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Intrinsic PID controller for a segway type mobile robot

Conference Paper · December 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ICIINFS.2017.8300402

2 638

3 authors:

Isuru Dushmantha Basnayake Udari Madhushani

New Mexico State University Princeton University


D. H. S. Maithripala
University of Peradeniya


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Intrinsic PID Controller
For a Segway Type Mobile Robot

Abstract—This paper illustrates a intrinsic geometric PID controller is better than the PID controller but with bounded
controller applied to a self balancing Segway type mobile robot uncertainty [5], [6]. Since the inverted pendulum is non-linear
with parameter uncertainties.The Segway is constrained to move system PID controllers are employed to balance the inverted
in the direction of the wheels with the no slip condition and
restricted to the motion on the plane. The system is highly non- pendulum robots after the linearizion [7], [8] . The systems
linear and the geometric PID controller which is applied in this are perfectly controlled around the equilibrium point and the
paper allowed the system a local exponential convergence while controlling function is not effectively executed at domains
being almost global and robust to the uncertain parameters. beyond the equilibrium.
Key words - PID, Lie groups,Intrinsic PID, Segway
However, nonlinear controllers such as fuzzy logic
controllers and adaptive neural network control have been
Segway is a self balancing, personal transportation vehicle, employed to sustain throughout the controlling domain.For
which has attracted significant interest from both industry position controlling and balancing fuzzy logic controllers has
and academia. Basically it is driven by two control torques been implemented on the self balancing inverted pendulums
that are applied separately on each of the wheels and [9], [10]. However, developing a non-linear controller for a
can be approximated to an inverted pendulum on a cart. non-linear system seemed to address the issue while meeting
As the system is made to maintain the vertically upright the requirements but in practice the response to a bounded
configuration of the pendulum, where the system gains the parameter uncertainties is quiet poor than a PID controller.
highest potential energy, the equilibrium is naturally unstable.
In a theoretical point of view this makes the Segway a There are occasions where the working region can’t be
challenging and interesting control problem. In addition, the defined in advanced the operation or the initial conditions
system is described by its characteristic non-linear dynamics can’t be predefined. In such instances coordinates become
and became popular among many researchers. It has been a less significant. However, coordinates are assigned to describe
better system to authenticate the proficiency of the proposed the mechanical system and there is always a space that the
controllers. Interestingly, the system it self defines a space that system itself describes over the time which is also well known
is unique to rigid bodies all along with its an under actuation as a manifold. Describing controllers without the inference of
with non-holonomic constrains and the lager maneuverability. any coordinate system and only within the manifold is called
Such systems are controlled in different means such as linear the intrinsic controllers.The significance in utilizing smooth
controllers, nonlinear controllers and geometric controllers. feedback in non-Euclidean space is that the system can attain
The objective of this paper is to extend the concept of integral almost global stability.When single coordinate system is
action in general setting to a under actuated mechanical considered, characteristic global topological constraints can’t
system , namely Segway type mobile robot and to show that be seen as in a developed smooth manifold . In addition
it perfectly address aspects of the controlling goals one can clearly ensure that a controller, which stabilizes the
entire manifold, where a large amount of charts that span
In control theory, PID and LQR are often found as a linear the entire dynamic geometry, are included, is almost globally
controllers . However, Proportional,Integral,Derivative PID stable. Thus extending the intrinsic PID controller for the self
controller can be implemented on a linear systems as well balancing Segway type mobile robot allow the system to be
as on a non-linear systems.The most significance of PID stabilized almost globally. The geometric controller has been
controllers is that the PID controller is robust even when implemented on fully actuated unconstrained mechanical
the parameters of the system are uncertain and possess the system [11]. Here the geometric controller is extended to
ability to achieve the set point [1]. The system is required constrained under actuated system
to linearize in order for a PID to function as a controller
in the non-linear systems and more frequently system is In this paper, the developed intrinsic PID controller for the
linearized around the desired set point [2], [3]. Linear general manifold is extended to the self balancing segway
quadratic regulator (LQR) is a state space method employed type mobile robot integrating with the the non-holonomic
to control the linear systems[4].Basically LQR which is a constraints which are namely ; i) the system doesn’t slip side
modern controller method, computes the optimal solution ways ii)robot remain in a plane iii) the system isn’t allowed
for the multi variable systems and the performance of the to rotate laterally.
smooth tensor field I : T G 7→ T ∗ G that is point wise defined
