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Screen time has a lot more effect than just the in the physical health of a person, it also

affects the social of those whose exposed greatly into it. A study by Guerrero, M.D,, (2019), people with prolonged screen time as a child are prone to rule breaking

behavior and much more introverted than of those with lesser screen time. Adults and

adolescents that exposed to screen time prefers to stay alone by themselves and focus

on screen time activities such as video games, social media, watching TV and video

streaming. These behavior leads to less interaction with family, friends and workmates

that greatly affects the social life and health of an individual.

Furthermore, a study by Aldimasi, H. et. Al., (2018), children and adolescents that are

exposed to screen time have negative effects on their social health such as the self-

isolation from social life and lack of emotional management. These results from the lack

of interaction and communication with other people. These factors lead for a person to

be introvert and impatient with communication that sometimes leads to

misunderstandings and fights with others. Also, with the prolonged screen time they

develop interpersonal problem and lack of interpersonal communication skill that

impedes them from talking to others, going out and socializing. Since the interpersonal

communication skills are lacking, these people cannot express their selves properly to

others that causes them to have sever panic attacks and anxiety.

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