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Intelligent Systems Conference 2017

7-8 September 2017 | London, UK

Algorithms and Approaches to Mathematical

Modeling of Conflict in a Complex Social System
Dr. Alexandr Y. Petukhov Dr. Alexey Ɉ. Ɇalhanov
Research Lab. “Modeling of social and political processes” Research Lab. “Modeling of social and political processes”
Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University
Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod

Dr. Vladimir Ɇ. Sandalov Dr. Yury V. Petukhov

Research Lab. “Modeling of social and political processes” Research Lab. “Modeling of social and political processes”
Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University
Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod

Abstract—The issue of modeling various kinds of social groups, no matter what its causes, ways and means used by
conflicts using diffusion equations is discussed. The main each of the involved parties are”.
approaches are the methods of mathematical modeling in
contemporary humanitarian sciences. The main concepts of Works of the foreign scientists that became fundamental in
social conflicts, ways of their classification, interpretation, analyzing practical problems of this complex inter-disciplinary
including ethnic-social, religious and other conflicts are science played an important part in the development of
considered. The notion of a conflict in a social system is defined general conflictology at the present stage. These are the
in terms of mathematical modeling. A model based on Langevin classical works of L. Coser, R. Darendorf, U. Habermas, G.
diffusion equation is introduced. The model is based on the idea Bekker, A.S. Ahiezer, who substantiated a natural and
that all individuals in a society interact by means of a attributive character of ethnic-political conflicts and their
communication field - h. This field is induced by each individual functions in the life of a society; K Boulding, L. Kozer, P.
in the society, and modeling informational interaction between Bourdier, who laid the groundwork for developing a general
individuals. An analytical solution of the system of thus obtained theory of conflicts; J. Burton and his followers, who addressed
equations in the first approximation for a diverging type of the ussie of effective practical technologies of settling and
diffusion is given. It is shown that even analyzing a simple principal resolution of conflicts as the first-priority one for
example of the interaction of two groups of individuals the making the conflictological knowledge effective; P.
developed model makes it possible to discover characteristic laws
Schtompke, who absolutized the “western main road” of
of a conflict in a social system, to determine the effect of social
social salvation; F. Glazl, who introduced modern
distance in a society on the conditions of generation of such
processes, like accounting for external effects or a random factor.
mechanisms of solving conflicts.
Based on the analysis of the phase portraits obtained by The issues of studying, classifying and, most important,
modeling, it is concluded that there exists a stability region predicting conflicts have always been of importance in
within which the social system is stable and non-conflictive. fundamental sociology. This issue was addressed in numerous
works of the leading sociologists and mathematicians: J.
Keywords—Social conflict; society; diffusion equations;
Bernard, R. Bailey, K. Boulding, D. Bucher, J. Duke, L.
Langevin equation; communication field
Coser, L. Krisberg, D. Leidis, R. Makk, A. Rapoport, R.
I. INTRODUCTION Snamayer, R. Stagner, T. Shelling, T. Bottmore, J. Rex, G.
Boutoul, M. Crosieau, A. Touren, K. Darendorf, E. Vyatr, Y.
A social conflict can be defined as a peak stage in the Moukha, Y. Sctumski, Y. Reykovski, L.A. Nechiporenko, I.I.
development of contradictions in relations between Petrov, A.L. Rouchka, L.A. Semyonova, V.B. Tancher, E.A.
individuals, groups of individuals, or a society as a whole, Anoufriyev, V.G. Afanasyev, V.V. Drouzhinin, P.E. Katsdel,
characterized by the presence of contradicting interests, V.F. Krapivin, D.S. Kontorov, M.D. Kontorov, I.G.
objectives and viewpoints of the interacting subjects. Conflicts Nakonechny, V.S. Ovchinnikov, A.F. Protsente, G.P.
can be latent or explicit, and are caused by lack of a Predvechny, V.O. Roukavishnikov, V.B. Sverchkov, V.I.
compromise or sometimes even a dialogue between the two or Speransky, A.I. Yamskov, et al. [2-4].
more parties involved [1].
Taking into account the important impact of such
The English sociologist E. Giddens introduced the phenomena on a society and all the processes inside it, any
following definition of a conflict: “A social conflict is ways of predicting and discovering characteristic laws of
understood as real struggle between interacting people or social conflicts are certainly of a paramount importance.

