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 3D Create a 3D set offset from horizontal alignment | set
and vertical alignments
 3DFILTER Filter superfluous points from DTM dtm
 3DMCOUT Export to Topcon 3D-MC MCA file export
 3DPIPE Report 3D lengths and angles for sets pipe general
 3DROAD Create a 3D set offset from roadjob alignment | set
 3DVIEWS 3D Visualiser dtm
 3DVISUALISER 3D Visualiser dtm
 3DVISUALIZER 3D Visualizer dtm
 ABBREVSET Set prefix abbreviations for labelling set | config |
and display view
 ABOUT Report Terramodel version number and report | config
 ACADCONV Convert DWG or DXF files to R2000 convert
DWG files
 ACTIVE Set active alignment alignment
 ACTIVE Set the active chainage alignment
 ACTIVE Set the active station alignment
 ADD2NAME Add a prefix or suffix to names of name
points, plines and sets
 ADD2PTNO Add a prefix or suffix to point numbers point
 ADD2TXT Add a prefix or suffix to text text
 ADDIMAGE Add an image to selected plotboxes image
 ADDISO Add an isopach layer to a DTM layer dtm
 ADDMAPSY Add coordinate mapping systems transform
 ADDTIDES Add tide heights to depths hdms
 ADDWACS Replaced by ADDMAPSY transform
 ADJUSTAREA Adjust a lot to an nominated area set
 AIRVALVE Label a pipe with airvalve blocks pipe general
 ALIAS Create, edit and delete aliases config
 ALIGNIMP Import an alignment from an ASCII file alignment
 ALIGNOFF Import alignment offsets from an ASCII alignment
 ALIGNTXT Align text to HAL align | text
 ALL Display extents view
 ALT Enable menus for entry by keyboard menu
 ANG Report angle-right between points report
 ARC Draw pline arcs from any three set
 ARC2P Create a pline arc using two points and set
a radius
 ARC2PSET Create a set arc using two points and a set
 ARCBL Create breaklines along all arcs on a dtm | set
 ARCBREAK Replace set arcs with points and chords set
 ARCENTRE Toggle visibility of set arc centre points toggle
 ARCS Replaced by ARC set
 AREA Report the area of a closed figure report
 AREA2SET Replaced by TRACEBDY set
 ARRANGE Arrange icons of minimised views view
 ASAPIMAG Add mastersheet images to plotboxes image
 ASHIN Import an Ashtech points file import
 ASM01 Renumber points in chainage (or point
station) order
 ASSETLAY Relayer objects to match Asset_ID feature attribute
 AUSGEOID Import an AUSGeoid .DAT or .TXT file import |
 AUTODRAFT Create line, block and text features from survey
field codes
 AUTOSAVE Enable automatic saving of project files config
 AUTOSET Create a clockwise set from points set
 AVERPTS Compute average coordinates report
 AVGEND Compute volumes by average end-area report
 BARRIER Report on installation of pre-cast road report | road
 BASIN Create, enter and edit basin attributes hydrology
for a point
 BBEAR Create a point at the intersection of two point
 BCPIPEIN Import a pipe survey from Business pipe survey
 BDIST Create a point at the intersection of a point
bearing and an arc
 BDYRELAY Replaced by GCNEARLN set
 BEARTEXT Adds a datum angle to bearing text text
 BENCH Replaced by GCBENCH set
 BESTFITA Draw a curve or plane of best fit pline
 BESTFIT Replaced by BESTFITA pline
 BFITCURV Draw an arc of best fit pline
 BFITLINE Draw a line of best fit pline
 BGELEV Copy points into an elevation view view
 BHOLE01 Import boreholes from a CSV import
 BIGXMLIN Import points from .XML files with long import
 BIN2IMG Create a coloured image from depths hdms
 BL Create breaklines set
 BLDG Create plines with corners at right set
 BLFILTER Filter excess points from breaklines dtm | set
 BLINECHK Check for crossing breaklines set
 BLKPTS Place blocks at points based upon block
 BLKREAD Replace an internal block with an block
external block
 BLOCK Create, place, list or purge blocks block
 BLOCKDIR Modify direction of blocks block
 BLOCKLST Create an array of blocks for a legend block
 BLUETOP Bluetop report report
 BMAP Replaced by BLKPTS block
 BOREHOLE Import boreholes import
 BOX Create a pline box by two corners pline
 BOXDYNA Create pline boxes from dynaview pline | plot
 BREAK Break a pline or set into two parts pline | set
 BUILDING Construct a building with perpendicular pline
or angled sides
 CAGDRLX Report Compute-A-Grade ditch report
 CALLOUT Label objects with callout text text
 CAROUSEL Configure plotter pen carousels plot | config
 CASCADE Arrange all open views so that all the view
view names are visible
 CASE Replaced by TEXTCASE text
 CAT Create a catenary curve in the profile pline
 CDSPROF Create initial design profile for a cul-de- alignment
sac or kerb return
 CENTREV Re-centre views based on active view | alignment
 CENVIEW Re-centre views based on road view | road
 CF2SUPER Create superelevation slope alignment alignment
from existing crossfall
 CHAINAGE Set the start chainage of a HAL alignment
 CHEKATT Check attributes feature attribute
 CHEKROAD Check and correct roadway alignment alignment
 CHKRDDTM Check road DTM and add breaklines road | dtm
across roads
 CHNGATTR Replace selected attributes based on a attribute
 CHNGCOLR Change colour ByLayer to colour by colour
colour number
 CHNGHEIG Change elevation by point name elevation
 CHNGNAME Replace selected characters in names name
based on a dictionary
 CHNGTEXT Replace selected text based on a text
 CHOSDIFF Report chainage, offset and height report
difference from DTM
 CHTXT Convert stationing text to chainage text text
 CIRCLE Create a circular pline pline
 CLEANSET Replaced by CLEANUP set
 CLEANUP Remove superfluous points and vertices set | pline
 CLEARMESS Clear text from the message scroll display
 CLIP Clip plines or sets at closed boundaries. pline | set
 CLIPOUT Clip objects outside multiple pline | set
 CLOSE Close the current project file
 CLOSEFIG Close selected lines set
 CLS See CLEARMESS display
 CMD Open Windows command prompt config
 COLOR Modify the color of selected objects colour
 COLORCODE Colour points relative to the current colour
 COLORCON Colour contours by contour interval colour
 COLORPT Colour points between contour intervals colour
 COLOUR Modify the colour of selected objects colour
 COLOURCODE Colour points relative to the current colour
 COLRLINE Modify colours and linetypes by layer colour | linetype
 COMMAND Bring up a command line command
 CommandToggle Toggle the visibility of the command command
 COMPASS Place a compass rose block
 COMPGRID Compactor grid settings compactor
 CONFORM Report road thickness conformance report
 CONNECT Connect two sets across a gap to form a set
single set
 CONTENTS Help Contents help
 CONTOUR Extract contour plines from a DTM dtm
 ContourAtElev Create plines at a specified contour dtm
 CONTOURSET Configure contour interval dtm | config
 CONTOURVOL Compute volumes from contour plines dtm
 CONVDMS Convert DMS to decimal degrees or transform
decimal to DMS
 CONVERT Convert sets to plines or plines to sets set | pline
 CONVSET Set slope convention set
 COORDCON Convert between USA or UTM geodetic transform
coordinate systems
 COORDS Display the coordinate scroll display
 COPY Copy selected objects set | pline
 COPYROAD Copy a roadjob to a new roadjob road
 COPYRWAY Copy a roadway to a different roadjob road
 COPYTEMP Copy a roadway template to other road
templates with the same name
 CORDSCRL Recover a lost coordinate scroll display
 COUNT Count the number of objects of each report
type in each view
 CRDTABLE Replaced by GCTABLE text
 CREATELL Import layer lists and layers import | layer
 CROSSCHK Check for crossing lines set
 CROWFOOT Toggle arrow heads on segment text toggle
leader lines
 CSM Coordinate System Manager config
 CSTAKE Print the slope staking reports report
 CSTAKING Print the slope staking reports report
 CSV2ADC Create AutoDraft Configuration file config
from .CSV
 CSV2TAB Create table of text from .CSV file text
 CTAB Replaced by GCTABLE text
 CULDESAC Create and draw a Cul-de-Sac set
 CURRENT Select the current layer by object or list layer
 CURSOR Limit the direction and increment of display
cursor movement
 CURVE Insert or edit pline curve alignment
 CURVESOL Compute arc properties pline | set
 CUTFILL Balance cut or fill volumes dtm
 CUTFILLA Replaced by CUTFILL dtm
 CVD5EXPT Export to Civilcad 5 .AS5 export
 CVD5IMPT Import from Civilcad 5 .AS5 import
 CVDEXPT Export to Civilcad 4 .ASC export
 CVDIMPT Import from Civilcad 4 .ASC import
 DATAMINE Import a Datamine binary file import
 DCEDIT Trimble DC File Editor import | export
 DDIST Create a point at the intersection of two point
arcs or distances
 DEADSETS Show and create dead regions dtm | set
 DEFANG Display angle between two bearings report
 DELBLKS Delete missing blocks and text block
 DELAYLST Delete layer lists layer
 DELCROSS Delete sets between two locations delete
 DELETE Delete records delete
 DELTRIAN Replaced by REMTRIS set
 DELETE Delete a segment delete
 DESC Change numeric names to text
 DESCAD Change numeric names to text
alphanumeric with separator
 DESIGN Project batters from a design DTM dtm
 DESIGNELEV Modify elevation to design roadway road
 DESIGNSET Configure design settings config
 DESPIKE Remove spikes from a DTM dtm
