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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)


STUDENTS OF ³86$+$ 3(5-$/$1$1 :,6$7$´ UPW)
I G. Sandyana1, D. K. Tantra2, I N. Adi Jaya Putra3
English Education Department, Postgraduate Program
Ganesha University of Education
Singaraja, Indonesia


Penelitian inibertujuan untukmengetahui 1)tindak tuturyang digunakansiswa,
2)gayakesantunanyang digunakansiswa, dan3)kesalahanberbicarayang dibuat olehsiswa. Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitiankualitatif, dansubyekpenelitian adalahsiswakelas XIUPWdiSMKN5 ditahun
akademik2013/2014. Data penelitiandikumpulkan melaluisimulasiberbicara. Hasilmenunjukkanbahwa
tindak tuturyang digunakanpalingbanyakolehsiswaadalahtindaktuturekspresif37% , diikuti
olehtindaktuturasertif34%, tindaktuturdirektif18%, dantindaktuturcommisive11%.
Gayakesantunanmenunjukkan bahwa91% tindak tuturdikategorikansantun danada 9% tindak
tuturdikategorikankurang/tidaksantun. Maksimyangdigunakanpara siswaialahkebijaksanaan, kemurahan
hati, persetujuan, dan kerendahan hati. Para siswamembuat beberapakesalahandalam berbicara,
kesalahantata bahasa25%, isi21%, pengucapan20%dandiksi6%.

Kata kunci:kesalahanberbicara,kesantunan, tindaktutur

This study was focused at finding out 1) the speech acts used, 2) the styles of politeness used,
and 3) the speaking errors made by the students in handling ticket reservation. It was a qualitative
research, and the subjects of the study were the eleventh grade students of UPW in SMKN 5 in
academic year 2013/2014. The research data were collected through simulated speech. The result
showed that the speech acts that were used the most by the students were expressive speech acts 37%,
followed by assertive 34%, directive 18%, and commisive 11%. The politeness styles showed that 91%
speech acts were categorized as polite and there were 9% speech acts were categorized as less
polite/impolite. The maxims that the students used were tact, generosity, approbation, and modesty. The
errors in speaking that the students made were in grammar 25%, content 21%, pronunciation 20% and
diction 6%.

Keywords: politeness, speaking errors, speech acts

INTRODUCTION KTSP. It means schools can create their

In Indonesia, English has become own curriculum based on their needs,
an important subject to be taught since we continued by creating the syllabus based on
are now facing the global era. Even though the curriculum that they have created.
it is a foreign language, but still, it starts to KTSP is a competency based curriculum. It
be taught from elementary school and means that the students are expected to
continued to junior and high school even achieve the competencies in the curriculum.
until university. The government always Those competencies are named standard
tries to improve the ability of the students in competency and basic competency.
English. This can be seen from the changes There are many schools in
and the developments of the curriculum Indonesia, and every school has their own
over time. The curriculum that is used by purposes for their students to be achieved.
the schools in Indonesia now is school Nowadays, many students consider
based curriculum or in Indonesia it is called continuing their education in vocational high
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

