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Cambridge IGCSE Sociology

Unit 3: Social Inequality

Worksheet 1
A to Z of inequality
The missing words each start with the letter given. Sometimes when there is no word beginning with that letter, it
is elsewhere in the word, but the first letter is given to help you.

A A status acquired through effort and competition with others

B B Famous study of poverty in the UK (two words)
C In this kind of society there is very little mobility
D When an individual or group suffers disadvantage because of
their characteristics
E Stratification system in Europe during the feudal period
F An individual’s belief that they have no control over what
happens to them
G c This prevents many women from reaching the top in their
profession (two words)
H Traditional role of most women
I Social mobility from one generation to the next
J s Popular term for part of the upper class (two words)
K First name of Davis, functionalist writer on class
L Group at the bottom of society, according to Marx
M A society in which individuals achieve the level that their
talents and abilities deserve
N This working class is formed by downward mobility of some
middle-class workers
O In this kind of society people can easily move between classes
P Source of income for many retired people
Q Obtained through education, helpful for upward mobility
R What progressive governments try to do to income and wealth
S Early stratification system in which some people were the
property of others
T He carried out a famous study of poverty in the UK
U A group at the bottom of society relying on welfare
V Form of segregation when men and women work at different
levels in a hierarchy
W Money, savings and property that can be bought and sold to
generate income
(T) X A way that governments can affect the distribution of income
and wealth
(P) Y The dominance of men in society, according to feminists
(H) Z Form of segregation in which men and women work in
different sectors

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Cambridge IGCSE Sociology Unit 3: Worksheet 1 1

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