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4/10/2015 IDeliverable 

­ Customizing User Registration and Login with Dynamic Forms and Workflows

Customizing User Registration

and Login with Dynamic Forms
and Workflows
orchard (/Tags/orchard)

In this tutorial we are gonna checkout some of the new features

that were introduced with the advent of Orchard 1.9.

Specifically, we are going to see how we can leverage Dynamic

Forms and Workflows to create our own Login and Registration

screens without the need for a custom module.

So shutdown Visual Studio (unless you're using it to launch

IISExpress) and let's get started!

Customizing User Registration and Login

The goal of this tutorial is demonstrate how you can create a custom Registration and Login
screen using Dynamic Forms and Workflows without the need for a custom module.

We will extend the User type to store additional information about the user: first name and last
name, just to demonstrate how to collect and store additional information about the user during
the registration process.

As we shall see, there are two approaches to using a form for the creation of a user. The first
approach uses a method called binding, while the second approach uses a Workflow activity
called CreateUser.

We will look at both of them.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 1/32
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Exending the User type

Oftentimes there are cases where you need to store additional information as part of a user. This
can be done in a variety of ways. For our sample, we will simply attach two content fields to the
User content type: FirstName and LastName.

To attach these fields to the User content type, go to Content Definition, edit the User type, and
add two TextFields. Name them FirstName and LastName, respectively. The Display Name for
these fields can be anything you like. I named them "First Name" and "Last Name".

Creating The Registration Form

The next thing we need to do is create a new Form content item. Enable the Dynamic Forms
feature if you haven't already done so, and click on the "Form" menu item in the "New" section of
the admin menu.

When we create a new Form content item, we will start out with a single Form and Button
element. The first thing we will want to do is give this form element a name and enable client

Specify "Registration" for the form's name and enabled client validation.

Note: the Form content item itself will be called "Register". Don't

confuse this with the Form element, which will be called

"Registration". We could use the same names if we wanted to, but

I think "register" makes more sense for the content item and its

URL, whereas submissions of the form element itself kind

of represent a registration. Anyway, up to you.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 2/32
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We will not store the submitted form, but we will want to create a new content item when the
form is submitted: we will create a new User content item.

The Form Element properties should look like this:

Next, we will add the neccessary form elements to our form.

For our registration form, we want the user to provide the following fields:

Field Element Type

First name Text Field

Last name Text Field­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 3/32
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Email Email Field

Password Password Field

Confirm password Password Field

Accept terms and conditions Checkbox

We will also add a Validation Summary element to show any validation errors to the user.

The form will look like the following in design mode:

For each element, we can configure their name, whether or not to show a label,
configure bindings, validation, and more.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 4/32
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The settings should be pretty much self-explanatory, but let's have a look at the Bindings section
for the First Name field.


What we see here is a list of bindings. A binding enables you to route an incoming form value to a
part or field on the content item being created. The incoming form value is provided by the form
element, which in the case of the First Name field is a TextField. Since the name of this field is
"FirstText", the form value with that key will be supplied to the selected bindings.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 5/32
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Since we configured the form element to create a new content item of type User, the bindings
section of a given form field element will enumerate all content fields and parts of that type for
which a binding is available.

At the moment of this writing, the following bindings are available:


If the User content type would have a BodyPart attached, then we would see its bindings as well.

As seen in the above picture, we checked the FirstName.Text binding, which means that any
value submitted for this First Name text field element will be set to the Text property of the
FirstName content field on the User content type.

We'll do the same for the Last Name, UserName, Email and Password fields.

However, when we try and select the bindings for the UserPart, we will find that these bindings
don't appear in the list of bindings. What's going on?

The way the Bindings screen works is by inspecting the Content Type definition of the
configured content type. Since the UserPart is welded onto the User content item dynamically at
runtime, it won't find this part on the User type.

