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Teacher: Elizabeth Chesson Subject: English Language Grade Level: 6th -8th

Overall Goal of Lesson: To promote critical thinking of modern literature and help students fine tune knowledge of
literary elements found within poetry.

Instructional Objectives: By the end of this class, students should be able to:
1. Know the “deeper meaning” of poetic literature
2. Identify literary elements found within poetry
a. Main idea
b. Theme

Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: Key Vocabulary- Literature, Poetry, Literary Elements
110.22 b (6-7) 110.23 b (6-7) 110.24 b (6-7) Theme, Main Idea.
Higher Order Questions: What is literature? What is your favorite poem? What is your favorite song? Do music and
poetry correlate? What does main idea mean? What is a theme?

Student Activities:
This is an independent activity. It enhances reading skills, critical thinking skill, and literary skills.

Modifications/ELL Strategies: Anticipatory Activity for Lesson:

For special needs children it would be a good Choose a favorite, appropriate song that must be approved by me. Print
idea give a list of poems and songs for out or write out lyrics and bring to class.
students to choose from rather than leaving an
open choice.
Time Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: The students will spend enough time to individually analyze their
song of choice and on a separate paper, write out what they think the main idea, and themes are. When
45min done, I will allow students to present their song of choice and explain their reasoning for picking the
main idea and themes using textual evidence. When seated again, I will lecture to students, utilizing note
taking, by clearly defining main idea and theme and giving several examples of my own along the way.
Students will then rewrite their answers on the piece of paper and present again, only this time
explaining how their answers changed. At the end of class, students will staple lyrics and paper with
guesses and correct answers and turn in to me for a grade.

Modeling: I will model this activity by choosing my own song and telling my students what the main
idea and themes are but only after they have made guesses on their own song of choice.

Guided Practice: I will play snippets of songs in class then have the students answer questions
regarding main idea and theme.
Independent Practice: Each child will be given time to analyze their song and come up with answers.

Lesson Closure: Students will staple lyrics and paper with guesses and correct answers and turn in to
me for a grade.
Assessment Methods/Strategies: I will be able to determine whether or not the students understood the
lesson by listening to how their ideas have changed from before and after the lecture I give, as well as
the grades the majority of students make on the assignment.
Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): This game will include the following equipment:
Paper and writing utensil
Notebook for note taking

Reflection: Because this activity utilizes a piece of literature that students can relate to, it may be a more enjoyable
experience for them. It helps them realize that literature is anything and amazing. Also, song lyrics can be used in the
same way to pick out other literary elements such as tone, mood, and figurative language.

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