Because
of insulin resistance, there is increased hepatic gluconeogenesis [43] and hyperglycemia.
Lipolysis is impaired and elimination of infused lipid emulsions can be delayed. [57]
Electrolyte abnormalities, such as hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia,
may also contribute.

Energy requirements based on the Harris-Benedict equation are generally 20% to 30%
higher for ARF. [155] [166] When PN is necessary, high glucose concentrations are preferred to
minimize fluid intake. Glucose intolerance may necessitate insulin administration.
Triglyceride clearance is reduced in ARF, [58] so decreased dosing and increased monitoring
may be required. The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition recommends
a balance of both essential and nonessential amino acids be used. [4] This stems from
literature that initially suggested that an improved renal recovery was seen with a group
treated with essential amino acids exclusively. [1] This study was not supported with
additional studies. [62] [129] It is important to point out that reducing protein intake to limit
blood urea nitrogen generation is not helpful. Meeting protein needs may make dialysis
necessary, but this is preferable to protein malnutrition.


The relationship between nutrition and wound healing seems self evident. Still, objective
human data demonstrating improved wound healing in any but severely malnourished
patients are scant. Albina [3] recently reviewed the evidence, both animal and human, to
support the relationship. The various outcomes assessed dealt with the quality of healing
based on tensile strength; collagen deposition; time; and complications, such as infection.
Several studies have demonstrated reduced anastomotic tensile strength in undernourished
rodents. [48] [102] [103] Whether this represented a lack of overall calories or a selected protein-
free diet as was intended is less of an issue than the fact that these animals had up to a 50%
reduction in wound strength. Most human studies have examined protein deposition in an
implanted tube of polytetrafluoroethylene. [3] [78] [154] The analysis involves measurement of
hydroxyproline, an indicator of collagen deposition, and of DNA as a marker of wound
cellularity. Several studies [89] [90] [156] [190] demonstrate a quantitative difference in the amount of
hydroxyproline recovered from the wounds of malnourished or underfed patients. The
relevance of this method has been questioned. Because there is no evidence that improving
nutrition is detrimental to wound healing, and several studies suggest it could be
beneficial, supplemental nutrition seems justified.


We have the ability to supply a wide variety of PN and EN supplements to both adult and
pediatric critically ill patients. Choosing the


right kind, amount, and route is very complex and the literature is often vague. The use of
early enteral feeds, whenever possible, is gaining support. Despite many methods of
assessing malnutrition, the best test may be clinical judgment. Estimating energy needs
and response to intervention can be done reliably in health but is unproven in many
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nutrients to be given, it is generally agreed that a balanced approach coupled with careful
monitoring is important. The manipulation of various nutrients may have a significant
impact on certain disease states. Thus, nutrition for the critically ill adult or child is
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MD Consult L.L.C.

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