 DFEDIT Data Format Editor import | export
 DIAG Trimble diagnostic report report
 DIM Dimension sets and plines text | report
 DISJOIN Break sets and plines into segments set | pline
 DISPFEAT Display feature attributes attribute
 DISPLAYSET Configure object display display
 DISTANCE Report the distance between two report
 DIVIDE Divide a line into intervals point | set | pline
 DLGDOIN Import USGS DLG-O file import
 DLGDOOUT Export USGS DLG-O file export
 DLINE Dimension between two locations text
 DOCUMENTS List Terramodel documents help
 DPAD Replaced by MOVEPAD set
 DRAFTSET Drafting settings config
 DRAGHDIN Import Drag Head log file import
 DRAINRPT Drainage detail report report
 DRAPE Create sets where selected plines cross dtm
DTM links
 DRILL01 Label a drill hole text
 DRNGRADE Label a set segment of a drain with pipe general
 DRNVOLMS Report volumes and areas of ponds in a report | dtm
 DTM2LDBX Export a DTM as Leica 1200 DBX export
 DTM2XML Export a DTM as LandXML export
 DTMALL Relink all DTM layers and refresh dtm
 DTMAREA Replaced by GC82 dtm | report
 DTMBYLL Replaced by GCCOPY dtm
 DTMCH Select the current DTM layer dtm
 DTMCONE Create a cone from a point to a DTM set
 DTMDRAIN Create sets around drainage areas hydrology
 DTMEDGE Create a set around a DTM edge dtm
 DTMGRID Interpolate a grid of points over a DTM dtm
 DTMINFO Report which layers are linked for dtm
 DTMMATCH Match overlapping DTMs dtm
 DTMMATH Create points by comparison with two dtm
 DTMPTS Interpolate elevations of points from a dtm
 DTMSET Create sets of triangle sides on a DTM dtm
 DTMSHOT Create a point on a DTM at a grade and dtm
 DTMSTATS Report the highest and lowest elevations report
of points in a layer
 DTMUPDT Relink the current DTM layer and dtm
 DTMVISTA Project sets onto a DTM dtm
 DUMPATT Report the attribute records stored for a report
selected object
 DUPLTUS Remove duplicated segments from set
triangular sets
 DUPLTRIS Remove duplicated segments from set
triangular sets
 DXF3D Import elevations from .DXF files import
 DXFCHANG Change the name of layers in a .DXF file export | import
 DXFIN An alias for IMPORT import
 DXFOUT An alias for EXPORT export
 DYNAVIEW Create a dynaview plot
 EARTHWORK Compute volume of cut and fill between report
two DTMs
 EARTHWRK Report Roadway volumes by end-area report
 EDIT Edit object object
 ELBLK Replaced by PTBLKS point
 ELE2NAME Change name of objects to match their name
 ELEVALONGSET Set the elevation of points along a set set
 ELEVATION Replaced by GCELEV elevation
 ELEVOBJS Interpolate elevation of points, text and DTM
blocks from DTM
 ELEVREFPLANE Modify elevation of points by reference elevation
 ELEVREFPT Modify elevation of points to reference elevation
 ELFS Elevation and grade from chainage profile
 ELLIPSE Create an ellipse pline
 ELTXT Replaced by TEXT2PNT point | text
 ELVPLINE Interpolate elevations onto contour plines |dtm
 EMXSALIGN Import a Geopak alignment import
 ERRELIP Add error ellipse attributes attribute
 EVALDTM Report problems with breakline dtm
 EXEC Execute an external program config
 EXIT Exit Terramodel save
 EXPLODE Explode blocks, text and complex set
 EXPLORE Open Windows Explorer exec
 EXPORT Export data using scripts export
 EXPORTGC Export or report cross sections in export
Geocomp format
 EXPORTSMGR Export script manager export
 EXPORTXS Export cross section data in Terramodel export
.XSC format
 EXTEND Extend a pline or set to boundaries or a pline | set
 F1 Help help
 F2 Create, edit and delete layers layer
 F3 Refresh the display of the active window view
 F4 Move the display to a new location view
 F5 Zoom in by window view
 F6 Zoom out by 2X view
 F7 Toggle point number labels on|off point label |
 F8 Toggle symbol labels on|off point label |
 F9 Toggle elevation labels on|off point label |
 F10 Enable menus for entry by keyboard menu
 F11 Toggle point name labels on|off point label |
 F12 Zoom to extents view
 FACTZ Replaced by SCALEELV transform
 FBLOCK Import ASCII points file in rectangular import
 FIELDD Replaced by RDE survey
 FILLET Create a curve by radius at the pline | set
intersection of two segments
 FILTER Filter vertices in plines pline
 FILT3DPT Filter duplicate points by 3D tolerance point
 FIXCURVE Move three-point-arc points onto set
 FIXDTM Fix breaklines connected to points in dtm
other layers
 FIXDYNA Replace dynaviewed plotboxes with new plot
plotbox records
 FIXLAYERS Fix layers that do not compute end-area dtm
 FLD2RDE Import a 12D Model .FLD file import|survey
 FLIPDOWN Copy points and sets from an elevation view
view to a plan view
 FLIPUP Copy points and sets from a plan view view
into an elevation view
 FONTCHNG List or change fonts used by selected text
 FORESTRD Apply horizontal design criteria to a road
road alignment
 FORESTTB Report offsets for a forest road road
 FRGOUT Export Fastmap 700 Full Road export
Geometry file
 FTCODEIN Replaced by FYATBIN attribute
 FYATBEDIT Edit feature attributes attribute
 FYATBEP Export feature attributes to CSV attribute
 FYATBIN Import feature attributes from a survey attribute
 FYATBOUT Export feature attributes to Mapinfo attribute
 GARMININ Import Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) import
 GARMINOU Export Garmin GPS Waypoint (.wpt) export
 GC01 Truncate the name of selected objects text
 GC02 Modify point name to include chainage name |
& offset alignment
 GC03 Report chainage and offset from HAL report
and VAL
 GC03A Report chainage and offset from master report
 GC03DRN Report chainage (horizontal), offset and report
design offset from HAL and VAL
 GC03DUAL Report chainage and offset from two report
HAL and VAL pairs
 GC03RAKE Report chainage, offset and rake report
 GC03WALL Report chainage and offset for a wall report
 GC04 Create mid-points on short plines point
 GC05 Calculate the centre of mass between report
two DTMs
 GC06 Round elevations in project file point
 GC07 Helmert transformation transform
 GC08 Part of RDXGC and XSHEETGC plot
 GC09 Place blocks and symbols by group blocks
 GC10 List and sum area, 2D length and 3D report
length for printing
 GC10CSV Replaced by GC10 report
 GC100 Report thickness between two DTMs report
 GC12DIN Import 12D Model .12DA or .12DAZ import
archive file
 GC12DOUT Export 12D Model .12DA archive file export
 GC14 Report chainage (along slope) and offset report
from HAL and VAL
 GC14S Report sorted chainage (along slope) report
and offset from HAL and VAL
 GC14SET Report chainage (along slope) and offset report
from set
 GC14R Report chainage and offset in TMS report | tunnel
ProFit XY format
 GC15 Delete selected lines with specified total pline | set
 GC16 Change colours and linetypes by group, colour | name |
name or layer group
 GC16ADC Modify line colours and linetypes to colour | linetype
match AutoDraft
 GC17 Calculate intersection with DTM given point
bearing and slope from set
 GC18 Report chainage and elevation along a report
 GC20 Compute and check cut|fill volumes report
within boundaries
 GC21 Change the default callout style text
 GC22 Check a DTM edge boundary sets
 GC23 Create a set where slopes from points set
intersect a DTM
 GC24 Adjust a lot or traverse by Bowditch survey
 GC25 Create a single isopach or cut|fill line dtm
between two DTMs
 GC25MULT Create multiple isopachs between two dtm
 GC26 Test attribute records attribute
 GC26GIS Create an attribute record in MS Access attribute
for an object
 GC27 Place chainage labels parallel to xlines text
 GC28 Create 3D points along HAL & VAL at alignment
2D distances
 GC283D Create 3D points along HAL & VAL at alignment
3D distances
 GC29 Compute distance & direction with 3D report
 GC29UTM Compute ellipsoidal distance & report
 GC30 Replaced by GC30A report
 GC30A Report coordinates and elevation report
difference to DTM with alignment and
 GC30PERP Report coordinates and elevation report
difference perpendicular to DTM
 GC31 Remove duplicate points on a layer with point
 GC32 Report visible layers in each LayerList report
 GC33 Create a DTM from the upper or lower dtm
of two DTMs
 GC33MULT Create a DTM from the upper or lower dtm
of multiple DTMs
 GC34 Find and report a point by number mark
 GC35 Create points at centroids of a plines or point
 GC36 Move points onto a HAL or line point
 GC37 Report and label cross section from report
 GC37CSV Create cross sections as .CSV at strings export
intersecting xlines
 GC38 Affine transformation transform
 GC383D Replaced by GC3DADJ point
 GC39 Move a HAL IP and update Xlines road
 GC3D Create a 3D set offset from alignment set | alignment
 GC3DADJ 3D conformal transformation transform
 GC3DROT Rotate in 3D by steps transform
 GC3DSETS Find the closest or perpendicular 3D point | set |
distance report
 GC3PTARC Create an arc set through three points set
 GC40 Compare points in two layers by report
 GC40A Compare points in two layers by report
coordinate using search ranges
 GC40M Compare points in two layers by report
coordinate using alignment
 GC40PILE Report pile differences report
 GC40RAKE Report pile rakes report
