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The Dual Nature of a Catalytic Reaction:

The Dehydrogenation of sec Butyl - Alcohol to

M e t h y l Ethyl Ketone a t Elevated Pressures
The Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

A detailed analysis of initial rate data obtained for the catalytic dehydrogenation of sec-butyl
alcohol to methyl ethyl ketone in the presence of brass reveals that the controlling step of
the reaction changes and depends on the operating conditions. To take advantage of the
unique characteristics of initial rate equations, the experimental phase of this work has been
carried out with a differential reactor and covered the temperature range 550° to 700OF. for to the associated initial rate equations:
pressures up to 15 atm. Feed compositions containing sec-butyl alcohol and mixtures with
(a) desorption of a product from the
methyl ethyl ketone and hydrogen were used.
These studies show that the desorption of molecularly adsorbed hydrogen ceases to be the
catalyst surface
controlling step in favor of a dual-site surface reaction depending on the operating variables.
In view of these observations it now becomes necessary to calculate reaction rates with both
TA., Z= A (2)
over-all rate equations and to select the lower rate as representative of the controlling step of ( b ) adsorption of a reactant on the
the reaction. catalyst surface
= BT (3)
mental data, and a, b, c, d, . . . are
Previous dehydrogenation studies for
the production of methyl ethyl ketone constants to be established by the c) surface reaction (single sites)
from sec-butyl alcohol by means of a method of least squares. For the selec-
brass catalyst ( 3 ) were limited to tion of a proper controlling step all
atmospheric pressure and temperatures these constants must be positive. Equa-
ranging from 650" to 750°F. These tion (1) is uniquely adaptable to ini- d ) surface reaction (dual sites)
initial studies involved the dehydro- tial rate data and permits the study of
genation of sec-butyl alcohol in an in- the effect of a single variable when the
tegral reactor and necessitated extrap- other variables are held constant.
olation of conversion data into the Through this approach it becomes pos- Equations (2) through ( 5 ) result
region where the resistance to mass sible to trace the effect of each vari- from the over-all rate equations for the
transfer became negligible. The result- able on the over-all rate equation. controlling steps when no products are
ing data were then subjected to a least- present in the feed. This condition is
squares analysis involving a number of RESTRICTIONS OF REACTION RATES realized at the top differential thick-
hyperplanes ( 1 ) . The hyperplane rep- TO INITIAL CONDITIONS ness of a catalyst bed. With these
resented only by positive coefficients equations it is possible to interpret ex-

was selected as representative of the For the dehydrogenation of sec-butyl perimental data directly. They may
most probable over-all rate equation. alcohol to methyl ethyl ketone provide a method for substantiating
In this connection it was concluded A K H the assumption that a single step con-
that the desorption of hydrogen involv- sec-C,H,OH CH,COC,H, H, + trols the over-all rate of reaction.
ing a single-site surface reaction was the following controlIing steps give rise With pressure as the operating vari-
the controlling step. able the initial reaction rates can be
The present investigation has been represented for Equations (2) through
undertaken to extend the study of this ( 5 ) as indicated in Figure 1. The hori-
reaction. To avoid the potential source zontal line representing Equation (2)
of error associated in the extrapolation shows the independence of pressure of
of data in the earlier studies ( 3 ) , it the initial rate of reaction, and Equa-
was decided that a differential reactor tion ( 3 ) indicates a direct linear de-
woiild produce initial rate data directly pendence on pressure. On the other
without recourse to extrapolation. The hand the equations representative of
use of initial reaction rates offers defi- the surface-reaction equations produce
nite advantages in processing data and relations that are not linear. The one
planning future experimental studies involving single sites gives rise to a
that would assist in the selection of a continuous curve approaching an up-
suitable rate equation. For over-all re- per limit; the one involving dual sites
action rates representing a single con- reaches a maximum and then asymp-
trolling step the rate equation can be totically approaches zero.
reduced to a hyperplane of the follow- The straight-line relationships re-
ing general form: sulting from Equations (2) and ( 3 )
y =a + brt, + CX, + dxa + . . .
(1) S, Total Pressure, otm
permit the direct establishment of the
constants for these equations. The con-
where y, xb, x,, xa, . . . are quantities Fig. 1 . Variation of initial rates with pressure stants of Equations ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) can
that can be obtained from the experi- for typical controlling steps. be obtained directly by rearranging