In section II , it is briefly described the PID controller above is usually referred to as the inertia tensor.
for a simple unconstrained mechanical system on general Lie
groups and extend it for Constraint mechanical system.In the For any vectorfields X, Y, Z ∈ T G the derivative of
section III, The extension of the intrinsic PID controller for hhX, Y ii along solutions of Z is denoted by LZ hhX, Y ii.
the mobile robot and the dynamics of the system is explained For a Riemannian or singular Riemannian metric one can
with the in-cooperation of the non-holonomic constraints of show that there exists a unique 1-form field, I∇X Y ∈ T ∗ G
the system .Finally in the section IV basing the dynamics the that satisfies the following properties [15]
system a numerically model was simulated integrating the PID
controller .
LZ hhX, Y ii = < I∇Z X, Y > + < I∇Z Y, X > (1)
A mechanical system can be described in terms of
configuration space, the kinetic energy, the generalized For a given X, Y ∈ T G this 1-form field is explicitly given
forces, and the holonomic and non-holonomic constraints by the Koszul formula:
acting on the system [12].The generalized velocities and the 1
< I∇X Y, Z >= (LX hhY, Zii + LY hhZ, Xii
generalized forces are the elements of the tangent bundle and 2
the cotangent bundle. The kinetic energy creates the structure − LZ hhX, Y ii − hhX, [Y, Z]ii
of a Riemannian manifold on the configuration space.Then it + hhY, [Z, X]ii + hhZ, [X, Y ]ii)
is seen that the Euler-Lagrange equations take the form of a
nonlinear double integrator. The holonomic or nonholonomic It can be shown that this allows one to define a covariant
constraints of system make sure that the constraints do no derivative called the lower derivative , I∇ : T G×T G 7→ T ∗ G,
work. Thus there is a reduction in the dimension of the that takes values in T ∗ G. Condition (1) states that the lower
double integrator system. In the following we briefly review derivative is metric and (2) states that the lower derivative is
some of the basic notions of differential geometry that allows symmetric or torsion free. From a mechanical system point
us to formalize these statements of view what turns out to be more crucial is the property of
Let’s assume configuration space G of a mechanical system metricity given by (1). If the metric is Riemannian then I is an
will be a smooth n-dimensional manifold. The tangent vector isomorphism and then ∇X Y = I−1 (I∇X Y ) defines a unique
to a curve through g is vg = ġ, while Tg G is the space of covariant derivative, called the Levi − Civita connection.
all such tangent vectors to G at g ∈ G. The collection of all
such tangent spaces to G is referred to as the tangent bundle Using the above notations one can write down Euler-
[13],T G. The space dual to Tg G is denoted by Tg∗ G and is Lagrange equations for an unconstrained mechanical system
referred to as the cotangent space[14]and the collection of all in the intrinsic fashion
such cotangent spaces to G is referred to as the cotangent
bundle, T ∗ G . The action of a covector γg ∈ Tg∗ G on a I∇ġ ġ = γg (3)
vector vg ∈ Tg G can be denote by < γg , vg > [12].Let where γg ∈ Tg∗ G is the generalized force acting on the
g(t) be the smooth curve describing the evolution of the system. This expression is valid for both Riemannian metrics
mechanical system over time , on the configuration space G. as well as singular Riemannian metrics. Since I is an isomor-
The generalized velocity of the system is the tangent to this phism for Riemannian (non-singular) metrics the mechanical
curve vg = g ∈ Tg G , while γg , which is an elements of the system can be alternatively written as ∇ġ ġ = I− 1γg = Γg .
cotangent space Tg∗ G , is the generalized force acting on the Whereas for singular Riemannian metrics the corresponding
system . Thus < γg , vg > is the rate of change of energy of mechanical system can not be written in this fashion. In the
the mechanical system. Riemannian case ∇ġ ġ has the notion of intrinsic acceleration.
When the configuration space is Rn and the kinetic energy
A structure of a singular Riemannian manifold is created metric is constant equation (3) reduces to mẍ = f . Thus
on G from a singular Riemannian metric which assigns equation (3) can be considered as the nonlinear equivalent of
the inner product ,< ·, · >: Tg G × Tg G 7→ R on each the linear double integrator.
of the tangent spaces Tg G on G [15]. For mechanical If the system is subjected to holonomic or non-holonomic
systems the kinetic energy of the system defines such a constraints the Lagrange-dAlembert principle states that the
metric so that the kinetic energy of the mechanical system forces that ensure the constraints do no work. This observation
is given byKE = hhġ, ġii/2. The singular Riemannian allows a reduction in dimension of the representation of the
metric allows one to define a mapIg : Tg G 7→ Tg∗ G by the double integrator system (3). At each g ∈ G consider the
relationship < Ig vg , ug > = hhvg , ug iifor all vg , ug ∈ Tg G. collection of subspacesDg ⊂ Tg G. If the assignment of these
For Riemannian metrics the above defined map Ig is an subspaces is smooth over g the collection of all such subsaces,
isomorphism and in this case one can uniquely identify a denoted by D ⊂ T G, is called a smooth distribution. The
vector with a given covector in an intrinsic fashion. The holonomic and non-holonomic constraints of a mechanical
system are typically of the formġ(t) ∈ Dg(t) for all t for The condition γλ ∈ Dc∗ also implies that
some such smooth D of dimension m. Let Dc∗ ⊂ T ∗ Gbe the
annihilating co-distribution of D or simply the constraint co- γλ = PDc∗ (I∇ġ ġ) − PDc∗ (γ) = −(∇ġ PDc∗ )(Iġ) − PDC∗ (γ)
distribution. That is let (4)