The research work was financed from the Grant of Russian Scientific
Fund (Project ʋ 15-18-00047).

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978-1-5090-6435-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
One of the directions of searching for possible solutions of Troitzsch, R. Hegselmann, P. de Vries, D. Gernert, A. Nowak,
this problem is forecasting and describing a social conflict R. Vallacher and E. Burnstein, H. Ader and I. Bramsen, Y.-F.
mathematically, i.e., using mathematical modeling [5-10]. Yung, W. Chan and P. Bentler, R. Geuze, R. van Ouwerkerk
and L. Mulder, A. Klovdahl and many others [29-37].
Mathematical modeling based on nonlinear dynamics, III. THE MAIN CONCEPTS OF A SOCIAL
which is widely used in natural sciences, is still rather rarely The contemporary literature on sociology abounds in
resorted to in sociological studies. classifications of types of conflicts according to various
grounds. Consider some of them from the viewpoint of
In the recent years, considerable success has been achieved defining a social conflict as a mathematical notion in our
in the field of developing models of social and political model.
processes [11].
From the viewpoint of subjects involved in a conflict, four
The already available models can be tentatively subdivided types of conflicts can be discerned:
into three groups:
1) Intrapersonal conflict (it can appear in the following
1) Models-concepts based on discovering and analyzing
forms: a role conflict – it appears when contradictory
general historic laws and representing them in the form of
requirements are imposed on a person, regarding what the
cognitive schemes describing logical relations between
result of his/her work has to be; intrapersonal – it can result
various factors affecting historical processes (G. Goldstain,
from a mismatch between the working requirements and the
I.Wallerstain, L.N. Goumilyov, N.S. Rozov and others). Such
individual’s needs and values).
models feature a high degree of generalization, but are of a
2) Interpersonal conflict (it can be manifested in the form
purely logical, conceptual, rather than mathematical, natural.
of a clash of individuals having different characters, views or
2) Special mathematical models of the simulation type,
values, and is the most common one).
designed for describing particular historical events and
3) Conflict between an individual and a group (when an
phenomena (Y.N. Pavlovskiy, L.I. Borodkin, D Meadows, J.
individual assumes a position differing from the position of
Forrester and others). In such models, the main attention is
the group).
paid to carefully accounting for and describing factors and
4) Intergroup conflict.
processes affecting the studied phenomena. The applicability
Conflicts can also be classified according to the spheres of
of such models is, as a rule, limited by a fairly short spatial activity as: political, social-economic, national-ethnic and
and time interval; they are ‘tied up” to a particular historical others [11].
event and cannot be extrapolated onto longer periods of time.
3) Mathematical models, intermediate between the two There are quite a few concepts of the theory of social
conflict. Some of the best-known of them are:
mentioned types. These models describe a certain class of
social processes without giving a detailed description of the L. Coser’s concepts:
features characteristic for each specific historical event. They
• In any society there exists inevitable inequality,
are designed for discovering basic laws characterizing the permanent psychological discontent of its members,
processes of the type in question. Accordingly, such interpersonal and intergroup tension (emotional,
mathematical models are called basic [12]. psychic disorder), and leading to social conflict.
In the classical models [13-19], the dynamics of nonlinear
systems is modeled using multidimensional differential • Social conflict as incongruity between the reality and
equations [17, 20, 21], difference equations [22, 23], the ideas of various social groups or individuals about what
mathematical apparatus of cellular automation [22, 24], the it should be like.
mathematical apparatus of the catastrophe theory [25, 26], the • Social conflict as struggle for values and pretensions to
mathematical apparatus of the self-organized criticality theory a certain status, power and resources, in which the
[27, 28], stochastic differential equations of Langevin and Ito- antagonists aim at neutralizing, damaging or
Stratonovich [22, 27], analysis of systems with chaos and eliminating the opponent [38].
reconstruction of stable states (attractors) along time series
[22, 24]. Conflict model of society by R. Darendorf:
Holyst J.A., Kacperski K., Schweiter F. presented an • Permanent social fluctuations in society, suffering
effective model of social opinion, based on representing the social conflict.
interaction between individuals in the form of Brownian
motion [28]. • Any society is based on making some of its members
obey other members = inequality of social positions in
There are also other numerous studies in the field of the distribution of power.
modeling social and political processes published by K.

