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The text for question number 16 – 17.

This announcement is addressed to the students of XII IPS1 (46) of SMA Budi Utama Sidoarjo. You will
have interview test next Sunday. Prepare yourselves well. The interview test will be held :
Place : Language lab
Day/date : Monday, 23 January 2017
Time : Start at 8 a.m
All students are required to join and bring your curriculum vitae. Hopefully this interview test can provide
you benefit experience

Mr. Gorbachev
English teacher

16. The text talks about … .

A. Announcement of job opportunity.
B. Telling information about interview test.
C. Preparation for interview test.
D. Informing new language laboratory.
E. Informing to bring curriculum vitae.

17. When will the test be held ... .

A. On Monday evening.
B. Last Monday.
C. Next Monday.
D. Tomorrow.
E. On Monday morning.

The text for question number 18 – 19.

Thousands of dogs in Bengkalis regency, Riau, will be vaccinated for rabies following the revocation of the
rabies-free status of Bengkalis Island by the government in September.

18. The text above mainly talk about … .

A. The revocation of the rabies-free status in Riau.
B. Mass rabbies disease at Bengkalis in September.
C. Mass rabbies vaccination for dogs in Riau.
D. Thousands of dogs in Bengkalis, Riau.
E. Bengkalis Island will be vaccinated.

19. Why should many dogs be vaccinated … .

A. To get Bengkalis rabbies-free status
B. To cure many sick dogs because of rabies
C. To kill dogs which get rabbies
D. To vaccinate rabies dogs
E. To make dogs healthy.

The following text is for questions number 20 – 22.

Various kinds of organisms in the world can be found on earth. One of them is lichen. Lichen is kind of
organism that does not have flowers and usually grows on stones. Lichen has so many varieties and colours.
Lichens are consisted of algae and fungi
Autotrophic green algae produce food through photosynthesis and supply fungi with some nutritional
elements. In contrast, heterotrophic fungi which depend on others for food, save water and protect algae.
Here, mutualism symbiosis appears. Lichen’s strong resistence enables it to survive in extreme environments
such as polar regions, deserts, on top of mountain and long coastal zones.
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20. What is the text about ... .
A. Lichen
B. An amazing plant
C. A unique living of lichen
D. Kinds of lichen
E. Lichen’s resistance

21. Where do we find lichen… .

A. It is usually in the forest
B. It lives in the sea
C. It lives on rocks
D. We can easily find lichen everywhere
E. It cannot find in tropical countries

22. “ … the heterotrophic fungi which depends on others for food”. What is the similar meaning of the underlined
word… .
A. Rely
B. Really
C. Relish
D. Assume
E. Consume

The following text is for questions number 23 – 25.

Many people believe that women are better parents than men. It influences women’s greater role as parents
than men’s in raising children in most societies. Yet, men have an essential role in educating and taking care
of their children. However, in my opinion, women have more roles than men because of their motherhood
and their intense contact with their children
First of all, women have to be able to cook and take care of their children. Since they were teenager, they
have learnt that their future responsibility is to be diligent mothers. Women learn how to nurture since they
were young. The practice can be seen by seeing the form of playing with the dolls or babysitting younger
siblings. Therefore, it is natural that they can indentify the activities as female activities.
Secondly, men are aggresive which is proven by seeing the history behind World War. On the other hand,
women are known for their soft heart and patience. No wonder women are more care and understanding.
Lastly, women can communicate things to the children better than men. This bility is reflected by the result
of intellegence tests. Communication skills are important in raising the children because they imitate how
their parents communicate.
To sum up, men have an undeniable essential role in bringing the children up but women are proven to have
more benefits in rearing children.

23. What does the text mainly tell us about … .

A. The responsibility of men and women
B. The main characteristic of men and women
C. The argument about women as better parents
D. The explanatuon about women and men
E. The argument about parents

24. As a mother, women have more crucial role in educating the children than men because ... .
A. They are talented being mother
B. They are more sensitive to the children
C. They are talented by nature
D. They are smart in managing the children
E. They are able to cook
7 B49
25. Based on the text above, which statement is true, except ... .
A. Women have a greater and irreplaceable role in bringing up their children
B. Women have to be able to cook and take care of children
C. Women are not patient but soft-hearted
D. Women are better communicator
E. Women have more benefits in rearing the children

Read the text and answer questions number 26 to 28

Brides On Their Trial
There was once a young shepherd who wished much to marry, and was acquainted with three sisters who
were all equally pretty, so that it was difficult to him to make a choice, and he could not decide to give the
preference to any one of them. Then he asked his mother for advice, and she said, "Invite all three, and set
some cheese before them, and watch how they eat it." The youth did so; the first, however, swallowed the
cheese with the rind on; the second hastily cut the rind off the cheese, but she cut it so quickly that she left
much good cheese with it, and threw that away also; the third peeled the rind off carefully, and cut neither
too much nor too little. The shepherd told all this to his mother, who said, "Take the third for thy wife." This
he did, and lived contentedly and happily with her.

26. What is the story about … .

A. Choosing the right bride for the young shepherd
B. Testing three beautiful sisters for a young shepherd
C. Brides contest for the perfect match
D. How to eat cheese shows how care the girl is
E. Love story of young shepherd with three beautiful girl

27. Why did the shepherd’s mother choose the third girl … .
A. She was the most beautiful girl
B. She shared her cheese to shepherd’s mother
C. Her manner showed her care and patient
D. She could cook the cheese well
E. Her ability in eating cheese implied her beauty

28. “There was once a young shepherd who wished much to marry, and was acquainted with three sisters who
were all equally pretty,…” the underlined word has closest meaning with … .
A. marry
B. introduce
C. unite
D. meet
E. propose

Read the text to answer the question number 29 – 31.

