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Peer Teaching Reflection

Date of the Lesson: 3/16/21

Student’s Name: Matt Christensen

Video Link:

How did you prepare for the class?

I started by going through the score and figuring out fingerings and hand frames for each instrument. I had to
get some help with the chromatic fingerings. I picked my concepts I wanted to teach for the lesson and based
the lesson and warm-ups around them. I played through each part on bass to figure out what the piece
sounded like. Once I had my lesson plan done, I did a mock run through to check my timing.

What went well?

I thought my pacing was decent. My warm-up matched the concepts and the song that we worked on. I think I
did a good job of giving each instrument time and instruction. I think the figurative language I used was good. I
thought my modeling was fine. I did a good job at reviewing the concepts at the end of the lesson. I thought
my energy was good, but it stayed the same throughout. I think I can have some more high energy moments.

What did you notice when you watched your video?

The tuning sounded much worse on the video than I remember in person. I think I could have given the class
more chances to play. I gave the violins an incorrect fingering at one point. It seems like I am teaching college
students and not 7th graders. Some of my word choices would probably not sit well with 7 th graders. I tend to
say “so” often when I am thinking of what to say or do next. My conducting without a baton looks very bad. I
forgot to set my timer. I was not sure how much longer I had so I kept going. I could have ended after the last
run through and it would have been fine. I ran through the lesson the day before and should have just trusted
my instincts. I did feel good while I was teaching. I have had to do so many papers and assignments lately that
I forgot how much fun teaching is for me.

Reflect on Dr. Spieker's Comments.

I think the comments are all good. My pacing and transitions were slower than I thought, and I say “alright”
and “so” too much. I talk too much and could have played more. I am glad my eye contact is good because it is
not something I really think about. I was honestly surprised to see so many positive comments. I feel like I am
way out of my comfort zone, so the positive comments were encouraging.

What do you need to do to improve?

I think my number one thing to improve is more playing and less talking. Students are there to play and will
get restless if I talk to much. I also need to improve my corrections. I feel like I just kept rolling along with my
lesson plan and did not take the time to stop and fix any problems. I could have fixed bowing and tuning
problems and I even had “check bowings” written in my score. I need to be aware of my filler words like
“alright” and “so”. My pacing can be faster, especially during transitions. Even though this is 7 th grade, I can
take the time to work on balance and listening in the ensemble. I can get more familiar with upper strings so I
am more confident when giving them fingerings and corrections.

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