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My tips to making food choices

When it comes to what goes on your plate, here's the first thing to think of & how it can
help you make healthier food choices for you.

If you’re a food lover, you probably have some idea of what your next meal will be.
Whether you’re meal planning, packing lunch or looking for a quick but healthy snack,
here’s the first thing to consider.


I know that’s a little vague—so hear me out. You want to balance what you want to eat
with what you have on hand (and how much time you have). You also want to try to
balance your plate by including different food groups and nutrients.
Here are a few questions to think about in your head that can help you answer the age-
old question, “What’s for dinner?”

✔ What do I want?

Try to think about what you’re in the mood for. Some mornings that might be oatmeal
and some mornings it might be toast with peanut butter or an egg sandwich. Some
days, it might be a donut. Listening to your body and checking in is the first step in
deciding what to eat. Even if you thought you were going to have leftover soup for
lunch, if that’s the last thing you want, be flexible. Can you freeze your soup and instead
grab a sandwich with a side salad? It’s usually easier for most people to eat what
they’re craving for breakfast, lunches and snacks since they’re not usually planning a
family meal then. Having a loose plan for dinners is a good idea. So, if tacos are on the
menu but you’re in the mood for pasta, you can pivot.

You are a person first, and while nutrition is important, every single meal is not going to
look “perfect”. Keeping that in mind can take some of the pressure off.

✔ How will it make me feel?

Once you’ve thought about what you want to eat, try to figure out how it will make you
feel. You might love ice cream, but if that was all you eat for dinner, you’d probably feel
a little sluggish and blah. Same goes for pasta (I eat that all the time) and sometimes I
have just a bowl of noodles. When you want some more staying power and satisfaction,
you could pair your pasta with veggies and protein for balance. Some foods are going to
make you feel better than others, both long and short term. Some days, a brownie will
win out for a snack, but a lot of the time it might be something more nutrient dense like
fruit and nuts (or something similar) to give you the energy to go about your day.

✔ How many food groups am I getting?

I’m not a fan of eliminating entire food groups from your diet, unless there’s an allergy or
legitimate reason to do so. So carbs, protein, fat, vegetables, fruits and dairy all have a
spot on your plate (although, not always all at once). Rather than cutting things out, try
to focus on what you’re getting.

Is there a vegetable or fruit?

A carb (sweet potato, rice, pasta, etc.)?
A protein (beans, tofu, egg, chicken, etc.)?

Great, that means you’re eating a fairly well-balanced meal.

When choosing snacks, try to do the same thing and pair a carb with a protein to help
keep you full. Eating a variety of foods is important and this positive way of looking at
your plate can help you get the benefits from different foods.

✔ What am I eating later?

The last piece in your balance puzzle is trying to loosely balance your day and week. If
you’re having peanut butter toast for breakfast, you likely would skip eating peanut
butter & jelly for lunch (unless are are in dire need of a grocery run or REALLY craving it
that day). The meals are just too similar.

Same goes for having a quesadilla for lunch and grilled cheese for dinner. It’s not only
boring, but nutritionally it doesn’t help you eat that healthy variety of foods. So, try to
balance out your day and week and think bigger picture.

If you’re having bread at one meal, can you have oats or rice at the next so that my
grains are different?

If you’re reaching for an apple at snack, can you try to have a different fruit later to mix it
up? Most of us are probably doing this naturally. This can help when you’re feeling
stuck on what to have for lunch, to remember the pizza and salad you’re planning on
eating for dinner. Then you can make a lunch meal (maybe black bean soup? Or a
hummus and veggie sandwich?) that looks different and helps balance out your day.

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