My friends and I were discussing the school’s new rule that the entire student must wear a cap and tie. One
of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising
ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contras to the girl’s opinion. the other students was gland with it,
He said that he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing cap and a tie will make the students look
great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable
and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were not air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big problem. He
was sure that the student would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way.

29. They boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his school. Which statement shows his agreement ...
A. He was not annoyed
B. He would not obey the rule
C. He didn’t care of the rule
D. He didn’t like wearing a cap and tie.
E. He didn’t mind wearing a cap and tie.
8 B49
30. The boy believed that all students would....
A. Have a high spirit to study
B. Solve their own problems
C. Care for their environment
D. Follow the new rule
E. Feel uncomfortable

31. “One of them showed her annoyance...”(line2). The Underline word is close in meaning to ...
A. Responsibility
B. displeasure
C. agrement
D. applause
E. response

Read the text and answer the question number 32 – 33.

3500 before century, Abraham woke up and asked his wife Hajar to get her son and prepare for a long
journey. In a few days Abraham started out with his wife Hajar and their son Ishmael. The child was still
nursing and not yet weaned.
Abraham walked through cultivated land, desert, and mountains until he reached the desert of the Arabian
Peninsula and came to an uncultivated valley having no fruit, no trees, no food, no water. The valley had no
sign of life. After Abraham had helped his wife and child to dismount, he left them with a small amount of
food and water which was hardly enough for 2 days. He turned around and walked away. His wife hurried
after him asking: "Where are you going Abraham, leaving us in this barren valley... ."
Abraham did not answer her, but continued walking. She repeated what she had said, but he remained silent.
Finally she understood that he was not acting on his own initiative. She realized that Allah had commanded
him to do this. She asked him: "Did Allah command you to do so... ." He replied: "Yes." Then his great wife
said: "We are not going to be lost, since Allah Who has commanded you with us."
Abraham invoked Almighty Allah thus: "O Our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley
with no cultivation, by Your Sacred House (the Ka'ba at Mecca); in order, O our Lord, that they may offer
prayers perfectly (Iqamat as salat) so fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and O Allah
provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks. O our Lord! Certainly, You know what we conceal
and what we reveal. Nothing on the earth or in the heavens is hidden from Allah." (Ch 14:37-38)
The Prophet continued: "Then she drank water and suckled her child. The angel said to her: "Don't be afraid
of being neglected, for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father, and Allah
never neglects His people." The House (Kaba) at that time was on a high place resembling a hillock, and
when torrents came, they flowed to its right and left.
The Prophet continued: "After Ishmael's mother had died, Abraham came after Ishmael's marriage in order
to see his family that he had left before but he did not find Ishmael there. When he asked Ishmael's wife
about him, she replied: "He has gone in search of livelihood." Then he asked her about their way of living
and their condition, and she replied, "We are living in misery; we are living in hardship and destitution,'
complaining to him. He said: "When your husband returns, convey my salutations to him and tell him to
change the threshold of the gate (of his house).'
"When Ishmael came, he seemed to have felt something unusual, so he asked his wife: 'Has anyone visited
you... .' she replied, 'Yes, an old man of such and such description came and asked me about you and I
informed him and he asked about our state of living and I told him that we were living in a hardship and
poverty.' On that Ishmael said: 'Did he advise you anything... .' She said: 'Yes he told me to convey his
salutation to you and to tell you to change the threshold of your gate.' Ishmael said: 'It was my father and he
has ordered me to divorce you. Go back to your family.' so, Ishmael divorced her and married another
woman from among them (Jurhum).
"Then Abraham stayed away from them for a period as long as Allah wished and called on them again but
did not find Ishmael. So he came to Ishmael's wife and asked her about Ishmael. She said: 'he has gone in
sof our livelihood.' Abraham asked her; 'how are you getting on... .' asking her about their sustenance and
living. she replied: 'we are prosperous and well off (we have everything in abundance).' then she thanked
Allah. Abraham said: 'What kind of food do you eat... .' she said: 'meat.' he said: 'what do you drink... .' she
said: 'water.' he said: 'O Allah! bless their meat and water.""
9 B49
The Prophet added: "At that time they did not have grain, and if they had grain he would have also invoked
Allah to bless it. If somebody has only these two things as his sustenance, his health and disposition will be
badly affected unless he lives in Mecca."
The servants roasted and served a calf. Abraham invited the angels to eat and he started eating so as to
encourage them. He continued, but when he glanced at his guests to assure they were eating, he noticed that
none of them had touched the food. He said to them: "Are you not going to eat... ." He resumed eating, but
when he glanced at them again he found that they were still not eating. Their hands did not reach out for the
food. HE began to fear them.
Abraham's fears increased. The angels, however were reading his inner thoughts and one of them said: "Do
not fear." Abraham raised his head and replied: "Indeed I am in fear. I have asked you to eat food but you
do not stretch out your hands to eat. DO you intend me evil... ."
One of the angels smiled and said: "We do not eat. We are Allah's angels." One of them then turned towards
his wife and conveyed the glad tidings about Isaac (Ishaaq).

32. What is the purpose of the prophet Ibrahim made for a long journey ...
A. He looked for a small amount of meal
B. He looked for a small amount of water
C. He looked for a new society
D. He order his wife and son to follow wherever he went
E. He was ordered Allah SWT to make a long journey

33. What did the prophet Ibrahim admonition to his son’s (Ismail) wife when he came to their house ...
A. “Be calm with your husband”
B. “Choose the best one in live hood”
C. “Don’t leave your house if your husband doesn’t permit you”
D. “”Change the threshold of the gate (of his house)”
E. “Change the threshold of the window (of his house)

The text for question number 34 – 36.

Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus)
is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has
been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.
Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first premolar and
molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear
the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in
cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries,
roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats can
not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant
material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables
and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.
Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island
of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other rodents from the
barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his
lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These
kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats
in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.

34. Why do cats cannot adapt to a vegetarian diet ... .

A. Because cats areperfect carnivore.
B. Because they cannot synthesize all the amino acids.
C. Because they don’t eat berries, roots, or honey for supplement.
D. Because cats eat almost non vegetable substance.
E. Because cats aren’t fed a mixture of meat and vegetables
10 B49
35. Which the following sentence is TRUE based on the text ... .
A. Cats sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement.
B. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the evil spirit.
C. Cats have mingled with human life since at least 600 BC.
D. Currently, the dog is one of the most popular pet in the world.
E. Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" because of their teeth.

36. “The first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs... .” The underlined word has similar meaning to ... .
A. Paws.
B. Jaws.
C. Canines.
D. Tails.
E. Incisors.

The following text is for questions number 37 – 39.

One of the most incredible natural masterpieces is the rainbow. The seven colours, nemely, violet, indigo,
bluw, green, red, yellow, and orange make rainbows beautiful and colourful.
Rainbow appears in the sky, usually after or during the rain. It appears in the sky when the sunlight passes
through a thin medium to a denser medium. All seven colours that are present in white light form a semi-
circular rainbow. It is believed that a rainbow after rain indicates that there will be no more rain.

37. “It appears in the sky when ....”What does the underlined word refer to … .
A. The rainbows
B. The rainbows’ colours
C. The rain
D. The rainbow
E. The sunlight

38. “.....the most incredible natural masterpieces”. The same meaning of the underlined word is ... .
A. Frightening
B. Magnificent
C. Good-looking
D. Miserable
E. Awful

39. What is the main idea of paragraph 2… .

A. The colours of rainbow
B. The process of rainbow’s colours
C. The process of how rainbow happens
D. The sunlight of rainbow
E. A semi-circular rainbow

Read the text and answer questions number 40 to 42

Almost everybody must have ridden a bicycle in their childhood. You also might have had cycling
competitions with your siblings, cousins and friends to figure out who was the fastest or who had the most
stamina. Cycling is not only a fun filled activity, but also a great way to work out. Biking for women has
real benefits and helps increase your strength and stamina. It also is one form of exercise that even a
relatively old man can do too
Is biking a good way to lose weight? Yes, this question is the first one that came to my mind too. And the
fact is that cycling a minimum of 30 – 45 minutes has immense benefits. Toping all the other reasons is that
an useful activity that helps you to lose your weight. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise ever and hence
the weight loss!
In today’s hectic lifestyle we have forgotten to take a moment and look around at the nature. Cycling is a
great activity to explore new places in the town and be one with nature. So, it gives benefit to decrease stress.
Studies have shown that cyclists have lower stress levels as compared to non cyclists. The increased blood
flow and sweat induces production of mood enhancing hormones leading to lower stress levels. Because of
11 B49
that, cycling in the sun at early morning or afternoon or evening induces quality deep and restful sleep at
night. Insomniacs can greatly benefit from this activity.
So, what are you waiting for? Jump on that bicycle and pedal away to enjoy the immense benefits of it, as
biking is good for your health!

40. What does the text talk about … .

A. The reason why people should go cycling routine
B. The importance of cycling for body and health
C. The effect of cycling to minimize stress
D. The benefits of cycling
E. The description of cycling

41. Which one is not the benefit of cycling … .

A. Lose wieght
B. Sleep deeply
C. Sight seeing
D. Prestigious life
E. Lower stress

42. What can be inferred from the text above … .

A. Cycling is only for people who get stress
B. Cycling gives many benefits for our health
C. Biking only useful for losing weight
D. Biking routinely is in vain for people
E. Cycling in the evening provides us sleep deeply

Read the text and answer questions number 43 to 44

Pokémon Go Pros and Cons
Pokémon Go has been greatly praised but also criticized. Although Pokémon is taking the world by storm,
in fact the game has received mixed reviews. This is not a classic Pokémon game, so for some of the
traditional fans of the saga the game may be a disappointment. In fact the game was not developed directly
by Nintendo but by the Californian software company Niantic Inc. However, it is undeniable that this game
is managing to attract millions of children and adults for the first time to the Pokémon universe. In addition
to the technical virtues and defects of this video game from a technical perspective, it is important to consider
some of the benefits and risks associated to the Pokémon Go experience.
The game is fun, easy and cheap to play. You don't need to be a hardcore player or even had played
a Pokémon game ever before. The game is very intuitive to make sure that both children and adults can
enjoy it, while requiring some level of strategy. You can play for free. Even if there is a chance to speed up
your progress in the game through in-game micro transactions, you don't need to pay to download the game
or play.
It can make you healthier. Pokémon Go creates incentives for you to get-off your couch and go for a walk to
hunt for Pokémon. An effect of Pokémon Go is what psychologists call behavioral activation. It encourages
people do some exercise and move and help prevent obesity. Augmented reality technology, such as that
used in Pokémon Go, can contribute to treat some psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety,
phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Moreover the game has a clear structure and offers
incremental challenges to avoid fatigue and keep up motivation.
On the other hand, you need to have the application of the game open all the time in order to get alerts of
nearby Pokémon or Poké Stops. This means you will drain your battery extremely quickly or you may need
to revisit places you walked past when the application was closed.
Although this game gets players outdoors, they are still on their phone. Pediatricians do not recommend
spending more than two hours a day looking at a screen. Some Pokémon Go players spend many more hours
a day on their phones due to this game.
Pokémon Go can be very distracting and even dangerous for people, this is called in psychology a "blended
reality state." Walking while watching the screen of a smarphone is dangerous, much more so driving while
hunting for Pokémon. There have been many accidents recorded in which people have been hurt because of
12 B49
distractions linked to Nintendo's new game. There have been car crashes, people falling from their bicycles
while "hunting", traffic jams provoked by drivers leaving their cars to search for nearby Pokémon, etc.
Playing Pokemon Go gives us some benefit. People become healthier, physically or psychology. But,
Pokemon Go also provides some disadvantages, either for the user or for people around the user. In a brief,
playing Pokemon Go is permitted as long as people know their limit and surrounding.

