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Document Preparation and File Management

1. Word processing software (WPS) lets users prepare documents in a more organized
and better way. There are many WPS available for use, there are even available for
free. Below is a sample screen of LibreOffice Writer.

LibreOffice Writer Environment

With LibreOffice Writer and other word processing software, the menu bar contains the
different commands, the Standard toolbar are the common commands while the Formatting
toolbar contains the formatting commands.

Google also provides us with an online word processing software called Google Docs. The
Google docs contains also the title bar, menu bar, toolbar, the working area where the user
can type. Below is a sample screenshot of Google Docs.

(Google Docs Environment

Microsoft Word is a word processing software which is part of the Microsoft Office package.
There are many versions of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2007 to 2016 version uses
almost similar environment in which it uses ribbon as a way to use the different commands.
Below is an example of MS Word environment and its parts:
Microsoft Word Environment

• Ribbon. It contains the tabs & its commands. It replaces the menus and toolbars found
in earlier versions of Word. Take note that other word processing software still use menus
and toolbars. The ribbon contains 7 basic tabs except the File tab.

• Tab. Each tab has a common purpose and consists of several groups.

• Group. Command buttons with a common purpose are clustered together.

• Each ribbon contains several groups.

• Some groups, but not all, contain a quick launch bar (dialogue box launcher) in the
bottom right hand corner.

• Additional tabs appear when objects are selected

• Title Bar. It shows name of program and open document. Also contains minimize,
maximize and close buttons.

• Quick Access Toolbar. It is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands

that are independent of the tab on the ribbon.

• Rulers (Horizontal & Vertical). It gives you an idea of where you are on the page.

• Work/Text Area (Document). It is where you type text & insert objects.
• Window Control buttons. It provides quick function in manipulating a window such as
Close, Minimize and Maximize/Restore.

• Status Bar. It shows desired options such as page number/number of total page, word
count, insert/overtype mode, caps lock, and zoom slide.

• Zoom/Zoom Slide. It is used to increase or decrease the amount of the document you
see on the screen.

• Scroll Bars. It allows you to view document by moving it up, down (vertical scroll bar),
left or right (horizontal scroll bar).


The file menu normally contains commands that allow the user to create a new document,
open existing documents, save a document and other commands that can be used in the
preparation of a document. The File tab of Microsoft Word 2016 contains commands and
options such as Info, New, Open, Save, Save As, Share, Print, Options and Close.

The Info displays the file properties, related dates, related people and related document. On
file properties. Some of the properties are determined by MS Word while others can be set
such as Title, Tags, Comments, Status, Categories and Subject. The Protect Document can
also allow you to set protection by entering a password.

The New command allows a user to create new document either using a blank document or
using the templates available. A template is a ready-made format that can be used as guide
in preparing a document such as letters, memos, resume, etc. The templates are grouped.
You can also search for available templates online. The shortcut key to open a blank
document is Ctrl + N.

The Open command allows the user to open an existing document saved in a certain
location. Ctrl + O is the shortcut key to activate the command.

The Save command allows the user to save changes to the existing document being used. If
the existing document was not save yet, the Save command will display the Save As dialog
box for the user to set the filename, file type, location and other details of the
document. Ctrl + S is the shortcut key to save changes to the existing document.

The Save As command allows the user to activate the Save As dialog box thereby allowing
the user to set or change the filename, location and file type. Below is the Save As dialog
With Save As dialog box, the user can type the filename, set the type of file, choose the
location (folder/drive) where to save and even set some options in the Tools like including
a password to open. Simply click Save button after setting.

The Print command allows the user to print the existing document. This command displays
the list of printers installed and allows the user to set the settings such as pages to print.
The shortcut key to activate the Print is Ctrl + P.

The Share command allows the user to share the document to other people by saving it to
OneDrive in order to be saved to Cloud. It can also be sent to an email or to a blog.

The Options command allows the user to change or view options for Microsoft Word. For
example, if you want to display formatting marks or printing options, then set it on Display
command. If you want to change save settings, then activate the Save. If you want to set
Advance settings such as editing options, cut, copy, paste options and display options, then
select the Advanced command. You can also customize the Ribbon and Quick Access
Toolbar by adding some commands.

The Close command will allow the user to close the current document. This command is
different from Close command in the window control menu. The close button in the
window-control menu closes the entire application. The shortcut key to close a document
is Ctrl + W while Alt + F4 is used to closed the application.