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978-1-5090-6435-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK

• Difference in the social position of various social In physics, such processes are generally described using
groups and individuals leading to reciprocal tensions Langevin stochastic diffusion equation, which is also, to a
and contradictions resulting in the alteration of the certain degree, tested for modeling some social processes. For
social structure of the society [39]. example, Holyst J.A., Kacperski K. and Schweiter F.
developed a model of social opinion [28].
General theory of conflict by K. Boulding:
The model is based on the idea that individuals of a society
• All conflicts have common development patterns; their interact by means of a communication field (similar to [28]).
detailed study and analysis makes it possible to develop This field is induced by each individual of the society,
a generalized theory – “the general theory of conflict” modeling informational interaction between individuals.
which will allow society to control conflicts, manage However, it should be kept in mind that society, which is
them and predict their consequences. considered here, can hardly be viewed as an object in classical
• Boulding argues that conflict is an intrinsic part of physical spatial topology. Really, in terms of transfer of
social life (striving for struggling with the similar is in information from individual to individual, space in society has
the human nature). both classical spatial coordinates and some additional specific
characteristics. It is because of the fact that in the
• A conflict is a situation in which each of the parties tries contemporary informational world it is not necessary to be
to adopt an attitude which is incompatible and contrary near the object to transfer information to him/her.
in respect to the interest of the other party.
Thus, society is a multidimensional, social-physical space
• Two aspects of social conflict: static and dynamic. reflecting a possibility of one individual to “reach” another
individual with his/her communication field, that is, to affect
The static aspect is the analysis of the parties (subjects)
him/her, his/her parameters and possibility to move in this
involved in the conflict (individuals, organizations, groups)
space. Accordingly, the position of an individual relative to
and relations between them (classification: ethnic,
other individuals also models the level of relations between
confessional, professional).
them and their involvement in the informational exchange.
The dynamic aspect studies interests of the parties as Close positions in this models show that there is regular
stimuli for conflictive behavior of people. The definition of exchange of information and social connection between them.
the conflict dynamics is a set of responses to external stimuli With such a formulation of the problem, a conflict can be
[1, 40]. considered to be a type of interaction between individuals or
groups thereof, which results in a sharp increase of the
From the above said, the following important for our distance (i.e. social distance – ¨x = xi - xj, where x is a
model conclusions can be drawn: coordinate in social-physical space, i, j= [1, N], where N is
a) A large social conflict is initiated mainly by an number of individuals or consolidated groups of individuals)
informational and social distance between individuals or between them, and a further increase of the distance testifies
groups of individuals. A basis for such a distance can root in to increasing conflict.
ethnic, cultural, confessional, as well as economic Thus, a communication field can be represented with a
dissimilarities. diffusion equation as follows:
b) This distance increases in the process of conflict, ே
especially in its extremal forms (revolutions, civil wars etc.), ߲
ҧ ೕ ೕ ೔ ೔
݄ሺ‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൌ ෍ ݂൫‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௝ ൯ߴ൫‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௝ ൯ߜሺ௞
bringing the opposing parties to the attitude of ߲‫ݐ‬ ೞ ା௞೎ ሻǡሺ௞ೞ ା௞೎ ሻ
irreconcilability. Unfortunately, history knows very few
examples of short- and medium-term positive scenarios for ൅ ‫ܦ‬൫݄ሺ‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݐ‬ሻ െ ݄ሺ‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݐ‬଴ ሻ൯ǡሺͳሻ
such situations. in which a divergent type of diffusion is assigned, and
c) Hence, the point of no return in question is function
somewhere before the initiation of conflict, and this transition మ
ି൫௫೔ ି௫ೕ ൯
of a social system from one state to another is determining. ͳ
ߴ൫‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௝ ൯ ൌ ݁ ఌమ ǡ
ߝ ξߨ
is used instead of delta-function; for ሺߝ ՜ Ͳሻ it
For mathematical modeling, an important point is that
asymptotically tends to the latter, considerably simplifying the
social and political processes cannot be rigorously assigned.
process of computer modeling.
They tend to be subjected to minor changes and fluctuations.
Using analogy, a social process is similar to a Brownian Function ݂൫‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௝ ൯ characterizes relation between
particle, i.e. a particle moving along a fairly definite trajectory individuals, which is modeled here using classical Gaussian
which, on closer examination, is highly winding and broken. distribution
These small fluctuations are explained by chaotic motion of