This is easily fixed by following these steps:

1. Go to Content Definition -> Content Parts and create a new part called UserPart. Make
sure this part is Attachable. Although the Description field is optional, it is considered good
practice to always provide a description to parts. I specified Turns your content type into a
user." as its description.
2. Go to the User type edit screen and attach the UserPart.
3. Optional: go back to the UserPart edit screen and uncheck the "Attachable" checkbox. This
step is not necessary, but since we won't be attaching this part to any other content type,
I'd like to keep things tidy.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 6/32
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Now when you go back to the Form editor and edit the UserName field element, you'll see the
UserPart bindings as seen in the previous image.

An important aspect of most forms is input validation. Some examples of input validation are:

A value is required;
A value must have a minimum length and may not exceed a certain maximum;
A value must fall within a certain numerical range;
A value must match a certain pattern;
A value must match the value of another field;

With Dynamic Forms, each element type provides its own validation settings that we can
configure. For example, the Text Field element supports a Required, Minimum Length and
Maximum Length setting.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 7/32
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We can optionally provide a custom validation message that will be displayed when any of
these rules add a validation error. If we leave that field empty, a default validation error will be
presented to the user.

The "Show Validation Message" provides us with a way to automatically render the validation
error message close to the input field. Since elements are rendered using shapes, this can be
customized on a theme level.

Alternatively, we could add a Validation Message element to our form and position it anywhere
we like, just as long as it is a child of the same Form element.

In this tutorial, we simply added the Validation Summary element to the beginning of our form.
For this element to work properly, it too must be a child of the Form element.

Client Validation
Dynamic Forms supports client validation. To enable this, simply go to the Form element's
properties, and check the "Enable Client Validation" option.

Now the form fields will be validated on the client side (in addition to serverside validation).

For the "Confirm Password" field (which is a Password Field element) we will use the Compare
validator:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 8/32
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All we have to do is specify the name of the element whos value to compare with.

And that is basically all it takes to create a custom Registration form!

But wait a minute, what happens if the user tries to register with a username or email that is
already taken?

Oh dear, that would be a problem indeed. We need unique logins. Also, we want to inform the
user if he tries to register with an already existing username or email address.

And what if we want to assign the newly created user a role and send a welcome email?­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 9/32
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Do we need a custom module after all?

Not if Orchard Workflows has any say in the matter!

Orchard Workflows is a feature introduced with 1.7, and provides us with a way to
visually program rules. They are like Orchard Rules, but way more powerful.

Dynamic Forms comes with a small set of workflow activities that will enable us to control what
happens when a form is submitted. This enables us to prevent any from being submitted
by adding a model error.

Let's define what our workflow should do when a Registration form is submitted:

Before the User content item is actually created, we want to validate the username and
email. If the user name or email address is already in use, we want to add a model error.
That will both notify the user of the error as well as prevent the form from actually
creating the User content item.
If the user name and email are available, we want to automatically approve the user, create
an authentication cookie, assign them to the Contributor role, send them a welcome email,
and redirect him to the Admin dashboard.

Such a workflow would look like this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 10/32
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Note that the start activity is the "Dynamic Form Validating" event (which is configured to only
capture this event for the "Registration" form).

This event is triggered before the "Dynamic Form Submitted" event, and gives us a chance to
perform custom validation and prevent the form from submitting data / creating content by
adding a model error.

We use the Verify User Unicity activity to validate the specified user name and email like this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 11/32
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What we see here is the usage of a new token provided by the Dynamic Forms module:
{FormSubmission.Field:*}, where the  * is to be substituted with the form field name.

However, there is one problem with this workflow: the Approve User activity works only if the
content item associated with the workflow is a User, but when a form is being validated, no
content item is created yet.

This means that we need to devide our workflow into two: one workflow to validate the form,
and another workflow to approve the user, login the user, assign a role, and send the welcome

After the modifications, the first workflow will look like this:

The second workflow, the one that will execute only after a user has been created, will look like
this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 12/32
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Here, we listen for the Content Published event (configured to trigger only for new published
User events).