43. The second paragraph tells us about … .

A. Getting fun from playing Pokemon Go
B. How to play Pokemon Go
C. How to get Pokemon Go
D. How to install Pokemon Go
E. Reason why people play Pokemon Go

44. How can Pokemon Go make you healthier … .

A. It forces people to hunt Pokemon or Poke Stop
B. It order people to do outdoor activities
C. It encourages people do some exercise
D. People have to train their Pokemon
E. Hunting Pokemon as healthy as jogging in the morning

The following question is for number 45 to 46

Springdale Estate
Regulations for Wedding/Receptions
In Auerbach Hall Gardens

1) The hall and/or approved areas in the garden of Springdale Estate are available for wedding and
receptions during normal operating hours, while the gardens are also open to the public. Hours: 8 A.M
– 8 P.M
2) The cost for a wedding or reception is Rp, 75.000 per person. If the reception includes the catering, there
will be additional cost Rp, 100.000.
3) All persons must depart the gardens no later than the normal closing time. A late fee Rp, 10.000 per
hour will be charged until all person have exited the properly,
4) Rehearsal, if a rehearsal is planned prior the wedding day, no more than 10 people will be admitted fee.
5) A security deposit of IDR 200.000 must be made at least 30 days prior to the function. This deposit will
be returned provided the grounds are left free of damage and litter.

45. For whom are these instructions written ... .

A. People going to a business meeting
B. People planning to get married
C. People going to a late - night party
D. People planning to tour to the garden
E. People going to meet an old friend

46. “Rehearsal, if a rehearsal is planned prior…..” . The underline word means … .

A. Preparation
B. Implementation
C. Orientation
D. Correlation
13 B49
The text for question number 47 – 49.
In an area called Edwardian in London lived Wendy Darling with her two younger brothers. Their parent
left them in a house care belonging to the lady Nana. On a night when Mrs. Nana was away, Wendy Darling
(47) a strange sound. Then she ran toward the sound. She saw a boy named Peter Pan. Wendy was
surprised and asked him, “What are you doing here?” “I’m looking for my shadow” Peter replied. Finally
Wendy helped Peter to look for his shadow. After finding the shadow, Wendy was sewing Peter’s shadow
to stick on as before. Finally Peter Pan got its shadow back. He thanked to Wendy and (48) visit her
After a few days, Peter Pan returned to visit Wendy. He was accompanied by a jealous little fairy named
Tinker Bell. Wendy was very happy; she introduced them both to her younger brother. Peter Pan told them
all about Neverland, a world full of wonders. He also would like to invite them to go and stay at Neverland.
Wendy and her brother were happy about that (49) ..... They also agreed to go.

47. A. Slept.
B. Fell.
C. Awakened.
D. Surprised.
E. Ran.

48. A. Never.
B. Promised.
C. Returned.
D. Went.
E. Wanted

49. A. Offering.
B. Rejecting.
C. Greeting.
D. Invitation.
E. Graduation

50. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. Re-check the info on what you'll buy carefully, and check for mistype or other errors.
2. Well first of all, plan on something you want to buy. Well this step is fundamental for every shoppers.
You can plan them by looking at the internet, or shops, or maybe the online stores itself.
3. Read and check the item with extreme cautious. Read if there're any sales, discounts, or information
regarding of the item's condition. I really recommend you to contact the seller or item provider for
further info.
4. Check the current money rates. This could be helpful especially if you want to buy stuffs from other
countries. Of course you don't want to easily drain out your wallet right? By checking the money rates
or converting the currencies with updated converter will help you to know the price for the stuff you
5. Fill the information required pre-checkout. In this step, you need to fill the form with card numbers,
card handler's name, and other SECRET stuffs. (This only applies for websites stores).If you prefer other
methods of payment, read the requirements carefully.
6. Buy the item and wait for it to be shipped to your front door!
7. Check the online store for item availability. If it's out of stock, check other stores.

A. 2–4–7–3–5–1–6
B. 2–7–4–5–3–1–6
C. 2–3–7–4–1–5–6
D. 2–4–1–3–7–5–6
E. 2–1–4–7–3–5–6
5 B50
Read the text and answer questions number 1 and 2
For rent:
- In a strategic location (downtown)
- Four bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, veranda, garage
- Affordable
- Phone: 08156675397

1. What is the text about ... .

A. An Inn
B. A hotel
C. Real Estate
D. A Dormitory
E. A residence

2. Where is the location of the house… .

A. In a village
B. In a suburb
C. In a hometown
D. In a country
E. In a downtown

The following text is for question 3 to 4.