 GC40TEXT Label points in two layers with text
 GC41 Show obstructions with circles in profile road
 GC42 Report elevation minus roadway report
 GC42AB Compare as-built points within report
tolerance with roadway design
 GC42ABS Select as-built points within tolerance of select
roadway design
 GC42DTM Compare DTM with roadway design report
 GC42HAL Compare as-built points with HAL in report
selected Roadway
 GC42KB Compare as-built points with HAL and report
design kerb set
 GC42VAL Compare as-built points with VAL in report
selected Roadway
 GC43 Report surface areas of shapes in a report
 GC43CSV Report surface areas of shapes in a report
roadjob to CSV
 GC43MCSV Report multiple surface areas of shapes report
in a roadjob to CSV
 GC43S Report surface areas of shapes in a report
roadjob within a material
 GC43SCSV Report surface areas of shapes in a report
roadjob within a material to a CSV file
 GC44 Report surface areas of a DTM by slope report
and chainage
 GC44CSV Report surface areas of a DTM by slope report
and chainage to CSV
 GC44S Report surface areas of a DTM by slope report
and chainage within a material
 GC45 Create points along a HAL or VAL at point
incremental distances
 GC46 Compute cut volumes between surfaces report
within blocks
 GC47 Create road resheet profiles road
 GC48 Extract profiles from roadway shapes road
 GC49 Create a point on a line given elevation point
 GC50 Grade a set from known points set
 GC51 Intersection design road
 GC52 Change group of selected objects group
 GC53 Modify, list or highlight non- dtm
contourable points
 GC54 Transform ellipsoidal height points to transform
geoidal heights points
 GC55 Extrapolate heights from two 3D sets point
perpendicular onto a set
 GC55HAL Extrapolate heights from two 3D sets point
perpendicular to HAL onto a set
 GC56 Swap in X, Y or Z or mirror in X or Y transform
 GC57 Create points from cross sections road
 GC58 Remove duplicate sets, plines and text set | pline | text
from a layer or layers
 GC58S Remove duplicate sets, plines and text set | pline | text
from selected objects
 GC59 Quality Assurance report from report
Geodimeter as-built survey
 GC60 Radial setout report report
 GC61 Create a point at a distance between two point
 GC62 Replaced by ELFS alignment
 GC63 Intersect batter defined by two sets with road
 GC64 Intersect two slopes each defined by two road
 GC64BIT Fix initialisation to suit 64-bit or 32-bit config
 GC65 Create point at chainage, offset and alignment
elevation along alignment
 GC65FILE Import points by chainage, offset and alignment
 GC66 Create breaklines at changes of grade, set
valleys or ridges
 GC67 Move points onto perpendicular Xlines alignment
 GC67A Move points onto skewed Xlines alignment
 GC68 Replaced by GCDIVIDE point | set
 GC682SET Add points into sets with connecting set
 GC69 Change zero elevations to no elevation point
 GC70 Combine elevation of point and DTM dtm
 GC71 Solid hatch along lines hatch
 GC72 Report satellite horizon curtain report
 GC73 Interpolate elevation from VAL alignment
 GC74 Set the start chainage of multiple sets or alignment
 GC75 Report distance and slope between sets report
or plines
 GC76 Report on Geodimeter job file report
 GC77 Change elevation of text to match text
elevation of subject
 GC78 Replaced by GCCHRLIN profile
 GC79 Renumber points to match their point point
 GC80 Compare sum of lot areas against report
 GC81 Report horizontal alignment report
 GC82 Report DTM areas dtm | report
 GC83 Select objects less than or greater than config
specified length
 GC84 Join consecutive plines or sets pline
 GC85 Replaced by CLEANUP set
 GC86 Move objects relative to alignment or alignment |
point point |
 GC87 Create an elevation DTM from another alignment
elevation DTM and a difference DTM
 GC88 Clip or extend a pline to a defined pline
 GC89 Create a DTM perpendicular to another dtm
 GC90 Extend DTM to point dtm
 GC91 Extend DTM by distance dtm
 GC92 Report or move duplicate points dtm
 GC93 Mirror or rotate point label point label
 GC94 Report crossfall between two sets report
 GC95 Delete segments greater than a set
nominated length
 GC96 Select points between two DTM layers dtm
 GC99 Create parallel strings at offsets from set
 GC100 Report thickness between two DTMs report
 GCACTIVE Select active alignment from registered alignment
 GCADDBLK Insert blocks graphically and interpolate block
 GCADDLAY Prefix name with first 4 characters from name
layer name
 GCADJANT Adjust points for a non-vertical antenna survey
 GCADJDES Adjust points for new vertical or slope alignment
 GCANG Report and label angle-right between text
 GCARC Create arc pline or set by three set
 GCARCARC Replaced by DDIST point
 GCARCBL Create invisible breaklines along all arcs dtm | set
on a layer
 GCBADEAT Delete or select text containing Bad Rec text
EAT codes
 GCBENCH Create a bench set set
 GCBLKFIX Modify colours of block definitions block
 GCBLKPTS Create points at the insertion points of block
 GCBOUND Match extents of boundaries dtm
 GCCHORD Create chords from arcs, spirals and set | pline
 GCCHRLIN Import a profile from a file of chainage profile
and elevation
 GCCL Create PPS Tunnelling System CL file tunnel
 GCCLIP Create new DTM surfaces clipped to dtm
 GCCOLCON Modify colours of positive, zero, and pline
negative contours
 GCCONCHK Modify elevations of 2D points in Point | set
 GCCONIN Import contours from Geocomp .CON import
 GCCONOUT Export contours to Geocomp .CON file export
 GCCONSIM Export contours to simulator .TXT file export
 GCCONTXT Modify elevations of labelled contours pline
 GCCONVRT Convert plines to sets or sets to plines set | pline
 GCCOORD Convert between coordinate systems in transform
Australia and new Zealand
 GCCOPY Copy objects onto a layer point | set | pline
| block | text
 GCCSVIN Import ASCII coordinate files import
 GCDAMVOL Compute dam volumes with increments dtm
 GCDCOUT Export alignments to Trimble DC files alignment
 GCDELSET Delete sets and points in sets set
 GCDEMIN Replaced by GCESRIIN import
 GCDESC Replaced by F11 toggle
 GCDESCRL Replaced by F11 toggle
 GCDIMLOT Label lots with dimension text text
 GCDIVIDE Create points at minimum spacing point | set
along sets
 GCDRAPE Create sets where selected plines cross dtm | set
DTM links
 GCDTM Relayer objects into a DTM layer using a dtm
.dtp file
 GCDTMALL Create arc breaklines, relink all DTM dtm
layers and refresh
 GCDTMBDY Create boundaries from multiple DTMs dtm
 GCDTMDIF Report elevation differences between dtm
three DTMs at cursor
 GCDTMEDG Remove triangles on a DTM edge dtm | set
 GCDTMGDE Create slope alignments from a DTM alignment
 GCDTMIN Import a Geocomp .DTM file import
 GCDTMOUT Export a layer as a Geocomp .DTM file export
 GCEARTH Roadway volume report in columns report
 GCEDTABL Replaced by FYATBEDIT attribute
 GCEDTATB Replaced by FYATBEDIT attribute
 GCELEV Modify the elevation of selected objects elevation
 GCESRIIN Import ESRI ArcInfo ARC DEM grid import
 GCEXTEND Extend or trim multiple sets or plines set | pline
 GCEXPLOD Explode blocks and text block, text
 GCEZGIN Import .EZIGRADE RTK Survey file import
 GCEZGOUT Export .EZIGRADE or .AGD Survey file export
 GCFALL Create paths flowing from locations on a dtm | pline |
DTM hydrology
 GCFILLET Insert or expand multiple arcs pline | set | arc
 GCFILTER Filter excess points from straights and set
arcs in sets
 GCFIXXML Fix .XML files with long lines import
 GCFOLLOW Create a set that follows segments or set | dtm
 GCGENGRD Create points on a grid pattern points
 GCGEOIN Import Leica .GEO coordinate file import
 GCGPXIN Import GPS data in .GPX format import
 GCGRDVOL Compute cut and fill volumes for report
regions in a grid or between Xlines
 GCGSIOUT Export alignment in Leica RoadPlus GSI export
 GCGT7IN Import alignment in Topcon Civilcad import
GT7|GTS format
 GCGTSOUT Export alignment in Topcon Civilcad export
GC7|GTS format
 GCHALADJ Adjust registered hal to use offsets alignment
 GCHALDEL Delete selected registered HALs alignment
 GCHALEDT Edit a registered horizontal alignment alignment
 GCHALIN Import Geocomp Horizontal Alignment import
 GCHALOFF Create a pline from a registered HAL alignment
with offsets
 GCHALOUT Export Geocomp Horizontal Alignment export
 GCHAULMN Add Masshaul Import and Export masshaul
materials from a CSV file
 GCHELP Report key, version and path help
 GCIDCHN Display chainage and offset at cursor alignment |
 GCIMPORT Import Geocomp data import
 GCINCPT Create points with incrementing by point
point numbers
 GCINCTXT Create number or letter text text
incrementing by multiples
 GCINSBLK Replace circles with tree blocks blocks
 GCIN2SET Insert points into multiple sets set
 GCIRBOOM Design ramps for pivot irrigation pivot irrigation
 GCIRDESN Merge pivot irrigation ramps into DTM pivot irrigation
 GCIRINFO Check pivot irrigation boom pivot irrigation
 GCIRPROF Create pivot irrigation profile pivot irrigation
 GCJOINMP Join points with gaps survey
 GCJOINPT Join points based on feature-coded survey
 GCKMLIN Import placemarks and paths from import
