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Course: HRM

Semester: Summer 2020

Course ID: 104605
Faculty: Kaenat Malik
Final Examination

NAME: Zain Jawaid ID : 10238

Time : 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 35
1. SECTION-A consists of 5 questions, all carrying equal marks.
2. SECTIONS-B consists of case study with 4 questions.

Please circle the correct answers. 7.5 Marks

1. Setting the organizations goals and deciding how to best to achieve those
goals is defines as:
a) Organizing
b) Planning and Decision making
c) Controlling
d) Leading

2. Which of the following is an alternate term used for performance appraisal?

a. Quality and quantity of output
b. Job knowledge
c. Employee assessment
d. None of the above
3. Motivating members of the organization to work in the best interests of the
organization is defined as:
a) Organizing
b) Planning and decision making
c) Controlling
d) Leading

4. Documents that outline how goals are going to be met.

a) Stated goals
b) Plans
c) Framing
d) None of the given options

5. How does training and development offer competitive advantage to an

a. Removing performance decencies
b. Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
c. Individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn
d. None of the above

6. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _______ and

a. Training
b. Recruitment
c. Work quality
d. None of the above

7. A process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to

evaluate employee performance.
a) Management by objectives(MBO)
b) Planning
c) Well-Designed goals
d) None of the given options

8. What is linked with performance appraisal?

a. Job Design
b. Development
c. Job analysis
d. None of the above

9. Which of these is the purpose of recruitment?

a. Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit

b. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly underqualified or over qualified job applicants.
c. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work - force
d. None of the above
10._________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees

a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of the above

SECTION “A” (15 marks)

Question # 1:

Develop outlines showing how trends like workforce diversity, technological

innovation, globalization, and changes in the nature of work have affected the
college or university you are attending now.


As we are moving in a world of full of advancement and new technologies. So the workforce
diversity, technological innovation, globalization and changes in the nature of work has impacted
the university that I’m attending.

Workforce diversity: as we are now admiring and adopting new techniques for our work so our
workforce is diversified day by day. This changes need a training program for students and
teachers. At our university the job of the teachers is diversified as they are performing different
tasks at a same time and performing their duties in different ways.
Technological innovation: As we are suffering from this pandemic of corona virus so technology
has impacted our university in a good way. For example, by the help of the technology we can
easily take online classes and done our work at home easily.

Globalization: globalization also has a very important impact on our university because our
university now offers many scholarships to turkey and it helps many students to gain advantage
by this impact.

Changes in nature of work: As technology influencing everything so it also effects nature of

work of our university for example students have no face so many difficulties while seeing their
marks, registration of courses and etc, but now our university offer an online system which is
known as LMS. In which we can easily access to our database for registration and other

Question # 2:

Why is it important for companies today to make their human resources into a
competitive advantage? Explain how HR can contribute to doing this.


In today’s era of life the companies and organizations needs to make their human resources into
a competitive advantage because by this companies can get success in their business filed by
their competitors, if they adopt those new competitive strategies in their organizations they easily
get the benefits and also fulfilled their tasks and satisfy their customers and also their workers.
Competitive advantage in human resource refers to the quality of the employees who cannot be
same, unlike company's systems and processes. It is the fact that the companies with better
employees have the competitive advantage in their business.

Question # 3:

Management by objective is not a technique of performance appraisal but it

denotes a systematic processes of performance appraisal. "Explain"

Management by Objective is a process of setting objectives in the organization to give a sense of
direction to the employees is called as Management by Objectives.
A viable administration goes far in removing the best out of representatives and make them
function as a solitary unit towards a shared objective.
It refers to the process of setting goals for the employees so that they know what they are
supposed to do at the workplace. Management by objectives defines roles and responsibilities for
the employees and help them out their future course of action in the organization. Management
by objectives guides the employees to deliver their level best and achieve the targets within the
given time frame. It helps the employees to understand their duties at the workplace.
This process leads to a satisfied employee and it removes unnecessary confusions and mismatch
in the organization.

Question # 4

Human Resource management plays an essential role in the whole system of

management of an organization (which you have used in your project) explain.


The HR department is most important for every company to deals the HR issues that arises in the
company. Mainly HR department is based on two functions, that are (1) Managerial Functions
and (2) Operative Functions. These two functions plays an important role in the development and
success of the company/organization


The major functions that a manage completes can be categorized into four

different functions known as planning, organizing, leading (staffing, directing), and controlling.
Effective managers understand how planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are used to
achieve organizational success

1) Planning:
Planning is the basic management function which deals with forecasting future course of action
and making a decision on the best alternative for achieving the organizational goals. It involves
deciding in advance on what, when, and how to do.

2) Organizing:
Organizing refers to the process of bringing together all the organizational resources and
developing of a productive relationship to ensure organizational goals are achieved. It involves
determination and provision of both human and non-human resources to a particular organization
structure. The human, physical and financial resources are all brought together through proper

3) Staffing:
Staffing is also one of the most important functions of the management. It is a process of
acquiring the required human resources and manning them to ensure that they work towards a
common goal. This function has become more important in recent years because of the
4) Direction:
The term “directing” is generally used in every walk of life. It has got a wider interpretation now;
is no more restricted to “commanding” as viewed by “Henry Fayol”. Relates to those activities
which deal with Influencing, guiding, supervising and motivating subordinates in their jobs.
technological advancement, increased business sizes, and diversity in human behavior.

5) Controlling:
The process of measuring performance and training action to ensure desired results called as
controlling. It has a positive and necessary role in the management process. It Ensure that the
right things happen, in the right way, at the right also works on Organizational learning
and after-action review.