school with some purposes. Vocational high taking care of documents, being a guide,
school itself has two major purposes, and doing the transfer service.
general purpose and specific purpose. The SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar is one of
general purposes are to prepare the vocational high schools in Bali that has
students to become independent and UPW classes. According to their syllabus,
responsible citizens, to increase the there are some basic competencies that
VWXGHQWV¶ IDLWK DQG GHYRWLRQ WR SUHSDUH WKH should be achieved by the students, and
students to understand and appreciate the one of them is handling reservation. In
cultural diversity of Indonesia, to prepare handling reservation, there are some skills
the students to be able to live a decent life, that have to be achieved by the students,
and to prepare the students to be able to they have to be able to: (1) Open the
maintain a healthy lifestyle, environment, FRQYHUVDWLRQ ,GHQWLI\ WKH FXVWRPHUV¶
science and art. And, the specific purposes needs correctly, (3) Offer the product
are to prepare the students to be able to properly, (4) Handle the sale problem
work independently or to fill vacancies in properly, and (5) Close the conversation.
the industrial world as middle-level Those skills above are very
manpower, based on their interest, to make important for the students to be achieved
the students to be able to choose a career because the students are prepared to be
and persistent in the competition, also able ready to work in the tourism fields and
to develop a professional attitude in the field interact with customer after they graduate
that they are interested in, and to equip the from the school. The skills will be achieved
students with science and technology to be well by the students if they really know how
able to develop themselves through higher to communicate the ideas they have in their
education (Hidayat, 2014) minds so that the customers will also
In vocational high school, there are behave or react according to what they
three learning programs given, such as want.
normative program, adaptive program and To be able to communicate well, a
productive program. Normative program is good speaking skill is needed. Speaking is
a program filled by lessons with the the delivery of language through the mouth.
competencies of norm, attitude, and To speak, we create sounds using many
behavior that have to be taught and trained parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal
to the students. Adaptive program is a tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips
program filled by lessons that function to (EnglishClub, 2014). The other opinion
make the abilities of the students developed comes from Tarigan in Sholihin (2013), he
and adapted over the development of said that speaking is the way of
knowledge, technology, art, and also the communication that influences our daily life.
other skills that they learn. Productive Wilson in Sholihin (2013) defines speaking
program is a program filled by lessons that as development of the relationship between
function to give the students the standard speaker and listener. It means that the main
competency or productive ability on a objective of speaking is for communication.
particular field that is relevant with the real In order to express effectively, the speaker
situation in the field itself (Hidayat, 2014). should know exactly what he/she wants to
There are some majors that can be speak or to communicate.
chosen by the students if they join a The students who are not native
vocational high school, such as hotel English speakers often face concerns and
accommodation, art, accounting, tourism apprehension when they are trying to speak
service, etc. The last major mentioned, in English, even if they are fluent in writing
tourism service (UPW), is a major that and reading the language. The most
purposes the students to learn to be common concern that most non-native
competent doing some competencies, such English speakers have is that they might
as handling reservation, handling the not be understood by the people they are
domestic and international flight ticket, talking to. Speaking in English has several
producing the domestic and international factors that non-native speakers can learn
flight ticket manually and using computer, in order to overcome their apprehensions;
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