Vol. 6, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 369

these equations into the following these possible sources of error, the brass
linear expressions: ,Retainer Ring spheres were thoroughly mixed with glass
spheres of the same size in the approxi-
KL 1 / Screen mate ratio of one volume of catalyst to
fao c c (6) twenty volumes of glass spheres.
The differential reactor was confined in
a hollow stainless steel cylinder, provided
with stainless steel screens on the top and
bottom. These screens were held securely
__ in place with bolted-down retainer rings
When the quantities T / T A . or d T / r a o and confined the reactor bed within the
are related to the pressure, a straight cylindrical volume of the cartridge, which
line will result, the slope and intercept fitted snugly inside the reactor tube. A
of which enable the calculation of the diagrammatic sketch of the reactor cart-
constants of Equation (4) or (5). ridge is presented in Figure 2. The cata-
Initial reaction-rate data and the use lyst charge was loaded into the reactor
cartridge, which was then placed within
of Equations (2) through (5) g'ive in- the reactor tube.
formation regarding the rate equation Liquid samples resulting from this
but do not completely describe the study were analyzed with an infrared
state of the reactants and products oc- spectrophotometer. Methyl ethyl ketone
cupying the active centers of the cata- concentrations in sec-butyl alcohol were
lyst. In order to establish specifically analyzed and ranged from 0.001 to 0.04
which components are adsorbed and mole fraction.
what state they exist in on the active
centers, it becomes necessary to ob- QUALITATIVE INTERPRETATION
tain additional information. In this con- Fig. 2. Diagrammatic sketch of the cartridge OF RESULTS
nection initial rates resulting from type of differential bed reactor.
mixed feeds give information that Initial reaction rates were calculated
should completely describe the general from a material balance and the ex-
behavior of reactants and products on prepared from a brass stock having a tent of conversion in the differential
a catalyst surface and thus enable the composition of 65% copper and 35% reactor. The initial reaction rates re-
zinc, by weight. In order to produce uni- sulting from the experimental runs of
establishment of over-all reaction rates. formity in size and shape of the catalyst this investigation were used to estab-
to be used, coarse brass filings were drop- lish the rate equation for this dehydro-
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ped through a three-phase carbon arc, genation reaction. The majority of runs
where these particles melted, assumed a
The experimental equipment with which spherical shape, and solidified soon after were conducted with pure sec-butyl
the data were obtained is described else- leaving the arc. These raw spherical par- alcohol as feed. To clarify certain as-
where ( 3 ) . In order to conduct this in- ticles were then screened, and only rea- pects of the rate equation, it also be-
vestigation at elevated pressures, a back- sonably round particles which would roll came necessary to use mixed feeds.
pressure valve was installed between the off a smooth surface were used in these The operating temperature ranged
condenser and the gas separator. With
this arrangement the pressure of the re-
studies. Only those spheres which passed from 550" to 700°F. and the pressure
action in the course of a run was ade- through a 50-mesh screen and were re- from subatmospheric conditions to 14.6
quately controlled and varied a maximum tained on a 60-mesh screen were used as atm.
of 2 2 lb./sq. in. at the highest pressure the catalyst for this investigation. To obtain a preliminary background
of 14.6 atm. Aside from this modification The use of thin differential beds ap- on the response of this reaction to pres-
the steps utilized in operating this equip- proximately 1/16 in. in depth raised
questions regarding bed uniformity and sure, five runs were conducted at
ment were identical with those of the possible channeling effects. To eliminate 700°F. with the same catalyst charge
earlier work presented by Perona and
Thodos ( 3 ) .
To obtain initial rate data, a differential * 0.081 1 I I I I I I I
reactor was utilized. The catalyst was -

K , Total Pressure, aim 7 , Total Pressure, atm

Fig. 3. Initial rates of reaction vs. total pressure for a feed of Fig. 4. Initial rate of reaction vs. pressure for a feed of
sec-butyl alcohol. sec-butyl akohol.