The operative functions are those tasks or duties or functions which a company entrusts to the
human resource or personnel department. These include employment, development,
compensation, integration, and maintenance of personnel of the organization.

Procurement usually means the process of finding and acquiring goods and services, similarly in
human resource or personnel management it means giving employment to such candidates who
have required skillset and knowledge to fulfill the duties of given job position.
Following are the main Procurement Functions:
 Job analysis
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Induction
 Internal mobility

2) Development:
Employee development can be explained as the procedure where the employees with the support
of their respective employer undergoes many training programs to develope their existing skills
and acquire new knowledge and skills.

3) Compensation:
What is compensation? A simple answer compensation is the results or rewards that the
employees receive in return for their work. Compensation includes payments like bonuses, profit
sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and sales commission, etc.

4) Maintenance:
Activities in HRM concerned with maintaining employees commitment and loyalty to the
organization. The main objective of this function is to do such HRM activities that Mai Tain
employees commitment and loyalty with the organization.

5) Motivation:
An inner force that impels human beings to behave in a variety of ways.
The basic objective of motivation function is to retain good staff and to encourage them to give
of their best.

6) Integration:

It is basically the function to integrate the goal of an organization with employees aspirations
through various employee oriented programs.

Question # 5:

Do you think job rotation is a good method to use for developing management
trainees? Why or why not?

The job rotation is an excellent and most efficient method for the developing
management trainees. Because when the job rotation is applied to an employee so
it creates new challenges for that employee in his work and when an employee
works on those challenges so they gain an experience in their filed and they are
also able to do those tasks again and again efficiently. Shifting of an employee
from one place to another give them a good understanding of the business. by the
job rotation employees also learns new types of skills by fighting the new
challenges and those skills is helpful for the organizations tasks and works.

CASE STUDY (12.5 Marks)

Axom Enterprises Inc. of Arizona, is a fast-growing software company, and

provides software solutions to giant global firms for improving sales and
performance. It prides itself on its unique and unorthodox culture. Many of its
approaches to business practice are unusual, but in Axom’s fast-changing and
highly competitive environment, they seem to work.

There is no dress code and employees make their own hours, often very long. They
tend to socialize together (the average age is 26), both in the office s well-stocked
kitchen and on company-sponsored events and trips to places like local dance clubs
and retreats in Las Vegas and Hawaii. An in-house jargon has developed, and the
shared history of the firm has taken on the status of legend. Responsibility is heavy
and comes early, with a just do it now attitude that dispenses with long
apprenticeships. New recruits are given a few weeks of intensive training, known
as Axom University and described by participants as more like boot camp than
business school. Information is delivered as if with a fire hose, and new employees
are expected to commit their expertise and vitality to everything they do. Sergio
Fernandez, director of college recruiting, admits the intense and unconventional
firm is not the employer for everybody. But it’s definitely an environment where
people who are passionate about what they do can thrive. The firm employs about
700 such passionate people. Axoms managers know the rapid growth they seek
depends on having a staff of the best people they can find, quickly trained and
given broad responsibility and freedom as soon as possible. CEO Brian Mint says,
at a software company, people are everything. You can’t build the next great
software company, which is what we’re trying to do here, unless you’re totally
committed to that. Of course, the leaders at every company say, People are
everything. But they don’t act on it.

Axom makes finding the right people (it calls them great people) a company-wide
mission. Recruiters actively pursue the freshest, if least experienced, people in the
job market, scouring college career fairs and computer science departments for
talented overachievers with ambition and entrepreneurial instincts. Top managers
conduct the first rounds of interviews, letting prospects know they will be pushed
to achieve but will be well rewarded. Employees take top recruits and their
significant others out on the town when they fly into Arizona for the standard, 3-
day preliminary visit. A typical day might begin with grueling interviews but end
with mountain biking, rollerblading, or laser tag. Executives have been known to
fly out to meet and woo hot prospects who couldn’t make the trip. One year, Axom
reviewed 15,000 résumés, conducted 4,000 on-campus interviews, flew 850
prospects in for interviews, and hired 262 college graduates, who account for over
a third of its current employees. The cost per hire was $13,000; Sergio Fernandez
believes it was worth every penny.


1. Identify some of the established recruiting techniques that apparently underlie

Axom’s unconventional approach to attracting talent.


The Axom’s company mainly uses the recruiting technique that is they hire the unexperienced
students from collages and they also hire the fresh graduates from the universities in job fares.
The second technique they used is that they hire the students of the computer science
departments of the universities for the recruitment.

2. What particular elements of Axoms culture most likely appeal to the kind of
employees it seeks? How does it convey those elements to job prospects?


The Axoms hires the best employees for their organization as they have the passion for their
work and also have the good academic career results and they Axoms is providing them a great
environment for their work by removing some of the restrictions like removal of dree code and
time limit. This type of environment conveys the casual freedom for the employee as they work
on their own time when they want to do. The Axoms mostly focuses on the quality of the work
that employee delivers that meets the standard of excellence.

3. Would Axom be an appealing employer for you? Why or why not? If not, what
would it take for you to accept a job offer from Axom?

For me the Axom employer would be appealing because they are working on very free
environment for example they are facing minimum restrictions (they have no instruction
regarding dress code and office timing) as compared to other organizations. By this an employer
work freely and gives best results to organization.

4. What suggestions would you make to Axom for improving its recruiting


1) The Axom has to work little bit on their recruitment system by starting the employee referral
system in which current employees suggest some new employs that can work well in the

2) they also have to work on hiring the experienced workers in their organization.

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