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he Myth of the Garden and Turner's

Frontier Hypothesis

Frederick Jackson Turner's 1893 essay "The Significance of the Frontier in

American History," presented in Chicago before the American Historical
Association, is one of the most important

pieces of nineteenth century writing about the west. Turner's "frontier

hypothesis"--that American development could be explained by the existence of
an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American
settlement westward--had widespread implications for historiography, sociology,
literary criticism, and politics. Turner argued that the West--rather than the pro-
slavery South or the anti-slavery North--was the most influential among
American regions and that the frontier--rather than an imported European
heritage--was responsible for the novelty of American attitudes and institutions.
Significantly, his hypothesis emphasized geographical determinism, agricultural
settlement, and the affirmation of democracy, all of which can be traced back to
the myth of the garden of the world. Turner shared this myth's erroneous
judgements about the economic forces that had come to dominate 19th-century
life. His essay expressed the aspirations of a people rather than their actual

Turner defined the frontier as "the meeting point between savagery and
civilization." The area of constantly receding free land beyond the frontier
increased democracy insofar as it relieved poverty outside the West (as a
"safety-valve" for the East), and fostered economic equality on the frontier itself.
Democracy was a trait of agricultural communities, Turner maintained, and
therefore small landholdings were necessary to establish yeomanry. His
economic analysis of the frontier borrows from myth in its claim that American
democracy came out of the American forest, a recurring rejuvenation of man
and society along the frontier. Turner's metaphors often attempt to stand in for
discursive reasoning, as in his account of democracy's Antaean birth and his
portrait, in an essay for the Atlantic in 1903, of a beneficent maternal nature
creating an agrarian utopia in the West. It might be argued that Turner's frontier
democracy is Jefferson's original agrarian ideal dressed up as historical

Turner's use of civilization, the other idea so important to his analysis of

American history, is carried over from Condorcet's contemporary theory of the
"stages of society" (as discussed in Chapter 21). This theory relegated the
frontiersman to primitive status and directly contradicted the image of the
virtuous yeoman laboring in the garden of the world. This contradiction makes
itself seen in Turner's efforts to reconcile his belief that the highest social values
were to be found in agricultural frontier communities with his equally firm
conviction that society improved as it evolved out of pastoral simplicity and
toward industrialization. For once free land had disappeared, Turner's concept
of civilization was all he had with which to critique American society--his own
system implied that post-frontier American society contained no force tending
toward democracy. With the frontier gone, where was he to find the basis for
democracy in contemporary civilization? Turner had become a prisoner of
assumptions borrowed from the myth of the garden.

Later in his life, Turner placed his faith not in nature or civilization but in the
common people of the United States. In so doing, however, he admitted that the
theoretical apparatus of the agrarian tradition--from Franklin through Jefferson
all the way up to his own "Significance of the Frontier in American History"
essay--was of no help in understanding an industrial, urban America. Indeed,
ignorance toward the industrial revolution and isolationist distrust of foreign
influences--from the city or overseas--had impeded cooperation between
farmers and factory workers in numerous crises of American history. The
frontier hypothesis' interpretation of the West in terms of nature isolated the
region from both the urban East and Europe, while the idea of civilization as a
reproduction of the cultural accomplishments of Europe imposed on the West a
social and cultural inferiority which hindered any acknowledgement of its own
novelty in world history.

From Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land . See the hypertext at:

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