Google Earth (KML or KMZ)
 GCKMLOUT Export to Google Earth, NearMap or export
Web Map Service
 GCLABGRD Label and draw grids inside polygons draft
 GCLABIP Label intersection points text
 GCLABLOT Label closed sets with lot area and lot text
number text
 GCLABPEG Label pipeline with peg labels pipe general
 GCLABPNT Label multiple points with EAT text, text
leaderline and border
 GCLASIN Import lidar data from .LAS or .LAZ import
 GCLAYCOL Relayer and recolour objects using layer | colour
 GCLFAOUT Export linear features for Trimble Export
Alignment Planning
 GCLINPTS List points with invalid coordinates point
 GCLLGRID Draw latitude and longitude grid pline | hdms
 GCLNGIN Import Geocomp long section import
 GCLOTCNR Label lot corners with two elevations or text
 GCLPOINTS Replaced by GCLPTS report
 GCLPTS List the coordinates of selected points report
 GCMAGNET Assign point properties by text from text | point |
Topcon Magnet Field survey
 GCMAPIN Import a contour .MAP import
 GCMAPOUT Create a layer map file layer | export
 GCMARKER Display temporary vertex markers on pline
 GCMATCH Close gaps in contours pline
 GCMATIN Import road materials road
 GCMATOUT Export road materials road
 GCMERGE Merge multiple regions or DTMs dtm
 GCMFI Import multiple ASCII PTS or CSV files import
 GCMOSSIN Replaced by MOSSIN and MOSSTRI import
 GCMOSSOU Replaced by MOSSOUT export
 GCMULCON Assign contour elevations to multiple pline
 GCMULTDC Export multiple alignments to a Trimble alignment
DC file
 GCMULTGD Export multiple alignments to alignment
Geodimeter .rln files
 GCMULVOL Compute cut volumes between pairs of dtm
dtm surfaces
 GCMULXML Export multiple alignments to Leica alignment
1200 LandXML files
 GCNAMEPT Name points sequentially along a set import
 GCNEARLN Select points near multiple selected sets set | pline | point
or plines
 GCNEDIN Import Trimble Alignment Planning import
Grid (NED) files
 GCNMEAIN Import NMEA strings from GPS import
 GCNOELEV Select objects with no elevations (2D) point | pline |
 GCOBJIN Import data from Wavefront .OBJ files import
 GCOBJOUT Export data to Wavefront .OBJ files export
 GCOFFELV Create plines or sets offset from a set sets
 GCOFLINE Select points of multiple selected sets set
 GCONECON Modify the elevation of a contour pline pline
 GCOUT Export data to Geocomp SDS (.PTS & export
 GCP39 Replaced by GCRLNOUT export
 GCPAD Place building pads at nominated height set
within a lot
 GCPAN Pan by numeric keypad with 8 = north plot
 GCPANEL Create concrete roadway batter panel roadway
set out points
 GCPAVSET Create a PaveSet paving machine setout export
 GCPILE Create pile points using HAL & VAL alignment
 GCPLDICE Replaced by GC71 hatch
 GCPLFIN Import HP-GL/2 (.PLF, .HPG, .GL2, import
.PLT, .000) plot file
 GCPLTIN Import Geocomp .PLT plot file import
 GCPRFEDT Edit profile IPs graphically profile
 GCPROFIL Create profiles from multiple HALs and profile
 GCPTAIN Import data from TPSetout| import
TPStakeout .PTA survey points file
 GCPTDIST Check minimum distances between report
points on sets
 GCPTRLDS Replaced by F11 toggle
 GCPTSIN Import point data from an ASCII file import
 GCPTSOUT Export points to various ASCII formats export
 GCPTSTXT Change elevation or name of points by point
nearest text
 GCPURGE Purge all unused blocks block
 GCQA Report chainage, offset and elevation report
difference to DTM
 GCQP Interactive quick profile or cross section profile | section
 GCQV Move an IP and recompute roadway report
 GCREDRAW Redraw all views and reset view scale view
for point labels
 GCRELAY Replaced by GCCOPY layer
 GCREPORT Open P3Pad report editor report
 GCRENUM Renumber points in set order point
 GCREVIEW Move or copy objects from one view to view
 GCRIVER Interpolate elevations onto a digitised set
 GCRLNOUT Export Geodimeter Roadline export
alignments from strings
 GCRLNOUT Export Geodimeter Roadline export
alignments from strings
 GCRUNWAY Report runway conformance export
 GCSCALE Multiply X, Y or Z by scale factors transform
 GCSCANIN Import lidar scan data and filter by import
many variables
 GCSPOT Report the DTM elevation at the cursor report | dtm
 GCSDROUT Export Sokkia SDR alignment files export
 GCSKIPMN Replace skip ranges by CSV or pline alignment
 GCSPELL Check spelling text
 GCSTLOUT Export DTMs to surface models in .STL export | dtm
 GCSTRATA Create points at strata from table of dtm
 GCSTYLE Modify text by text style text
 GCSUBDTM Create a subgrade DTM from depth DTM
 GCSUBGDE Create plines to transition subgrade alignment
 GCSURFAR Replaced by XSURAREA report
 GCSZAOUT Export special zones for Trimble export
Alignment Planning
 GCTABLE Create a coordinate table text
 GCTADPOL Label batter with block showing block
direction of slope
 GCTMAIN Import Trimble Alignment Planning import
 GCTMAOUT Export Quantm DTM for Trimble export
Alignment Planning
 GCTFWIN Locate TIFF world files (.TFW) import | image
 GCTRACE Define a region by tracing inside plines set | pline |
or sets hatch | report
 GCTSP Replaced by TMCUSTOM config
 GCTSTYLE Set the default text style at the text
command line
 GCTTAOUT Export a set to Trimble .tta and .ttx export
 GCTURN Create the swept path of a vehicle road
 GCTXTFIT Adjust text aspect to align on right text
 GCTXTOUT Export or report text text
 GCUMC3D Export to Leica Universal Machine export
Control 3D
 GCUNJOIN Break sets and plines into segments set
 GCUPJ See UPDATE config
 GCUPK See UPDATE config
 GCUPL See UPDATE config
 GCUPM See UPDATE config
 GCVALDEL Delete selected registered VALs alignment
 GCVALEDT Replaced by GCPRFEDT profile
 GCVALOFF Create a pline from a registered VAL profile
with offsets
 GCVERIN Import Geocomp vertical alignment import | profile
 GCVEROUT Export Geocomp vertical alignment export | profile
 GCWRAP Change tunnel wrap status of a layer tunnel | dtm
 GCXLINES Create or replace labelled xlines for a road
 GCXMLIN Import LandXML points within import
 GCXMLOUT Export roadway strings to LandXML road
 GCXTIE Compute a set at the intersection of set
slopes from two segments
 GDACONV Replaced by GCCOORD transform
 GDMDIR List Geodimeter directory and delete survey
 GEN2DN Replaced by P29 survey
 GEN2DO Replaced by P29 survey
 GEN2DP Replaced by P29 survey
 GEOCPAL Replaced by EDITINI config | hdms
 GEOMINQ Measure bearing, distance and vertical report
 GEOMRPTS Report Bearings and Distances report
 GEONAV Replaced by HDMS hdms
 GEOSYS Establish GPS geodetic system config
 GFE Geodimeter file editor survey
 GM1 Change slopes of triangles to within point
slope limit
 GNCSTEXP Export GeoNav detail hdms
 GNCSTIMP Import GeoNav detail hdms
 GNDWEED Replaced by HDMSDW hdms
 GNHLAB Replaced by HDMSLAB hdms
 GNIMPORT Import GeoNav .GPT file hdms
 GNSETUP Replaced by EDITINI hdms
 GOLFAREA Report golf course areas report
 GPSSYS Replaced by GEOSYS config
 GPXOUT Export Topografix GPX points for GPS export
 GRADESMT Export files to Leica GradeSmart 3D export
Machine Control for graders
 GRDPTS Replaced by GRIDEXPT dtm | export
 GRIDELEV Create a grid of points and interpolates dtm
 GRIDEXPT Export a grid of points interpolated export
from a DTM
 GRIDMAKE Create points or plines using grid point
 GRIDPLAN Transform from grid to ground or transform
ground to grid
 GRIDSET Set the current grid settings config
 GRIDVOL Replaced by GCGRDVOL dtm | report
 GRP2NAME Change the name of each object to group
match its group
 GSIDTMOU Export a layer in Leica DTM Stakeout export
GSI format
 GSSWP Geocomp Systems Support web page report
 GST Geodimeter Software Tools survey
 GT3PT Replaced by GFE survey
 GTACT Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTAF Replaced by GFE survey
 GTAP Replaced by GFE survey
 GTCOMM Replaced by GMDIR survey
 GTCONV Replaced by GFE survey
 GTDIR Replaced by GDMDIR survey
 GTDXF Replaced by EXPORT survey
 GTFACT Replaced by RDE survey
 GTFD Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTFileEditor Replaced by GFE survey
 GTFL Replaced by EXPORT survey
 GTJR Replaced by JOB2AGA survey
 GTL1C Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTL2 Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTL1D Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTLS Replaced by AUTODRAFT survey
 GTNR Replaced by GFE survey
 GTPCF Replaced by GFE survey
 GTPTA Replaced by GFE survey
 GTPS Replaced by GFE survey
 GTREC Replaced by IMPORT survey
 GTRN Replaced by GFE survey
 GTRPTS Replaced by GFE survey
 GTRT Replaced by PTS2TRV survey
 GTRXYZ Replaced by GFE survey
 GTSEND Replaced by EXPORT survey
 GTUDS Replaced by GFE survey
 GTXFER Replaced by EXPORT export
 HALDATA Create horizontal alignment by table alignment
 HALMANAGER Register horizontal alignments alignment
 HALVALRP Report horizontal and vertical report
 HALXYZ Create a set by three offsets set
 HAREAB Basin area hydrology
 HATCH Hatch regions enclosed by boundaries hatch
 HATCHENC Replaced by GCTRACE hatch
 HATCH_IT Replaced by GCTRACE hatch
 HATCHPAT Hatch regions with a selected hatch hatch
 HATCHUSER Hatch regions with a user-defined hatch
 HBLIST List basin hydrograph hydrology