Page 370 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1960

K, Total Pressure, otm

Fig. 5. Correlation of initial rate data with total pressure. P ~ atrn


Fig. 7. Correlation of initial rate data for a mixed feed of alcohol and
of 1 g. and a feed rate of 0.0072 1b.- ketone.
moles of alcohol/hr. For these runs
the pressure was varied from 1 to 12 for possible deviations from a desorp- being able to account properly for the
atm. The resulting initial rates pre- tion-controlling step. Since this rate full length of the horizontal portion of
sented in Figure 3 were found to be decrease was completely absent at the curve. The horizontal portion sug-
independent of pressure. This behavior 700"F., it was assumed that this ef- gests the existence of a desorption-
suggests the possible existence of a fect would become more pronounced controlling step, whereas the remain-
controlling desorption step. with lower temperatures. Table 1 pre- ing portions give a strong implication
To take full advantage of the data sents the experimental results obtained as to the existence of a possible dual-
obtained from a differential reactor, it at 600", 575", and 550°F. from cata- site surface-reaction rate equation.
is essential that the resistance to mass lyst beds having the same level of
transfer be minimized. An exploratory activity. For these runs, feed rates of ESTABLISHMENT OF REACTION RATES
set of runs was conducted to establish approximately 0.0139 1b.-moles of alco- AND CONTROLLING STEPS
the existence of diffusional effects. The hol/hr. were used in the presence of
variation of the initial rate of reaction Surface Reaction
a brass catalyst. This catalyst was di-
with feed rate was investigated at 600" luted by glass spheres of the same size The general shape of the curves in
and 650°F. and at several pressures. (50 to 60 mesh) in the proportions of Figure 4 at 575" and 550°F. and the
It was found that the initial rate of re- twenty parts of glass to one part of nonhorizontal portions of the curve at
action increased to a leveling-off point catalyst in order to realize uniformity 600°F. strongly suggest the existence
beyond which the resistance to mass of flow throughout the differential re- of a dual-site surface-reaction control-
transfer became insignificant. There- actor. These results have been plotted ling step. In view of this supposition
fore in order to minimize the concen- in Figure 4 and indicate that a definite these experimental data were fitted to
tration gradients across the gas film plateau exists at the 600°F. tempera- Equation ( 7 ) by plotting d x
and to relate the interfacial composi- ture level, which completely disap- against r, as indicated in Figure 5. The
tion directly to the composition of the pears at 575" and 550°F. resulting straight lines confirm this
main gas stream, it became necessary The results presented at 600°F. are speculation and allow the calculation
to conduct the remaining runs of this not only unusual but also unique in of KJdB as the slope and l / d F a s
study at high feed rates. the intercept. The rate constants re-
With this in mind and with a new sulting from Figure 5 are as follows:
batch of catalyst used the pressure de-
pendence of this reaction was again t, "F. D K.4
550 0.0192 0.30
investigated for three runs at 650°F. 575 0.0430 0.412
The resulting rates of reaction are pre- 600 0.202 0.689
sented in Figure 3. They were also
found to be independent of pressure, ex- and permit the calculation of the initial
cept for the value at 13 atm., which hap- reaction rate for this temperature in-
pens to fall below the other two points. terval as
This decrease cannot be properly ac-
counted for by means of experimental
error. As was the case with the series
of runs at 700"F., the first two points Equation (5) is applicable for the
suggest a continuation of the probable dual-site surface reaction when it is
desorption step exhibited at the higher the controlling step. These results
temperature level. However the lower establish the existence of a dual-site
initial rate value at 13 atm. gives rise reaction that should continue to prevail
to the possibility of the existence of a when the surface-reaction step is no
controlling step other than the desorp- longer controlling.
tion of a product. The results obtained thus far estab-
%r atm
In order to investigate the possible lish the presence of a dual-site reaction
cause for this lower initial rate, a Fig. 6. Correlation of initial rate data for a in which alcohol is adsorbed on a single
series of runs was conducted to account mixed feed of alcohol and hydrogen. site and is involved with an adjacent