however, these factors take some practice Wijana (1996) says that the longer an
and confidence to execute (Johnson, 2014). utterance the more polite it is, and he also
Brown (2004) in his book says that says that the more indirect an utterance the
speaking is divided into two, micro-skills more polite it is. The utterance made by the
and macro-skills. Those skills should be student was very short, moreover; it was
comprehended by the students in order to directly uttered.
be able to communicate well. The other task given to the students
Whenever people communicate they was to ask the customer how he/she will do
perform actions in their utterances, and they the payment.
are called speech acts (Yule, 1996). There Student 2 : When will you pay?
are forces in the utterances they make, The purpose of the utterance should
such as for stating, thanking, apologizing, be asking the customer about the way
ordering, etc. On the other hand, the way he/she would do the payment, and it was
people utter the actions that they want the hoped that the students got the answer, for
hearer to recognize is not the same. These example, by cash or by credit from the
distinctions sometimes make FXVWRPHU +RZHYHU WKH VWXGHQW¶V question
miscommunication between them. As it was incorrectly asked about the time when the
explained before, the purposes of people customer will do the payment.
communicate each other besides for Student 3 : You want pay with credit
expressing and sharing thought, feeling, card or cash?
knowledge and interpretation is also for In the utterance, the student made
creating and maintaining relationship declarative sentence, where actually he had
between them. There are some ways to to make an interrogative sentence to ask
keep harmonious relationship between the customer how he will do the payment. In
people, and one of them is by applying the next interview to the student, it was
politeness. revealed that the student did want to make
According to Watts, Ide, and Ehlich the interrogative sentence, but because he
in Karsberg (2012), politeness is a set of had problem in grammar, so he could not
strategies to achieve social goals with a make the right sentence to express it. This
minimum of social fraction. We use many can lead to other problem of communication
kinds of politeness strategies in order to like the hearer cannot recognize what the
PDLQWDLQ KHDUHUV¶ IDFHV )DFH LV WKH SXEOLF speaker intends to deliver in his utterance.
self-image of a person. It refers to that Moreover, in the role-play of
emotional and social sense of self that handling ticket reservation that was done by
everyone has and expects everyone else to the students, it was found that most of the
UHFRJQL]H <XOH 6DYLQJ RQH¶V students produced the same expressions
face would create harmonious relationships from the conversation text that was given by
among participants. On contrary, their teacher. After investigating why they
WKUHDWHQLQJ RQH¶s face would create conflict. produced such the same expressions when
Consequently, speech acts and politeness they were doing role-play, it was revealed
are really important things to be considered that most of the students imitate the
by the students in communicating with the conversation text given by their teacher
customers in handling ticket reservation in without understanding the exact meaning of
order to achieve the goals successfully. the expressions and words.
In preliminary observation, the The explanations before are some
researcher interviewed some students to considerations for conducting a study about
get some information about the skills that speech acts and politeness at the eleventh
they have in handling ticket reservation. grade students of UPW of SMK Negeri 5
When the researcher asked some students Denpasar. By this study, it was hoped that
WR DVN WKH FXVWRPHU¶V QDPH RQH RI WKH the teachers realize the ability of the
students said: students in speaking and also
Student 1 : Your name? communication with the customer in
The expression made by the student handling ticket reservation. The result of
is considered to be impolite, as Leech in this study, further, was expected to give
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

reflection toward the teachers and students it might be to make a statement, an offer or
in order to improve the communication skills for some other communicative purpose, and
of the students and also make the students this is known as the illocutionary force of
aware to the importance of politeness in the utterance. The term speech act is
communication, so there will not be usually interpreted as only the illocutionary
communication breakdown and force of an utterance.
impoliteness used by them. As it was mentioned before, in an
Based on the background and the utterance, there might be a particular
problems identified before, the research communicative force that is sometimes
questions of this study were (1) What difficult to be recognized. There are two
speech acts are used by the eleventh grade things that we have to consider to help us
students of UPW in SMKN 5 Denpasar in recognizing the illocutionary force of an
handling ticket reservation? (2) What styles utterance, they are illocutionary force
of politeness are used by the eleventh indicating device (IFID) and felicity
grade students of UPW in SMKN 5 conditions.
Denpasar in handling ticket reservation? (3)
What kinds of errors are made by the 6HDUOH¶V &DWHJRULHV RI ,OORFXWLRQDU\ $FWV
eleventh grade students of UPW in SMKN 5 According to Searle in Leech (1983),
Denpasar in speaking in handling ticket there are five categories/types of
reservation? illocutionary acts based on the functions,
Therefore, the objectives of this they are assertive, directive, commissive,
study were to find out (1) the speech acts expressive, and declaration. Assertives
used by the eleventh grade students of commit the speaker to the truth of the
UPW in SMKN 5 Denpasar in handling expressed proposition (Searle in Levinson,
ticket reservation, (2) the styles of 1983). Directives are intended to produce
politeness used by the eleventh grade some effect through action by the hearer
students of UPW in SMKN 5 Denpasar in (Searle in Leech, 1983). Commissive is that
handling ticket reservation, and (3) the the speaker commits to some future
speaking errors made by the eleventh actions. Expressive is that the speaker
grade students of UPW in SMKN 5 expresses a psychological state.
Denpasar in handling ticket Declaration effects immediate changes in
reservation.There were some theories used the institutional state of affairs and tend to
in this study. Those were as follows: rely on elaborate extra linguistics
institutions (Searle in Levinson, 1983).
Speech Acts
Speech acts is actions that are Politeness
performed via utterances (Yule, 1996). On There are some definitions about
any occasion, the action performed by politeness theory that has been defined.
producing an utterance will consist of three According to Richard et al. (1992),
related acts. They are locutionary acts, Politeness is how languages express the
illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts social distance between speakers and their
(Yule, 1996). Searle in Wijana (1996) states different role relationships. Yule (1996)
WKDW ORFXWLRQDU\ DFWV LV FDOOHG ³WKH DFW RI stated that politeness in an interaction can
VD\LQJ VRPHWKLQJ´ LOORFXWLRQDU\ DFWV LV be defined as the means employed to show
SHUORFXWLRQDU\ DFWV LV FDOOHG ³WKH DFW RI polite therefore consists of attempting to
DIIHFWLQJ VRPHRQH´ save face for another.
According to Yule (1996:49-51),
from these three speech acts mentioned %URZQ DQG /HYLQVRQ¶V 3ROLWHQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV
before, locutionary act, illocutionary act, and There are four politeness strategies
perlocutionary act, the most discussed is proposed by Brown and Levinson, they are
illocutionary force. The illocutionary act is bald on record, positive politeness, negative
performed via communicative force of an politeness, and off-record.Yule (1996:63)
utterance. When we produce an utterance, says that we can directly address the other
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

