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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Quiz # 2– SP21

Course Title: Personality Theories - I Course Code: PSY210 Credit Hours: 3(3,0)
Course Programme Name: BPY
Semester: 4A/B Batch: SP20- Section: A/B Date: 15 April 2021
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Maximum Marks: 15
Student’s Name: Umair jameel Reg. No. Fa19-bpy-001
Important Instructions / Guidelines:

 Attempt all questions

 Each question carries equal marks.
 Your paper must be free from plagiarism
 More than “10%”plagiarized text will deduct your marks in each question
Subjective Type

Q#1 Discuss Jung’s ideas on the development of personalitythroughout the life span, especially
theperiods of adolescence and middle age.

Development of personality through Life Span:

Individuation refers to the method whereby the systems of the psyche achieve the fullest live of
differentiation and development. Individuation is an inborn and inevitable method. It’ll come
about, but it may be restricted or assisted by environmental factors. Individuation, conjointly
called psychological rebirth, is that the method of turning into an individual or whole person.
Self-realization is that the method of integrating the opposite poles into one uniform individual.

Transcendence refers to the integration of the various systems of the psyche in order to attain
unity and harmony within the psyche as well as unity with human beings. Transcendence is
additionally the method of integrating the alternative poles into one uniform individual.
Individuation results in variety inside the psyche, whereas transcendence brings unity,
integration and harmony, with the development of the self because the highest form of


The time frame from adolescence until center life is called youth. Youngsters endeavor to
acquire mystic and actual autonomy from their folks, discover a mate, raise a family, and make a
spot on the planet. As per Jung (1960), youth is a time of expanded movement, developing
sexuality, developing awareness, and acknowledgment that the issue free time of adolescence is
gone until the end of time.

Middle age:

Jung accepted that center life starts at around age 35 or 40. This stage is principally portrayed by
the extension of the cognizant through new encounters and information. The midlife stage
proclaims the second 50% of life and the center movements to the oblivious (rather than the
cognizant). The midlife is the time frame in which people start to focus on those inward parts of
themselves which they have disregarded as of recently and need to acquire knowledge into those
components of themselves of which they didn't know.

Q#2 Define Archetypes and its types in the light of analytical psychology.


Archetypes are old pictures that get from the aggregate oblivious. They are like edifices in that
they are genuinely conditioned assortments of related pictures. In any case, though buildings are
individualized segments of individual oblivious, models are summed up and get from the
segments of the aggregate oblivious. Archetypes are additionally being recognized from sense.
Prime examples have a natural premise yet begun through the rehashed encounters of human's
initial precursors.


The side of character that individuals show to the world is assigned as the persona. The term is
very much picked on the grounds that it alludes to the cover worn by entertainers in the early
theater. Although the persona is an important side of our character, we ought not to confound our
public face with our total self. On the off chance that we distinguish too intimately with our
persona, we stay oblivious to our uniqueness and are obstructed from achieving self-


The paradigm of darkness and restraint, addresses those characteristics we don't wish to
recognize however endeavor to stow away from ourselves as well as other people. Jung mollified
that, to be entire, we should constantly endeavor to know our shadow and that this is our first
trial by fire. To grasp the obscurity inside ourselves is to accomplish the "acknowledgment of the


The lady like side of men starts in the aggregate oblivious as a model and remains incredibly
impervious to awareness. To dominate the projections of the anima, men should beat scholarly
boundaries, dive into the furthest openings of their oblivious, and understand the female side of
their character


The masculine archetype in the women. The symbolic of thinking and reasoning. It is capable of
influencing the thinking of a woman, yet it does not actually belong to her. In every female-male
relationship, the woman runs a risk of projecting her distant ancestors’ experiences with fathers,
brothers, lovers, and sons onto the unsuspecting man.

Q#3Describe the personality characteristics proposedby Adler that may develop in first-born,
second-bornand youngest children as a result of theirorder of birth within the family. Also
highlight that how birth order can influence on individual’s personality.

Alder believes that our birth order also effect of life journey

First- Born

Babies born with the first order are during a unique and enviable situation. Parents are usually
very happy about the birth of their first child and spend tons of your time and a spotlight on the
new baby. First-timers usually pay immediate and unwavering attention to their parents. As a
result, the primary generation features a very happy and secure existence, until the second child

Adler believed that each one newborns feel the shock of their changed status within the family,
but those that are pampered an excessive amount of feel more loss. Also, the extent of the
damage depends on the age of the person born before the opponent appears. Usually, the primary
baby is born when the second baby comes, the primary born will experience even as little
pressure. for instance , the birth of an 8-year-old sibling are going to be less distressing than a 2-

Personality trait

He may be a

 Reliable
 Conscientious
 Structured
 Cautious
 Controlling
 Achievers


Second-born babies, who have caused such a lot turmoil in their children's lives, also are during
a unique situation. They never experience a strong position once the aspects have appropriated.
Also, parents have generally changed their attitudes and ways of raising their children. Another
child isn't the novelty that was the primary . Parents could also be less anxious about their own
behavior and should be easier with the opposite child.

Competing with the firstborn can encourage the second child to undertake to catch the older
brother and leave him behind, a goal that promotes language and motor development within the
second child. Lacking experience, other children aren't involved. they're more optimistic about
the longer term and more likely to compete and anticipate, as Adler did.

Personality traits

 People-pleasers
 Somewhat rebellious
 Thrives on friendships

Youngest Child

The youngest or last born children never experience the trauma of being deported by another
child and that they often become family pets, especially if the siblings are older than a couple of
years. the youngest children, who got to leave their older siblings behind, often develop at a
faster rate. Previously born babies often have a better share in everything they are doing as
adults. If the youngest children are pampered the foremost and admit that they are doing not got
to learn to try to to anything for themselves. As they grow old, such children may retain their
childhood helplessness and dependence. Even as they struggled and struggled, that they had a
habit of caring, that they had a tough time adjusting to their youth.

Personality traits

 Fun-loving
 Uncomplicated
 Manipulative
 Outgoing
 Attention-seeker
 Self-centered


Firstborns were much more conscientious and socially dominant, less agreeable, and less
open to new ideas compared to laterborns.

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