The Approve User activity will approve this user, then we assign the user the "Contributer" role,
sigin in the user, send a welcome message, display a "Welcome" notification, and redirect to the
administration dashboard.

An Alternative Approach
Although the approach we've taken works nicely, I want to show you a slightly different

This time, we won't be creating a new User content item via binding, but by using the Create
User activity.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 13/32
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The idea here is that we will simply listen for the Form Submitted event, and execute the Create
User activity. The Create User activity has two branches: if the specified user name and or email
is already in use, we add a model error. Otherwise, we continue and assign the user a role, send a
welcome message, etc.

This enables us to use a single workflow.

Let's see how that works.

First of all, we need to change our Form element configuration by not creating a User content
item anymore:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 14/32
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Next, we'll delete the two workflows created earlier, and create a new one:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 15/32
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This time, we listen for the "Form Submitted" event (specifically for the "Registration" form to be

When that happens, we execute the Create User activity, which is configured as follows:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 16/32
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The Create User activity requires a user name, email and password, which we provide using the
FormSubmission.Fields:* token.

We also checked the "Approved" checkbox so that the user is autmatically approved, so no need
to use the Approve User activity.

Now, we are also expecting the First Name and Last Name fields, which we want to store as part
of the new user.

With the bindings approach, we were able to bind these form fields with the new user. How to do
it without?

Meet the Decision activity. This activity, provided by the "C# Scripting" feature, enables as to
execute C# code.

By lack of a "Bind Form" activity, we shall use the Decision activity with the following script:

We configured the Decision activity with a single outcome: "Done".

The script updates the two TextFields with the values provided by the {FormSubmission.Field:*}
token. Note that we are using the new token syntax (#{}) and that these tokens are enclosed with
quotation marks; the Decision activity will first tokenize the script, then execute.

The Sign In User activity is configured as follows:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 17/32
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The rest of the workflow should be self-explanatory.

Great! We have seen how we can create a custom registration screen, now let's see how we can
create a custom login screen.

As you might expect by now, we will take a similar approach: we design a form and setup a
workflow to handle its submission. Easy as pie, right?

Let's create a new Form content item that looks like this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 18/32
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Remember to also configure the Form element by setting its Name and enabling Client validation
(which of course is optional):

Now that we have a form, all we need to do is setup a workflow to handle its submission event.

When the Login form is submitted, we will want to:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 19/32
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Sign in the user, creating a persistent cookie if the "Remember Me" checkbox was checked;
Show a validation error if login failed and log this attempt;
Redirect the user to the dashboard if login succeeded and show a "Welcome back!"

Such a workflow would look like this:

The most interesting activity here us the Sign In User activity, which is configured as follows:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 20/32
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Once again, we are providing the required values using the all-awesome{FormSubmission.Field:*}

Note: the "Create Persistent Cookie" value must evaluate to a value that is non-empty, and not
equal to "false", "no" and "off". All other values will be interpreted as "true".

And that's it!

Now, a more advanced scenario would enable you to require a user to activate his account using
some activation link.

To do that, you would update the Registration workflow to not automatically approve and sign
in the user, but by just sending the Welcome email and an activation link.

This activation link can be generated using the {Workflow.TriggerUrl:*} token, which generates a
nonce based on the current content item ID and provided signal name.

When the user clicks this activation link, they would be directed back to the website, triggering
the Signal activity. This activity could either be the starting activity of a separate workflow, or it
could resume the workflow that also created the user.

Let's see how that works.

Implementing the Activation Link

First of all, let's update our Registration workflow so that it does not approve and login the user.
The updated workflow looks like this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 21/32
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This looks almost exactly the same (we removed the Sign In User activity), but let's have a look at
the updated activities.

Create User Activity

This activity was updated to not automatically approve the user:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 22/32
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Send Email Activity

This activity now looks as follows:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 23/32
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Notice that we're using the {Workflow.TriggerUrl:*} token to generate the URL for the activation
link and that we are specifying "ActivateAccount" as the signal name.