Vol. 6, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 371

vacant site to produce the products TABLE 1. INITIAL REACTIONRATES temperature coefficients. From a ther-
ketone and hydrogen. Ketone should RESULTINGFROM THZ DEHYDROGENATION modynamic consideration K , should
exist only in its molecular state. If OF sec-BuTYL ALCOHOL exhibit a negative temperature coeffi-
hydrogen is assumed to exist on the (feed: 100% sec-butyl alcohol) cient provided that the number of ac-
surface in its molecular state, the fol- Catalyst: 1 g. of brass spheres (50 to 60 tive sites on the catalyst surface re-
lowing over-all rate equation applies mesh) mixed with glass spheres of the mains constant. The deviations found
same size in the proportion of twenty to be present in these studies may be
parts of glass to one of catalyst. explained on the premise of an in-
ri,, initial rate creasing number of active sites with
Tem- 1b.-moles increasing temperature. For metallic
pera- Pres- Feed of alcohol/ catalyst surfaces it is reasonable to ex-
For a mixed feed containing only ture, sure,rate, 1b.- (hr.) (1b.- pect that increasing temperatures will
hydrogen and alcohol, with the partial Run "F. atm. moles/hr. catalyst) produce additional active sites. As a
pressure of the alcohol held constant, 5-30 600 1.0 0.01359 0.0392 result of activation phenomena, inac-
Equation (8) can be rearranged to 6-1 600 7.0 0.01366 0.0416 tive sites which could not participate
give 6-2 600 4.0 0.01394 0.0416 in the reaction at lower temperatures
6-3 600 10.0 0.01367 0.0326 became sufficiently energized to par-
6-4 600 14.6 0.01398 0.0247 ticipate in the over-all reaction.
6-6 600 5.5 0.01389 0.0415 The existence of a model which ex-
6-7 600 8.5 0.01384 0.0376 hibits different controlling steps at dif-
Experimental data obtained for a 6-9 600 3.0 0.01392 0.0420
mixed feed of alcohol and hydrogen at 6-11 600 0.22 0.01362 0.0295 ferent reaction conditions poses a new
575°F. have been interpreted with the concept in kinetic studies. For these
aid of Equation ( 9 ) , and the results 7-14 600 1.0 0.01390 0.0410 dehydrogenation studies the dual-site
have been plotted in Figure 6. The 7-16 550 1.0 0.01396 0.0115 surface reaction involving an adsorbed
7-17 550 3.0 0.01392 0.0161 alcohol molecule and an adjacent va-
linearity verifies the fact that the 7-18 575 1.0 0.01411 0.0227
hydrogen on the catalyst surface exists 7-19 575 3.0 0.01400 0.0277 cant site changes to a surface-conirol-
in its molecular form. The slope K,/ 7-20 575 5.0 0.01401 0.0255 ling step in which the adsorbed mole-
resulting from Equation (9) en- 7-21 575 7.0 0.01374 0.0217 cule and a vacant adjacent site react
ables the establishment of the adsorp- 7-23 575 9.6 0.01342 0.0183 to produce adsorbed ketone and molec-
tion equilibrium constant for hydrogen 7-26 550 2.0 0.01386 0.0146 ularly adsorbed hydrogen. The surface-
once the value of D becomes known controlling step is favored at the lower
for the prevailing catalyst activity. rates were not independent of pres- temperatures and is independent of
This investigation was continued at sure, and on this premise the desorp- pressure. With increasing temperature
575°F. with a feed of alcohol and ke- tion step does not involve ketone. On the rate of the dual-site surface reac-
tone in which the partial pressure of the other hand it was found that for an tion increases more rapidly than the
alcohol was held constant. As a result alcohol-hydrogen feed the resulting rate of the desorption step, which be-
of these restrictions a relation compa- initial rates remained constant and comes the controlling step in the over-
rable to Equation (9) was developed: were independent of pressure. Since all reaction. This behavior is apparent
the addition of hydrogen in the feed from the results of Figure 3, in which
gives rise to constant initial rates, it is the data at 700°F. indicate that the
reasonable to assume that the desorp- desorption step controls throughout the
tion of molecular hydrogen is the other entire pressure range investigated.
The resulting data, correlated with controlling step. Therefore the follow- With decreasing temperature the con-
Equation (lo), again produce a ing rate equation for hydrogen desorp- trolling desorption step continues to
straight-line relationship when dpA/rAK0 tion control applies: control over a limited pressure interval.
is plotted against p K as shown in Outside this interval the surface reac-
Figure 7. As for the case of hydrogen, tion controls, as shown in Figure 4, at
the adsorption equilibrium -constant 600°F. With continued temperature
can be calculated from the slope K,/ decrease the controlling desorption
step disappears completely in favor of
d3 once the constant D is determined a surface-reaction controlling step. In
for the prevailing catalyst activity. (12) view of these findings, it becomes nec-
A series of runs was made at a con- essary to consider the rate of reaction
stant activity level that permitted the The initial rate equation for the de-
with two possibilities involving both
calculation of all the kinetic constants sorption of hydrogen follows from steps and to select as limiting that step
for Equation (8) at 575°F. The ther- Equation (12) and is which produces the lower reaction rate.
modynamic equilibrium constant was kxKLpi - kxL
calculated from equilibrium studies rA, = r A H o = ~ --
(2) on this system. As a result the re-
= k'HL = constant
action rate at 575°F. becomes a,b,c,d = constants for Equation (1)
A,B,C,D = over-all rate constants,
GENERAL COMMENTS Equations ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , (4),
The logarithmic values of the con- and (5)
7 =
[ 1+0.831pi+2.91p~+0.436pH1' stants D and Ki established at 550", k, = forward-reaction velocity con-
575", and 600°F. were correlated stant for the adsorption of
(11) against the reciprocal absolute tem- hydrogen
Desorption of Hydrogen perature and failed to produce to con- k', = reverse-reaction velocity con-
The horizontal line of Figure 4 sug- ventional linear relationships commonly stant for the adsorption of
gests the presence of a desorption-con- associated with kinetic studies. Instead hydrogen
trolling step. For a constant alcohol- the two resulting relationships exhibited K = over-all thermodynamic equi-
ketone composition the resulting initial curvatures, and both possessed positive librium constant