as a means of expressing our needs. These notice, such as grammar, vocabulary,

direct address forms are technically called comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and
as being on record. According to Brown and task (Brown, 2004). Sometimes, people
Levinson (1987), positive politeness is make errors when they speak. According to
UHGUHVV GLUHFWHG WR WKH DGGUHVVHH¶V SRVLWLYH Brown (2000), there two sources of errors,
face, his perennial desire that his wants interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer.
should be thought of as desirable. Interlingual transfer is a significant source of
According to Brown and Levinson (1987), error for all learners. It happens because of
Negative politeness is redressive action the use of one language (L1) while
DGGUHVVHG WR WKH DGGUHVVHH¶V QHJDWLYH speaking another language (L2).
face: his want to have his freedomof action Meanwhile, intralingual transfer is a source
unhindered and his attention unimpeded. of error from the target language (L2).
The last politeness strategy is off record
strategy, we do this by uttering a statement, RESEARCH METHOD
but not directly addressed to the other This This research was a qualitative
VWUDWHJ\ LV DOVR NQRZQ DV µKLQWV¶ <XOH research. This research used ethnography
1996). approach. The subjects of the study were
the eleventh grade students of UPW in
/HHFK¶V 3ROLWHQHVV 3ULQFLSOH SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar in academic year
According to leech politeness 2013-2014. Because of the limited time that
principle, there are six maxims dealing with the researcher had in conducting this
polite behavior, they are tact maxim, research and also the activities that
approbation maxim, generosity maxim, occurred in the school, only a class that
modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and was chosen to be the subjects in this
sympathy maxim (Leech, 1983). research which was 2 UPW 1.In this
research, the method that was used to
Speaking collect the data was simulated speech. It
Speaking is one of the skills in was an activity that was done by simulating
English, besides; listening, reading, and the real situations in producing speech acts.
writing. Wilson in Sholihin (2013) defines There were two research instruments used
speaking as development of the relationship in this research, namely observation sheet
between speaker and listener. It means that and audio recorder. To improve the
the main objective of speaking is for trustworthiness of this research, peer
communication. In order to express debriefers were used to help analyzing the
effectively, the speaker should know exactly data.The method used for the data analysis
what he/she wants to speak or to was (1) organizing and familiarizing, (2)
communicate. coding and reducing, and (3) interpreting
there are some categories that we can