This token will generate a URL and a nonce querystring parameter that contains the content
item ID and signal name, encrypted.

Because this value is encrypted, no one will be able to tamper with it - only the recipient of the
email will be able to trigger the "ActivateAccount" signal for his user account (which ID is part of
the nonce).

All that's left is setup the workflow to listen for the signal event.

Activating the User Account

As mentioned earlier, when the user clicks on the activation link, they are directed to some URL
on the website that will trigger a Signal event.

We shall create a new workflow that specifically listens for this event. When this event is
triggered, we want to perform the following actions:

Activate the user's account;

Automatically login the user;
Show a notification confirming the user that their account is now activated;
Redirect to the dashboard.

Such a workflow would look like this:­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 24/32
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The Signal activity is configured as follows:

Note that this is the same value as was used when generating the activation link

And there we have it! We have seen how we can create a custom Registration and Login form
using the Dynamic Forms and Workflows modules without the need for a a custom module.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 25/32
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The two modules combined allow for a great amount of configuration and flexibility.

This article didn't show every step of the way as that would add a significant amount of images,
so instead we created a screencast that demonstrates the construction of the various forms and
workflows, as well as demonstrating how they look and function on the front end.


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 03/14/2015 12:14 PM by Sipke Schoorstra (/blog/author/sipke)

As 02/24/2015 09:18 AM

Hi in new version (750a4079c167 at 2/24/2015) how we can binding form fields?

Thank You­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 26/32
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sipke 02/24/2015 10:30 AM []


Form field bindings still work the same, however there's a bug where you
first need to save your content item after having selected the content type on
the form element before you see the Bindings tab on the field elements. Will
be corrected.

Sander 02/27/2015 03:46 PM

Cool, already a tutorial on the new features! Have heard a lot about the
upcoming Dynamic Forms, but did not know yet how to use it. Keep up the
great tutorials Sipke!

Greets a fellow Dutchman

As 02/27/2015 06:45 PM

Hi How we can use workflow without Dynamic form? I want to use my views
that I've written them in the View folder. Thank You

As 02/28/2015 04:59 AM

Hi. In login and register forms, keyboard has delay. Thank you

sipke 03/01/2015 02:32 PM []


@Sander - Thanks!­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 27/32
4/10/2015 IDeliverable ­ Customizing User Registration and Login with Dynamic Forms and Workflows

@As - You can use workflows as-is - just drag & drop an event activity such as
Content Published and go from there. If you write your own event activities,
you'll have to trigger those events using the workflow manager API, typically
done from a controller (like Dynamic Forms is indirectly doing in the
FormController by invoking _formService.SubmitForm()).

Regarding your keyboard delay, I'm not sure I understand what you're
saying. Do you mean that as you type away, the characters don't instantly
appear in the text fields? Which browser is this, and can you reproduce this
issue if you create another form with a single text field? Any repro steps
would be helpful.

Thanks for the feedback.

As 03/01/2015 07:38 PM

Hi sipke. I want two login and register forms in my website, one for
employees and one for customers. The number of my customers might be
40,000 people. Are there sufficient security methods that You have

Yes, when i type in login and register forms (in text field), keyboard has delay.
my browsers are IE 11 and Goole Chrome. Thank you

sipke 03/02/2015 10:52 AM []


I don't understand your question about if there are sufficient security

methods that I have described. Is your question about whether the dynamic
forms method of authenticating a user is secure enough? If so, it is just as
secure as the default Login form as provided by Orchard.Users.­user­registration­and­login­with­dynamic­forms­and­workflows 28/32
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Regarding the delayed keyboard feedback, do you have client side validation
enabled? If so, what happens if you disable that?

As 04/08/2015 07:16 AM

Hi In "commit 05faccd7226e" i can't bind and submit! why?

Thank you

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