Page 372 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1960

KA = adsorption equilibrium con; pa = partial pressure of hydrogen, y = dependent variable for Equa-
stant for alcohol atm. tion (1)
KH = adsorption equilibrium con- r = rate of reaction, 1b.-moles/ 7T = total pressure, atm.
stant for hydrogen (hr.) (lb. of catalyst)
KB = adsorption equilibrium con- rA0 = initial rate of reaction from a LITERATURE CITED
stant for ketone feed containing only alcohol 1. Hougen, 0. A,, and K. M. Watson,
TAH. = initial rate of reaction from “Chemical Process Principles,” pp. 902-
L = total molal adsorption sites
a feed containing alcohol
per unit mass 926, Wiley, New York (1947).
and hydrogen 2. Kolb, H. B., and R. L. Burwell, Jr.,
M = parameter, ( l + K A p A ) / d F TAB. = initial rate of reaction from 3. Am. Chem. SOC., 67, 1084 (1945).
pA = partial pressure of alcohol, a feed containing alcohol 3. Perona, J. J., and George Thodos,
atm. and ketone A.1.Ch.E. 3oumaE, 3, 230 ( 1957).
pK = partial pressure of ketone, Xb,xe,Xd = independent variables for Manuscript received December I , 1958; rev&
atm. sion received October 19, 1959; pager accepted
Equation (1) October 21, 1959.