M where the lower covariant derivative of P D∗ c along X ∈ T G

Dc∗ = ∗
{γ ∈ T G | < γ, v >= 0, ∀v ∈ D} is defined by
The dimension of D∗ c is (nm). We will assume that I (∇X PDC∗ )(IY ) = LX (PDc∗ (IY )) − PDc∗ (I∇X Y ) (5)
restricted to D is one-to-one and onto its image D∗ , I(D).
Thus dim(D) = dim(D∗ ) = m. Since if ġ ∈ D then Note that if IY ∈ D∗ then (∇X PDc∗ )(IY ) ∈ Dc∗
/ Dc∗ it follows that T ∗ G = D∗ ⊕ Dc∗ .
Iġ ∈ Basically what expression (4) implies is that the constraint
force should be equal and opposite to the projection of the
external forces along the constraint co-distribution plus the
Let PD∗ : T ∗ G 7→ D∗ be the smooth projection ontoD∗ .
M gyroscopic forces along the constraint co-distribution. Com-
Thus P Dc∗ = (I − P D∗ ) is the complementary projection that
bining the above three equations we have that the constrained
projects onto Dc∗ . Let us summarize some of the consequences
mechanical system on the Lie group G takes the form
of this decomposition of T ∗ G.
(a) P D∗ (IX) = IX if and only if X ∈ D. Iġ ġ = −(∇ġ PDc∗ )(Iġ) + PDc∗ (γ) (6)
Below we will briefly show how one may proceed to construct
the projections PD∗ and PDc∗ . Let A(g) be the matrix that
describes the (n − m)-constraints in some convenient frame-
field for Tg∗ G in the form Aġ = 0. Denote by σ this choice
of basis for Tg∗ G. Let K be such that D =span(K). That is,
K is the maximal rank matrix such that AK = 0. Define the
new basis σD such that σD = σT where T (g) = [IKAT ].
The representations of the projections in the original basis σ
then take the form
Im×m 0m×(n−m)
PD∗ = T (g) T (g)−1
0(n−m)×m 0(n−m)×(n−m)