 HCCN Calculate curve number hydrology
 HCOVER Hydrology cover sheet hydrology
 HDEFS Hydrology defaults hydrology
 HDMS Hydrographic Data Management hdms
 HDMSABT About HDMS hdms
 HDMSBIN HDMS data binning hdms
 HDMSCOL HDMS colour by depth hdms
 HDMSCSL Compare sounding lines hdms
 HDMSDCLBLK Create hatching coloured by depth hdms
 HDMSDLAB Label depths hdms
 HDMSDW Label and clash depths hdms
 HDMSEVT Label survey events hdms
 HDMSNWSE Smooth a DTM surface hdms
 HDMSRLAB Label hydrographic runlines hdms
 HDMSRTR Round truncate or restore depths hdms
 HDMSTC Adjust sounding time hdms
 HDMSTLAB Label trackplots hdms
 HDRAW Draw hydrographs hydrology
 HECIN Import a HEC-RAS Geometry file import
 HECOUT Replaced by HECOUTGC export
 HECOUTGC Export a HEC-RAS Geometry file export
 HECX Replaced by HECOUTGC export
 HELPGEOCALC Help for GeoCalc help
 HELPGFE Help for Geodimeter file editor help
 HELPIE Help for Import-Export help
 HELPRDE Help for Raw data editor help
 HELPTM Help for Terramodel help
 HELPTOOLBOX Help for Toolbox help
 HELPTV Help for Visualizer help
 HELPTVL Help for 3D Visualizer help
 HGNIMP Import GeoNav .GPT file hdms
 HGEN Compute Basin hydrographs hydrology
 HIDE Hide or reveal a set segment toggle
 HILO Replaced by DTMSTATS report
 HLIST List hydrographs hydrology
 HNAVEDIT HYDROpro NavEdit hdms
 HORIZALIGN Register one horizontal alignment road
 HRLIST List reach hydrograph hydrology
 HROUT Route hydrographs through a pond hydrology
 HROUTR Route hydrographs through a reach hydrology
 HYDROIMP Import HYDROpro .HPT depths hdms
 ID Identify object report
 IDANGLE Report the angle between two lines or report
three points
 IDSTATION Identify chainage and offset alignment
 IGRP Display only objects in the same group group | display
 ILINE Create points at intersections of selected point
 IMAGE Image manager image
 IMAGEPTH Change image file locations for Image image
 IMANAGER Island manager alignment
 IMPORT Import data using scripts import
 IMPORTGC Import Geocomp .CES cross sections import
 IMPORTSMGR Import script manager import
 IMPORTXS Import various cross section formats import
into a roadway
 INCHOFRL Replaced by GC65FILE import
 INCRTEXT Create text incrementing by one text
 INSALT Import GeoNav Salt Harvester log files import
 INT3DSET Create sets with elevations interpolated set
from known points
 INTERP3D Update elevations interpolated using point
 INTOSET Insert points into a set set
 INVERSE Replaced by GEOMINQ report
 INVRPTS Replaced by GEOMRPTS report
 IRBAY Design flood irrigation bays flood irrigation
 IRBENT Enter irrigation bay grid point flood irrigation
 IRBGRID Generate a grid of irrigation bay points flood irrigation
 IRBTAB Create an irrigation bay design results flood irrigation
 IRCDTAB Report drain or channel grades and flood irrigation
 IRCHFLO Compute parameters for trapezoidal flood irrigation
channel flow
 IRDTMS Generate a single DTM from multiple flood irrigation
irrigation bays
 IRHAUL Compute truck haul distance for an flood irrigation
irrigation bay design
 IRPUTAT Set or edit irrigation bay text attributes flood irrigation
 IRSTRUC Generate irrigation bay tables and flood irrigation
 IRSUMTX Recalculate totals in irrigation bay flood irrigation
results table
 ISCLOSED Select closed or open sets or plines set | pline
 ISLAND Traffic island editor alignment
 ITXT Replaced by INCRTEXT text
 JOB2AGA Convert a Geodimeter job file to survey
Geodimeter raw data file
 JOBOUT Reverse-engineer Geodimeter .job data report
from points
 JOIN Join plines or sets with common ends set
 JOINTEXT Join pairs of text objects together text
 KEAYSIN Import data from Keays import
 KEAYSOUT Export data to Keays TR1 export
 KORKDTM Export DTM layer to Kork format export
 LABBENDS Suffix point names with deflection set | point
 LABELANG Label the angle-right at each point of a text
 LABELARC Label segment with radius as text along text
 LABEL Label contour plines with text text
 LABELGRID Label a grid within a box text
 LABELHAL Label horizontal alignment intersection alignment
 LABELINE Label alignments with names in alignment
 LABELLOT Change lot area labels to show set | text
alternative area
 LABELOFF Label points with offset text point | text
 LABELPI Label Intersection Point Chainage alignment
 LABELPOINT Label points with point labels and point label
 LABELROAD Label a registered horizontal alignment alignment
 LABELROAD Label a registered vertical alignment alignment
 LABELSEG Label sets with bearings and distances text
 LABELSETS Label sets with lot numbers and areas text
 LABELSTA Label chainage using text leader lines text
 LABELTABLE Create table of dimensions of short set table
 LABELVAL Label vertical alignment intersection alignment
 LABGRADE Label the grade or distance between two text
 LABPT Label points with EAT text text
 LABPTQ Label points with number, elevation or text
 LANDFILL Create a surface of troughs sets
 LAY2NAME Change the name of each object to layer
match its layer
 LAYER Select or create the current layer from a layer
 LAYERCSV Replaced by LAYERNEW layer
 LAYERMAP Rename layers and update colours and layer | colour |
linetypes linetype
 LAYERNEW Create a new layer layer
 LAYERNXT Change the current layer to the next layer
layer in alphabetical order
 LAYERSET Create, edit and delete layers layer
 LAYINFO List summary information by layer layer | report
about selected points
 LAYLSET Make only layers in selected objects or layer
layerlist visible or invisible
 LAYOUT Create parallel sets for subdivisions sets
 LAYUSTN Relayer and colour objects for layer
Microstation 7 export
 LBLANG Replaced by LABELANG text
 LC Report coordinates point
 LEVEL3W Add or edit three-wire level (stadia) survey
 LEVELLST Report of all the level points report
 LEVELS Add or edit single-wire level survey
 LFILL Replaced by LANDFILL sets
 LIDARGRD Import gridded ASCII lidar data import
 LIDARIN Import lidar ASCII data import
 LINEINT Evenly space points where X and Y is hdms
 LINETYPE Modify the linetypes of selected sets and plot
 LINETYPESET Load or purge linetype definitions plot
 LinetypeToggle Toggle on or off the linetype selector on display
the toolbar
 LINETYPS Draw all loaded linetypes in the sheet plot
 LINEZERO Modify linetype to By Layer linetype
 LINKSET Configure DTM links dtm
 LinkToggle Toggle on and off DTM link display dtm
 LIST List information about selected types of report
 LISTFONT List and create a table of available fonts text
 LISTGRP List groups used by selected objects group
 LISTLOTS List geometry of lots report
 LISTPIPE List as-constructed pipe data pipe general
 LISTREF List reference files file | report
 LISTTEXT List text objects report
 LLAYER Report the number of objects on each layer
 LLGRID Replaced by GCLLGRID pline, hdms
 LLIST Modify the layer list of multiple dynaview
 LLISTSET Layer list settings dynaview
 LLOTS Create a table showing block, lot, area plot
and % area
 LLRPT Layer and layer list report layer
 LLTABLE Create a linked coordinate table report
including latitude and longitude
 LLTYPE Change the linetype of the current layer layer
 LOADATT Load or reload the specified attribute attribute
definition file
 LOBJCOLOR Change the line colour of the current layer
 LOBJS List objects and details report
 LOTJOIN Create closed sets inside lines around set
 LOTPTRLS Replaced by GCLOTCNR text
 LPI Replaced by LABELPI alignment
 LPLINES List alignment details of a pline report
 LPOINTS List the coordinates of selected points report
 LPTCOLOR Change the points colour of the current layer
 LPTSRAD List coordinates and radiations report
 LSEC1 Label long sections in Geocomp-style plot
 LSECUK Label long sections in United Kingdom- plot
 LSETS List name and point numbers of sets report
 LSTA Replaced by LABELSTA text
 LUNUSED List the unused point numbers report
 LVC Label points along a vertical curve plot
 LYR Replaced by QUIKLSET layer
 LYRPROP Edit layer properties layer
 MacroPlay Play a macro command
 MacroRecord Record a keystroke macro command
 MAG600IN Import Magellan Explorist 600 GPS import
UPT file
 MAGELLIN Import Magellan GPS UPT file import
 MAGELOUT Export Magellan GPS Waypoint UPT export
 MAGNIFY Magnify view scale by a factor view
 MAPIIN Import MapInfo MIF data import
 MAPINFOIN Replaced by MAPIIN import
 MAPINFOOUT Replaced by MAPIOUT export
 MAPIOUT Export MapInfo MIF data export
 MAPPOINTS Create sets and plines from point names survey
 MASSDIAG Scale an exploded masshaul diagram masshaul
 MASSHAUL Create a masshaul diagram masshaul
 MASSIMPORT Masshaul import and export locations masshaul
 MATCH Modify objects by matching properties config
of another object
 MATCHOBJ Modify objects by matching properties config
of another object
 MATERIALS Material manager road
 MATRIX Create a matrix of copied objects copy
 MDLIN Import MDL autoscanning laser system import
*.CDU data
 MEASUNIT Configure measurement units config
 MENUCFG Configure the menus config
 MERGE Merge DTMs dtm
 MessageScroll Toggle the visibility of the message display
scroll area.
