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Bayangkan seperti apa karir Anda

dalam 5 tahun ke depan. Apa tujuan

karir yang telah Anda tetapkan? Apa
yang telah Anda lakukan sejauh ini
dan apa yang akan Anda lakukan
untuk mencapai tujuan Anda saat ini?
Dan bagaimana peran Management My feeling is graet to learn something
Trainee membantu Anda mencapai new for me, I can reach other
tujuan Anda. knowledge and experience more than
Imagine what your career looks like in others, well.. the biggest challenge
the next 5 years. What career goals experienced that I had wich is
have you set? What have you done so international experience. that I must
far and what will you do to meet your be leader in my team in Seoul
current goals? And how does the of International Invention Fair,
role Management Trainee help you Represent My university and My
reach your goals. Country Indonesia, I must be
convince friends that we can, and we
I set my career in he next 5 years is, I will come home with medals, after that
want to be the young manager in I have to struggle to make a strategy
multinational company like Danone, and manage the team work.
What have I done? I had my Because We had bronze medal, little
organizational experience in my bit disappointed but we are must
university such at student executie proud, What would you do differently
board, manage and leading some big next time? maybe to manage it I will
project in my university, then I can do the same thing, but for the more I
help my team to go to America and will allocate more time to makesure
then I go to the Korea for International further research our invention .
invention competition, When I because after the evaluation, we were
graduated, I tried to apply for an quite lacking in deepening the
apprenticeship program in a research our invention
multinational company, and I can
learn a lot there and that’s program
it's finished, and now it's my time to
implement everything I had. I believe
in Management Trainee role is the
best choice for me, to be a young
leader in the future, because in the
management trainee role we do not 1. My name is Slamet Haryo Samudro , 22
learn for one thing more deeply but Y.O , ok.. Why am I interest to joining
learn many things deeper that will
Dnone MT Star? because this is a great
bring the company to be the best
opportunity for me, feel proud and
grateful if I can pass from each stage to
the next level, so proud if I can join to
enter a multinational company that is
known to many people, so many
multinasional company but I
understand the mission of danone is
better for me, one planet - one health
and also aims to build a healthier future
from a healthy lifestyle, a healthy earth
and a healthy ecosystem and this will
be an honor for me who will take him to
fly higher because it is in accordance
with my dreams too.

2. The most inspiring achievement is when

I can do many things and benefit myself
and others, one of which is I can fly to
Korea to represent universities and
Indonesia at the Seoul International
Invention Fair, even though I only won a
bronze medal, but it was very proud of
me. me and my team.

1. ya. karena ini adalah kesempatan besar

bagiku, merasa bangga dan bersyukur
jika bisa lolos dari tiap tahap ke tahap
berikutnya, siapa yang tidak bangga
bisa masuk ke perusahaan multinational
yang di kenal banyak orang, bukan
bangga terhadap segi matrealisticnya
tapi saya paham dari misi danone, one
planet - one health dan juga bertujuan
untuk membangun masa depan yang
lebih sehat dari gaya hidup yang sehat,
bumi yang sehat dan ekosistem yang
sehat dan ini akan menjadi kebanggaan
bagi saya yg akan membawanya
terbang lebih tinggi karena sesuai
dengan cita cita saya juga.

3. Prestasi yang paling menginspirasi

adalah ketika saya bisa melakukan
banyak hal dan bermanfaat untuk diri
saya dan oranglain, salah satunya saya
bisa terbang ke korea untuk mewakili
universitas dan indonesia di ajang
perlombaan seoul international
invention fair, walaupun hanya
mendapat medali perunggu, tapi itu
sangat membanggakan bagi saya dan

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