other molecules. In social processes, fluctuations can be ͳ ି൫௫೔ ି௫ೕ ൯
assumed as manifestations of free will of its individual ݂൫‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௝ ൯ ൌ ݁ ௨మ ǡ
participants, as well as other random manifestations of the ‫ ݑ‬ξߨ
external medium [41]. ௝ ௝
‫ ݑ‬ൌ ݇௖௜ ݇௦௜ ൅ ݇௖ ݇௦ ,

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Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
fairly widely used in various sociological studies. To obtain approximate analytical solutions of system of
equations (3), series expansion is used with the accuracy of up
݇௦௜ is coefficient of scientific-technological progress and to the quantity of the first order of smallness for ο‫ ݔ‬ൌ ‫ݔ‬௜ െ
development of the i-th individual/group of individuals. ‫ݔ‬଴௜ ǡ ο‫ ݐ‬ൌ ‫ ݐ‬െ Ͳ of difference
݇௖௜ is coefficient of social activity of the i-th ߲݄ ߲݄
individual/group of individual. ݄ሺ‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ݐ‬ሻ െ ݄ሺ‫ݔ‬଴௜ ǡ ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൎ ൬ ൰ฬ ο‫ ݔ‬൅ ൬ ൰ฬ ο‫ݐ‬ǡሺͶሻ
߲‫ݔ‬௜ ௧ୀ଴ ߲‫ ݐ‬௫ ௧ୀ଴
ߜҧ is inverse Kronecker delta. ௫೔ ୀ௫బ೔ ೔ బ೔
Then, assuming the following initial conditions
Coefficients ks and kc are used for each separate individual
‫ݔ‬଴௜ ൌ Ͳǡ
or group in the system, and a total coefficient of the entire
system is found by fractal transformation of their values of all ߲݄ ߲݄
individuals and clusters of the system [42-44]. ݄଴ ሺ‫ݔ‬଴௜ ǡ Ͳሻ ൌ ൬ ൰ฬ ൌ൬ ൰ฬ ൌ ͳǡሺͷሻ
߲‫ݔ‬௜ ௧ୀ଴ ߲‫ ݐ‬௫ ௧ୀ଴
௫೔ ୀ௫బ೔ ೔ బ೔
Translations of an individual are described using Langevin
equation: the first two equations of system (3) are integrated, using
(4), (5), after which the following expression results:

݀‫ݔ‬௜ ߲
ൌ ݇௖௜ ݇௦௜ ቌ ෍
݄൫‫ݔ‬௝ ǡ ‫ݐ‬൯ቍ ൅ ξʹ‫ߦܦ‬௜ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻǡሺʹሻ t
t −
ψ +1
2 ( i
x (u )− x j ( u ) )