 MG1 Label and report triangle slopes point
 MHIMPORT Add a volume report for masshaul masshaul
 MINMAPIN Import a MineMap file import
 MIRROR Copy objects to a mirror image pline, set
 MIRRORDY Mirror dynaviews view
 MKBLK Create a 1, 2, or 3 point unit block blocks
 MKBLKINT Convert selected external blocks to blocks
internal blocks
 MKV Display temporary vertex markers mark
 MOSSEXPT Replaced by MOSSOUT export
 MOSSIN Import Survey, Design and Triangles import
from Moss GENIO data
 MOSSMIN Create a .MIN file from Moss GENIO import
 MOSSOUT Export Moss GENIO data export
 MOSSTRI Import Moss GENIO triangle data import
 MOSSX Replaced by MOSSOUT export
 MOVE Move objects to another location move |
 MOVEPAD Move a pad DTM and report volumes dtm | report
 MSCAPEIN Import Mincom Minescape grid data import
 MTL Move text leader line text
 MULTCODE Insert multiple-code separators into survey
names before field codes
 MULTICOPY Create multiple copies of selected copy
 MultilayerDTM Create a DTM from multiple layers dtm
 MULTIOFF Create set, pline or segment at repeated pline | set
 MULTIPIN Import MultiPlane RTK Survey or import
FieldLevel XML file
 MVIEW Create multiple dynaviews view
 MXVALIN Import VAL from MX report import
 NAME Modify the names of selected objects name
 NAME2LAY Change layer to match object name layer
 NAMECASE Change the case of names name
 NAMEPTS Rename points in sets to match set set | point
 NAMESETS Rename unnamed sets to match point set | point
 NAVEDIT HYDROpro NavEdit hdms
 NEW Start a new project file
 NEXTVIEW Change the current view to the next view
open view
 NFS Replaced by GC02 name
 NODE Pipe node properties pipe design
 NPSCHART Draw a table of details of set or pline plot
 NS95 Nikon NS-95 Database Utility survey
 NSWSCIMS Import NSW SCIMS points survey
 NZGEOID Import NZGeoid .SID file import |
 OBJREG Register Object to Sheet for ASAP plot
 OBJSNAP Enable running object snap modes config
 OBSDIFF Report vertical differences between report
 OFF Turn off selected objects view
 OFFALL Turn off all objects in the current view view
 OFFELEV Create plines or sets offset from a set set
 OFFELEVM Create plines or sets offset from set
multiple sets
 OFFSEG Create pline or set at a horizontal offset set
from a segment
 OFFSETDIST Create pline or set at a horizontal offset set
 OFFSETPOINT Create pline or set at a horizontal offset set
and location
 OLIST Replaced by COUNT report
 OLIST2 Count the number of objects of each report
type to P3Pad
 ON Turn on selected objects view
 ONALL Turn on all objects in selected views view
 ONGRP Turn on all objects of nominated group plot
 OPEN Open an existing project file
 ORDERFORM Email a report of the dongle help
 ORDERPRINT Print a report of the dongle help
 OVERHANG Make non-contourable points under dtm
 OVERWALL Create cross sections from points along plot
 P29 Roadline 2D export to Geodimeter export
 P39 Geodimeter Roadline 3D file export
 P3PAD See GCREPORT report
 PAD Create a rectangular set at an elevation set
 PADDOWN Lower all points in a pad by an set
 PADSHIFT Set the shift value used by PADDOWN set
 PADUP Raise all points in a pad by an set
 PALETTE Select the palette and colourmap config
 PAN Move the view to a new location view
 PARABOLA Create a parabola set
 PARKING Create parking bays set
 PCHAINAGE Create points relative to a HAL alignment
 PCOPY Copy from a reference project file
 PHASE Phase editor road
 PHASEMAN Phase manager road
 PHASENAME Edit phase names road
 PHOTOCSV Import photo coordinates import
 PINSET Insert point at intersection of two lines point
 PIPE Pipe properties pipe design
 PIPEAIN Import pipe survey attributes pipe survey
 PIPEBREK Break pipe segment with Asset_ID pipe survey
 PIPEBYCR Edit pipe and node elevations pipe design
 PIPECHRT Create a pipe chart pipe design
 PIPEDALL Draw all pipes pipe design
 PIPEDEF Edit default pipe and node settings pipe design
 PIPEDELS Delete pipe segment with Asset_ID pipe survey
 PIPEDESN Design pipe branch pipe design
 PIPEDRAW Draw single pipe pipe design
 PIPEDUMP List pipe attributes pipe design
 PIPEINFO Report pipe dimensions and cover pipe general
 PIPELBR List pipe branches pipe design
 PIPEJOIN Join pipes with Asset_ID pipe survey
 PIPELL Pipe and node label settings pipe design
 PIPEMAXV List large velocity pipes pipe design
 PIPEMINV List small velocity pipes pipe design
 PIPEOBST Label pipes at obstructions pipe general
 PIPEQ Enter the flow rate for a pipe pipe design
 PIPEREPT Report pipe attributes on selected sets pipe survey
 PIPERSLT Report results for pipe or node pipe design
 PIPESCLQ Scale pipe flow rate pipe design
 PIPESOLV Solve the pipe branch design pipe design
 PIPESUM Pipe summary report pipe design
 PIPESWAP Swap pipe Asset_ID attribute with pipe survey
 PIPEV Modify pipe velocity pipe design
 PIPEWSP List pipe water surface profile pipe design
 PIPEWELD Create points at pipe welds pipe survey
 PIPEXING Draw pipes crossing the alignment pipe design
 PLAN2DBX Export sets to Leica 1200 series DBX export
 PLANPROF Display the plan and profile views display | view
 PLANSET Automatic Sheet Assembly and plot
Production (ASAP) Plan Settings
 PLANSHEET Display the plan and sheet views display | view
 PLAY Replaced by PTLAYCOL layer | colour
 PLINE Create a pline pline
 PLNNONAM Display only plines with no names pline | display
 PLOT Plot plans to a printer plot
 PLOTBOX Create a pline box using sheet units plot | pline
 PLOTSET Plot parameter settings plot | smooth
 PLOTTERSET Plotter configuration settings plot
 PLTO3D Modify elevation of single contour pline pline
 POINT Create a point point
 POINTSET Configure point numbering point
 POLY Replaced by POLYGON set
 POLYGON Create n-sided polygon set
 PONDDEF Define pond outlet devices hydrology
 PONDLIST List pond data hydrology
 PONDOUT Define pond outlet devices hydrology
 PONDSUM Pond summary report hydrology
 PONDVOL Enter pond volume hydrology
 PORTSC1 List points showing heights as depths hdms
 POWERGDE Export to Leica PowerGrade 3D export
 PPS Display the Plan, Profile and Sheet display | view
 PPSX Display the Plan, Profile, Super and display | view
Xsect views
 PPX Display the Plan, Profile and Xsect display | view
 PPXS Display the Plan, Profile Xsect and display | view
Super views
 PREDAREA Divide a closed set into predetermined set
 PREVIOUS Display the previous view view
 PRJCLNT ASAP Project Data Management - Client plot
 PRJINFO ASAP Project Data Management - plot
General Information
 PRJLOC ASAP Project Data Management - plot
 PRJLTEXT ASAP Project Data Management - Link plot
text to data
 PRJSTAFF ASAP Project Data Management - Staff plot
 PRODUCTS Report the serial number and modules help
 PROFILE Create profile alignment
 PROJDATA ASAP Project Data Management - Data plot
 PROJECTV List and edit all project variables config
 PROJINFO Enter and report user information config
about a project file
 PROJVARS Enter and report survey information config
about a project file
 PSBOX Edit ASAP PLANSET plot boxes plot
 PSINDEX Place an ASAP PLANSET index of plot
drawings and symbols
 PSMAN ASAP PLANSET manager plot
 PSSET Configure ASAP PLANSET plot
 PSSHEET ASAP PLANSET sheet assembly plot
 PSTATION Create points relative to a HAL alignment
 PSTYPE Select ASAP PLANSET sheet type plot
 PTBLKS Create points at the insertion point of point
3D blocks
 PTCASE Change the case of alpha point numbers point
 PTDRAIN Create a catchment boundary around a hydrology
 PTJOIN Join points by sequential point number sets
 PTLAB Edit point label blocks blocks
 PTLAYCOL Relayer and recolour points using name layer | colour
 PTS2ADC Create points for testing AutoDraft point | survey |
 PTS2BDY Create a boundary around points point | set | pline
