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Tackling Dyslexia In Children Article’s Summary

A Dyslexia Children have a problem processing specific visual information causing the
children have a trouble in reading and writing. There is a research suggest that dyslexics
have a difficulty with the control of eye movement or they called it "eye wobble".
Scientists then find discovery to detect dyslexia. That is hi-tect spectacles which are
can detect eye movement. Dyslexics see a words, he say “all the word move and I don't how
they do that cause they don't have a legs" and the other dyslexia children told that there is
sensation of “glare" who makes them rub their eyes frequently. Professor Stein explain "eye
wobble is not obvious with naked eye because the movement are very small and rapid. They
used the specs for few minutes during test, the child focuses on a 18 inches target and they
follow a moving target, the specs will track the eye is it steady or wobble.
We would like the specs to be mass-produced, and cheap enough to used in all
primary schools". “if we can get children early, their brains not are flexible enough to enable
them to improve the control of their eye movement. but we can resolve this case by giving
treatment for the children with dyslexia. we can give daily exercise for them by keeping
their eyes fixed on one object. this exercise will improve their reading skills.

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