When typewriters were used in preparing documents, editing was a problem. With word
processing software, the preparation of documents is made easy and better. Editing
commands are very important in document preparation.

In any word processing software, editing is almost similar. As a user, you need to know how
to select text or objects, apply the copy, cut, paste and other editing commands.

With Microsoft Word, the clipboard group in the Home tab contains that cut, copy, paste
and format painter command. Aside from that, the clipboard can also be activated by clicking
the Dialog Box Launcher located at lower corner of the clipboard group. A clipboard is a
temporary storage of copied or cut text or object which can be pasted at any point in time.
When the clipboard pane is active, the Pane displays all cut or copied text/object. With this,
the user can select what to paste from the list.

With other word processing software, the editing commands are placed in an edit menu,
just like in Google Docs. While WPS Office Writer have the editing commands in the Home
tab, the same with Microsoft Word.
Note: When a Dialog Box Launcher is available in a group, it means that there is a dialog
box or ` that can be utilized.

Selecting Text

In order for the copy or cut command to activate, there should be a selected text or object.
Selecting text through the mouse can be done through click and drag in order to be
highlighted. You can select a word by double-clicking it. Below are the shortcut keys that
can be used to select or highlight text:

Copying Selected Text

1. Select the text

2. Issue the Copy command, by either:
- Clicking the Copy button on the Home tab
- Right click on the selected text then choose copy
- Pressing Ctrl + C
3. Position the cursor to where the copied text will be placed.
4. Issue the Paste command, by either:
- Clicking the Paste button on the Home tab
- Right click on the selected text then choose Paste
- Pressing Ctrl + V

Note: The Copy and Cut command are only active (or enabled) when there is selected text
or object while Paste command is active when there is Copied or Cut text or object.

Moving Selected Text

1. Select the text

2. Issue the Cut command, by either:
- Clicking the Cut button on the Home tab
- Right click on the selected text then choose Cut
- Pressing Ctrl + X
3. Position the cursor to where the copied text will be placed.
4. Issue the Paste command, by either:
- Clicking the Paste button on the Home tab
- Right click on the selected text then choose Paste
- Pressing Ctrl + V

Deleting Selected Text

1. Select the text

2. Press Delete key from the keyboard.

The Format Painter.

This command is used to apply the last format used on a click text.

The Find, Replace and GoTo command

The Find command will allow the user to find certain text within the document.

The Replace command will allow the user find a certain text within the document and
replace it with the text placed on the replace with area:

The Go To command will allow the user to go to a certain place within the document such
as going to a certain line, page, figure, etc.

Ctrl + F is used to activate the Find command. Ctrl + H is used to activate the Replace
command while Ctrl + G or F5 is used for Go To command. These three commands are
actually placed in the same dialog box but is separated by tabs.

The Undo, Redo and Repeat

The Undo command is used to undo the last action or activity done. Ctrl + Z is the shortcut
key to undo. The user can only redo or use the Redo command when undo command was
initiated. If there is no action or activity undone, this command is used to Repeat the last
action done. For example, you type the word: Word Processing, then issuing Ctrl + Y will
repeat it, meaning it will display again what you have typed. Ctrl + Y is the shortcut to Redo
or Repeat.

Note: Short cuts keys for selecting (highlighting) text and editing commands in Microsoft
Word may be the same with other word processing software such as WPS Office and
Google Docs.

The View Commands

 The Views group is used to change view of document area.
 The Show group will hide/unhide the ruler, gridlines or navigation pane. For example,
in a Print Layout view, if the horizontal and vertical ruler of MS Word is not displayed,
then click the Ruler check box to activate it.
 The Zoom group will allow the user to change the window size.
 The Window group is used to set the viewing windows of document/s
 The Macro is used view macros window

These are the shortcut key in changing the view of the document:

o Alt Ctrl P - Print Layout

o Alt Ctrl O - Outline
o Alt Ctrl N - Draft

2. Enhancing a document by applying formats

Character Formatting
It is changing the appearance of text such as selecting a font (typeface), changing font size,
applying style and color. Take note that format commands can be issued before typing or
after typing. When you know the format command to apply before typing, then you can
issue the desired command. Applying a format command can also be done after typing, you
just need to select the text to be formatted.