Get your time for a great job now National Air is looking for fulltime representatives for sales and
reservations. Talk to our employees and discover why we’re the best thing in the air.
Interviews on the spot! Bring your resume and CV.
National Air Headquarters
Southeast Regional Airport
Monday, Jan 5, 7.30 am

3. What is the text about … .

A. National Air is looking for new employees
B. People discover National Air is the best Airways
C. National Air is the worst Airways ever
D. National Air is interviewing people
E. People wait for a better job in life

4. What is the purpose of the text above … .

A. To invite reader about celling the tickets
B. To describe reader aboutNational Air
C. To show off the crews of National Air
D. To recruit potential employees
E. To persuade reader to come to the open house

Read the text and answer questions number 5 and 6

Company, Inc.
123 Alphabet Drive
Los Angeles, California 90002

November 15th, 2016

Ms. Erin Uno

Supervisor of Product Development
Pet Supply Provider, Inc.
472 Canine Road
Los Angeles, California 90002

Dear Ms. Smith:

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference last week. As we discussed, I sincerely believe that the
widget gizmo produced by Company, Inc. can greatly streamline your production process. If you are still
willing, I would like to bring some of the key members of my team along with me to meet with you at
Pet Supply Provider, Inc. We would like to give you an overview of our services and discuss with you
the best plan to suit your needs.

Meeting in person would allow us to fully evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is available to meet
any time this week or next. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, when you would be


Johny Shallow
Vice President of Company, Inc.

5. The letter tell is about … .

A. Requesting a meeting with Pet Supply Provider
B. Ordering the widget gizmo produced by Company, Inc.
C. Confirming the meeting between Company, Inc. and Pet Supply Provider
D. Applying an offered job at Company, Inc.
E. Offering widgets gizmo to Company, Inc.

6. What will Johny Shallow do if Pet Supply Provider, Inc. gives positive response?
A. He and Ms. Erin Uno will discuss about the best widget gizmo for Pet Supply Provider, Inc.
B. He and Ms. Erin Uno will create new brand collaborating between two companies
C. He and his team will sell their new brand to Pet Supply Provider, Inc.
D. He and his team will convince Pet Supply Provider, Inc. to cooperate with them
E. He and his team will apply and be interviewed by Ms. Erin Uno

Read the text and answer questions number 7 and 8

The Foreign Ministry handed over three Indonesian hostages freed by the notorious Abu Sayyaf group to
their respective families on Friday afternoon.

7. What does the text inform us … .

A. The kidnapping of three Indonesian hostages
B. The escape of three Indonesian hostages
C. The release of three Indonesian hostage
D. The negotiation between Foreign Ministry and Abu Sayyaf
E. The reunification of three Indonesian hostages with their families
8. Who is Abu Sayyaf group?
A. People who helped three Indonesian hostages
B. People who kidnapped three Indonesian hostages
C. People who worked for Foreign Ministry
D. People who live with three Indonesian hostages
E. People who handed over three Indonesian hostages

Read the text and answer questions number 9 and 11

I was born as Christian Rahardi in Jakarta on 16 September 1949 to Laurens Rahadi and Hanna Rahadi.
My father was a Chinese-Betawi entrepreneur and my mother was a Chinese-Sundanese housewife. I was
the second of three sons, my brothers were Joris and Vicky. My family lived on Talang Street near
Menteng, Central Jakarta, until 1954, when we moved to Pegangsaan Street (also in Menteng).
While attending GIKI Elementary School, I befriended the neighbouring Nasution family; I became
especially close to Bamid Gauri, with whom I played badminton and flew kites. I also began listening to
my father's record collection, singing along to songs by Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and
Dean Martin. After graduating from elementary school, I attended Christian Middle School III
Beatle mania reached Indonesia while I was in Senior High School PSKD Menteng, and increased my
interest in music. Responding to my desire to play an instrument, my father bought me a guitar. I chose the
bass guitar, as I considered it the easiest to master. As they could not read music, I and Joris learned to
play by accompanying our father's records and songs recorded from the radio. In time we began playing at
school events, with vocals by mine. During this period I began smoking in school; when caught, I was
punished by being forced to smoke eight cigarettes at once, in front of the assembled pupils. However, this
failed to cure my habit and I eventually became a chain smoker.

9. Who was the most inspiring figure for the writer … .

A. His father
B. His brothers
C. His neighbor
D. Beatle
E. Bing Crosby

10. How did the writer learn to play music at first … .

A. By listening to my father's record collection
B. By attending Christian Middle School III Diponegoro
C. By watching many live music show
D. By accompanying our father's records
E. By hiring a music and vocal teacher

11. What was the writer’s bad routine … .

A. Playing badminton and kite with his neighbor
B. Listening to his father's record collection
C. Singing along to songs by Bing Crosby
D. Accompanying his father's records and songs
E. Smoking at school and became a chain smoker

Read the text and answer questions number 11 to 13.

1. Read the computer's manual for information on its limit on usable memory and the number of
memory slots. The experts at Hardware Secrets recommend using one of the many computer memory
scanning programs if the manual is not available. Determine if your computer requires SDRAM
Format memory.
2. Investigate the computer's existing memory. Double-click on the "My Computer" icon on the
desktop, and then click on "View System Information". At the bottom of the window, you will find
the amount of RAM your system already has installed.
3. Select a memory card that offers the highest upgrade usable by your system. The experts at What
Laptop warn that most notebook computers only feature two memory slots, and some laptops cannot
use memory cards over a specific size. This means you may be limited in the amount of RAM you
can add.
4. Seek for memory cards that offer warranties and guarantees that the products will work. Memory
cards are fragile, and can easily break in transit to your home or to the store.
5. Get RAM that matches the brand already used in the computer if possible. According to the experts at
Bleeping Computers, matching sets of RAM generally work better than mismatched pairs.

