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The art of contentment:

Contentment is a way of respecting the reality of life by which we choose to be grateful and happy with
what we have and where we are. It is a feeling of satisfaction with the present and recognizing the
entities that radiate positivity on us. Contentment is vital in molding different facets of life.

Practicing the Art of contentment

 Take a moment to be grateful for something. What are the things that make your life
extraordinary? Instead of finding joy in things that we do not have at the moment, take a
moment, pause, look around, and be thankful for the things that have stayed with you—the
people and the things that helped you survive the day.
 Find the things that truly spark joy. Things naturally elicit joy in our hearts. But not all can give us
genuine happiness, and some may only provide temporary satisfaction. If something genuinely
sparks joy in your heart, give it a home.
 Recognize the things about yourself that you are happy with. Before decluttering our
belongings, we must first unpack ourselves. Start decluttering negative emotions towards the
self and appreciate ourselves and what we are capable of because contentment is not a task but
rather a mindset that governs us.

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