Fig. 1: Projection
0m×m 0m×(n−m)
P Dc∗ = T (g) T (g)−1
0(n−m)×m I(n−m)×(n−m)
(b) For any X ∈ D the inner product hhX, Y ii = 0 if and
only if Y ∈
In this section a mobile robot type segway is considered.The
Let γ(g) ∈ Tg∗ G be the resultant generalized external force figure 2 which is the schematics of the system,clearly illustrate
acting on the system and γλ (g) ∈ Tg∗ G be the generalized inertial frame,body frame and an auxiliary frame with the
constraint force that maintains the constraint g(t) ∈ Dg (t). notation e, b and a respectively.The gravity acts along the
For brevity of notation we will omit the g dependence of the opposite direction of e3 and the frame b is fixed on the
above forces. The Lagrange-dAlembert principle says that segway such thatb3 is set along the axis of the robot.
the generalized constraint forces do no work and hence that
γλ ∈ Dc∗ . Thus the Lagrange-dAlembert principle implies It is a constrained system on SE(3) ≡ SO(3) × R3 .
that P D∗ (γλ) ≡ 0. The constraint that ġ ∈ Dg (t) implies Considering the left-invariant Kinetic energy matric, it can be
/ Dc∗ and hence that PDc∗ (Iġ ) ≡ 0 and PDc∗ (Iġ ) = Iġ .
that Ig ∈ expressed that,
M 1
For a mechanical system corresponding to a singular- hhζ, ηii = (M V · U + Ib Ω· Φ)
Riemannian metric, the intrinsic Newtons equations (3) can
be split along the constraint co-distribution Dc∗ and its com-
plement D∗ . Using this decomposition it follows that the Where M is the mass of the system , Π is the inertia tensor
constrained equations of motion, of a mechanical system cor- with respect to the body frame and ζ = (V, Ω), η = (U, Φ) ∈
responding to a singular-Riemannian metric, have the intrinsic SE(3) ≡ SO(3) × R3 .The overall inertia tensor, Π is defined
representation as follows.

PD∗ (I∇ġġ ) = PD∗ (γ)

M 0
PDc∗ (Iġ) = 0 0 Ib
This implies that,
φ̇ = Ω1
θ̇ = Ω3 sin(φ) + Ω3 cos(φ)
In here the sideway motion of the segway is considered
as restricted.Further more, the robot can move only on the
plane and rotation about a2 is denied.When considering these
constrains,following expressions can be written.

a · ȯ = e1 · V = 0
e3 · ȯ = e3 · R1 V = 0
a2 · ω = e2 R1 Ω = 0
V1 = 0
V2 sin(φ) + V3 cos(φ) = 0
Ω2 cos(φ) − Ω3 sin(φ) = 0
This can also represented as,
−eˆ2 2

e2 eT2 =0
Where Ωc = R1 (φ)Ω = 0 and Vc = R1 (φ)V are the linear
velocities and angular velocities in the c-frame.Thus the three
dimensional distribution is give as follows.
D = ker −eˆ2 2 e2 eT2

Let K be the maximal rank matrix such that D = ker(K).

R1 03×3 M I( 3 × 3) 03×3 T
T = K A
03×3 R1 Ib R1T 03×3 R1 Ib R1T

Fig. 2: Schematics of the segway type mobile robot Therefore we have that projection, PD , on to co-distribution

D is found to be given by
I3×3 03×3 −1
Considering as γ = (F, τ ) and following the results from PD ∗ = T T
03×3 03×3
I 5ġ ġ = γg , the equations of the motion is described by the
expression below. Noting that the projections are given with respect to b-frame
and the covariant derivative of this operator along ζ as defined
I 5ġ ġ = −(∇ġ PDc∗ )(Iġ ) + PD∗ (γ) by ? and expressed with respect to the b-frame is found to be
explicitly given by
The frames, a and b can be explicitly defined from the natural
(5ζ PDc∗ )(Iη) = − PDc∗ 21 (Ib (Ω × Φ)) − Ib Φ × Ω − Ib Ω × Φ
co-ordinates, (θ,φ), as shown in the figure 2 .  
+ (Lζ PDc∗ ) Ib φ
a = eR3 (θ)
Therefore the constrained system IOζ ζ =
b = aR1 (φ) 
− Oġ PDc∗ (Iζ) + PD∗ (γ) explicitly at angle of β along e2
R = R3 R1 (φ̇eˆ1 + θ̇R1T eˆ3 R1 )
M V˙1 =0
Thus it can be shown, (τR + τL )
M V˙2 =M Ω1 V3 + cos(φ)
  r
φ̇ (τR + τL )
Ω =  θ̇ sin(φ)  M V˙3 = − M Ω1 V2 − sin(φ)
θ̇ cos(φ) I1 Ω̇1 =(I2 − I3 )Ω2 Ω3 + (τR + τL )
I2 (I2 − I3 ) sin2 (φ) − I3 Ω1 Ω3