 PTS2NAME Rename points to match their point point
 PTS2PROF Copy points to profile view alignment
 PTS2TEXT Export a coordinate list export
 PTS2TRV Export a .TRV file from the selected export
 PTSIN Import point data from various ASCII import
file formats
 PTSITE Change elevation by elevation difference point
from a point
 PTSITE2 Change elevation by slope and distance point
from a point
 PTSOUT Output point data to various ASCII export
 PXPS Display the Plan, Xsect, Profile and display | view
Super views
 QISOLATE Isolate or unisolate current layer display
 QPROFILE Display profiles or cross sections profile
between two locations
 QSET Create a set by bearing and distance set
 QSGRIDIN Import Qsurv grid file import
 QSGRIDOU Export to Qsurv grid file format export
 QSURVOUT Export to Qsurv format export
 QUIKLSET Quickly control the visibility of layers layer
 QV Quick volumes by changing roadway report
 RAILCANT Compute elevations by railway cant alignment
 RAILWAY Create railway alignments with cant alignment
 RAIN List rain database hydrology
 RAINT List rainfall report totals hydrology
 RANGE Report elevation range within a report
boundary or along a set
 RAWTOAREA Replaced by GFE survey
 RCLTABLE Create a table of arc properties report
 RDDESIGNCRIT Select road design criteria alignment
 RDDESIGNSET Road design settings road | config
 RDE Raw data editor survey
 RDGUIDE Road job workflow guide road
 RDSCACALN Import a Caice alignment import
 RDSDTMSET Road DTM settings road
 RDSECHO Report roadjob data report
 RDSGPALIGN Import a Geopak alignment import
 RDVALDESCRT Select vertical alignment design criteria alignment
 RDVALEDIT Edit a vertical alignment using design alignment
 RDX Create Cross Section plots from a plot
 RDXGC Create cross section plots with labels in plot
a table
 RDXLINES Create xlines on a roadway road
 REACH Define reach parameters hydrology
 READATTB Add ATTRIB values from a Trimble DC survey
file and add to point names
 REARLOTL Replace segments in a set with a single set
 RECENTER Pick a new location for the centre of the view
 RECOVER Recover a lost coordinate scroll display
 REDO Restore the most recent changes made edit
by Undo
 REDRAW Refresh the display of the current view view
 REFER Refer selected objects to a parent alignment
 REFERENCE Refer selected objects to a parent alignment
 REFERPTH Change the path of reference files file
 REFILE Reference file manager file
 REGALIGN Register multiple alignments alignment
 REGROUP Change the group of each object to layer
match its layer
 RELAYER Relayer selected objects layer
 RELAYERSETS Replaced by GCCOPY layer
 RELAYFIG Relayer selected figures if they are layer
 RemoveLinks Remove DTM links from a project dtm
 REMTRIS Remove triangle segments joining a set
square grid of points.
 RENUM Renumber individual points point
 RENUMBER Renumber selected points point
 RENUMLOT Renumber lots by adding an increment set
 RENUMREC Renumber records to display over other record | display
 REPORTNEW Replaced by GCREPORT report
 REPORTLT Report bearings and distances of set report
 REPORTS User-defined reports report
 RESECT Solve a 3-point resection problem point
 RESONIN Import Reson ASCII depths hdms
 RETTABLE Create a table of arc properties report
 RETURNS Create a kerb return elevation table report
 REVERSE Reverse the direction of selected objects sets
 REVIEW Move objects from one view to another view
 RGRAPH Graph rainfall database hydrology
 RMGC Link points to photos and text config
 ROADDTM Create a DTM layer from Road cross road
 ROADGRID Road design editor display grid road
 ROADJOB Road Job Manager road
 ROADMAT Road Job Materials road
 ROADPROF Create profiles from road job surfaces profile
 ROADRPT Print a Road report report
 ROADREG Create roadjobs from registered HALs road
 ROADRUN Export alignment and sets to Leica export
RoadRunner or iCON
 ROADSETS String points created from road cross road
 ROADSIGPOINT Roadway masshaul significant points masshaul
 ROADSPOT Report roadway details at a location report
 ROADWAY Roadway manager road
 ROTATE Rotate objects about a specified point transform
 ROT3D Rotate points in 3D using 3 pairs of transform
 SIDEVIEW Replaced by FLIPUP view
 RPAN Replaced by RECENTER view
 RTSCALE Rotate, translate and scale objects transform
 RUN Execute an external file config
 RUNLINE Label hydrographic runlines hdms
 SAVE Save the current project save
 SAVEAS Save the current project with another save
 SCALE Multiply easting and northing by scale transform
 SCALEELV Multiply elevations by a scale factor transform
 SCALEGRID Mass haul diagram grid settings masshaul
 SCLBLKS Scale blocks by a factor block
 SCLPLOTB Scale closed plines by a factor dynaview
 SCS900IN Import Trimble SCS900 record.txt file import
 SCURVE Create or edit a set curve set
 SEARCH Search settings config
 SECURITYPASS Replaced by ABOUT Products config
 SEGEDIT Segment editor set
 SELECTAT Select by feature attribute value attribute
 SELECTGP Select by group number group
 SELECTPT Select points not in sets point
 SET Create a set set
 SET2PROF Create a profile from a set set
 SET2PRFL Create profiles representing a pipe pipe general
 SET2ROAD Create road jobs from sets alignment
 SET2TRAV Re-engineer Geodimeter .job data from set
 SET2TRV Export a .TRV traverse file from the set
selected set
 SETAREA Draw a set enclosing two sets set
 SETCH Set the chainage to any location on an road
 SETCURL Set the current layer by picking an layer
 SETFILT Filter excess points from straights in a set
2D set
 SETGRP Set the group to the next group group
 SETLABEL Label sets with name text
 SETNONAM Display only sets with no names set | display
 SETSMOOTH Change breakline smoothness and dead dtm
 SETSTA Set the station to any location on an road
 SEWBC Compute sewer block controls sewer
 SFLOOR Create a DTM surface in-between two dtm
 SGRP Set the group for selected objects group
 SHADEDTM Shade a DTM by elevation ranges dtm
 SHADEISO Shade two DTMs by isopach ranges dtm
 SHADESLP Shade a DTM by slope ranges dtm
 SHADETRI Replaced by SHADESLP dtm
 SHADOW Compute the limit of shadows survey
 SHAPE Shape Editor road
 SHAPECLASS Shape class manager road
 SHAPEMAN Shape library manager road
 SHAPESET Create sets from roadway shapes road
 SHOWDIR Show direction of pline or set report
 SHOWDIRN Show direction of pline or set and report
 SHOWDYNA Show dynaview layers dynaview
 SIDESLOPE Project side slopes from alignment dtm
 SIDEVIEW Replaced by FLIPUP view
 SIGHTDST Create vehicular sight lines alignment
 SITEWORKIN Import Paydirt SiteWork data import
 SITEWORKOUT Export Paydirt SiteWork data export
 SKIP Skip manager alignment
 SLICE Interpolate batter points from HAL, point |
VAL and side slope alignment
 SLL Create splined plines pline
 SLOPE Identify DTM triangles within a slope dtm
 SLOPE Register slope alignments road
 SMANAGER Subgrade manager road
 SMOKEDUC Create smoke duct mounting points tunnel
 SMPROAD Create simple one-template roads or road
 SMPTMPL Create simple road or channel template road
 SNAPLYR Toggle the snapability of a layer toggle
 SNAPSET Configure the cursor snap interval and config
 SNR Find and replace text | name
 SNRFILE Find and replace text in an external file file
 SOILNAIL Create soil nail sets set
 SORPT Replaced by GC60 survey
 SPLAY Cuts splay corners into lots sets
 SPLINE Spline plines pline
 SPLITSET Split lots into smaller lots sets
 SPOT Report the DTM elevation at a location dtm | report
 STAKE Report angles, distances and report
coordinates for setout
 STAKED Compare staked (as-built) points to report
 STAKING Configure the contents of a roadway config
staking report
 STARNET Import a STAR*NET .TER file config
 STAORCHN Configure station or chainage notation alignment |