A Study of Sieve-Tray Efficiencies

J.M. HAY and A. 1. JOHNSON
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

The performance of sieve trays in the rectification of the methanol-water system without en-
trainment or leakage from the perforations was studied in an &in.-diameter five-tray column.
The trays had a 2-in. weir height and 4-in. length of liquid path. Three tray geometries were
studied: 1/4-in. diameter holes on 3/4-in. triangular spacing, 1/8-in. holes on 3/8-in. tri-
angular spacing, and 3/16-in. on 7/16-in. triangular spacing. The superficial vapor velocity was
varied from 2.2 ft./sec. to the limit of stable operation, which for this apparatus was 4.4 ft./sec.
The ratio L I / V X within the column was varied from 1 to 0.5. The Murphree plate efficiency varied
greatly from 105% a t low concentration to 82% a t high concentrations of methanol. Variations
of 10 or 12 efficiency % were noted owing to changing velocities and tray geometries. Measure-
ments of concentration gradients, foam heights, and gas pressure drops are also reported. This
paper proposes a method of calculating the point efficiency and the number of individual-phase
mass transfer units independent of the actual concentration gradient on the tray.
The method is applied to the methanol-water data, and calculated point efficiencies range from
50 to 65%. The value of ~ / N for L the methanol-water system is found to be small. The values of
No and the effect of the velocity on NQ are believed to be the first in the literature for a tray
in distillation operation. The effect of velocity is shown to be in agreement with the theory
proposed by Gerster and co-workers. It i s shown that ko‘ a0 decreases for increasing free area and vertical direction, and that there are
increasing hole size. Finally variation in L x / V H is shown t o have little effect on €I“. no unusual end effects at either bub-
ble formation or break.
Fractionation in tray type of distil- This paper reports efficiency data
lation columns is perhaps the most obtained by operating an &in. sieve- T H E ADDITION OF RESISTANCES
widely used means of separating the tray column at total reflux on the sys-
components of a liquid mixture. The tem methanol-water and discusses the The basic equation for obtaining the
calculation of the number of trays re- data in the light of recent theory. A individual gas-phase value depends on
quired for such a separation can be special study is made of the number of the well-known ( 3 2 ) equation describ-
made readily ( 3 1 ) even for the most gas-phase transfer units. ing the additivity of resistances:
coniplicated separations. However only The definitions of the transfer unit
in recent years has much effort been terms, appearing in the notation, will - 1_ -- 1
+--m,V, 1
directed toward analyzing the effi- be assumed known to the reader. The N O Q NQ LI NL
ciency of operation of such trays in usual assumptions made in using them
view of modern mass transfer theory Normally in using this equation one
are that the driving forces are concen-
( 1 , S , 6, 9, 14, 16, 17, 23, 27). Any assumes N , and N , to be constant and
tration difference for liquids and par- plots l/NoQagainst (m,V,)/L, to ob-
such analysis is complicated by the tial-pressure difference for vapors and
large number of variables involved in tain N , from an intercept on such a
that equilibrium exists at phase inter- plot. Using total-reflux sieve-tray plate-
the properties of the gas and liquid
phases, the conditions of operation, faces. In addition in this paper it will efficiency data, one must modify this
and the geometry of the system. be assumed that the vapor composition direct approach in two ways.
below a tray is uniform, that there is First with total reflux data V J L ,
J. .M.Hay is with Dow Chemical of Canada, no back mixing of the vapor in the has a value of unity, and (m,VH/LM
Samia, Ontario, Canada.

Vol. 6, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 373

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