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TELLERMO-Course Professor
 A normal curve is the
graph of a normal
distribution. A normal
distribution is defined
in terms of the mean
of the population (µ)
and the standard µ-3σ µ-2σ µ-σ µ µ+σ µ+2σ µ+3σ

deviation(σ) of the
 The curve is bell-shaped with
highest point over the mean µ.
 The curve is symmetrical about a
vertical line through µ.
 The curve approaches the
horizontal axis but never
 The inflection points between
cupping upward and downward
occur above µ-σ and µ+σ.
 The area under the normal curve
is 1
For a distribution that is symmetric
and bell-shaped:
 About 68.26% of the area under
the normal curve is within +1.0
and -1.0 standard deviation from
the mean.
 About 95.44% of the area under
the normal curve is within +2.0
and -2.0 standard deviation from
the mean.
 About 99.72% of the area under
the normal curve is within +3.0
and -3.0 standard deviation from
the mean.
 if the mean of the set
of data is greater than
the median and the
mode, such
distribution is
positively skewed
 if the mean of the set
of data is lower than
the median and the
mode, such
distribution is
negatively skewed.
 Leptokurtic- if the
scores are lumped
near each
other(taller curve)
 Platykurtic-
 Mesokurtic-
(shorter than
 The z-score (known as standard score) gives the
number of standard deviations between the original
measurement X and the mean µ of the X distribution.
 It tells us the number of standard deviations the
measurement is from the mean.

The formula:
z- score = X - µ
X = the value of the particular data
µ= the mean of the distribution
σ = the standard deviation of the distribution
Example 1:
The average yield of a mango
orchard in the Province of
Guimaras is normally distributed
with a mean µ=70 kg and standard
deviation of σ=16 kg per tree.
 a. Shade the area under the
normal curve that represents
the probability that an orchard
yield between 38 and 70 kg.
 b. What is the percentage that
the orchard will yield between
70 and 86 kg?
▪ Answer: 47.72%
Example 2:
The standard deviation of the scores of the students is
5 and the mean is 60. Suppose the score of Billy is 65, Ben is
50 and and Ana is 55. How far are their scores from the

z- scoreBilly = 65 - 60
z- scoreBilly = 1, this means that the score of Billy is I σ
above the mean.
How about the score of Ben? Ana?
Example 3.
The mean in a problem solving skills test is 60 and the standard
deviation is 9 assuming normality of data. Suppose there 50 students.
• What is the percentage of the cases that falls between the mean
and the score of 69?
• Answer: 34.13%
• What is the probability that a student pick at random scored
between 60nand 69?(Note:You can refer also to the Z-table for
• Answer: 0.3413
• How many students got a score above 69?
• Answer: 50(0.3413)=17
• What is the probability that the score is below 69?
• Answer: 1-0.8413=.1587
Problem Set 3:
1. Find the proportion under the areas under the normal curve:
a. between the mean and +2.3σ
b. below -1.2 σ
c. between 0.25 σ and +0.6 σ
d. between +2.0 σ and 0.2 σ
e. below 0.3 σ
2. Assuming that the scores of the students in a test is normally
distributed with the mean of 40 and standard deviation of 6.
a. What percent of the scores lie between 42 and 48?
b. What is the probability that the scores picked at random will be
above 36?
c. What is the probability that the score is below 42?
d. What percent of the class got a score between 32 and 46?
e. What are the scores that will include the middle 60% of the class?
3. If Sarah scored 78 on her History test which had a mean of 70 and a
standard deviation of 3 and she scored 84 on her Math test which had a
mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 2, on which test did she score

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