Master Table of the Speech Acts Used by the Eleventh Grade Students of UPW
at SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar in Handling Ticket Reservation
No Speech Acts Categories Frequency Percentage
1 Assertive 295 34%
2 Directive 161 18%
3 Commissive 100 11%
4 Expressive 321 37%
5 Declaration 0 0%
Total 877 100%
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

Based on the table above, it thanking. Those kinds of forces were

can be seen that the speech acts important for the subjects to be
that were used the most by the uttered to the customer to show their
subject for handling ticket pleasures, regrets, and respects.
reservation were expressive speech This was followed by assertive 295
acts, 321 (37%). This kind of speech (34%), directive 161 (18%), and
acts were used when they made commisive 100 (11%). There was no
illocutionary forces, such as any declaration speech act used by
welcoming, apologizing, and the students.

Master Table of the of Politeness Styles Used by the Eleventh Grade Students of
UPW at SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar in Handling Ticket Reservation
No Maxims Frequency Percentage
1 Tact maxim 381 43.44%
2 Generosity maxim 104 11.86%
3 Approbation maxim 210 23.95%
4 Modesty maxim 100 11.40%
5 Agreement maxim 0 0%
6 Sympathy maxim 0 0%
Total 795 91%

The table above showed that polite speech acts. From 877 speech
when the tasks were given to the acts, 795 speech acts (91%) were
subjects when they were handling categorized as polite speech acts
ticket reservation, most of the and there were 82 speech acts (9%)
subjects had been able to make categorized as impolite.

Master Table of the of Speaking Errors Made by the Eleventh Grade Students of
UPW at SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar in Handling Ticket Reservation
Speaking Errors
Diction Grammar Pronunciation Content
Frequency 57 224 179 183
Percentage 6% 25% 20% 21%

The table above showed that the were used the most by the students
students made some errors in when they were handling ticket
speaking. The error that was made reservation were expressive. There
the most was the error in grammar were 321 (34%) expressive, followed
25%, and then followed by error in by assertive 295 (34%), directive
content 21%, error in pronunciation 161 (18%), and commisive 100
20% and error in diction 6%. The (11%). There was no declaration
errors made by the subjects speech act used by the students.
occurred variously. For instance, Expressive speech acts were
there was speech act that had only a used by the students when they
kind of error, but there was also answered task 1, task 6, and task 8.
speech act that had two or even The illocutionary forces in those
more one kind of errors. tasks were welcoming, apologizing,
Based on the findings above, and thanking. Task 1 was a task that
it showed that the speech acts that asked the subjects to greet the
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

customer when he/she just came in are some ways that can be used to
their offices. It is a standard speech do a payment.
act that should be uttered by a staff Directive speech acts were
of ticket reservation to show his/her used by the students when they
hospitality. Task 6 was a task that answered task 3. The illocutionary
asked the subjects to apologize to force in in this task was asking. Task
the customer for giving/informing 3 was a task that asked the students
wrong time flight. This speech act is to ask any information from the
usually uttered by the staff of ticket customer. This task is important in
reservation if he/she makes handling ticket reservation in order to
mistakes to the customer or complete any detail that is needed
sometimes it is just uttered to show from the customer.
respect to the customer. The Commissive speech acts
function of apologizing is to avoid were used by the students when
conflict with the customer and make they answered task 2. The
a good relationship. And task 8 was illocutionary force in this task was
a task that asked the subjects to offering. Task 2 was a task that
thank the customer for having a asked the students to offer a help to
reservation. In this speech act, the the customer. Offering a help to the
subjects expressed their gratitude to customer is a way to show
the customer because he/she had hospitality.
made a reservation in their place. There should be 912 speech
This is also a way to show hospitality acts produced by the students in
to the customer. total, but the total data of the speech
Assertive speech acts were acts gathered were 877 because
used by the students when they there were some students could not
answered task 4, task 5, and task 7. produce them. Moreover, from all
The illocutionary forces in those 877 speech acts, there were 127
tasks were suggesting, stating, and incorrect speech acts that were
asking. Task 4 was a task that asked produced by the students.
the subjects to give suggestion to Based on the interview to the
the customer. These kinds of speech students who could not produce
acts used when the subjects want to speech acts and produced incorrect
help the customer when he/she is speech acts, it was found that the
not sure about something or even UHDVRQ ZDV EHFDXVH RI WKH VWXGHQWV¶
has no idea about things that he/she absence of knowledge in English.
wants. Task 5 was a task that asked Many of the incorrect speech acts
the subjects to inform the customer produced by the students could lead
about facilities of an airline (when to communication breakdowns.
they informed something, it was Besides the speech acts
done by stating). This speech act is used by the students, the findings
crucial in handling ticket reservation above also showed the politeness
because the success of the subjects styles used by the students in
in selling the product is often based handling ticket reservation. The
on how good they inform about their politeness styles were analyzed
product, so that the customer can be using maxim theory and also
interested. And task 7 was a task analyzed by the peer debriefers.
that asked the subjects to ask the After that, the results showed that
customer how she/he would do the from the total 877 speech acts made
payment. It is important to ask the by the students, 795 speech acts
customer how she/he will do the (91%) were categorized as polite
payment because nowadays there speech acts and there were 82
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

