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Welcome to the kill grey online tutorial memo que getting started for

translators. In the first module of this series, we will look at how to set up
a new project in mchugh. Each module will take between 10 and 15 minutes to go
through. At the end. There will be three questions to test your understanding
of the topics that were covered. Before you can start translating in mchugh,
you need to set up a project. You need to tell the system the project name and
where you want to save the project, the path to the documents.

You want to translate which translation memory or memories you want to use.
And if you want to use the term base or term basis as well, this presentation
will show you how to do the following. Create a project and to the project
settings. Add your documents to the project, create or select the translation
memories, create or select the term basis, and how to navigate within a
project. There are several ways to start the wizard that helps you to set up a
new project. You can go to the mama que application menu, select new project,
and then on the right side under new project without template, click on new

you can click on new project in the project ribbon tap. Alternatively, you can
go to the frequent tasks area and use the link to create a new project without
a template. After clicking on new project, the new project wizard opens. First
you need to enter general project Information like the name of the project and
the language pair. The fields project, client domain and subject are very
useful. If you want to add Information to your translations, each translation
will be safe. With the Information you enter here, mchugh will create a folder
for this project.

The folder will have the name you entered at the Top of this dialog. By using
the button with the three dots, you can choose the place on your computer
where this project folder should be saved. The user name is usually your login
name on this computer. If you want to use something else, feel Free to change
the user name. Here. This Information will also be saved with each translation
to add documents for translation, click on the import link, browse to the
documents, select them, and open them.

This will start the import into the memo q project. During this import, mama
que extracts the translatable text from the documents and splits up the text
into segments where a segment can be a whole sentence, a part of a sentence,
or maybe just a heading consisting of two words at the same time. Mammock, you
will also create a preview of the original document. If the file format is
supported for previews. This is the case for office documents and h t m l as
well as x m l with style sheets.

After the documents have been imported, you will see the import path, which is
the path to the original document, and the export path, which is the path that
will be used once the document is translated and exported from m a q by
default, mchugh will export the translated document to the same folder as the
original document. And at the language idea of the target language of your
project, if you do not like this default, you could also export the document
to another place or with another name.

Why are they export with dialogue function from within your project? The
translation memories window will show any available translation memory for the
language pair you chose for your project. If there is no translation memory,
or if you want to create a new empty one, click on the create, use new link.
First. Enter a name for the new translation memory. There are already some
default settings checked, which are quite useful. For example, simple context
means that for each segment that is safe to the translation memory, also the
segment before and after is saved as well.

This helps memo que to do better matching on segments, because it can now take
the context into account when looking for translation suggestions. Allow
reverse lookup is another useful setting as it allows you to use the
translation memory in both language directions for looking up translation
suggestions. And in addition to the settings on the first screen of this
wizard, where you could add project numbers or client names here, you can also
add the name of the document to each segment that you save to the translation
memory with the stored document name option.

The translation memory that you create or activate as the first in the list
will have the value working master in the type column. Working means that this
database is the one that you will use to save your translations into when
confirming segments during translation or review. Any other translation memory
that is also activated will be used for searching matches only, and thus serve
as reference translation memories. There can only be one translation memory
marked as working. If you want to use another translation memory as working
translation memory, right, click the name and select the option, set us

It will then appear as the first translation memory in the list. Master
translation memories are translation memories that will be updated by the
confirm and update row operation. For example, once the project is finished
and delivered, the term base window will show any available term basis for the
languages you have chosen for your project. If there is no term base, or if
you want to create a new empty one, click on the create, use new link, enter a
name for the new term base. The languages you chose in the project setup have
already been activated.

More languages can be added now or later to the term base from the language
list. You can see that in contrast to translation memories, which are always
bilingual, a term base can be multi lingual. There can be several term bases
activated in the project. The term base that you chose first will have the
rank one. This means that this database is the one to be searched first, and
the one you will use to save your terms into any other term base that is also
activated will be used for searching terms.

Only by raising or lowering the rank using the links below, you can define the
order in which term basis will be searched. If you want to use another term
base as target for new terms, right? Click the name and select the option, set
his target for new terms, or use the link below the list. It will then be
displayed in bold in the list. With this last setting, the project setup has
finished the project. You just create it will be opened and will display the
project home screen.

This is the main navigation area for everything that you want to do in your
project. In the translations area, you can open documents for translation, add
new documents to the project, or delete documents, and export your
translations in the translation memories and term basis areas, you can add
translation memories and turn basis, edit them, or remove them from the
project in the life box area. You can, for example, run alignments with
previous translations that should be referenced during translation of the new
documents. In the muses area, you can create and fill databases with fret and
pears extracted from teams and alignments.

These fragment pairs are then used for the predictive typing feature. In the
settings area, you can change the settings of your project and activate
resources, like checking features or lists with the terms that should not be
translated and so on. To get started with your translation, go to the
translations area, select the document you want to translate in the list, and
double click the document name. The document will then be opened in the
translation editor. This concludes the set up of a mammal cure project. The
next modules in this series will show you how to translate a document and how
to calculate word counts.

On the next slide, we will ask you some questions that will help you to test
your knowledge on setting up a mock u project. Here comes the quiz. First
question. Can you change the name of a project translation memory or term base
within mama que? Once it has been created? The possible answers are yes, no.
Or only while mchugh is still open. The correct answer is yes. The names of
databases and the project name can be changed after setup. Second question,
what does the indication primary working mean?

When you see it beside the name of a term base or translation memory? The
possible answers are this is the largest database I have in my mchugh. This is
the smallest database I have in memo q or this is the database that is used to
save translations during translation. They correct. Answer is, this is the
database that is used to save translations. 3rd question, is there a limit to
the number of databases you can use in a project? The possible answers are,
yes, I can only use one term base and one translation memory.
Yes. I can only use five translation memories and one term base. Or know I can
use as many as I like. The correct answer is no. I can use as many as I like,
although in reality, you would probably not use more than maybe three or four
different translation memories in your project, and maybe one or two term
basis. Thank you for watching this tutorial. To get an overview over the
functionality is in the translation editor. Please take a look at modules two
and three.

This tutorial was created with memo que 2015. The tutorial was created by
locke demise for kill great translation technologies.

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