݀‫ݐ‬ ߲‫ݔ‬௝ h ( x i , t ) = D ³ x i ( u )du + D + α k cj k si ³ e ψ du ,

௝ୀଵǡ௝ஷ௜ 2
0 0 (6)
Where, stochastic force ߦ௜ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ is introduced, which models j = 3 − i.
a random factor in society, and, in particular cases, external
effects on individuals. Using (6), the last two equations of system (3) can be
transformed, based on the continuity of all the functions, into
When solving equations (1) and (2), differential equation the following form:
݄݀ ߲݄ ݀‫ݔ‬௜ ߲݄ ­ dx ª ψ 2 +1
ൌ ൅  ψ 2 +1 t − ( x1( u )− x2 ( u ) )2
݀‫ݔ߲ ݐ‬௜ ݀‫ݐ‬ ߲‫ݐ‬ ° 1 = kc1ks1 « Dt + 2α kc1ks2
ψ ³ ( x1 ( u ) − x2 ( u ) ) e ψ2
du » +
° dt 2
«¬ 0 »¼
should also be taken into account. °
°°+ 2 Dξ1 ( t ) ,
In a general case, initial conditions for equations (1) - (3) ® (7)
° dx2 ª 2 1 ψ +1
2 t −
ψ 2 +1
( x1( u )− x2 (u ))2 º
can be taken as follows: ( x2 ( u ) − x1 ( u ) ) e
° = kc ks « Dt + 2α kc ks
2 2
du » +
° dt «¬ ψ 0 2
‫ݔ‬௜ ȁ௧ୀ଴  ൌ ‫ݔ‬଴௜ ݄ሺ‫ݔ‬௜ ǡ ‫ ݐ‬ൌ Ͳሻ ൌ ݄଴௜ Ǥ °
It is also necessary to assign a range of characteristic °̄+ 2 Dξ 2 ( t ) .
parameters Ͳ ൏ ݇௖ ǡ ݇௦ ǡ ‫ ܦ‬൏ ͳ (individual distribution). After time differentiation of (7), the following forms of
V. APPROXIMATE SOLUTION OF THE SYSTEM differential equations are obtained:
For a simplest model of two interacting individuals or two ­d 2x 2α (ψ 2 + 1) k c1k s1k c1k s2
ψ +1 2
− 2 ( x1 − x2 )
consolidated groups of individuals (i.e. belonging to the same ° 21 = k c1k s1 D + ( x1 − x 2 ) e ψ
social, confessional, ethnic, etc. group), assumed to be in a ° dt ψ2
state of conflict, accounting for external effects, (1) and (2) ° + 2 D d ξ1 ( t ) , (8)
can be written as: ° dt
® .
­ ∂h ( x , t )
ψ +1 ° d 2 x2 2α (ψ 2 + 1) k c2 k s2 k c2 k s1 ψ 2 +1
− 2 ( x1 − x2 )

( x2 − x1 ) e
− 2 ( x1− x2 ) 2 2 ψ
° 1
= D ª¬ h ( x1 , t ) − h ( x1 , 0 ) º¼ + α kc2 ks1e ψ , ° 2 = kc k s D + +
° ∂t ° dt ψ2
° ψ 2 +1 ° dξ (t )
° ∂h ( x2 , t ) = D ªh x , t − h x , 0 º + α k 1k 2 e− ψ 2 ( x1 − x2 ) ,

( ) ( ) (3) °+ 2 D 2
° ∂t ¬ 2 2 ¼ c s
¯ dt
° dx1 ∂h ( 2 ) + 2 Dξ t ,
x , t
1( ) To further simplify the solution of the problem in question,
1 1
° dt = kc ks ∂x
° 2 it is assumed that equality of active stochastic forces for
° dx2 ∂h ( x1 , t ) individuals or various groups is satisfied.
° = kc2 ks2 + 2 Dξ2 ( t ) ,
¯ dt ∂x1
ξ1 ( t ) = ξ 2 ( t )
Then, introducing new designations
ψ = kc1 + ks1 + kc2 + ks2 , α = δ k + k ,k + k .
ψ π

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y = x1 − x2 , As follows from Fig. 1, two equilibrium conditions are

possible if condition
A = D (k k − k k
s ),
1 1
(ψ 2
+ 1) −
1 −2 A
e <− <
1 −2 A
e ,− ≠ 0 , (12)
B = 2α
ψ 2 (k k k k
1 1
s c
+ k k k k ),
s 2ɋ B 2ɋ B

ψ 2 +1 is satisfied, and one equilibrium condition if one of the

C= , three following equalities are satisfied:
A 1 1
= 0 , − A = 1 e 2 , − A = − 1 e 2 . (13)
− −
after finding the difference of equations (8), the following −
equation is obtained: B B 2ɋ B 2ɋ

d2y 2 Naturally, if conditions opposite to (12) are satisfied

= A + Bye− Cy , B > 0, C > 0. (9)
dt A 1 −2 A
1 −2
− <− e ,− > e , A/ B 0. (14)
Now, (9) is rewritten in Cauchy form: B 2ɋ B 2ɋ

­ dy there are no equilibrium conditions.

