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Biology Matters G.C.E.

'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Reproduction in Humans

Test Yourself 18.1 (page 335)

Sperms require a temperature slightly lower than that of the body to develop properly.

Test Yourself 18.2 (page 338)

1. (a) A – uterus
B – urinary bladder
C – urethra
D – oviduct
E – ureter
F – ovary
G – rectum
H – vagina
(b) (i) H
(ii) D
(iii) A
(iv) F
(v) F

2. The funnel-like opening of the oviduct, lying close to the ovary

Test Yourself 18.3 (page 343)

1. While 28 days is generally taken as representative of the average menstrual cycle in

women, cycle length may vary, ranging from 21 to 33 days. This is called natural
variation in the length of the menstrual cycle.

2. (a) Oestrogen causes the repair and growth of the uterine lining.
Progesterone maintains the uterine lining by causing it to thicken further and
be supplied with blood capillaries.
(b) Luteinising hormone (LH)
(c) 12th–16th day
(d) Part of the uterine lining breaks down and is shed together with some blood
in the menstrual flow.

Test Yourself 18.4 (page 348)

1. Sperms released into the vagina will swim up into the oviduct to meet the egg. The
acrosome of the sperm releases an enzyme to disperse the follicle cells that surround
the egg. Only one haploid sperm nucleus enters the egg and fuses with the haploid egg
nucleus to give rise to a fertilised egg or diploid zygote.

2. Progesterone and oestrogen maintain the thickness of the uterine lining to support the
growing fetus. They also cause the uterine lining to be well-supplied with blood vessels
which supply oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus as well as remove excretory
products from the fetus's blood.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Biology Matters G.C.E. 'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 18

Test Yourself 18.5 (page 350)

Sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria or viruses and may be spread through
sexual intercourse. The more sex partners a person has, the more opportunities there are for
the disease-causing microorganisms to be transmitted to the person. Moreover, the sex
partners may have numerous sex partners themselves, increasing the risk of contracting a
sexually transmitted infection.

Get It Right (page 352)

(a) False
Sperm and urine passes out of the body through the urethra.
(b) True
(c) False
Ovulation occurs on day 14 in a 28-day menstrual cycle.
(d) True
(e) False
HIV from the mother can affect the fetus.

Let’s Review (page 352 – 353)

Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions

1. C
2. C

Section B: Structured Questions

1. (a) Menstruation occurs. The uterine lining breaks down and flows from the body
via the vagina together with some blood.
(b) 5 days
(c) The uterine lining is repaired. It grows and thickens.
(d) The uterine lining thickens and become well-supplied with blood.
(e) Students should place the X at point B.

2. (a) A – sperm duct

B – prostate gland
C – urethra
D – testis
E – ureter
F – urinary bladder
G – epididymis
(b) (i) C
(ii) A
(iii) D
(c) Testis  epididymis  sperm duct  urethra  outside

3. Progesterone.
Progesterone prevents ovulation. Hence, no fertilisation can occur.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Biology Matters G.C.E. 'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 18

* 4. (a) A – amniotic cavity / amniotic fluid

B – placenta
C – amnion
D – urinary bladder
E – vagina

(b) Any of the following for each:

A: – Supports and cushions the fetus before birth
– Absorbs shock and protects the fetus against pressure from sudden
movements of its mother's body
– Protects the fetus against physical injury
– Lubricates and reduces friction in the vagina or birth canal during birth
– Allows fetus to move freely during growth
B: – Allows oxygen and dissolved food substances like glucose to diffuse from
the mother's
blood into the fetus's blood
– Allows excretory products like urea to diffuse from the fetus's blood into
the mother's blood
– Allows protective antibodies to diffuse from the mother's blood into the
fetus's blood so that the fetus is protected against certain diseases
– Produces progesterone which maintain uterine lining in a healthy state
during pregnancy

(c) (i) P – umbilical artery

Q – umbilical vein
Any of the following reasons:
– P has a thicker wall than Q.
– P has a smaller lumen than Q. The umbilical cord contains two
umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein.
(ii) P transports metabolic waste products such as urea and carbon dioxide
from the fetus to the placenta.
Q transports oxygen and nutrients like glucose and amino acids from the
placenta to the fetus.

Section C: Free-Response Question

– Menstrual flow stage

 Menstruation begins
 Anterior pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
– Follicle stage
 FSH stimulates follicles to develop into Graafian follicle
 FSH stimulates follicles to secrete oestrogen
 Oestrogen causes uterine lining to repair and thicken
 High levels of oestrogen inhibit FSH production, no more follicles develop and
stimulates LH production.
– Ovulation
 Luteinising hormone (LH) causes ovulation on the 14th day
 LH also causes corpus luteum formation
 LH stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone and some oestrogen
– Corpus luteum stage
 Progesterone stimulates uterine lining to thicken further and to become well-
supplied with blood capillaries
 Progesterone inhibits ovulation and FSH production
 If no fertilisation occurs, high progesterone level in the blood inhibits LH

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Biology Matters G.C.E. 'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 18

 Corpus luteum breaks down and the production of progesterone decreases.

 Menstruation begins again.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited


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