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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

College of Arts and Sciences
Nursing Department

Name: Patient R Ward/Bed Number: Attending Physician: Dr. B
Age: 28 years old Impression/Diagnosis: Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol Withdrawal
Mechanism of Special Nursing
Name of Drug Route Freq., Indication Adverse Reactions
Action Precautions Responsibilities
-Depress the -Anxiety -Hallucination 1. Use 1. Monitor Vital
Generic: Dosage: 5mg -Alcohol -Depression cautiously in signs especially
Central nervous
Diazepam withdrawal -Lethargy patients with BP, PR and RR
system by -Paradoxical liver and periodically
excitation renal throughout the
potentiating an
-Respiratory impairment therapy.
Brand: Valium Route: IV inhibitory -Depression 2. Use 2. Monitor patient
-Hypotension cautiously in for dizziness
-Jaundice patients with and mental
called GABA. -Changes in sex chronic status changes.
Frequency: drive glaucoma 3. Assess IV site
Q8h -Physical 3. Assess frequently, the
dependence patient if they drug may
are allergic to cause phlebitis
Classification Contraindications Side Effects diazepam pr and venous
Timing: -Hypersensitivity CNS: drowsiness, any thrombosis.
Functional: 7-3-11 to drug or soy dysarthria, slurred ingredients in 4. Observe
Anxiolytics protein speech, tremors, diazepam depressed
-Pre-existing CNS headache, dizziness products. patient closely
depression CV: bradycardia 4. Caution to for suicidal
Chemical: -Shock and coma EENT: diplopia, avoid taking tendency since
Benzodiazepine -Acute alcohol nystagmus, blurred alcohol or the drug can
derivative intoxication vision other CNS lead to
-liver and renal GI: nausea and depressants psychological
impairment vomiting, dependence if
-Depression constipation, prolonged use.
-Chronic open- diarrhea with rectal 5. Raise side rails.
6. Administer
angle glaucoma form slowly at a rate
-Elderly and Respiratory: apnea of 5mg or over
debilitated Skin: rashes, at least 1
patients. phlebitis, venous minute.
-Some products thrombosis 7. Encourage
containing Urinary: difficulty bedrest.
alcohol, urinating
propylene, glycol

Student’s Name: Samantha Jane F. De la Cruz BSN-3 Reference: _ Morata, F. (2013) Diazepam.docx | Psychoactive Drugs | Drugs. (n.d.).
Scribd. Retrieved June 8, 2021, from
Micromedex, I. (2021). Diazepam Precautions - Mayo Clinic.

Clinical Instructor: Rio Djaemie B. Ballocanag, RN

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