Methods of character formatting

It can be done either using the:

 Font Group in Home Tab of the ribbon. The commands in this group can be clicked
in order to apply the selected command. To remove the applied format, you can click
the command used.
 Font Dialog Box. The font dialog box can be activated by click the Dialog Box
launcher in the Font Group or by pressing Ctrl + D as its shortcut key. With the
dialog box, you can select the Font to apply, the style and its size and also the color,
underline to use, and effects to apply. Moreover, you can use the Advance tab to set
the character spacing and OpenType features. For example, in the Advance tab,
widen the spacing of the characters by expanding it to 8 pts, which may look like
this: characters.

Note: The Text Effects & Typography command that you see in the Font group is available
in the Advanced Tab using the Text Effects button.

Shortcut keys
o Ctrl + B – Bold
o Ctrl + I – Italics
o Ctrl + U – Underline
o Ctrl + D / Ctrl Shift P – activate Font Dialog box
o Ctrl + Shift + D – double underline
o Ctrl + Shift + W – Underline Words only
o Ctrl + [ - decrease font size 1pt
o Ctrl +] - increase font size 1pt
o Ctrl + Shift + > - increase fontsize using options/10pt
o Ctrl + Shift + < - decrease fontsize using options/10pt
o Ctrl + Spacebar – remove formatting
o Shift + F3 – change case
o Ctrl + = (equal) - Subscript
o Ctrl + Shift + = - Superscript

Formatting before typing the text

1. Apply the format command to use. (Use any of the ways presented above.)
2. Type the text. (Note: apply another command if you desire to change the format
before you continue typing.)

Formatting after typing (When text/characters are available)

1. Select the text.

2. Apply the format command to use. (Use any of the ways presented above.)


Paragraph formatting is changing the appearance of current or selected paragraphs. It is

either changing the alignment, setting the indentions, or changing the line spacing and
paragraph spacing. Paragraph formatting may also be changing its appearance such as
including bullets and numbering, border and shading.

Methods of paragraph formatting

You can use either the:

 Paragraph Group. The Paragraph group in the Home tab contains the commands
Bullets, Numbering, Multileveled lists, Decrease Indent, Increase Indent, Sort,
Show/Hide Paragraph Marks, Align Left, Center, Align Right, Justify, Line and
Paragraph Spacing, Shading and Borders. (see figure below)
 Paragraph dialog box. To activate the dialog box, simply click the Dialog Box

 Shortcut keys
o Ctrl L – left align
o Ctrl R – right align
o Ctrl J – justify (align both left and right)
o Ctrl E – center alignment
o Ctrl 1 – single line spacing
o Ctrl 2 – double line spacing
o Ctrl 5 – 1 ½ line spacing
o Ctrl M – increase indention
o Ctrl T – increase hanging indention
o Ctrl Shift M – decrease indention
o Ctrl Shift T – decrease hanging indention
o Ctrl 0 – increase/decrease paragraph spacing (before)

Changing the Paragraph alignment

1. Select the paragraph/s you want to format

2. Change the alignment, either by using the commands in the paragraph group in the
Home tab or using shortcut keys or using the paragraph dialog box. Below are
examples of paragraphs that are left aligned, justified and right aligned.

Bullets and Numbering

You can apply bullets and numbering in your list. What you see on the list of shortcut keys
are called bullets. In order to apply (or create) a bullet, simply select from the available list
by clicking the down arrow right beside the bullets command. If the bullet you desire to use
is not on the list, click the Define New Bullet… to select more by clicking either
the Symbol…, Picture…, and Font… button. (see figure below). For example, if you want to
use a picture (of your own) as the bullet, then select the Picture… button, and then browse
the picture to apply.
In applying numbering format, simply select from the available list (or Numbering library) by
clicking the down arrow right beside the Numbering command. If the bullet you desire to
use is not on the list, click the Define New Number Format…. When the dialog box appears
(see figure below), set the number style, or Font, the number format and even the
alignment. For example, if you want your numbering to have a space before the numbers,
the put underscores before the number in the number format text box. Arranging the list
available in the document can be done using the Sort command.

The Line Spacing allows you to set the line spacing while the Paragraph Spacing allows you
to change the spacing between paragraph. The line spacing is the space provided between
two or more lines while the paragraph spacing is the spacing provided between two or
more paragraphs. Line spacing by default is single, but it can be 1 1/2, double, or other line
spacing options. Paragraph spacing may be set using Space before Paragraph or Space after
If you want to change the color behind the selected text or current paragraph or selected
cell in a table, then use the Shading command. Assigning a border can also be done by
using the Borders command. When the Show/Hide (Paragraph Marks) is selected, paragraph
marks, which are non-printable but serves as guide to the user, will appear.