12. What is the purpose of the text... .

A. To describe how memory cards work
B. To explain how memory cards apply
C. To persuade readers how important the function of memory cards
D. To guide readers how to choose memory for notebook
E. To inform the location of the memory cards

13. Before choosing a suitable memory cards for your notebook, what do you do... .
A. Check the computer’s existing memory
B. Read the computer’s manual
C. Look for memory cards offering warranties
D. Find the memory store
E. Purchase RAM

14. “Get RAM that matches the brand already used in the computer if possible (Last paragraph). The underlined
word has similar meaning with….
A. Press
B. Button
C. Buy
D. Offer
E. Install

Read the text to answer the question number 15 – 17.

My friends and I were discussing the school’s new rule that the entire student must wear a cap and tie. One
of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising
ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contras to the girl’s opinion. the other students was gland with it,
He said that he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing cap and a tie will make the students look
great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable
and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were not air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big problem. He
was sure that the student would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way.

15. They boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his school. Which statement shows his agreement ...
A. He was not annoyed
B. He would not obey the rule
C. He didn’t care of the rule
D. He didn’t like wearing a cap and tie.
E. He didn’t mind wearing a cap and tie.

16. The boy believed that all students would....

A. Have a high spirit to study
B. Solve their own problems
C. Care for their environment
D. Follow the new rule
E. Feel uncomfortable

17. “One of them showed her annoyance...”(line2). The Underline word is close in meaning to ...
A. Responsibility
B. displeasure
C. agrement
D. applause
E. response

Read the text to answer th question number 18 – 20.

The ascension employment of Indonesian women workers comes mostly from middle-and-upper-income
families. This is because many of them have got higher education.
Today more than half of all women college graduates are employed, compared to four out often high
school graduates, three out often elementary school graduates, and only two out often among those with
less than grade five in school. Most of the working girls in the 1980s were unskilled, but today's working
women have considerably more education than those who do not work. Among the working women only
three fourths are high school graduates and less than 10 percent have not been to high school at all.
Most of them are well-educated middle class working women hold white collar or professional jobs.
Although many other kinds of work are offered to college graduated women, clerical work and teaching
are mostly preferred. About three fifths of the girls who are graduated from high schools take clerical jobs.

18. What is the passage about?

A. Tile shirt from household work to professional and clerical work for women
B. A comparison between well-educated and less educated working women
C. The number of employed middle-class working women
D. Job choice for working women
E. Working women in the 1980s

19. The main idea of paragraph two is ...

A. More than half of college graduated women are professionals
B. Many kinds of work are offered to educated women
C. Less educated working women like working as clerks
D. The profession as a teacher and a clerk is suitable for women
E. The profession as a teacher is better than the profession as a clerk

20. Which is TRUE about women employees according to the text?

A. Most high-school graduates take clerical jobs.
B. There are more college graduates than high-school graduates.
C. Elementary-school graduates are comparable to college graduates.
D. The women workers are mostly elementary-school graduates.
E. Less than twenty percent of women workers didn't finish elementary school.

The following text is for questions number 21 – 23.

Education has an important role in our life. There are educational systems all over the world. Most Asian
countries have different educational systems compared to Western countries because educational systems
are mostly reflections of culture and society.
Educational systems in Asia reflect how group work and tradition are more valued than individualism.
Therefore, Asian students help each others in doing their assignments. They learn social skills or working
Additionally, the learning activities are more formal because it is teacher-centered since the students’s role
is listen to, recite, and memorize what teacher teaches. The Asian educational systems also require the
students to stay longer in school to study. It make the students disciplined with self-control.
However, the Asian educational systems have disadvantages. The information will be easily forgotten. The
students are reluctant to express their ideas and opinions. Therefore, it makes them to be less active and
Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of Asian educational systems, the government should
reconsider the systems of education used in our country.

21. Which statement is true according to the text, except ... .

A. The students are reluctant to express their ideas
B. The students are less active and creative
C. The students are indisciplined with self-control
D. The Asian educational systems require the students to study longer at school
E. The Asian educational systems reflect how group work and tradition are more valued

22. “understanding the advantages and disadvantages of .......”. The underlined word has the closest meaning
with ... .
A. Disagreements
B. Dissatisfactions
C. Drawbacks
D. Drawstrings
E. Disappointments

23. What can be infered according to the text ... .

A. Communication skill is not important
B. Educational systems should be renewed annually
C. Culture and society reflect the educational system
D. Educational systems are different
E. Educational systems has an important role

The following text is for questions number 24 – 26.

One of the most incredible natural masterpieces is the rainbow. The seven colours, nemely, violet, indigo,
bluw, green, red, yellow, and orange make rainbows beautiful and colourful.
Rainbow appears in the sky, usually after or during the rain. It appears in the sky when the sunlight passes
through a thin medium to a denser medium. All seven colours that are present in white light form a semi-
circular rainbow. It is believed that a rainbow after rain indicates that there will be no more rain.

24. “It appears in the sky when ....”What does the underlined word refer to … .
A. The rainbows
B. The rainbows’ colours
C. The rain
D. The rainbow
E. The sunlight

25. “.....the most incredible natural masterpieces”. The same meaning of the underlined word is ... .
A. Frightening
B. Magnificent
C. Good-looking
D. Miserable
E. Awful

26. What is the main idea of paragraph 2… .

A. The colours of rainbow
B. The process of rainbow’s colours
C. The process of how rainbow happens
D. The sunlight of rainbow
E. A semi-circular rainbow

Read the text and answer questions number 27 to 28

Almost everybody must have ridden a bicycle in their childhood. You also might have had cycling
competitions with your siblings, cousins and friends to figure out who was the fastest or who had the most
stamina. Cycling is not only a fun filled activity, but also a great way to work out. Biking for women has
real benefits and helps increase your strength and stamina. It also is one form of exercise that even a
relatively old man can do too
Is biking a good way to lose weight? Yes, this question is the first one that came to my mind too. And the
fact is that cycling a minimum of 30 – 45 minutes has immense benefits. Toping all the other reasons is
that an useful activity that helps you to lose your weight. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise ever and
hence the weight loss!
In today’s hectic lifestyle we have forgotten to take a moment and look around at the nature. Cycling is a
great activity to explore new places in the town and be one with nature. So, it gives benefit to decrease
stress. Studies have shown that cyclists have lower stress levels as compared to non cyclists. The increased
blood flow and sweat induces production of mood enhancing hormones leading to lower stress levels.
Because of that, cycling in the sun at early morning or afternoon or evening induces quality deep and
restful sleep at night. Insomniacs can greatly benefit from this activity.
So, what are you waiting for? Jump on that bicycle and pedal away to enjoy the immense benefits of it, as
biking is good for your health!