speech acts (9%) were categorized speech acts made by the subject.
as impolite. These mostly appeared in task 1,
There were many students task 6, and task 8. Task 1 was a task
who had been able to make polite that asked the subjects to greet the
speech acts. But there were different customer when he/she just came in
levels of politeness used by the to their office, task 6 was a task that
students, and a lot of the polite asked the subjects to apologize to
speech acts used by the students the customer because they had
should better be made more polite. given/informed a wrong time flight,
The same opinion was also given by and task 8 was a task that asked the
the peer debriefers. They said that subjects to thank the customer for
many of the speech acts used by the having a reservation. The politeness
students were acceptable to be style used the most in task 1 was
used, but they thought that it could approbation maxim, the politeness
be made to be more polite. style used the most in task 6 was
In assertive, there were 259 modesty maxim, and the politeness
polite speech acts and 36 impolite style used the most in task 8 was
speech acts made by the subject. approbation maxim.
These mostly appear in task 4, task Based on the interview to the
5, and task 7. Task 4 was a task that students who made less
asked the subjects to give polite/impolite speech acts, the main
suggestion/recommendation to the reasons of the impoliteness made by
customer because he/she was some students were because their
confused which airline he/she absence of knowledge. It included
wanted to use, task 5 was a task that their lack of ability in English, in
asked the subjects to inform the grammar and also in making various
customer about facilities that were expressions, and their ignorance of
offered by an airline, and task 7 was politeness as well. The lack of
a task that asked the subjects to ask grammar for example, it makes them
the customer how he/she would do could not differentiate declarative
the payment. The politeness style sentence, interrogative sentence,
used the most in these tasks was and imperative sentence. Those
tact maxim. different kinds of sentences often
In directive, there were 127 give distinctions in politeness.
polite speech acts and 34 impolite Impoliteness was a form of face
speech acts made by the subject. threatening act to the customer that
These mostly appeared in task 3. could lead to serious problems.
Task 3 was a task that asked the The findings also showed
subjects to ask any information that the students made some errors
about the customer. The politeness in speaking. The most error
style used the most in this task was appeared was the error in grammar
also tact maxim. 25%, and then followed by error in
In commissive, there were 97 content 21%, error in pronunciation
polite speech acts and 3 impolite 20% and error in diction 6%. The
speech acts made by the subject. errors made by the subjects
These mostly appeared in task 2. happened variously. For instance,
Task 2 was a task that asked the there was speech act that had only a
subjects to offer a help to the kind of error, but there was also a
customer. The politeness style used speech act that had two or even
the most in this task was generosity more than one kind of errors.
maxim. Those errors made by the
In expressive, there were 312 students were caused by interlingual
polite speech acts and 9 impolite error and intralingual error. The
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