Tab Stops and Indention

Adding indention to a document shows structure on the document. Normally, every

paragraph is indented. Pressing the tab key allows you to indent the line or paragraph by ½
inch. You can use the Indent Markers in the horizontal ruler (see figure below) to set the
indention of the paragraph. Pressing the tab key allows the First Line Indent Tab Selector to
increase by ½ of an inch.

Tab Selectors in the Horizontal Ruler

The First Line Indent marker will let you adjust the first line of the paragraph. The Hanging
Indent marker adjusts the succeeding lines of the paragraph, except the first line. The Left
Indent marker moves all the lines of the paragraph (and moves both the First Line Indent
marker and the Hanging Indent marker). The Right Indent marker moves the lines on the
right portion of the paragraph.

Moreover, the Tabs button in the paragraph dialog box (see figure 4) will allow you to set
tab stops positions. The Tabs will let the user have a control over the placement of the text.
When tab stops are set, the tab key moves according to the tab stops applied; this means
that it will not follow the ½ inch movement of tab. Once the Tabs… button in the Paragraph
dialog box is click, the Tabs Dialog box appears (see figure below).
Tabs Dialog Box

To set a tab stop, type the top stop position, select the alignment and leader then click Set
button. Do this as you wish to have more tab stops in the line you will work with.

Using Styles

A Style is predefined format using font style, font size and color. This is a way to format the
document in a neater way by applying a standard format. When using headings as style, it
helps you in preparing a quick table of contents using the References Tab. Below are the
shortcut keys that can be applied.

o Alt+Ctrl+1 - Apply the Heading 1 style

o Alt+Ctrl+2 - Apply the Heading 2 style
o Alt+Ctrl+3 - Apply the Heading 3 style
o Ctrl+Shift+N - Apply the Normal style
o Ctrl+Shift+L - Apply the List style

Setting a Style

1. Select the text you want to format.

2. In the Home tab, select the style (in the Styles group) you want to apply. You can
click the more drop down arrow to see more options.

Document Formatting & Page Background

Document Formatting is a mixture of Word formatting that you can apply over and over,
like paint. There are two basic types of document formatting, these are:

· Paragraph Styles - apply to a minimum of an entire paragraph & has paragraph


· Character Styles - apply to as little as one letter, and contain only character

The Document Formatting is found in the Design tab. When a document format is selected,
then the document format is applied to the entire document. This can be done by simply
choosing from the available formats on the list. You can also change the theme color and
fonts for the selected document format.

The advantages of using document formatting are: a) consistency of design, b) speed in

formatting, c) easier navigation and instant preparation of Tables of Contents.
The Page Background is used in changing the background of the document, such as
applying a:

 Watermark. It is an image or text that appears mainly behind the main document.
When Watermark appears, the options will be displayed. You can select from
predefined options or click Custom Watermark or even More Watermark from With Custom Watermark, you can set a text on the Text Watermark or a
picture on the Picture Watermark.
 Page Color. It is a background color of document. To select the page color, simply
click the Page Color command then select a color you intend to apply.
 Page Borders. It is a page border of document. When you click the Page
Borders command, then the Borders and Shading appears.

In the dialog box, select the Settings, Style, Color and Width of border to apply. If you don’t
like to use the styles available, you can choose from Art combo box a design you intend to
use as border. Note: The Art options are appropriate borders to use for certificates. Before
clicking OK button to apply the border, you can set the Apply To or even click Options
button to set other options for the border.

Setting Page Setup

The Page Setup is where the user sets some parameters that will be used on how a
document looks like especially when printed. Below are the important options to set on
Page Setup:

 Margins. Set the top, bottom, left, right, gutter margins.

 Orientation – Choose either portrait or landscape.
 Paper Size – Select the Paper size or set the width and height of the paper.
 Layout – Set the Section, Headers & Footers.
 Columns – Set number of columns to apply on the document or portion of the
 Breaks – Set the Page breaks & Section breaks
 Line Numbers – show line number in document

There are two ways to set the Page Setup, either by using the Page Setup Group in the
Layout tab or activating the Page Setup dialog box by clicking the Page Setup Dialog Box

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