°° dt = z , As system (10) is conservative, the law of conservation of
® (10)
° dz = A + Bye− Cy2 . energy holds. Then, knowing the energy integral of system
°̄ dt (10), it is possible to find phase trajectories of the system in
question. As is known [10], in a conservative system, phase
System (10) can be viewed as a dynamic system trajectories are lines of the level of the potential energy
describing a process of interaction between two individuals or function, which has the following form:
groups thereof. y 2
Be − Cy
As is known (see [45-46]), a dynamic system describes a (
V = − ³ A + Bue − Cu

) du = − Ay +
2C . (15)
process of transition from one state to another. The phase 0

picture of system (10) will be represented by a set of all states;

to determine equilibrium states of this set, it is necessary to For social systems the notion of energy is either
solve the following system of equations: meaningless or has another definition. However, their
dynamic behavior qualitatively coincides with the behavior of
­ z = 0, conservative mechanical systems, and, in the phase plane, the
° qualitative behavior of their phase trajectories is similar [46,
® − Cy2 A (11) p. 85].
°̄ ye = − B .
As among parameters A, B, C only A can invert its sign,
Analysis of system (11) is readily represented graphically only two possible situations are to be considered.
(Fig. 1):
First, if conditions
1 −2 A
− e < − < 0, A > 0 (16)
2ɋ B
are satisfied, relations V(y) represented in Fig. 2 and the
related phase trajectories are realized, where ‫ݕ‬ሶ ൌ .

Fig. 1. Analysis of system.

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Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
The boundaries of this region are defined by values of
characteristic parameters of individuals, or groups thereof, as
well as the society as a whole: ݇௦௜ ǡ ݇௖௜ ǡ ‫ ܦ‬. These coefficients,
strictly speaking, can change in time as a result of the
interaction of individuals, thus, affecting the dimensions and
position of the stability region. However, in the present study,
only a short-term scenario was considered, thus, their possible
variation in time was assumed insignificant.
Individuals and groups thereof having parameters
necessary for getting into the stability region at an initial time
do not move apart from one another to a relatively large social
distance as a result of reciprocal interaction. They remain at a
distance within which social relations and active informational
exchange are possible.
This can be interpreted as existence of an interaction
region, parametrization of which makes relatively abrupt
fluctuations of social coordinates, i.e. a state of conflict,
highly improbable or impossible.
It is true that in a society, where social and informational
contact, mutual permeation of different cultures and ethnic
Fig. 2. Phase trajectories 1. groups is sufficient, where particular groups of population do
not separate themselves, creating closed subsystems (in which
Second, if conditions conditions substantially differ from those of the main system),
the possibility of initiating ethnic-social, confessional, etc.
A 1 −2 conflicts is relatively minimized.
0<− < e ,A<0 (17)
B 2ɋ Outside the stability region, phase trajectories are
divergent and not close. Individuals/groups of individuals that
are satisfied, relation V(y) represented in Fig. 3 and the are, at an initial time, outside this region, after some time will
related phase trajectories are realized. find themselves at a relatively large social distance, which
corresponds to the increase of social and informational gap
between individuals and/or groups of individuals. It is this
state of a social system that can be characterized as a conflict
and manifestation of the contradictions existing between
individuals and groups thereof.
Thus, in ethnic-social conflicts, this is manifested in the
minimization of social and cultural contacts between different
ethnic groups, growth of the social-economic gap, aggravation
of contradictions and, as a result, transfer to the phase of
explicit confrontation accompanied with the destabilization of
the social and political system as a whole.
Social hyper-clustering of a society, abrupt distinctions in
the informational and social environment of individuals,
cultural and inter-ethnic separation create ideal conditions for
social conflict. Therefore, prevention of conflicts in society,
determination of boundary conditions of their initiation and
search for the most effective scenarios of their suppression is a
vital issue for contemporary social sciences.
The present article concisely reviews the main approaches
Fig. 3. Phase trajectories 2.
to modeling in social sciences, problems of determining social
Based on the analysis of the obtained phase pictures conflict and its main concepts. Conflict in a social system is
(Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), it can be concluded that there exists a defined in terms of mathematical modeling.
certain stability region (confined in the pictures by a stable A mathematical model based on Langevin equation is
loop of the separatrix), i.ɟ. the region within the closed introduced, an analytical solution in the first approximation
trajectory. for the divergent type of diffusion is given.

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Intelligent Systems Conference 2017
7-8 September 2017 | London, UK
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