I2 Ω̇2 = − Basically the mechanical system was simulated to an unity
(I2 sin2 (φ) + I3 cos2 (φ)) system and the nominal system parameters are as follows.
I2 sin(φ)(τR − τL )bd mass M = 1,principle moment of inertia I = diag[1, 1, 1], the
+ center of gravity along main axis of Lcentreof gravity = 0.5,
2(I2 sin2 (φ) + I3 cos2 (φ))r
 wheel diameter rwheel = 1,breadth of the system Lbreadth=1
I3 (I2 − I3 ) cos2 (φ) + I2 Ω1 Ω2
I3 Ω̇3 = − , gravitational acceleration g = 1.The controller gains
(I2 sin2 (φ) + I3 cos2 (φ)) for the PID controller used for nominal parameters was
I3 cos(φ)(τR − τL )bd kp = 2, kd = 1 and kI = 0.1 .Then for an uncertainty of 50%
2(I2 sin2 (φ) + I3 cos2 (φ))r of sytem parameters the systems controller gains were set to
kp = 5, kd = 2 and kI = 0.92 .The results were obtained
for zero initial body velocities and angular velocities and
Let y : SE(3) 7→ S2 be y(o, R) = Re3 and for initial Π4 tilting angle and P12i lateral rotating angles the
Vy (R) = (1 − Re3 · e3 ) + (1 − (R3 (θ)e1 ) · e1 ) Then system converged to the balancing position.
dVy = −eˆ3 RT e3 − eˆ1 R3T e1
The system converged to it’s balancing state successfully
Therefore PID controller can be expressed as; demonstrating the potential of the geometric controller. fig3.
h T
(τR + τL )e1 + bd(τR −τL2r)R1 (φ) e3 = − kp −ê3 R e3 − ê1 R3 e1

− kd Ib Ω
 The system has the potential to attain the stability with
  almost given initial conditions. However the system tends
− kI Ib ΩI
to keep a very small lateral linear velocity. Apart from that
Since a potential energy assignment is not shown in the the system exponentially attain the equilibrium tilt angle and
translation degree of freedom and from the expression for the body angular velocities. Furthermore, the system has the
covariant derivative of PDc∗ , V˙I = 0.Thus VI ≡ 0. Therefore ability to attain the stability even with parameter uncertainty
the PID controller can br written explicitly as follows. of 50% with the corrected controller gains

Although the self balancing segway type mobile robot is

1 highly non-linear the intrinsic PID controller converges the
Ib Ω̇ = − R1 (φ)eˆ2 2 R1 (φ)T (−Ω × ΩI + Ib ΩI n × Ω system to the stability with the parameter uncertainties.The
system’s convergence is considered to be almost global and
+ Ib Ω × ΩI ) − eˆ3 RT e3 − eˆ1 R3T e1
  locally exponential.The extension of the the geometric con-
2r troller for the under actuated contained mechanical system is
τR = − kp sin(φ) + cos(φ) sin(θ)
  successfully implemented
− kd I1 (Ω1 + ΩI1 ) + (I2 Ω2 sin(φ) + I3 Ω3 cos(φ)) R EFERENCES
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Fig. 3: The numerical simulation results of the Segway type
mobile robot with the parameter uncertainty of 50% and for
the Kp = 5,Kd = 2 and Kp = 0.92 .The system converges
to the stable balanced position.The system converge to a state
that has very smaller lateral velocity with the pendulum held
right upwards(a) Variation of the linear velocity along the b2
direction with time is a convergence of the velocity to smaller
value (b) Variation of angular velocity along b1 direction is
convergence to zero (c) Variation of the Tilting angle with the
time is a convergence to zero

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