27. What does the text talk about … .

A. The reason why people should go cycling routine
B. The importance of cycling for body and health
C. The effect of cycling to minimize stress
D. The benefits of cycling
E. The description of cycling

28. What can be inferred from the text above … .

A. Cycling is only for people who get stress
B. Cycling gives many benefits for our health
C. Biking only useful for losing weight
D. Biking routinely is in vain for people
E. Cycling in the evening provides us sleep deeply

The following question is for number 29 to 31

Springdale Estate
Regulations for Wedding/Receptions
In Auerbach Hall Gardens

1) The hall and/or approved areas in the garden of Springdale Estate are available for wedding and
receptions during normal operating hours, while the gardens are also open to the public. Hours: 8 A.M
– 8 P.M
2) The cost for a wedding or reception is Rp, 75.000 per person. If the reception includes the catering,
there will be additional cost Rp, 100.000.
3) All persons must depart the gardens no later than the normal closing time. A late fee Rp, 10.000 per
hour will be charged until all person have exited the properly,
4) Rehearsal, if a rehearsal is planned prior the wedding day, no more than 10 people will be admitted
5) A security deposit of IDR 200.000 must be made at least 30 days prior to the function. This deposit
will be returned provided the grounds are left free of damage and litter.

29. For whom are these instructions written ... .

A. People going to a business meeting
B. People planning to get married
C. People going to a late - night party
D. People planning to tour to the garden
E. People going to meet an old friend

30. What is the reason that a security deposit not be returned ... .
A. If the grounds were not left clean
B. If to many of people attended an event
C. If guests failed to leave before the closing time
D. If unauthorized areas of the estate were used
E. If there is something error

31. “Rehearsal, if a rehearsal is planned prior…..” . The underline word means … .

A. Preparation
B. Implementation
C. Orientation
D. Correlation
E. Duration

32. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color
2. Plants make their own food
3. They take gas called carbon dioxide into food and oxygen
4. Plants make their water from the ground through their roots
5. Plants make their own food using sunlight and something called chlorophyll.
6. Oxygen gas the air that we need breathe.

A. 6-3-5-1-2-4
B. 2-6-1-3-4-5
C. 2-4-1-5-3-6
D. 5-1-4-3-2-6
E. 2-4-3-6-5-1

Correct the losing words below

An active mountain, there are hot spots in the Earth's crust where heat melts underground rock. As the
rock melts, gases are released and mix with (33) … rock called magma. The magma bubbles and rises,
cutting through the rock, creating a channel. It then accumulates in a magma chamber deep underground.
Over time, high pressure caused by both the magma and gases build up in the chamber, forcing the
magma to rise and (34) … the volcano to form as a mountain. Then it violently explodes out the top and
even the sides of the volcano! Fiery rocks and ash rain down from out of the sky after an eruption. But
sometimes, lava, (35) … is what the magma is called after it comes out of the volcano, quietly oozes out
of one or several holes ( called vents ) with no explosion at all.

33. A. Molten
B. Burning
C. Solid
D. Gas
E. Fire

34. A. Cause
B. Causes
C. Caused
D. Causing
E. Had causing

35. A. Who
B. Whom
C. Of whom
D. Which
E. Of which

The text for question number 36 – 37.


This announcement is addressed to the students of XII IPS1 (46) of SMA Budi Utama Sidoarjo. You will
have interview test next Sunday. Prepare yourselves well. The interview test will be held :
Place : Language lab
Day/date : Monday, 23 January 2017
Time : Start at 8 a.m
All students are required to join and bring your curriculum vitae. Hopefully this interview test can provide
you benefit experience

Mr. Gorbachev
English teacher

36. The text talks about … .

A. Announcement of job opportunity.
B. Telling information about interview test.
C. Preparation for interview test.
D. Informing new language laboratory.
E. Informing to bring curriculum vitae.

37. When will the test be held ... .

A. On Monday evening.
B. Last Monday.
C. Next Monday.
D. Tomorrow.
E. On Monday morning.

The text for question number 38 – 39.

Thousands of dogs in Bengkalis regency, Riau, will be vaccinated for rabies following the revocation of
the rabies-free status of Bengkalis Island by the government in September.

38. The text above mainly talk about … .

A. The revocation of the rabies-free status in Riau.
B. Mass rabbies disease at Bengkalis in September.
C. Mass rabbies vaccination for dogs in Riau.
D. Thousands of dogs in Bengkalis, Riau.
E. Bengkalis Island will be vaccinated.

39. Why should many dogs be vaccinated … .

A. To get Bengkalis rabbies-free status
B. To cure many sick dogs because of rabies
C. To kill dogs which get rabbies
D. To vaccinate rabies dogs
E. To make dogs healthy.

The text for question number 40 – 41.