interlingual error, for example, followed by assertive speech acts

occurred in the pronunciation errors that were used for suggesting,
made by the students. Most of the informing and also asking. Directive
students were Balinese, in Balinese, was used for recommending and
WKH\ GR QRW KDYH WKH DOSKDEHW µI¶ DQG asking. And commissive was used
µY¶ DQG WKDW ZDV ZK\ WKH\ PDGH for offering a help. There was no any
errors in pronouncing words in declaration speech act used by the
English that consisted those students. Asking can be both,
alphabet. The intralingual errors assertive or directive. It depends on
mostly occurred because of the the pragmatic meaning of the
incomplete rule application. Those speech act. Asking in task 3 for
errors made by the students, example, it was categorized as
especially in diction and content directive because the students did
could surely lead to communication not really ask any information of the
breakdowns. customer, they ordered the customer
The data analysis of the to give it instead. However, to show
speech acts used by the students, hospitality or politeness, they
the politeness styles used by the minimized cost to the customer by
students and also the speaking asking. On the other hand, asking in
errors made by the students told a task 7 was categorized as assertive
fact there were connections between because the proposition committed
them. The students who made a lot the students to ask the truth to the
of errors in speaking English were customer.
mostly also made incorrect and The styles of politeness used
impolite speech acts. by the students were various in the
When the students tasks given. Tact maxim was used
communicated in English, the when the students asked any
difficulties occurred because of their information about the customer,
lack of competencies in English and when the students gave suggestion
also their lack of comprehension of to the customer, when the students
the norms that existed in the other informed the facilities of an airline,
culture. Those difficulties caused and when the students asked the
some problems in communication, customer how he/she would do the
such as impoliteness and also payment. Generosity maxim was
communication breakdown. used when the students offer a help
to the customer. By offering a help,
they maximized cost to themselves.
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Approbation maxim was used when
The conclusion of this study was the students greeted the customer in
obtained from the result of analysis their offices, and when the students
in the previous chapters. Based on thanked the customer for having a
the previous chapter, the speech reservation. Greeting and thanking
acts that were used the most by the were forms of praises that were
subject for handling ticket given to the customer. Modesty
reservation were expressive speech maxim was used when the students
acts. This kind of speech acts were apologized to the customer for
used when they made illocutionary giving/informing a wrong flight time.
forces, such as welcoming, By apologizing, the students
apologizing, and thanking. Those maximized dispraise to themselves
kinds of forces were important for because they admitted that they
the subjects to be uttered to the made mistakes.
customer to show their pleasures, The speaking errors made by
regrets, and respects. This was the students in diction included the
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

choice of words. The error in well in their daily life. When they are
grammar included the usage of communicating, they perform actions
articles, pronouns, modals, to in their utterances, called speech
infinitive, degree of comparison, acts. The distinctions of the way they
tenses, singular and plural nouns, perform their actions sometimes can
and the word order. The error in be misunderstood by the listener,
pronunciation often occurred when and it might lead to inharmonious
the students pronounced words that relationship between them. Besides
had WKH DOSKDEHW RI µI¶ DQG µY¶ $QG the ability to perform speech acts
the error in content mostly occurred and apply politeness are also ways
EHFDXVH WKH VWXGHQWV¶ DEVHQFH RI to avoid conflict and create
knowledge. harmonious relationship.
The facts showed that the speech To be able to handle ticket
acts used by the students, the reservation well, the students not
politeness styles used by the only have to get more time to
students and also the speaking practice speaking at school, they
errors made by the students had also have to be taught how to
connections. express actions variously so that
The suggestions, therefore, they can communicate well with the
can be stated speaking skills, customer. Moreover, teaching
speech acts, and politeness have politeness to the students would be
relationships each other. Good very useful to make them able to
speaking skills will make the avoid conflict and create harmonious
students to be able to communicate relationship.


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