 STATION Set the beginning station of a HAL alignment
 STATUSBAR Status bar toggle display
 STEXT Create single line text text
 STREAM Create plines or sets from a stream of pline | set
 STRIPNUL Strip null characters from a file import | export
 STYLESET Text style settings text
 SUBGRADE Subgrade editor road
 SUNSTAR Create an azimuth based on star or sun survey
 SUPERELV Superelevation editor alignment
 SUPERPLOT Superelevation diagram alignment
 SUPERVIS Display your GPS location survey
 SURFACE Surface manager road
 SURFAREA Report the cut|fill surface area using report
average end area
 SURPEXPT Export a Surpac string file export
 SURPIMPT Import a Surpac string file import
 SURVCEXP Export roadway to Carlson SurvCE CL, export
PRO and SCT files
 SURVCONT Export Moss GENIO to Trimble Survey export
 SVIEW Open or change the state of a view view
 SW1 Modify colour of points on steep DTM dtm
 SYM2BLK Replace symbols with blocks block | symbol
 SYSTEM Configure Terramodel system variables config
 TABLET Configure a digitizer tablet config
 TAILING Create a tailings beach set
 TAKEOFF Replaced by INT3DSET sets
 TANCIRCLE Create a set tangent to one or two circles set
 TC* Drill hole and blast pattern layout drill and blast
 TD* Tile drainage tile drainage
 TDIR Replaced by TEXTDIR text
 TDS Tripod Data Systems Survey Link DC survey
 TEMPLATE Template editor road
 TEXT Create text objects text
 TEXT2PNT Create points at multiple insertion point | text
points of text or blocks
 TEXT2PT Create a point at the insertion point of point | text
 TEXTALIGN Align text objects in X or Y text
 TEXTALONG Create a text object along a selected line. text
 TEXTARRO Draw an arrow with text inside text
 TEXTBACK Hatch behind text text | hatch
 TEXTCASE Change the case of selected text text
 TEXTDIR Modify text direction text
 TEXTFIT Adjust the aspect ratio of text text
 TEXTMETRICS Change the font, rotation, orientation, text
height, justification, slant and aspect
ratio of text
 TEXTRND Round selected bearings and distances text
for cadastral plans
 TEXTROTATE Change the rotation angle of text text
 TEXTSCALE Replaced by TXTSCALE text
 TEXTSTYLE Change current text style text
 TEXTSWAP Replaced by TXTSWAP text
 TEXTWRAP Modify multi-line text to fit width text
 THREEPC Replaced by GC3PTARC set
 TILECENTRED Tile views centred by chainage view
 TILEHORIZ Tile views horizontally view
 TILEVERT Tile views vertically view
 TLYR Replaced by VISLYR layer
 TMANAGER Template manager road
 TMGIS Link Terramodel with a Microsoft report, import
Access database
 TMLINK Replaced by EXPORT and IMPORT survey
 TMLLIST Open the installed TML list report
 TMRUN See RUN alias
 TMXIN Import objects and layers from a import
Terramodel exchange file (.TMX)
 TMXLAYER Export layers only to a Terramodel export
exchange file (.TMX)
 TMXOUT Export objects to a Terramodel export
exchange file (.TMX)
 TOGLINKS Toggle DTM display of links dtm | display
 TOGQUICK Toggle display of quick contours dtm | display
 TOGSLOPE Toggle display of triangle slope dtm | display
 TOOLBOX Create or edit toolboxes config
 TOWER Replaced by DTMCONE set
 TP01 Pipeline project variables pipe
 TP02 Create HAL and VAL sets from HAL pipe
and VAL plines optimisation
 TP03 Create 3D pipes using HAL and VAL pipe
sets optimisation
 TP10 Generate 3D reports on pipes pipe
 TP40 Place airvalve and scour blocks pipe
 TP41 Create obstructions in profile view pipe
 TP99 Display and edit pipe node design pipe
information optimisation
 TP99 Recentre plan and profile view by pipe
chainage optimisation
 TPLSEC Create long section plot for pipeline pipe
 TPSETOUT Export to TPSetout export
 TPSTKOUT Export to TPStakeout export
 TRACE Create a set bounded by selected lines set
 TRACEBDY Create a set bounded by selected lines set
 TRACKPLOT Label trackplots hdms
 TRAV2D Enter points by 2D traverse or radiation set
 TRAVERSE Enter points by 3D traverse or radiation set
 TRAVPLIN Enter a pline by traverse or radiation set
 TRAVUTM Enter points by ellisoidal traverse or set
 TRIM Trim a line or arc pline | set
 TRISOL Triangle solutions report
 TRISWAP Swap links in adjacent triangles dtm
 TRMBGRID Export a Trimble gridded DTM (.DTX) dtm
 TRMBROAD Export a roadway to Trimble .tta or .ttx export
 TRMBTIN Replaced by EXPORT Trimble DTM export
 TRUEDIST Report a segment length with an report
applied scale factor
 TSP Terramodel Search Path Browser setup
 TTMIN Replaced by IMPORT Trimble DTM import
 TTXOUT Replaced by EXPORT Trimble Roading export
 TUNNELDTM Unwrap a tunnel tunnel | dtm
 TV Terramodel Visualizer visualizer
 TVL 3D Visualiser dtm
 TVLITE 3D Visualiser dtm
 TWOPL Curve from two points and a line set
 TXTFIT Replaced by TEXTFIT text
 TXTHTDIF Modify text to show height difference text
between segment points
 TXTIN Import text from a file text
 TXTOUT Replaced by GCTXTOUT text
 TXTREFEL Match elevation of text to point text
 TXTSCALE Modify the size of selected text text
 TXTSW Replaced by TXTSWAP text
 TXTSWAP Swap the text of two records with text
control of location, rotation and subject
 UNDER Create a profile of a pipe conduit under profile
a road
 UNDO Undo changes edit
 UNHIDE Reveal all segments of selected sets set
 UNITBLK Insert blocks graphically using 1, 2 or 3 block
 UNITSSET Configure dimension mode, precision config
and labelling
 USTN2MOS Modify objects from Microstation 7 to import
look like objects from GENIO
 UPDATE Download software updates config
 UPGRADE Enter an upgrade code to enable new config
Terramodel modules
 UPTAKE Replaced by INTERP3D point
 USER See REPORTS report
 VALDATA Enter a vertical alignment by a curve alignment
 VALEDIT Shift intersection points in a vertical road
 VALMANAGER Register vertical alignments alignment
 VARIOFF Insert points of constantly varying offset road
from a selected alignment
 VCLOSE Close the active view view
 VERTALIGN Register one vertical alignment road
 VICRDSEC Create cross sections from cross section road
 VIEWPORT Turn on or off objects outside the field view
of view
 VIEWROTATE Rotate the display of the plan view view
 VIEWSCAL Specify the plan view scale view
 VCLOSE Configure the view settings view
 VISLYR Toggle the visibility of a layer toggle
 VISUALIZER Visualizer visualizer
 VMAX Maximize the active view view
 VMIN Minimize the active view view
 VNEW Open a new view view
 VOLUME Replaced by EARTHWORK report
 VPAN Pan by numeric keypad with 1 = North plot
 VRECALL Recall a saved view view
 VRESTORE Restore a view view
 VRMLIN Import Virtual Reality Markup import
Language (VRML) data
 VRMLOUT Export Virtual Reality Markup export
Language (VRML) data
 VSAVE Save a view view
 WALK Create a pline given a DTM, a slope and road
a starting location
 WESCOMIN Import data from Wescom import
 WORDPAD Open the Wordpad Editor exec
 XLINES Create Xlines along plines road
 XLINPTS Create Xlines of points near HAL road
 XSECTION Export cross section from DTM DTM
 XSECTIONDIGI Digitize cross sections road
 XSECTIONEDT Edit cross sections road
 XSECTIONMAN Manage cross sections road
 XSECTPTS Turn on only points at active chainage point |
 XSECTRPT Report 3D length of cross sections report
 XSHEET Create cross section plots in sheet view plot
 XSHEETGC Create cross section plots in Geocomp- plot
 XSLABEL Label obstructions on cross section plot
 XSOUT Export cross sections from points export
 XSURAREA Report volume of road job surface areas report
to a spreadsheet
 XTIE Replaced by GCXTIE set
 XTOCL Create walls for use in Visualizer visualizer
 XVOLUMES Report volume of all road job materials report
to a spreadsheet
 XYZTOAREA Replaced by GFE survey
 ZI Zoom in 2x view
 ZO Zoom out 2x view
 ZOOM Zoom in by window view
 ZOOMSCAL Zoom active view to a scale view

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