Lumajang, 20th January 2017

HRD of PT. Multiproof Manufacture

Jl. PB. Sudirman No. 206

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of salesperson, which you advertised in the Indonesian Post of
January14th 2017.
I would be very interested in working as a salesperson and I enjoy meeting and talking to people.
I enclose my recent photograph and curriculum vitae. I would be happy to send any further details you
may require. I would be available for an interview at anytime. Thank you very much for your
consideration and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Gina Septia

40. What is the letter about ... .

A. Job vacancy.
B. Applying a job.
C. Confirming a job opportunity.
D. Looking for a job.
E. Rejecting a job opportunity.

41. Why is Gina interested to be a salesperson ... .

A. She needs a job.
B. She needs money to earn her study.
C. She enjoy interacting with people.
D. She prefers being interviewed.
E. She wants to have a better future.

The text for question number 42 – 43.

- Min. D3 Academy of computer science
- Have experience in computer graphics and database
- Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Minimum two years experience
Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph & expected salary, to:
Pranata Informatindo, JL. Sudirman No. 22 Denpasar, Bali

42. What is the advertisement about ... .

A. Database / graphics design.
B. Pranata Informatindo.
C. Job vacancy.
D. JL. Sudirman No.22
E. Computer graphics.
43. Which requirement is NOT according to the text above ... .
A. Fluent in English both speaking and writing.
B. Min. D3 Academy of Technology.
C. Having a good looking appearance and pleasant personality.
D. Have minimum two years experience.
E. Have experience in computer graphics and database.
The text for question number 44 – 46.
I was born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia of
undistinguished families - second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year,
was of a family of the name of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams, and others in Macon counties,
I was raised to farm work, which I continued till I was twenty-two. At twenty-one I came to Illinois, and
passed the first year in Illinois-Macon county. Then I got to New Salem (at that time in Sangamon, now in
Menard county) where I remained a year as a sort of clerk in a store. Then came the Black Hawk War; and
I was elected a Captain of Volunteers - a success which gave me more pleasure than any I have had since.
I went the campaign, was elated, ran for the Legislature the same year (1832) and was beaten - the only
time I have been beaten by the people. The next, and three succeeding biennial elections, I was elected to
the Legislature. I was not a candidate afterwards. During this Legislative period I had studied law, and
removed to Springfield to practice it. In 1846 I was once elected to the lower House of Congress. Was not
a candidate for re-election. From 1849 to 1854, both inclusive, practiced law more assiduously than ever
before. Always a Whig in politics, and generally on the Whig electoral tickets, making active canvasses. I
was losing interest in politics, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again. What I
have done since then is pretty well known.

44. Where was Abraham Lincoln elected as a Captain of volunteers ... .

A. Hardin County.
B. Illionis.
C. New Salem.
D. Missouri.
E. Virginia.
45. What did Abraham Lincoln do in Springfield ... .
A. Be a Captain of Volunteers.
B. Be elected to the Legislature.
C. Studied politics..
D. Practiced law.
E. Practiced to be politician.

46. The next, and three succeeding biennial elections, I was elected to the Legislature.
What does the underline word means … .
A. It occurs in every year
B. It occurs in 2 years
C. It occurs in 3 years
D. It occurs in 4 years
E. It occurs in 5 years

The text for question number 47 – 49.

Smoking ban policies are implemented in some American states and cities but the contentions on whether
they are necessary and relevant are still heard from supporters and critics. Restrictions on cigarette
smoking can be traced back as early the 16th century and up to now, this issue remains to be controversial.
To get an idea on how people are taking smoking bans, here are some of the views expressed by
proponents and opponents.
Advocates for smoking bans claim that passing a policy to prohibit smoking in public places can lessen the
possibility of second-hand smoke being inhaled by non-smokers. The supporters also say that states and
cities which have non-smoking policies and prohibited smoking in restaurants and public indoor spaces
have better indoor air quality then the cities which still allow smoking public. With restricting smoking,
supporters posit that it will decrease the waste since there will be lesser cigarette butts and lesser toxic
garbage that can be stuck in water systems. It is also believed by the supporters that it can lessen the
chance of influencing others to take on the habit.
For many smokers, smoking bans is one of the government’s ways of interfering in their lifestyle. They
find this offensive because they believe that, since smoking is not a crime, the government nor anyone else
should not have a say about what they do and limit their freedom. In principle, smoking bans aren’t
effective since they will make people just avoid places with smoking bans and smoke elsewhere rather
than to quit or at least to reduce their tobacco consumption. Implementing smoking bans also can be very
difficult. There are many people and even establishments that don’t respect the ban mainly because the
penalties aren’t so stiff and won’t get offenders into too much trouble.
These are just some of the pros and cons of smoking bans. Government officials, business owners, and
ordinary citizens should weigh them carefully to decide if smoking bans are worth implementing or not.

47. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ... .

A. Many people agree with government’s way to ban smoking.
B. Implemenetig smoking bans can be very difficult.
C. Smokers thing that smoking bans is annoying their lifestyle.
D. Smokers thing soking bans aren’t effective.
E. Smoking is not a crime.

48. “They find this offensive because they believe that ...” The underlined word has similar meaning to ... .
A. Defense.
B. Argument.
C. Prohibition.
D. Allowance.
E. Attack.

49. Why do people thing with restricting smoking can decrease the waste ... .
A. Because they will have better indoor air.
B. There will be lesser cigarette butts and lesser toxic garbage.
C. It can lessen the chance of influencing others to take on the habit.
D. Because it reduces tobacco consumtion.
E. Because there’re no more smokers.

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are several things that we can
do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It of course
includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course means, the amount of
carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by buying local groceries
we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh food or groceries
means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is needed and saving energy
means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.

50. Why should everyone change the way of life ... .

A. To buy local product.
B. To consume local groceries.
C. To save money.
D. To reduce carbon dioxide.
E. To reduce global warming.

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