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Last month I had had an accident which occurred because last month
I was riding a bicycle and then a motocycle crossed me and I
collided with it and the bicycle was all destroyed and the worst thing
is that I suffered a very strong blow to my left leg I went through my
inability at home at first it was hard to go at home without doing
anything but it was what I had to do because of irresponsibility for
not being aware when the motorcycle crossed before my brother also
almost the same thing happens But he was more cautious and was
able to stop and well that day because my parents were very upset
and also sad about what happened to me, but this left me a reflection
that despite these adverse situations we have to move on.

After these 3 months that passed when they finally managed to

remove the cast so that I could start the therapies, this was what
helped me a lot in that situation that was happening, my parents saw
the fast one and because that day had already finished all My leg
therapies could and I continued my life normally, my father would
later buy me another bicycle for which I would walk with much
more care.

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