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Morgan Riestenberg

Prof. Johnson

English 1102-K01

10 February 2021

“You Will Be Found”

Both Working with Lemons and BYU Vocal Point’s versions of “You Will Be Found”

from the Dear Evan Hansen musical share a similar audience, story, and style. However, BYU

Vocal Point’s version tells a more general story and Working with Lemons version represents the

original story from the musical. These two songs are covers and not the original version, but they

keep most of the lyrics the same. They each do cut out a few lines, however the overall message

of the song stays the same.

In the version by Working with Lemons, Evan is giving a speech to his school telling

them that they will be found and that you can “rise again”. Then you see people inviting new

people to come hang out with them. Later on, we see a banner for Evan’s best friend Connor’s

vigil and people reaching out to support him. The song ends with a small group of people leaning

on and supporting each other through the vigil.

In the version by BYU Vocal Point you see two kids getting bullied in the hallway or

classroom. At this time, you see a lone member of the group singing in an open field only to be

joined by his fellow members as the song’s tone brightens up. Then we go back to the kids where

they run away to a place where they are alone. A few seconds later another classmate comes to

their side to help them and to talk to them.

Working with Lemons and BYU Vocal Point’s versions are trying to tell teens that they

aren’t alone and that someone is there for them. It could be your friends, family or a random
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classmate that wants to help. Working with Lemons shows Evan’s friends and classmates talking

with him and making him smile. While BYU Vocal Point shows random classmates coming up

to the teens that have been bullied to just hang out and talk with them. The two music videos

show people trying to help and make each other smile after they had a bad experience. They are

trying to be there for the one classmate and to show them that there are people reaching out to

help. They both have the same message and it is shown in a way that can help people understand

that they aren’t lost or alone.

Working with Lemons’ version represents the original story from the musical. The video

focuses on Evan’s speech, that he makes at the beginning, and how he has been found. The main

part of the musical is about Evan’s speech and how it blows up and inspires people around the

U.S. However, Working with Lemon’s version focuses on his speech inspiring the school and his

classmates’ reactions. This is the way this music video represents the original story and message

of the song.

BYU Vocal Point tells a more general version of the song. Instead of focusing on Evan it

focuses on two teens that have been bullied -in different ways and by different people- finding

people who will support them. This makes the story easier for people to relate to and see the

claim that is being made. This makes it easier for the message to get out and for teens to

understand what might be happening around them.

Both videos use pathos because they show people being bullied or put down. They both

are addressing teens because they are set in the high school and have a message that is mostly

effecting teens. BYU Vocal Point is dealing with situations that are affecting teens more than

adults. Working with Lemons is set in a high school and shows you how Evan is reacting along
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with his classmates. They both have a musical theater style. While BYU Vocal Point is also A

cappella which helps with the claim of togetherness once the other members come in.

While BYU Vocal Point tells a more general story compared to Working with Lemon’s

version, they both have the same main claim, and audience. The lyric “Cause you’ll reach up and

you’ll rise again” really helps sum up the main claim of the videos, which is that people are there

to support you even in the darkest times. These two versions are both looking to inspire people to

reach out and to tell others that they aren’t alone.

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Work Cited

Working with Lemons. YouTube, 31 August 2018

v=00MMGfPrNIU. Accessed 9 Feb. 2020

BYU Vocal Point. YouTube, 2 may 2017

Accessed 9 Feb. 2020

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