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qxd 04/25/2005 07:57 AM Page 386


386 Unit III Promoting Physiologic Health

A medication is a substance administered for the diagnosis, several companies, it can have several trade names.
cure, treatment, relief, or prevention of disease. In the health Medications are often available in a variety of forms.
care context, the words medication and drug are used inter- Examples are given in Table 17-1 ■.
In the United States and Canada, medications are usu-
ally dispensed by the order of physicians and dentists. The Drug Standards
written direction for the preparation and administration of a Drugs may have natural (e.g., plant, mineral, and animal)
drug is called a prescription. sources, or they may be synthesized in the laboratory. For
A drug may have four different names: example, digitalis is plant derived; sodium chloride is a min-
1. The generic (family) name, given before a drug becomes eral; insulin has animal or human sources; and propoxyphene
official hydrochloride (the analgesic Darvon) is synthesized in a
2. The official name, the name under which it is listed in laboratory.
one of the official publications (e.g., the United States Drugs vary in strength and activity. Drugs must be
Pharmacopeia) pure and of uniform strength if drug dosages are to be pre-
3. The chemical name, which describes the drug constituents dictable in their effect. Therefore, drugs standards have been
precisely developed to ensure uniform quality. In the United States,
4. The trademark, or brand name, the name given by the drug official drugs are those designated by the federal Food, Drug,
manufacturer. Because a drug may be manufactured by and Cosmetic Act. These drugs are officially listed in the

TABLE 17-1
Types of Drug Preparations
Aerosol spray A liquid, powder, or foam deposited Ointment (salve, A semisolid preparation of one or more
or foam in a thin layer on the skin by air pressure unction) drugs used for application to the skin and
mucous membrane
Aqueous solution One or more drugs dissolved in water
Paste A preparation like an ointment, but thicker
Aqueous One or more drugs finely divided in a and stiff, that penetrates the skin less than
suspension liquid such as water an ointment
Caplet A solid form, shaped like a capsule, coated Pill One or more drugs mixed with a cohesive
and easily swallowed material, in oval, round, or flattened shapes
Capsule A gelatinous container to hold a drug in Powder A finely ground drug or drugs; some are
powder, liquid, or oil form used internally, others externally
Cream A nongreasy, semisolid preparation used Suppository One or several drugs mixed with a firm
on the skin base such as gelatin and shaped for inser-
Elixir A sweetened and aromatic solution of tion into the body (e.g., the rectum); the
alcohol used as a vehicle for medicinal base dissolves gradually at body tempera-
agents ture, releasing the drug

Extract A concentrated form of a drug made from Syrup An aqueous solution of sugar often used
vegetables or animals to disguise unpleasant-tasting drugs

Gel or jelly A clear or translucent semisolid that lique- Tablet A powdered drug compressed into a hard
fies when applied to the skin small disk; some are readily broken along a
scored line; others are enteric coated to pre-
Liniment A medication mixed with alcohol, oil, or vent them from dissolving in the stomach
soapy emollient and applied to the skin
Tincture An alcoholic or water-and-alcohol solution
Lotion A medication in a liquid suspension prepared from drugs derived from plants
applied to the skin
Transdermal patch A semipermeable membrane shaped in
Lozenge (troche) A flat, round, or oval preparation that dis- the form of a disk or patch that contains a
solves and releases a drug when held in drug to be absorbed through the skin over
the mouth a long period of time

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