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Selamat pagi, cuaca diluar sangat cerah saya akan membawa anda berkeliling untuk
menikmati matahari pagi dengan menggunakan kursi roda
- Good morning, the weather is very bright outside, I will take you around to enjoy the
morning sun using a wheelchair
2. Saya akan menyiapkan sepatu anda, dan ayo berkeliling
- I'll get your shoes ready, and let's go around
3. Apakah anda bisa duduk?
- Can you sit down?
4. Supaya lebih mudah, saya akan bantu anda duduk di tepi tempat tidur dulu, lalu pindah ke
kursi roda
- To make it easier, I will help you sit on the edge of the bed first, then move to a
5. Tunggu dulu, Saya akan memposisikan kursi roda dengan sudut 45 derajat dan menguncinya
- Wait a minute, I'll position the wheelchair at a 45 degree angle and lock it
6. Silangkan tangan anda di atas dada,,,saat saya membantu anda duduk
- Cross your arms over your chest ... as I help you sit down
7. Saya akan memasangkan sabuk transfer dulu, agar mudah saat mengangkat tubuh anda
- I will attach the transfer belt first, so that it is easy when lifting your body
8. Pada hitungan ke 3 saya akan mengangkat anda berdiri dan pindah duduk ke kursi roda
dengan satu Gerakan, 1 2 3 mulai
- On the count of 3 I will lift you up and move into a wheelchair, a 1 2 3 start
9. Apakah anda merasa pusing saat duduk?
- Do you feel dizzy when sitting?
10. Biarkan saya membantu memasangkan sepatu anda
- Let me help you pair your shoes
11. Tolong katakan pada saya jika anda merasa tidak baik
- Please tell me if you feel bad
12. Terima kasih banyak atas usaha anda, semoga kondisi anda semakin membaik
- Thank you very much for your efforts, I hope your condition will get better

1. Good morning, the weather is very bright outside, I will take you around to enjoy the morning sun
using a wheelchair



5. Wait a minute, I'll position the wheelchair at a 45 degree angle and lock it

8. On the count of 3 I will lift you up and move into a wheelchair with a 1 2 3 start




Help the client to sit on the edge of the bed. Position the chair at a 45 degree angle to the bed. If
using a wheelchair, make sure that this chair is locked

b. Install the necessary transfer belt

c. Make sure that the client uses shoes that are stable and anti-slip

d. Stretch your legs

e. Flex your pelvis and knees, align your knees with the client

f. Hold the transfer belt from below or reach through the client's axilla and place your hand on the
client's scapula

g. Lift the client to stand on a count of 3 while straightening your pelvis and legs, keep your knees
slightly flexed

h. Maintain weak leg stability or align with your knees

i. Spending on legs farther from the seat, move the client directly to the front of the chair

j. Instruct the client to use the hand support for the chair to support

k. Flex your pelvis and knees when lowering the client to the chair

l. Assess clients for the right alignment

m. Stabilize the legs with a bath blanket

n. Say thank you for the client's efforts and praise the client for his progress and appearance

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